Low Ovarian Reserve Support Group

Hi ladies, cld you also add me 81211141 in the chat grp. Me too have low AMH....dont know what to do. Thanks

Hi ladies, cld you also add me 81211141 in the chat grp. Me too have low AMH....dont know what to do. Thanks
how much is ur amh? my amh is 1.8 consider not normal for my age.but when i do ivf manage to retrieve 17 eggs

Hi Fel C,
Mine is 0.6, mge to retrieve 6 but only 1-2 can survive for ET. Besides vitamins or supplements have u ladies tried TCM to improve egg quality?
Hi ladies, cld you also add me 81211141 in the chat grp. Me too have low AMH....dont know what to do. Thanks

Hi Fel C,
Mine is 0.6, mge to retrieve 6 but only 1-2 can survive for ET. Besides vitamins or supplements have u ladies tried TCM to improve egg quality?
I retrieve 17 eggs, 1 grade 4 for fresh transfer and left 2 blasto for frozen
Hi ladies,

I would like to sell off brand new ActivLife Q10 Ubiquinol 50mg bottles.
I have 2 sealed boxes of 60 softgels expiry Dec 2017, and 1 open box but harldy would have used 10 softgels expiring sep 2017.
Letting it go as I am already pregnant and cannot have it anymore.
Bought it from Watson for 80+ SGD each.
Will let go all 3 for 80 SGD bottles. Please let me know if you are keen.


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@Yogi.L You are right. I am with Professor Ng at Gleneagles. BB Grade is consider above average. You too have good chance. i am planning to have a week bed rest after my ET although all my DoctorS said it is not necessary. Lets pray hard everything goes well. Good luck to your FET in April too.

@Serendipitygal yeah, i recorded everything down. I took Menopur 225iu from Day 2 and Saizen 12iu from day 5. i think the androgel and DHEA play an important role too to achieve good egg quality. My personal opinion I guess it will be good if you can start androgel and DHEA for 1-2 months before starting your 2nd stim. But better to seek advice from your Dr as i may not know your situation well. I did not prepare myself for the FET. I asked Dr what should i do to get prepared, and he said just eat well rest well. LOL. Since I start my stims, I just try my best to have protein rich food. eg. red bean/green bean soup/red dates & longan/meats. i am not sure how effect these are. Oh ya, and continue multivitamin supplements (with folic acid) prescribed by Dr. Hope my info helps you :)
May I know which Dr you are seeing? My AMH is only 0.07.
I also have the same problem..doctor said I'm too stressful, need relax and rest well. Taking CoQ10 and chicken essence for pregnancy plan now to nourish my body and ovum as well.
Hi ladies,

I am also having the same problem. Can add me to the chat group?
Just gotten my results yesterday from Dr. Kelly Loi (Mt.E) my FSH is about 11 and AHM is 1.0 at the age of 33.
My husband's sperm analysis came out rather poorly as well.
Dr. Kelly suggested us to do 3 fresh IVF cycle to accumulate the eggs.
Due to the high cost involved with Dr. Kelly, we decided to go to KKH, Dr. Tan HH for the treatments instead and will be seeing him on 31st this mth.

Dr. Kelly did prescribe us some supplements to take to prep our body first during our review session with her. Here's what we have gotten :
For me - folic acid, DHEA, Neurozan Vit B and CO-Q Plus
For husband - Vit E, CO-Q Plus, Omega H3+Antioxidant and MOTIL Effervescent.
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Anyone with Dimished Ovaries Reserve DOR (mine is AMH=0.07) given Birth Control Pills prior the month before simulations?

My AF was 6 (3 on the left and 3 on the right) before starting simulation. On the Day 7 after simulation (Gonal-f 300IUI and pergoveris 150ID)) there was no AF on my right ovaries and only 2 AF, one is 3mm and 4mm.
Hi ladies, just to share with you girls about my case.
Me too with Low Ovarian Reserve. I forget how low it is already. I failed 5 IVF cycles and 2-3 FET and maybe 3 IUI, all within 3 years. All failed and one of my doctors advise me to go for adoption. Sigh. I almost gave up after hearing that as i have tried all my best i could to make my IVF a success.

