水娃娃童装:Kids Clothings and Accessories ~ chongyp ~

Batch 31 Update

I have submitted the following order to the merchant and made the 1st payment.

Nick|Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Alt Colour / Size|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ ag ooi|大童款(女)~兔兔點點馬尾女孩等~洋裝/長版上衣/短褲等~多種款式|170623|B點點-16號蝶結洋裝|1||Reserved|120|$6.00|$12.00|$12.00
\ |牛仔拼接字母貼布~配色彩格襯衫|170672|A-13號|1||Reserved|120|$6.00||
\ ||||||||||
\ sept03bride|送珍珠項鍊~夏日最愛彩色冰淇淋~棉質圓領上衣|170630|A深藍-13號|1||Reserved|120|$6.00|$40.95|$40.95
\ |春的呢喃(背面獨特設計)~假兩件~夏日彩卉~淡淡果綠綁帶上衣|170598|A果綠-13號|1||Reserved|120|$6.00||
\ |格釦彩色魚骨~抽繩綁帶洋裝|170533|B萊姆綠-13號|1||Reserved|120|$6.00||
\ |大宇宙星星~裝飾綁帶束口短褲|170094|A藍-15號|1||Reserved|120|$6.00||
\ |台灣製~雙色貼鑽山茶花~荷葉蓋袖上衣|170432|B黑-13號|1||Reserved|120|$6.00||
\ |童趣歌唱小鴨~雙色拼接傘狀棉質長版上衣|170417|A黃-13號|1||Reserved|120|$6.00||
\ |韓國飾品~雪紡層次多辦花壓夾~5種顏色|P10834|A果綠|1||Reserved|99|$4.95||
\ ||||||||||
\ rue|Candy Party彩色愛心~蝶結蕾絲洋裝|170217|A-11號|1||Reserved|120|$6.00|$47.90|$48.45
\ |台灣製~彩色復古機器人~配色滾領棉質上衣|170615|A米-5號|1|A米-7號|Reserved|120|$6.00||
\ |歡樂夏日特別企劃(二)~熊熊星星英文字母~男女款平織短褲~單件240~3件以上每件199|170033|L藍綠-5號國旗貼布|1|L藍綠-7號國旗貼布|Reserved|240|$12.00||
\ |歡樂夏日特別企劃(二)~熊熊星星英文字母~男女款平織短褲~單件240~3件以上每件199|170033|K水藍-7號彩星|1|K水藍-9號彩星|Reserved|240|$12.00||
\ |夏日內搭特輯~彩卉、方格、素面等~甜美內搭褲~3件以上每件88~單件99|170470|E灰-小花110號|1||Reserved|88|$4.40||
\ |聖誕生日禮物~三麗鷗正版~Hello Kitty~愛心蝶結凱蒂貓~可愛造型兒童手錶|K0032|Kitty愛心蝶結電子錶|1||Reserved|150|$7.50||
\ ||||||||||
\ blackbatz|特別企劃-迪士尼正版卡通~米奇.米妮.公主.汽車總動員~圓領棉質上衣~多款多色|170403|A水藍-9號米奇星星|1||Reserved|120|$6.00|$12.00|$12.00
\ |特別企劃-迪士尼正版卡通~米奇.米妮.公主.汽車總動員~圓領棉質上衣~多款多色|170403|E水藍-9號汽車總動員|1||Reserved|120|$6.00||
\ ||||||||||
\ bbflower|特別企劃(三)~夢幻小公主~織花漸層、珍珠花、亮鑽蝶結~多層次蕾絲洋裝|170472|A白-13號桃粉漸層|1||Reserved|240|$12.00|$31.20|$31.20
\ |蜜糖甜心~蛋糕層次~柔美雪紡紗澎澎蛋糕裙|170618|B桃-130號|1||Reserved|120|$6.00||
\ |夏日內搭特輯~彩卉、方格、素面等~甜美內搭褲|170470|B大花-150號|1||Reserved|88|$4.40||
\ |夏日內搭特輯~彩卉、方格、素面等~甜美內搭褲|170470|G桃-140號素面|1||Reserved|88|$4.40||
\ |夏日內搭特輯~彩卉、方格、素面等~甜美內搭褲|170470|J莓粉-130號素面|1||Reserved|88|$4.40||

Spree Site: 水娃娃童装

Exchange Rate: NT1 = SGD0.05

By air parcel from Taiwan. Shipping charges are shared according to weight of items. Shipping charges are capped at $1 per 100g.

