(2014/08) August 2014

Hi mummies ~

Just wanna let go a bit..

I'm gg back to work nxt mth already... time flies!! the thought of working scares me! Scare I won't b able to keep up!! :(

Can't bear for my girl to go IFC... no choice I know..have to earn $$...hope she adapt well there..
Ya man! I do hope it's a short phase too. Now bringing him out is also a big headache. He used to be able to sleep in his pram when he is tired. But not today. He just kept on crying n crying wanting to be carried. Btw, my lo turn 4 months tmr ;)

Mine too! Easily get distraction...tongue pushing bottle nipple out else will drip from side.. feeding time is getting longer and longer..night latch but depends..times fed 1 or 2 times dont even need to wake up haha..

But I hv another issue which I have resume work this week after 4plus mth of resting.. my LO is now 4mths 17days old! Mid Night she got v.cranky.. is this showing she wants attention or what?
Hi mummies ~

Just wanna let go a bit..

I'm gg back to work nxt mth already... time flies!! the thought of working scares me! Scare I won't b able to keep up!! :(

Can't bear for my girl to go IFC... no choice I know..have to earn $$...hope she adapt well there..

Don't worry. . They adapt fast.. I am back to work 1 mth already. . My girl is with Nanny cos IFC full. No Choice gotta entrust a total stranger to be the care giver. So far both nanny and baby are doing well.

When I come back, I tot I lost touch.. but when I start with clearing emails.. its like I never leave that long.. I was so busy I dun even have the time to call my nanny to check on my girl. I am happy back to work. At least I can have a nice breakfast and slow lunch. And after work I cheong back home to pick my girl. Am looking forward to see her.. When I miss her.. I will look at the pictures.
Mine too! Easily get distraction...tongue pushing bottle nipple out else will drip from side.. feeding time is getting longer and longer..night latch but depends..times fed 1 or 2 times dont even need to wake up haha..

But I hv another issue which I have resume work this week after 4plus mth of resting.. my LO is now 4mths 17days old! Mid Night she got v.cranky.. is this showing she wants attention or what?
Could it be sleep regression as mentioned by other mommies previously. My lo was like tat as well last few weeks back..now he seems ok again.
Don't worry. . They adapt fast.. I am back to work 1 mth already. . My girl is with Nanny cos IFC full. No Choice gotta entrust a total stranger to be the care giver. So far both nanny and baby are doing well.

When I come back, I tot I lost touch.. but when I start with clearing emails.. its like I never leave that long.. I was so busy I dun even have the time to call my nanny to check on my girl. I am happy back to work. At least I can have a nice breakfast and slow lunch. And after work I cheong back home to pick my girl. Am looking forward to see her.. When I miss her.. I will look at the pictures.
Ya loh.. I also thinking will call IFC maybe lunch time to check on her.. worried!

Pictures! Oh gosh! When back to work..cannot take so many pictures le... :( now every day I take soooo many pictures.. haha...

Yeah..u r right.. I've to entrust her to total stranger...dunno she will cry or not when she realize mummy not around...
If I say she won't, will u be sad? Lol.. I try not to think too much and focus on work during the day. And night time spend an hour singing reading entertaining her. When u go fetch her.. she will smile when she sees u de..

Does IFC does even wipes? I am not sure about the routine. As for my Nanny. I make sure she does evening wipes and change her into PJ before I fetch at 7.30pm. So I dun have to do mad rush every evening. I also prepared 5 days of clothes towel and PJ so I dun have to carry up and down when I fetch. Btw, my nanny lives 6 floors below me. Its so call her first time full time taking care of baby and I must say I am quite blessed she is great and baby is happy too.

Just monitor bb behavior for first two weeks when u bring her home from IFC. Change of environment may cause her refuse to nao in the afternoon or cranky but it will go away as she adapt ya.
If I say she won't, will u be sad? Lol.. I try not to think too much and focus on work during the day. And night time spend an hour singing reading entertaining her. When u go fetch her.. she will smile when she sees u de..

Does IFC does even wipes? I am not sure about the routine. As for my Nanny. I make sure she does evening wipes and change her into PJ before I fetch at 7.30pm. So I dun have to do mad rush every evening. I also prepared 5 days of clothes towel and PJ so I dun have to carry up and down when I fetch. Btw, my nanny lives 6 floors below me. Its so call her first time full time taking care of baby and I must say I am quite blessed she is great and baby is happy too.

Just monitor bb behavior for first two weeks when u bring her home from IFC. Change of environment may cause her refuse to nao in the afternoon or cranky but it will go away as she adapt ya.
Lol...I will b disappointed yet glad @ the same time bah. @ least she won't cry till stomach all wind! :)

IFC will bath them twice a day. But I'm not too sure of e timing. But most probably will give her a wipe back home.