One year later, I decided to try again with another Dr. For each stimulation, usually I don't have many eggs, around 4-6 eggs only. This round, my new Dr wants to cultivate the embryos into blastocysts as the chances of implanting is higher. Well, only 1 out of 4 of my fertilized eggs reach blastocyst, however is a 5AA grade which i never thought of. i guess in our case, we would like to have good egg quality rather than good quantity. Thus, i would like to share the remedy with you girls. 2 months prior to my fresh ivf cycle, my Dr prescribe me with Androgel and DHEA. These 2 drugs increase your testosterone hormone which improve the respond of the follicle when you inject FSH for stimulation. Another note, is not to over-stimulate the follicles. Go for very mild stimulation, the egg quality will be better.

As i only have one blastocyst from my last cycle, my Dr advise me to do another round of IVF to accumulate 1-2 more blastocyst before my FET. My 2nd round IVF, I were quite busy and did not follow the instructions tight. I got 2 blastocysts of average grade, 4AB and 5CA. Dr said average grade blastocyst has an equal chance with the 5AA grade. Don't give up.

Overall, i have wasted a lot of money to trial and error for my IVF looking for the best remedy for myself. My current Dr is the 3rd Dr I see for IVF, and I feel this Dr had the best experience and knowledge. Maybe you girls can try my remedy.

I am now preparing for my FET. Am at Day 7 now. Dr said will transfer 2 best looking ones. Hopefully it will be successful.

Hi wybb, did you Dr used mild/mini IVF?
Hi ladies, just to share with you girls about my case.
Me too with Low Ovarian Reserve. I forget how low it is already. I failed 5 IVF cycles and 2-3 FET and maybe 3 IUI, all within 3 years. All failed and one of my doctors advise me to go for adoption. Sigh. I almost gave up after hearing that as i have tried all my best i could to make my IVF a success.

One year later, I decided to try again with another Dr. For each stimulation, usually I don't have many eggs, around 4-6 eggs only. This round, my new Dr wants to cultivate the embryos into blastocysts as the chances of implanting is higher. Well, only 1 out of 4 of my fertilized eggs reach blastocyst, however is a 5AA grade which i never thought of. i guess in our case, we would like to have good egg quality rather than good quantity. Thus, i would like to share the remedy with you girls. 2 months prior to my fresh ivf cycle, my Dr prescribe me with Androgel and DHEA. These 2 drugs increase your testosterone hormone which improve the respond of the follicle when you inject FSH for stimulation. Another note, is not to over-stimulate the follicles. Go for very mild stimulation, the egg quality will be better.

As i only have one blastocyst from my last cycle, my Dr advise me to do another round of IVF to accumulate 1-2 more blastocyst before my FET. My 2nd round IVF, I were quite busy and did not follow the instructions tight. I got 2 blastocysts of average grade, 4AB and 5CA. Dr said average grade blastocyst has an equal chance with the 5AA grade. Don't give up.

Overall, i have wasted a lot of money to trial and error for my IVF looking for the best remedy for myself. My current Dr is the 3rd Dr I see for IVF, and I feel this Dr had the best experience and knowledge. Maybe you girls can try my remedy.

I am now preparing for my FET. Am at Day 7 now. Dr said will transfer 2 best looking ones. Hopefully it will be successful.
May I know how old were u? I understand that maternal age will affect the egg quality.
Hi ladies, just to share with you girls about my case.
Me too with Low Ovarian Reserve. I forget how low it is already. I failed 5 IVF cycles and 2-3 FET and maybe 3 IUI, all within 3 years. All failed and one of my doctors advise me to go for adoption. Sigh. I almost gave up after hearing that as i have tried all my best i could to make my IVF a success.

One year later, I decided to try again with another Dr. For each stimulation, usually I don't have many eggs, around 4-6 eggs only. This round, my new Dr wants to cultivate the embryos into blastocysts as the chances of implanting is higher. Well, only 1 out of 4 of my fertilized eggs reach blastocyst, however is a 5AA grade which i never thought of. i guess in our case, we would like to have good egg quality rather than good quantity. Thus, i would like to share the remedy with you girls. 2 months prior to my fresh ivf cycle, my Dr prescribe me with Androgel and DHEA. These 2 drugs increase your testosterone hormone which improve the respond of the follicle when you inject FSH for stimulation. Another note, is not to over-stimulate the follicles. Go for very mild stimulation, the egg quality will be better.