Estimated Date of Arrival:
2-4 weeks after the order has been placed at merchant, subject to re-stocking

Collection Mode:
1) Registered Mail (SingPost charges + $0.50 for stationery + $2.25) Recommended
2) Normal mail (SingPost charges + $0.50 for stationery)
3) SmartPac ($4.70)
4) Courier via Ta-Q-Bin (depending on size, starting from $6 + $0.50 for stationery)
5) Self-collect from my place at SengKang, Anchorvale. Time is flexible but please inform me at least 3 hrs before coming. No self-collection on Sunday.

1st Payment: Total Price(NT) x 0.05
To be paid immediately after you have placed order.
As items run out of stock very fast, you are encouraged to make your 1st payment as soon as possible. After 1st payment, your items shall be reserved. No changes in size or color or cancellation are allowed.

2nd Payment: International shipping charges according to weight of items ordered + Local Postage/Courier (if any)
To be paid when goods arrive in Singapore, before collection or posting out

Payment shall be made to either one of the following accounts:
1) POSB Savings Account 126-27681-8
2) OCBC Plus! Savings Account 583-164702-001
3) UOB Uniplus 420-378-211-4

After each payment is made, please either post / email / PM me the transferred amount, transaction reference and the Date and time of transfer.
All interbank transfer may take 1 working days to reach me. I will only acknowledge the payment when it reaches me.

Terms and Conditions:
1) I shall not be responsible for any mistake made in your order.
2) I shall not be responsible if the spree site send the wrong item/colour/defective goods. Goods are not exchangeable and not refundable.
3) I shall not be responsible for any shipment delay.
4) I shall not be responsible for any lost / damage mail by SingPost or Courier.
5) I shall not be responsible if items get confiscated / delayed at the customs.
6) I shall not be responsible if the quality of goods is not up to your expectation.
7) I shall not be responsible if the spree site has provided the wrong measurements for their products. Please allow 2-3 cm discrepancies of measurements given by the spree site.
8) I shall reserve my rights to cancel the spree if there is not enough response.
9) I shall refund buyers for any OOS items encountered during ordering or during cancellation of spree.
10) No changes to order is allowed after order has been placed with the spree site.

You can either post on this thread, PM or email me at [email protected]

Order Format:
Email: [You may PM or email me]
Collection Method: Normal/Registered/SmartPac/Courier/Self-Collect

Item URL:
Item Name:
Item Number:
Size (if any):
Alternative color/size if OOS:

Item #2.....

1st Payment (SGD): Total Price (NT) X 0.05
Batch 31 Updates

Batch 31 items have arrived at my place. I have emailed / PM'd all participants. Please let me know if you did not receive my message

