Recent content by birdierina

  1. birdierina

    Trying to conceive and looking to change jobs at the same time

    If I were you, I would stay on to enjoy the maternity benefits before quitting the job. Besides, changing job will cause high stress and anxious and both factors will definitely affect the result of ttcing. Just try to nourish your body and don't give yourself too much pressure, can also take...
  2. birdierina

    What supplements are recommended to take during pregnancy?

    Hi all mommies here, I'm at my first trimester and I found that recently my taste changed and my appetite is poor, sometimes smell something oily I vomit...I think it's morning sickness.. I'm afraid that my baby won't get enough nutrients during this period..can share any tips to boost appetite...
  3. birdierina

    Does anyone drink chicken essence or eat bak foong pill to help conceiving?

    Hi I've tried both hao yi kang and tian yuag xiang. I'll recommend you to buy Tian Yuan Xiang because its chicken essence is purer. Although hao yi kang's chicken essence doesn't need to store in the freezer, but it tastes saltier than tian yuan xiang, and I found that its ingredients contain...
  4. birdierina

    TTC - Trying to Conceive 2017

    Me! ttcing my 2 baby! I went to tcm to tiao my constitution again, hope can have good news soon!
  5. birdierina

    Poor appetite

    Sometimes children have nervous stomach because they heavy pressure of school assignment and exams. Try your best to prepare healthy food for him and also encourage him to go exercising (swimming, playing basketball..) instead of playing online games at home. Doing exercise will lead to good...
  6. birdierina

    Hi mummies, I'm new here and happy to join this big forum.

    Hi mummies, I'm new here and happy to join this big forum.