I'm lucky as in I've got my mom to bring her home. So I dun need rush. Coz recently my office just shift to Joo Koon! Fly also not in time to pick her up.

Yeah..like what u say..I'll surely grab hold of that 30mins-1hr of entertainment time to interact with her!

So lucky of u!! It's really hard to find a nanny who can look after our lil ones so good. Somemore it's sooo near too! It's really important!!

Ok ok.. will take note!! Thanks for ya advice! Coz seriously I dunno what to look out also...
If she behaves not her normal self.. not feeding well.. not smiley.. cranky. . Cry for no reason. . These r the factors u got to watch. If u found any bruises .. make sure IFC tells u before u found out urself.

I always mad rush.
6pm sharp off work (tanjong pagar to Sengkang)
7.10pm reach home
Boil water, change water, shower
7.30 go down fetch.

Sometimes I wanna poo also must think twice. Lol.. although many say late like 15mins ok but I am a timing freak. I don't like to be late for anything so basically I cheong all the way till hubby reach home at 8.30 then can relax. Lol
I need to fetch my boy fr IFC by 7 pm. Everyday rush from bukit merah to Tampines. Luckily IFC is just next block of my house. Everyday just in time to fetch him then go home together.
When my girl start child care.. I dunno how am I gonna make it by 7pm daily. Haiz.. I wan near my home but I can't make it on time.
Any babies starting fussing/teething?

I'm not sure if my boy is... Been biting me (I direct latch only) and waking up every single hour at night for the last week. Bought him a few types of teethers but he didn't take to them apart from his own fist, my finger and latching.

He would suddenly scream or cry when he's playing half way. Saw some white stuff below his gum but they are not the middle teeth, just beside leh.

Any experience to share? I'm upset and exhausted.. Where did my playful baby go.. Everyday is like a battle now.
If she behaves not her normal self.. not feeding well.. not smiley.. cranky. . Cry for no reason. . These r the factors u got to watch. If u found any bruises .. make sure IFC tells u before u found out urself.

I always mad rush.
6pm sharp off work (tanjong pagar to Sengkang)
7.10pm reach home
Boil water, change water, shower
7.30 go down fetch.

Sometimes I wanna poo also must think twice. Lol.. although many say late like 15mins ok but I am a timing freak. I don't like to be late for anything so basically I cheong all the way till hubby reach home at 8.30 then can relax. Lol
Ok ok.. will take note!

Yeah..I totally understand! Not timing freak lah.. just that we try not to be late whenever we can..@ least in the event if we really late, ppl also won't judge us as the "usual latecomers "..

Sometimes even when hubby @ home I also do the stuffs myself.. like boil water, do laundry for bb clothes, fold cloth diaper etc..
Dunno I too gan cheong or he too relax...I always find him slow -mo... cannot stand...maybe cause now got bb le..so I feel do anything also must fast..else wait bb wan carry/play/poo etc den I'm not available.. lol... gan cheong mama...
Hello mommies, just want to ask how do mommies cope with the fear that lo may get abused at ifc but they can't tell u? I know to check for bruises or any behaviour changes for the signs but I still feel v worried until I feel like crying. Can't bear to send lo to ifc but I have no other choices. * feeling sad*
Hello mommies, just want to ask how do mommies cope with the fear that lo may get abused at ifc but they can't tell u? I know to check for bruises or any behaviour changes for the signs but I still feel v worried until I feel like crying. Can't bear to send lo to ifc but I have no other choices. * feeling sad*

Kimmi don't worry... All IFC have to be certified so if they get one complaint of abuse I believe they cannot last long in this industry. Licenses are renewed every 24months (some only 12mths).

I think it is important that you feel comfortable w the IFC. Some have transitional plans like for mine, first 3 days only half day I need to pick bb up at 12nn. Then u observe ur baby. Staff who works at IFC have to be certified and most of them loves children de.

The staff that I encountered also worry together when bb feeds lesser and cheer when bb feeds more, poos a lot or little.

If we as first time moms can care for our kids when they r NB and flimsy, 4MO wld be easier to care for... It's a partnership w the staff, dun worry!!

I tell my boy he is going to school and when he comes back i asks how is his day! (Altho he cannot reply)
I sent my baby to ifc for 4 half days in Nov and accompanied him on the first 2 days. When I was inside, I witnessed one of the teachers half carried and half dragged a 13mo girl across the room becos she was fussing. The teacher may have forgotten I was there and she came up later to explain that the girl was fussy becos she is new there and was having problems adjusting.