Nick|Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment|Wt (g)|International Shipping Fee (S$)|Local Postage + Stationery (S$)|Top Up / Refund
\ ag ooi|大童款(女)~兔兔點點馬尾女孩等~洋裝/長版上衣/短褲等~多種款式|170623|B點點-16號蝶結洋裝|1|120|$6.00|$12.00|$12.00|182|2.75|2.00|4.75
\ |牛仔拼接字母貼布~配色彩格襯衫|170672|A-15號|1|120|$6.00|||93|||
\ ||||||||||||
\ sept03bride|送珍珠項鍊~夏日最愛彩色冰淇淋~棉質圓領上衣|170630|A深藍-13號|1|120|$6.00|$40.95|$40.95|102|6.77|4.70|11.47
\ |春的呢喃(背面獨特設計)~假兩件~夏日彩卉~淡淡果綠綁帶上衣|170598|A果綠-13號|1|120|$6.00|||96|||
\ |格釦彩色魚骨~抽繩綁帶洋裝|170533|B萊姆綠-13號|1|120|$6.00|||113|||
\ |大宇宙星星~裝飾綁帶束口短褲|170094|A藍-15號|1|120|$6.00|||153|||
\ |台灣製~雙色貼鑽山茶花~荷葉蓋袖上衣|170432|B黑-13號|1|120|$6.00|||102|||
\ |童趣歌唱小鴨~雙色拼接傘狀棉質長版上衣|170417|A黃-13號|1|120|$6.00|||103|||
\ |韓國飾品~雪紡層次多辦花壓夾~5種顏色|P10834|A果綠|1|99|$4.95|||8|||
\ ||||||||||||
\ Rue|Candy Party彩色愛心~蝶結蕾絲洋裝|170217|A-11號|1|120|$6.00|$47.90|$48.45|132|5.64|4.70|9.79
\ |台灣製~彩色復古機器人~配色滾領棉質上衣|170615|A米-5號|1|120|$6.00|||61|||
\ |歡樂夏日特別企劃(二)~熊熊星星英文字母~男女款平織短褲~單件240~3件以上每件199|170033|L藍綠-5號國旗貼布|1|240|$12.00|||131|||
\ |歡樂夏日特別企劃(二)~熊熊星星英文字母~男女款平織短褲~單件240~3件以上每件199|170033|K水藍-7號彩星|1|240|$12.00|||138|||
\ |夏日內搭特輯~彩卉、方格、素面等~甜美內搭褲~3件以上每件88~單件99|170470|E灰-小花110號|1|88|$4.40|||59|||
\ |聖誕生日禮物~三麗鷗正版~Hello Kitty~愛心蝶結凱蒂貓~可愛造型兒童手錶|K0032|Kitty愛心蝶結電子錶|1|150|$7.50|||43|||
\ ||||||||||||
\ blackbatz|特別企劃-迪士尼正版卡通~米奇.米妮.公主.汽車總動員~圓領棉質上衣~多款多色|170403|A水藍-9號米奇星星|1|120|$6.00|$12.00|$12.00|77|1.60|1.50|3.10
\ |特別企劃-迪士尼正版卡通~米奇.米妮.公主.汽車總動員~圓領棉質上衣~多款多色|170403|E水藍-9號汽車總動員|1|120|$6.00|||83|||
\ ||||||||||||
\ bbflower|特別企劃(三)~夢幻小公主~織花漸層、珍珠花、亮鑽蝶結~多層次蕾絲洋裝|170472|A白-13號桃粉漸層|1|240|$12.00|$31.20|$31.20|180|4.66|2.00|6.66
\ |蜜糖甜心~蛋糕層次~柔美雪紡紗澎澎蛋糕裙|170618|B桃-130號|1|120|$6.00|||78|||
\ |夏日內搭特輯~彩卉、方格、素面等~甜美內搭褲|170470|B大花-150號|1|88|$4.40|||74|||
\ |夏日內搭特輯~彩卉、方格、素面等~甜美內搭褲|170470|G桃-140號素面|1|88|$4.40|||69|||
\ |夏日內搭特輯~彩卉、方格、素面等~甜美內搭褲|170470|J莓粉-130號素面|1|88|$4.40|||65|||

\ NT110 | NT199 | NT120 | Top: NT190 Bottom: NT99 | NT240
Batch 32

Order from bubbles1202
Collection Method: Normal

@bubbles1202 : Thanks for your order. Item 1 is also $120 :) So your 1st payment is $24.00

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 優雅荷葉蓋袖~滿版愛心綁帶上衣|170885|A愛心-7號|1|Available|120|6.00|24.00|Pending
\ 立體蝶結眨眼兔~圓點點上衣|170904|B桃-7號|1|Available|120|6.00||
\ 點點紅蝶結拼布~配色橫條傘狀洋裝|170728|A紅白-7號|1|Available|120|6.00||
\ 夏日甜心~珍珠蝶結~貼鑽內搭褲(超Q軟綿)|170908|A白-7號|1|Available|120|6.00||
Nick: Rue
Collection mtd: Reg/ Smart-pac

1) 170722 牛仔小口袋~熊貼布彩條橫紋上衣


Size A7

Price NT 120

Alt Drop

2) 170621 可愛微笑蛙~配色連帽薄長袖棉質外套~A黃,B藍(遮陽冷氣房必備)