As i only have one blastocyst from my last cycle, my Dr advise me to do another round of IVF to accumulate 1-2 more blastocyst before my FET. My 2nd round IVF, I were quite busy and did not follow the instructions tight. I got 2 blastocysts of average grade, 4AB and 5CA. Dr said average grade blastocyst has an equal chance with the 5AA grade. Don't give up.

Overall, i have wasted a lot of money to trial and error for my IVF looking for the best remedy for myself. My current Dr is the 3rd Dr I see for IVF, and I feel this Dr had the best experience and knowledge. Maybe you girls can try my remedy.

I am now preparing for my FET. Am at Day 7 now. Dr said will transfer 2 best looking ones. Hopefully it will be successful.

Were u given BCP (birth control pills before the similation start? Sorry I have so many questions.
Hi ladies, just to share with you girls about my case.
Me too with Low Ovarian Reserve. I forget how low it is already. I failed 5 IVF cycles and 2-3 FET and maybe 3 IUI, all within 3 years. All failed and one of my doctors advise me to go for adoption. Sigh. I almost gave up after hearing that as i have tried all my best i could to make my IVF a success.

One year later, I decided to try again with another Dr. For each stimulation, usually I don't have many eggs, around 4-6 eggs only. This round, my new Dr wants to cultivate the embryos into blastocysts as the chances of implanting is higher. Well, only 1 out of 4 of my fertilized eggs reach blastocyst, however is a 5AA grade which i never thought of. i guess in our case, we would like to have good egg quality rather than good quantity. Thus, i would like to share the remedy with you girls. 2 months prior to my fresh ivf cycle, my Dr prescribe me with Androgel and DHEA. These 2 drugs increase your testosterone hormone which improve the respond of the follicle when you inject FSH for stimulation. Another note, is not to over-stimulate the follicles. Go for very mild stimulation, the egg quality will be better.

As i only have one blastocyst from my last cycle, my Dr advise me to do another round of IVF to accumulate 1-2 more blastocyst before my FET. My 2nd round IVF, I were quite busy and did not follow the instructions tight. I got 2 blastocysts of average grade, 4AB and 5CA. Dr said average grade blastocyst has an equal chance with the 5AA grade. Don't give up.

Overall, i have wasted a lot of money to trial and error for my IVF looking for the best remedy for myself. My current Dr is the 3rd Dr I see for IVF, and I feel this Dr had the best experience and knowledge. Maybe you girls can try my remedy.

I am now preparing for my FET. Am at Day 7 now. Dr said will transfer 2 best looking ones. Hopefully it will be successful.

Hi , may I know where I can find good quality Androgel and DHEA in Singapore?
Can anyone suggest a good tcm or acupuncture that can help to improve Low ovarian reserve ? Any other good ideas besides Q10?I have already failed 3iui and 2ivf because of this issue.
Can anyone suggest a good tcm or acupuncture that can help to improve Low ovarian reserve ? Any other good ideas besides Q10?I have already failed 3iui and 2ivf because of this issue.
Can anyone suggest a good tcm or acupuncture that can help to improve Low ovarian reserve ? Any other good ideas besides Q10?I have already failed 3iui and 2ivf because of this issue.

How much is your AMH?
Mine is 0.07 Ng/ml very low. It increase to 0.4 nd/ml low after I took supplements and tcm and acupuncture. So don’t know which one helps. I am seeing TCM at Clementi
How much is your AMH?
Mine is 0.07 Ng/ml very low. It increase to 0.4 nd/ml low after I took supplements and tcm and acupuncture. So don’t know which one helps. I am seeing TCM at Clementi
Thanks for your reply. Does your TCM in Clementi do acupuncture too. Can share contact?

I am seeing him for acupuncture, he prescribed me some medication each I go for acupuncture.
I have been seeing since Sep

I am also seeing thong chai Dr Loh for TCM as some of the ladies here said she is good for Tiao Shen Ti.