I'm not saying all ifc teachers are abusive. But they really are quite overloaded and have to divide their attention among the children. I did not see them resting besides when they sit down to pat the kids to sleep. Even then they have to constantly keep a look out for the rest of the kids who are wandering around. Patience can run thin easily.

I think building a good relationship with the teachers would help in some way. Or for a start show up unannounced at odd hours to pick up your baby and ask more questions about his wellbeing to build a rapport with the teachers.

Unfortunately my baby fell horribly sick after that first 4 days and I've since pulled him out.
Hello mommies, just want to ask how do mommies cope with the fear that lo may get abused at ifc but they can't tell u? I know to check for bruises or any behaviour changes for the signs but I still feel v worried until I feel like crying. Can't bear to send lo to ifc but I have no other choices. * feeling sad*

use ur mummy instinct! have u found a IFC already? if not, then go visit a few. observe the teachers & children. observe whether the teachers r happy, responsive, love children, etc. observe whether the other children r happy, close to the teachers, etc. u need to feel comfortable with the teachers, environment, etc before u commit to one. even after u start IFC, try spend some time every morn & evening observing the teachers & children. more imptly, observe how ur baby reacts to the place & teachers (e.g. does he cry every morn when he reaches sch or see the teacher, or is he excited & smile at the teachers, etc). my elder one was in IFC, now CC. younger one is in the same IFC now. thou some teachers have changed, but find the new teachers not bad too. it hasn't crossed my mind that my boys will get abused in sch.
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Hi mommies, thank u so much for ur replies! :) I have found a private ifc cherie hearts at Harbour front for temporary period while waiting for the public ifc. When I went there, all the babies were asleep and the teachers were there. It was quite dark so I can't see if they r happy or not. They will only allow me to sit in for 1st hour for 3 days.
Hi mommies, thank u so much for ur replies! :) I have found a private ifc cherie hearts at Harbour front for temporary period while waiting for the public ifc. When I went there, all the babies were asleep and the teachers were there. It was quite dark so I can't see if they r happy or not. They will only allow me to sit in for 1st hour for 3 days.
Mummy kimmitan, the IFC I enrol my gal to is Sweetlands Childcare.

My experience with the teachers not bad. Coz the older kids have their nap @ 2pm. So the teacher ask me to go in the morning, so can see how they interact. & when I was there, she explain/show to me where bb bath, where they place their stuffs etc..

She say according to MOE law, is 1 teacher vs 7 babies. But she say is impossible for the teacher to handle..so she will hire additional 1 more.

But although the 7 babies quota has been hit, it doesn't mean all 7 infants. Coz it also include a 10mo bb & a 15mo bb... so perhaps my gal is the youngest...

So sometimes the "older" infant will join the toddlers grp.. so actually when I go visit, there's no infant in the cot.. somehow I feel defeat the purpose..

The teachers look friendly though.. so I can only hope for the best for my gal...
Hi mommies, lately my lo fidget alot during feeding especially on bottle. He tend to look at his surrounding, he smile and talk baby language. And it always ended in not finishing his bottle of milk and spitting out quite a lot of milk too.

But when come to latching he is alot better. At least he won't fidget tat much. Any mommies experience the same thing?
Me too! My 3.5mth baby also like that. Than my in law keep saying must be because the bottle milk flow is slow and ask me change teat size which I refuse to. He seems not hungry or rather very distracted. Hopefully this is just a phase man.
now on most days, mine will feed at 7+pm & sleep at 9+pm, then feed at 3-4am, then wake up & feed at 6-7am. still not sleeping thro the night.
U can try wake bb up at 11.30 and change diaper then feed again. Although they may be sleepy but surely will sleep through till at least 6-7am. This is wat I did if feed is 9pm.
U can try wake bb up at 11.30 and change diaper then feed again. Although they may be sleepy but surely will sleep through till at least 6-7am. This is wat I did if feed is 9pm.

we tried. coz sometimes he falls asleep at my parents place at 9+pm (after feed at 7+pm) then we need bring him back home at abt 10-11pm. he'll wake up once we carry him & we'll give him a feed b4 he goes back to sleep. but he still wake up at 3-4am then 6-7am leh. unless he takes an evening nap at 7+pm (immediately after feed) then wake up at 8+pm then play till 10-11pm then feed & sleep, then he will sleep till 6-7am. his routine not stable yet. really depends on how much he sleeps at IFC in the day & the time he naps/sleep in the night.
Mummy kimmitan, the IFC I enrol my gal to is Sweetlands Childcare.

My experience with the teachers not bad. Coz the older kids have their nap @ 2pm. So the teacher ask me to go in the morning, so can see how they interact. & when I was there, she explain/show to me where bb bath, where they place their stuffs etc..