Size A9

Price NT 120

Alt Drop

3) 170564 翅膀字母貼布~假兩件格紋翻領上衣


Size A9

Price NT120

Alt Drop

4) 170536 英文字母拼布~數字87圓領上衣


Size A7

Price NT120

Alt A9

5) 170742 牛仔拼接口袋~圓形拚布平織短褲


Size A9

Price NT120

Alt drop

6) 170911 翹鬍子禮貌小紳士~假2件格紋翻領短袖棉質上衣


Size A7

Price NT120

Alt A9

7) 170791 新色蜜粉到貨-芭蕾公主~優雅布蕾織花~拼接蕾絲洋裝(有內裡)


Size A120

Price 290

Alt drop

8) 170731 溫馨5月特賣168(原價299)~送胸花~可愛公主袖~滿滿蝶結雪紡洋裝(有內裡)


Size A9

Price 168

Alt A13

9) 170527 歡樂夏日特別企劃~星星國旗長頸鹿男孩短褲~單件120-3件以上99


Size C7

Size G7

Size M7

Price NT99 x 3


1st Payment (SGD): Total Price (NT) X 0.05= NT1475 *0.05 = SGD73.75

Pls advise if there’s stock for all & if amt to trf is correct?
Nick: Rue
Collection mtd: Reg/ Smart-pac

1) 170722 牛仔小口袋~熊貼布彩條橫紋上衣


Size A7

Price NT 120

Alt Drop

2) 170621 可愛微笑蛙~配色連帽薄長袖棉質外套~A黃,B藍(遮陽冷氣房必備)


Size A9

Price NT 120

Alt Drop

3) 170564 翅膀字母貼布~假兩件格紋翻領上衣


Size A9

Price NT120

Alt Drop

4) 170536 英文字母拼布~數字87圓領上衣


Size A7

Price NT120

Alt A9

5) 170742 牛仔拼接口袋~圓形拚布平織短褲


Size A9

Price NT120

Alt drop

6) 170911 翹鬍子禮貌小紳士~假2件格紋翻領短袖棉質上衣


Size A7

Price NT120

Alt A9

7) 170791 新色蜜粉到貨-芭蕾公主~優雅布蕾織花~拼接蕾絲洋裝(有內裡)


Size A120

Price 290

Alt drop

8) 170731 溫馨5月特賣168(原價299)~送胸花~可愛公主袖~滿滿蝶結雪紡洋裝(有內裡)


Size A9

Price 168

Alt A13

9) 170527 歡樂夏日特別企劃~星星國旗長頸鹿男孩短褲~單件120-3件以上99


Size C7

Size G7

Size M7

Price NT99 x 3


1st Payment (SGD): Total Price (NT) X 0.05= NT1475 *0.05 = SGD73.75

Pls advise if there’s stock for all & if amt to trf is correct?

Batch 32

Order from Rue
Collection Method: Registered / SmartPac

@rue : Thanks for your order. However, only 4 items are available, the rest are OOS. Your 1st payment is $26.40. I will monitor the rest of the OOS items and inform you once they have stock.

For item [170791], will you consider design B, it has stock for size 120.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 牛仔小口袋~熊貼布彩條橫紋上衣|170722|A橘-7號|0|OOS|0|0.00|26.40|Pending
\ 可愛微笑蛙~配色連帽薄長袖棉質外套(遮陽冷氣房必備)|170621|A黃-9號|1|Available (Last Pc)|120|6.00||
\ 翅膀字母貼布~假兩件格紋翻領上衣|170564|A深藍-9號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 英文字母拼布~數字87圓領上衣|170536|A藍-7號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 牛仔拼接口袋~圓形拚布平織短褲|170742|A莓紅-9號|1|Available|120|6.00||
\ 翹鬍子禮貌小紳士~假2件格紋翻領短袖棉質上衣|170911|A-白7號|1|Available|120|6.00||
\ 新色蜜粉到貨-芭蕾公主~優雅布蕾織花~拼接蕾絲洋裝(有內裡)|170791|A-亮桃紅-120號|0|OOS - B120 Available|0|0.00||
\ 溫馨5月特賣168(原價299)~送胸花~可愛公主袖~滿滿蝶結雪紡洋裝(有內裡)|170731|A粉-9號|1|Available|168|8.40||
\ 歡樂夏日特別企劃~星星國旗長頸鹿男孩短褲~單件120-3件以上99|170527|C7 G7 M7|0|OOS|0|0.00||
170536, is there A9 size?
170791, is there A130? if not, i will get B120.

