WTS T.E.D. Anti-embolism stocking (for C-sect mum-to-be)


Selling away a pair of T.E.D. Anti-embolism stockings, Thigh length with belts, Medium regular size C+

The stocking is in mint condition, my helper has hand washed it. I only wore it for less than a week in Thomson hospital after my GA surgery, gynae instructed nurse to wear if for me immediately after my delivery, to improve blood circulation as I had to be bedded for a day.

You can pass it to the nurse before surgery so that they will not charge you a new pair. Thomson hospital charge $78/pair.

Am selling away at $30, can meet up at Jurong West or Suntec. Please PM me if interested. thanks.

T.E.D. anti-embolism stockings are clinically proven to reduce the incidence of DVT up to 50% and to promote increased blood flow velocity in the legs 138% of baseline by compression of the deep venous system. They have also been clinically proven to prevent the damaging effects of venous distension that occurs during surgery and hospitalization.