Anyway I let both TCM Drs know that I am seeing both Drr.
Thank you very much for sharing. I think I will check out the acupuncture. Hope it can help me like it has helped you. Even slight improvement i am grateful.
Thank you very much for sharing. I think I will check out the acupuncture. Hope it can help me like it has helped you. Even slight improvement i am grateful.
Did the Dr siad the failed 3iui and 2ivf are due to low ovaries reserve?
Did the Dr siad the failed 3iui and 2ivf are due to low ovaries reserve?
Yes. Miracle happened to me on my last IVF but I just have a miscarriage at 6 weeks due to abnormal chromosome. I asked doctor if I am qualify to join the new research on embryo screening but was told due to my Low ovaries reserve, this Programme is no use to me. He said I have only a few eggs which can hardly survive so surely cannot survive in the reseach Programme which requires day 5 blastocyst . Doctor say there is nth I can do about this just take Q10 but I just wanted to do smth more. ☹️
Yes. Miracle happened to me on my last IVF but I just have a miscarriage at 6 weeks due to abnormal chromosome. I asked doctor if I am qualify to join the new research on embryo screening but was told due to my Low ovaries reserve, this Programme is no use to me. He said I have only a few eggs which can hardly survive so surely cannot survive in the reseach Programme which requires day 5 blastocyst . Doctor say there is nth I can do about this just take Q10 but I just wanted to do smth more. ☹️

What is meant is due to low egg reserved there is less chances of having good quality eggs?
May I know who is your doctor?
were you doing fresh transfer?
My Dr did mild simulation (only clomid no injections) for me and I have 2 eggs, one make it to blastocyst Day6 4BB.
What is meant is due to low egg reserved there is less chances of having good quality eggs?
May I know who is your doctor?
were you doing fresh transfer?
My Dr did mild simulation (only clomid no injections) for me and I have 2 eggs, one make it to blastocyst Day6 4BB.
I should say this way. I have Low egg reserve plus my eggs quality is not good too. Dun think I wanne mention dr name.
Dear all,

My blood test shows I've low AMH <1.0 and high FSH levels. The nurse called me after the results but I've yet to speak to my gynae but the nurse told me the expected eggs from simulation is likely to be low.
I've been seeing a TCM & having acupuncture for past 3 months (in AMK).
Are there any dietary or supplements beside DHEA that will be helpful? I heard wheat grass helps in reducing FSH levels, anyone tried before?
Look forward to your sharing in advance!

I would like to be added into the group chat too, have WA you separately at the number you posted in this forum, thanks again.
Hi everyone ,
I did Ivf ( 3 cycles in my last marriage ) low ovarian reserve .... in my current marriage I conceived naturally !! But now I am trying for a 2nd child and my menses has stopped for 2 months .... 36 year old now ... high fsh 0.4 amh.
I took fertilaid and conceived my first child ( now turning 4 ) so I might go back to that but might seek donor eggs if not successful , I have never missed my menses until now and not pregnant .... been testing negative
Can anyone suggest a good tcm or acupuncture that can help to improve Low ovarian reserve ? Any other good ideas besides Q10?I have already failed 3iui and 2ivf because of this issue.

Hi you can try my tcm dr Tan Kian sing. I also Low reserve and male factor problem, failed 1 fresh Ivf but conceive by eating his herb and doing acupuncture. My hubby also Tiao under him.

I eat supplements like uniquinol, dhea , folic acid, vitamin c at the same time too.
Hi you can try my tcm dr Tan Kian sing. I also Low reserve and male factor problem, failed 1 fresh Ivf but conceive by eating his herb and doing acupuncture. My hubby also Tiao under him.

I eat supplements like uniquinol, dhea , folic acid, vitamin c at the same time too.

Hi, did your Dr prescribed DHEA for you?
Hi, is there a whatsapp group? I am 34 this year, AFC only 2 with fsh 12.5 . My fertility doc said she can't do anything for me as I do not have much eggs left even for ivf. Only mentioned that if want to, do natural cycle and extract one egg each cycle to accumulate. I feel so lost now.
Hi ladies, I'm so glad I found this support group cos I'm feeling so helpless and alone now. Got married one yr ago and after marriage went for checkup realised my fsh is 124 (postmenopausal) and amh is 0.1. Went to see 3 gyne and 2 tcm dr and almost broke down when they say it's close to impossible for me to have kids even via ivf cos I literally got no eggs. I'm turning 30 soon. Seems like either adoption or egg donation are my only hopes. Pls add me if the WA group is still active! Thanks
@Yogi.L You are right. I am with Professor Ng at Gleneagles. BB Grade is consider above average. You too have good chance. i am planning to have a week bed rest after my ET although all my DoctorS said it is not necessary. Lets pray hard everything goes well. Good luck to your FET in April too.