Batch 32

Revised order from Rue
Collection Method: Registered / SmartPac

@rue : Item [170536] size 9 is also OOS. Item [170791] A130 is OOS but B120 is available. To check for stock availability, see if the check box against the size is disabled (grey out). If disabled, the stock is not available for that size.

Your 1st payment is currently $40.90.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 牛仔小口袋~熊貼布彩條橫紋上衣|170722|A橘-7號|0|OOS|0|0.00|40.90|Pending
\ 可愛微笑蛙~配色連帽薄長袖棉質外套~(遮陽冷氣房必備)|170621|A黃-9號|1|Available (Last Pc)|120|6.00||
\ 翅膀字母貼布~假兩件格紋翻領上衣|170564|A深藍-9號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 英文字母拼布~數字87圓領上衣|170536|A藍-7號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 牛仔拼接口袋~圓形拚布平織短褲|170742|A莓紅-9號|1|Available|120|6.00||
\ 翹鬍子禮貌小紳士~假2件格紋翻領短袖棉質上衣|170911|A-白7號|1|Available|120|6.00||
\ 新色蜜粉到貨-芭蕾公主~優雅布蕾織花~拼接蕾絲洋裝(有內裡)|170791|B-蜜粉-120號(Last Pc)|1|Available|290|14.50||
\ 溫馨5月特賣168(原價299)~送胸花~可愛公主袖~滿滿蝶結雪紡洋裝(有內裡)|170731|A粉-9號|1|Available|168|8.40||
\ 歡樂夏日特別企劃~星星國旗長頸鹿男孩短褲~單件120-3件以上99|170527|C7 G7 M7|0|OOS|0|0.00||
170742 change to size 7.
170791 cancel order
170731 change to size 13.
Will trf 26.4 tonight. Sorry for making so many changes. I know how to see which items available :)
170742 change to size 7.
170791 cancel order
170731 change to size 13.
Will trf 26.4 tonight. Sorry for making so many changes. I know how to see which items available :)

Batch 32

Revised order from rue
Collection Method: Registered / SmartPac

@rue : Ok to make changes before the items are reserved :) Noted your changes below, please verify.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 牛仔小口袋~熊貼布彩條橫紋上衣|170722|A橘-7號|0|OOS|0|0.00|26.40|Pending
\ 可愛微笑蛙~配色連帽薄長袖棉質外套~(遮陽冷氣房必備)|170621|A黃-9號|1|Available (Last Pc)|120|6.00||
\ 翅膀字母貼布~假兩件格紋翻領上衣|170564|A深藍-9號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 英文字母拼布~數字87圓領上衣|170536|A藍-7號|0|OOS|0|0.00||
\ 牛仔拼接口袋~圓形拚布平織短褲|170742|A莓紅-7號|1|Available|120|6.00||
\ 翹鬍子禮貌小紳士~假2件格紋翻領短袖棉質上衣|170911|A-白7號|1|Available|120|6.00||
\ 新色蜜粉到貨-芭蕾公主~優雅布蕾織花~拼接蕾絲洋裝(有內裡)|170791|B-蜜粉-120號|0|Drop|0|0.00||
\ 溫馨5月特賣168(原價299)~送胸花~可愛公主袖~滿滿蝶結雪紡洋裝(有內裡)|170731|A粉-13號|1|Available|168|8.40||
\ 歡樂夏日特別企劃~星星國旗長頸鹿男孩短褲~單件120-3件以上99|170527|C7 G7 M7|0|OOS|0|0.00||


170769 夏日焦點女孩~送胸花~亮麗色塊層次拼接洋裝~有內裡
原定售價:NT$190 size 5優惠售價: NT$190

170789 滿版夏日繽紛彩卉~甜美造型短褲~A粉,B綠
原定售價:NT$190優惠售價: NT$190
Size 5


170630 送珍珠項鍊~夏日最愛彩色冰淇淋~棉質圓領上衣
原定售價:NT$190優惠售價: NT$190
Batch 32

Order from cfteng1978
Collection Method: TBC

@cfteng1978 : Thanks for your order. All 3 items are NT120 each. Is item 3 also size 5?

