WTA: using chicken essence bottles to store EBM


I have heard of using these glass bottles to store EBM. Was wondering, with the new kinds of lids it comes with these days, can we close the lids tightly when we use it to store EBM? Any chances of the EBM spilling or getting contaminated? Anyone who has used or is using can advise? I have so many such bottles and if i can use them to store EBM successfully it will be so convienent. Cos can store them in small qtys, less wastage.

I did not use the chicken essence bottles for storage of EBM but I used them to hold hotwater when I express. The Malay masseur who helped me when I had blocked ducts shared with me the trick. But the bottles due to the cap, will tend to leak a little but I used handkerchief to wrap the bottles hence not burnt.

I have some glass bottles with caps and plastic ones which I am letting go cheap. Let me know if you are interested.