@Serendipitygal yeah, i recorded everything down. I took Menopur 225iu from Day 2 and Saizen 12iu from day 5. i think the androgel and DHEA play an important role too to achieve good egg quality. My personal opinion I guess it will be good if you can start androgel and DHEA for 1-2 months before starting your 2nd stim. But better to seek advice from your Dr as i may not know your situation well. I did not prepare myself for the FET. I asked Dr what should i do to get prepared, and he said just eat well rest well. LOL. Since I start my stims, I just try my best to have protein rich food. eg. red bean/green bean soup/red dates & longan/meats. i am not sure how effect these are. Oh ya, and continue multivitamin supplements (with folic acid) prescribed by Dr. Hope my info helps you :)

what brand of DHEA did Dr prescribe you?
Hi ladies,

I am also having the same problem. Can add me to the chat group? 97937074
Just gotten my results yesterday from Dr. Kelly Loi (Mt.E) my FSH is about 11 and AHM is 1.0 at the age of 33.
My husband's sperm analysis came out rather poorly as well.
Dr. Kelly suggested us to do 3 fresh IVF cycle to accumulate the eggs.
Due to the high cost involved with Dr. Kelly, we decided to go to KKH, Dr. Tan HH for the treatments instead and will be seeing him on 31st this mth.

Dr. Kelly did prescribe us some supplements to take to prep our body first during our review session with her. Here's what we have gotten :
For me - folic acid, DHEA, Neurozan Vit B and CO-Q Plus
For husband - Vit E, CO-Q Plus, Omega H3+Antioxidant and MOTIL Effervescent.

May I knw which brand of DHEA did the Dr prescribe for you? I understand that it has to be pharmceutrical grade, micronized and potency guaranteed.
Hihi, is the whatapp grp still active? Can add me in too? I’m also low amh n High fsh, age 31 and failed 2 fresh still pinning hope for a miracle
Hi ladies, just to share with you girls about my case.
Me too with Low Ovarian Reserve. I forget how low it is already. I failed 5 IVF cycles and 2-3 FET and maybe 3 IUI, all within 3 years. All failed and one of my doctors advise me to go for adoption. Sigh. I almost gave up after hearing that as i have tried all my best i could to make my IVF a success.

One year later, I decided to try again with another Dr. For each stimulation, usually I don't have many eggs, around 4-6 eggs only. This round, my new Dr wants to cultivate the embryos into blastocysts as the chances of implanting is higher. Well, only 1 out of 4 of my fertilized eggs reach blastocyst, however is a 5AA grade which i never thought of. i guess in our case, we would like to have good egg quality rather than good quantity. Thus, i would like to share the remedy with you girls. 2 months prior to my fresh ivf cycle, my Dr prescribe me with Androgel and DHEA. These 2 drugs increase your testosterone hormone which improve the respond of the follicle when you inject FSH for stimulation. Another note, is not to over-stimulate the follicles. Go for very mild stimulation, the egg quality will be better.

As i only have one blastocyst from my last cycle, my Dr advise me to do another round of IVF to accumulate 1-2 more blastocyst before my FET. My 2nd round IVF, I were quite busy and did not follow the instructions tight. I got 2 blastocysts of average grade, 4AB and 5CA. Dr said average grade blastocyst has an equal chance with the 5AA grade. Don't give up.

Overall, i have wasted a lot of money to trial and error for my IVF looking for the best remedy for myself. My current Dr is the 3rd Dr I see for IVF, and I feel this Dr had the best experience and knowledge. Maybe you girls can try my remedy.

I am now preparing for my FET. Am at Day 7 now. Dr said will transfer 2 best looking ones. Hopefully it will be successful.

Hi Wybb, is your doctor Ng, Prof Ng Soon Chye? I searched online and found he is at both Gleneagles and Sincere at Novena?

I am interested to get another opinion as my current doctor does not seem to keen for me to take DHEA nor Androgel. Thank you!