She say according to MOE law, is 1 teacher vs 7 babies. But she say is impossible for the teacher to handle..so she will hire additional 1 more.

But although the 7 babies quota has been hit, it doesn't mean all 7 infants. Coz it also include a 10mo bb & a 15mo bb... so perhaps my gal is the youngest...

So sometimes the "older" infant will join the toddlers grp.. so actually when I go visit, there's no infant in the cot.. somehow I feel defeat the purpose..

The teachers look friendly though.. so I can only hope for the best for my gal...

my boy is at My First Skool. infant care is from 2-18mths. toddler is from 18mths-2+yo. the infant teacher ratio shld be 1:5 according to guidelines (https://www.childcarelink.gov.sg/ccls/uploads/Infant_Care_Guidelines.pdf). for his centre, they usually have 3 teachers to max 10 babies, & the infant grp don't mix with the toddler grp. the babies at infant grp don't follow a schedule (i.e. no fix feeding/napping time) unlike the toddler grp onwards, but the infant teachers will slowly train the babies to follow the schedule once the babies reach ard 15mths.
my boy is at My First Skool. infant care is from 2-18mths. toddler is from 18mths-2+yo. the infant teacher ratio shld be 1:5 according to guidelines (https://www.childcarelink.gov.sg/ccls/uploads/Infant_Care_Guidelines.pdf). for his centre, they usually have 3 teachers to max 10 babies, & the infant grp don't mix with the toddler grp. the babies at infant grp don't follow a schedule (i.e. no fix feeding/napping time) unlike the toddler grp onwards, but the infant teachers will slowly train the babies to follow the schedule once the babies reach ard 15mths.

Ya hor! Just check the handbook. Den how come the teacher tell me 7? Omg.. must go ask properly again..

Thanks mummy kopibeanie!

But I rem this teacher telling me, there's a 15mth old baby..so they will bring the 15mo over to toddler grp.. dunno is it becoz still not many babies there or what...?

Coz it's a newly build CC.. so majority are toddlers...


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Hi mommies, I would like to ask. B4 I got pregnant my weight was about 47kg. And now my weight has dropped to 42kg. Do u think its something tat i should be worry about? For the past 4 months plus, I latch my lo during the daytime and will usually pump to empty my (.)(.) after that. Nite time I will bottle feed plus pump. Basically I pump every 3 hourly. So I wonder if it's becos of the lack of rest tat is causing me to loss weight or some medical condition. I'm starting to get worried. Next Monday I'm returning to work already :(
Hi mommies, I would like to ask. B4 I got pregnant my weight was about 47kg. And now my weight has dropped to 42kg. Do u think its something tat i should be worry about? For the past 4 months plus, I latch my lo during the daytime and will usually pump to empty my (.)(.) after that. Nite time I will bottle feed plus pump. Basically I pump every 3 hourly. So I wonder if it's becos of the lack of rest tat is causing me to loss weight or some medical condition. I'm starting to get worried. Next Monday I'm returning to work already :(

wow envy! most likely u're losing weight due to breastfeeding & lack of rest ba. juz continue to eat healthily & u shld be alright. take care!
My bb seldom sleep. She will wake up every half to one hour during day n night time.
Anybody hv this problem?
How to make her sleep longer?
Any pro breastfeeding pd to recommend at Cck area?
Me another 6-7kg to lose! Tough but gonna work hard on it!

Just hope dun by the time lose it den kena #2 jiu hao... lol... :p
I breastfed my bb turning 5 months soon. Losing weight is one good point but best nutritious bm for my bb n saves lots of $ from not buying formula. N I realised she has stronger immunity like she attends ifc coming 2 months she doesn't fall sick often even she caught flu from me she'll recover in 1-2 days time.
me too... milk supply dropping fast and baby almost on full FM (so expensive). Nothing much to pump out.
I can't fit my work clothes yet and so many kg to go! *sad*
Hi mummies..I hv weigh lost program to recommend, pm me if you r keen to know more details.

Personally I was over weight b4 pregnancy. Slim down healthy w this weight lost program. I stopped the program when I know i pregnant. No rebounce at all throughout my pregnancy. Back to pre-pregnancy weight when lo is 2 mth old. now I'm 2 kg lighter n of cos breastfeeding also play a part :)

Hi mummies ~

Just send my daughter go infant care...omg.. can't stop crying.. I mean me..my bb look sad..den want to cry also...bi cui (hokkien )..so heartbroken to see her like that... T_T

Can't bear to see her photos although I wan to ...but scare will cry more..wait the ppl @ train tot I got what problem...