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 夏日焦點女孩~送胸花~亮麗色塊層次拼接洋裝~有內裡|170769|A-5號|1|Available|120|6.00|18.00|Pending
\ 滿版夏日繽紛彩卉~甜美造型短褲|170789|A粉-5號|1|Available|120|6.00||
\ 送珍珠項鍊~夏日最愛彩色冰淇淋~棉質圓領上衣|170630|A深藍-5號|1|Available|120|6.00||
Item 3 size 7 pls ..

Ok, noted item 3 size 7.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 夏日焦點女孩~送胸花~亮麗色塊層次拼接洋裝~有內裡|170769|A-5號|1|Available|120|6.00|18.00|Pending
\ 滿版夏日繽紛彩卉~甜美造型短褲|170789|A粉-5號|1|Available|120|6.00||
\ 送珍珠項鍊~夏日最愛彩色冰淇淋~棉質圓領上衣|170630|A深藍-7號|1|Available|120|6.00||
hi my order :

170928 韓國童裝特賣~棉質卡哇伊童趣系列小熱褲~貓頭鷹北極熊...
促銷方案:韓國童裝~好事成雙-夏日特賣會~任選2件85折-6/3-6/13 2014/6/13 下午 11:59:59
size/colour : E-星空貓頭鷹9號
oos : B-精靈仙子猴9號
price : 120 (15% off)

170794 韓國童裝(小童可)~彩色童趣~貓頭鷹森林兔彩色點點星星~彈性棉質可愛小熱褲~多款可選
促銷方案:韓國童裝~好事成雙-夏日特賣會~任選2件85折-6/3-6/13 2014/6/13 下午 11:59:59
size/colour :H彩條-9號
price : 120 (15% off)

3. 170946 淺藍色~仿牛仔復古點點蛋糕裙褲
size/colour :A-9號
price : 120

Total : 120x2x0.85+120 = 324=SG16.2

To Account POSB Everyday Savings Account
126-27681-8 Chongyp
Transfer Currency and Amount S$16.20
Transaction Reference 12683966425
Batch 32

Order from little_precious
Collection Method: TBC

@little_precious : Thanks for your order and payment. I have reserved your items.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 韓國童裝特賣~棉質卡哇伊童趣系列小熱褲~貓頭鷹北極熊...|170928|E-星空貓頭鷹9號|1|Reserved|102|5.10|16.20|16.20
\ 韓國童裝(小童可)~彩色童趣~貓頭鷹森林兔彩色點點星星~彈性棉質可愛小熱褲~多款可選|170794|H彩條-9號|1|Reserved|102|5.10||
\ 淺藍色~仿牛仔復古點點蛋糕裙褲|170946|A-9號|1|Reserved|120|6.00||

Wld like to get tis, still in time?

170964 小小性感~布蕾絲波浪層次領~蝶結挖背上衣~A粉,B藍
原定售價:NT$190優惠售價: NT$190
Size 5

170973 花漾女孩~繽紛滿版彩花短褲/小熱褲~A粉紫花,B彩花
原定售價:NT$190優惠售價: NT$190

Size 5


170920 糖果飾釦~仿牛仔蛋糕層次小熱褲~A淺藍
原定售價:NT$190優惠售價: NT$190
Size 5
Hi all, sorry for the late replies. I have a busy morning. I have reserved all of above-mentioned orders. I will post your order tables shortly. Thanks.
Batch 32

Revised orders from cfteng1978
Collection Method: TBC

@cfteng1978 : Thanks for your additional orders. I have reserved all your items. 2 of your items fall under the 3for268 promotion, so they are NT89 each.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Sales Type|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 夏日焦點女孩~送胸花~亮麗色塊層次拼接洋裝~有內裡|170769|A-5號|1||Reserved|120|6.00|32.90|18.00
\ 滿版夏日繽紛彩卉~甜美造型短褲|170789|A粉-5號|1|3for268|Reserved|89|4.45||
\ 送珍珠項鍊~夏日最愛彩色冰淇淋~棉質圓領上衣|170630|A深藍-7號|1|3for268|Reserved|89|4.45||
\ 小小性感~布蕾絲波浪層次領~蝶結挖背上衣|170964|B藍-5號|1||Reserved|120|6.00||
\ 花漾女孩~繽紛滿版彩花短褲/小熱褲|170973|A黑-5號粉紫花|1||Reserved|120|6.00||
\ 糖果飾釦~仿牛仔蛋糕層次小熱褲~A淺藍|170920|A淺藍5號|1||Reserved|120|6.00||
Batch 32

Revised order from jungie
Collection Method: TBC

@jungie : Thanks for your order. There are some OOS items.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Sales Type|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 點點條紋蝶結~荷葉袖珍珠長版上衣小洋裝|170877|A桃-15號|0||OOS|0|0.00|43.00|4.70
\ 優雅荷葉蓋袖~滿版愛心綁帶上衣|170885|A愛心-15號|0||OOS|0|0.00||
\ 夏日女孩~經典玫瑰、蒲公英~花漾棉麻洋裝|170963|A蒲公英-15號|0||OOS|0|0.00||
\ 韓國童裝~水鑽芭蕾公主蕾絲必備款/中統襪|P10991|A-粉7-8Y|1||Reserved|190|9.50||
\ 韓國童裝~水鑽芭蕾公主蕾絲必備款/中統襪|P10991|B-白7-8Y|1||Reserved|190|9.50||
\ 百搭推薦~水玉點點褲裙(腰綁帶蝴蝶結)A-粉|170929|A-粉15號|1||Reserved|120|6.00||
\ 糖果飾釦~仿牛仔蛋糕層次小熱褲~A淺藍|170920|A淺藍15號|1||Reserved|120|6.00||
\ 熱賣追加中~香榭編織珍珠大蝶結髮圈~2色|P10989|B湖藍|1||Reserved|120|6.00||
\ 珍珠蝶結蕾絲帽~點點傘狀長版上衣|170976|A萊姆綠-15號|1||Reserved|120|6.00||
Batch 32

Revised order from bubbles1202
Collection Method: Normal

@bubbles1202 : Thanks and noted your additional orders. Yes, the 3 for NT268 promotion is till 9th July.

Item Description|Product Code|Color / Size|Qty|Sales Type|Remarks|Total Price (NT)|Price (SGD)|1st Payment|Received 1st Payment
\ 優雅荷葉蓋袖~滿版愛心綁帶上衣|170885|A愛心-7號|1||Reserved|120|6.00|35.80|24.00
\ 立體蝶結眨眼兔~圓點點上衣|170904|B桃-7號|1||Reserved|120|6.00||
\ 點點紅蝶結拼布~配色橫條傘狀洋裝|170728|A紅白-7號|1|3for268|Reserved|89|4.45||
\ 夏日甜心~珍珠蝶結~貼鑽內搭褲(超Q軟綿)|170908|A白-7號|1||Reserved|120|6.00||
\ 彩色雨滴~斜紋傘哈倫褲|170471|A紫-7號|1|3for268|Reserved|89|4.45||
\ 星星貓咪口袋~俏麗色彩內搭褲|170491|A桃-9號|1|3for268|Reserved|89|4.45||
\ 荷葉波浪~拼接直條雪紡上衣|170571|A桃-9號|1|3for268|Reserved|89|4.45||
user: rue
size A9

170677 個性男孩~字母貼布、星星字母口袋~刷白牛仔褲~2款

Size A10

170791 新色蜜粉到貨-芭蕾公主~優雅布蕾織花~拼接蕾絲洋裝(有內裡)
Size A100
Price 290

Total NT700 x 0.05= SGD35

Pls help to place order for these. Will trf $ tonight.
user: rue
size A9

170677 個性男孩~字母貼布、星星字母口袋~刷白牛仔褲~2款

Size A10

170791 新色蜜粉到貨-芭蕾公主~優雅布蕾織花~拼接蕾絲洋裝(有內裡)
Size A100
Price 290

Total NT700 x 0.05= SGD35

Pls help to place order for these. Will trf $ tonight.

Ok, I have written to the merchant to reserve the above, have to wait for their reply.
