Who's the best divorce and custody lawyer in Singapore?


New Member
When it comes to criminal law we all know subash is the best.. But who's the best when it comes to divorce and custody cases? Pls tell me.... Help!!! My case will be a complicated one and I can't afford to lose

Me too, Help!! I also need the best lawyer contact. Same here i cannot afford to lose, I need a guarantee winning case for sole child custody and both wife and child alimony as i am a SAHM for many many years and hv NO alternative roof over our heads. Found out my husband betrayal in late March and till now he refuse to change and his atitude toward us remains the same. Tot I can "tat han " till my youngest 3YO attend primary school but then lately find my 'stupid' husband behavious extremely difficult to endure..like now, this hour the night is still young for him. He normally back either 3-4/5am just for bathing and sleeping (few hrs) then left home again. Abt 3 weeks ago when he back from BKK (he claimed on business trip), i found out that he got for himself a Thai "LOVE" pendant with man and woman kiss and hug together on one side and a small child on the other side with some RED INK Thai wordings written on it (think it from some Thai temple/monk) and he keep in his between his pant/Bermuda pockets everyday. And also nowadays he sleep only in his underpants, sometimes loose boxer with nothing inside that can see everything.....and wake up just like that, walk about or lay down on the sofa in the house like a superman in front of everyones including our eldest daughter 11YO who is into her teenage age...... plus past two days, my youngest 3YO boy starts following his way, refuse to put on his shirt and pant... Sigh!! I am very very stress and worry, living everyday just like a Zombie.. cant change any things.... Seriously consider a 'D' maybe file under 'unreasonable behavious' since I did not hv any concrete evidence. Pls help, any contact?
Omg have u made up ur mind.. It's a major decision ... Better think carefully...
I consulted a few lawyers but they have no confidence to winning.:. Me too I wan sole custody !!
mummysingle, no confidence in winning what?

from what i understand, u can't have best of both world, if u wan maintenance, u need to have joint custody.
lynnang, u have been complaining, and many mummies have being giving u solutions. but on your part u are not taking any actions. your life and your children life will never improve if u don't do anything to change it
I don't mind no maintenance but I wan sole custody n supervised access

Mikki- can understand y Lynn is still contemplating cuz she's cut off from working world for so long .. Reli not easy to adapt back..
That's why I m always against being housewife .. I think v impt for a woman to b financially n emotionally stable.. These days divorce is so common that u nv know when u gonna get dumped or b betrayed
Sha, I did something on my part here is just that mummy u did not see it... I did consulted a lawyer (1hr consultation fee cost a few hundreds which I cannot afford any more with my limited savings). All he told me was he will try his best if i let him handle my case but with no guarantee that he can win or fight for me and my kids a decent alimony even though my husband earn most thab 10k. Because I dun hold any concrete evidence of his adultery (through he admitted verbally but he may change his words anytime coz i did not and can't afford to hire PI) and also his neglecting family totally. Although he delay a lot of payments for all the bills including watersupply till demand letter/lawyers letter issued.... he did settled them either partial or full.... on request. As for the weekly allowance of $50 (randomly) I get, he mentioned is already a kind of 'bonus' as I do not contribute to this family financially as my husband is paying everything. But for me, my contribution to this family is my priceless 'my time, my youth and 心血' and ended with NO alternative shelter as my father passed away ten years ago and now my mother staying with married brother. Most of my own savings b4 marriage almost used up during these 12years to cover any shortfall expenses for all children. So I really really need a guarantee decent alimony for my kids and myself (at least to be able to get/rent a place for ourselves) before I make the major move. It affect all my kids and our future life.... Just recently, unsuccessfully to find any nearby childcare for my youngest boy, I had since registered him with a nearby PCF centre for a 3hrs nursery course( his age) starts next year Jan. School fee will be deducted using his CDA acc but other then that his uniform, shoes, book fees etc will be counting on my savings as the father when mention to him, he did not even care to ask or answer. I just can't imagine how to survive if I go ahead for a 'D' with no guarantee alimony for us and a roof over our heads........beside struggling to earn more to make end meet, no time for kids, most important dun hv a secure 'home' for us which is holding me back...... For young a capable mummy like u is very much easy for u to handle t but it very very difficult for u to understand all my fear, worry and uncertainties.
lynnang, no lawyer will dare to guarantees how much u will get or what is the outcome of your case.

Don't go to lawyer who ask for first hour consultation. there are some advice i feel that lawyer might misinform u .

To start with, i think you should go to Maintenance mediation court to ask maintenance for yourself and your kids. 50 dollars is not enough.

then u can go legal aid to ask for legal help for divorce.

for evidence, if u wan, i can recommend u a good PI.
I'm divorced with sole custody of my 2 children. Child maintenance is a misery $300 a month as he claimed he cannot afford more.

So, sole custody WITH maintenance is possible. Any good lawyer will fight that for you. In a normal divorce case, if the mother is the main caregiver of the children, the court will grant sole custody if the father does not contest.
Hi new begining, tks i hv not yet go down to Maintenance meditation court to seek for maintenance allowance yet in afraid of provoke him and totally cut off everything before I find myself a confirm answer. As for Legal Aid Office in Maxwell, I went down once and was served and told/ advised by a lady officer that is best I find myself a job first to proof to the judge that I am of earning ability and capable to take care of my children...... but how to find job and work and leave all my children unattend now...( I did mentioned I hv no alternative helper) . That y for my case, I am hoping that I can hv a 'confirm and guarantee decent alimony' - since my husband monthly earning is more than 10k and with that maybe I can place my kids in cc and student care respectively before I can find myself a job and move from there.......
lynnang, if he still work in singapore with a stable income, he can't cut u off. if u can prove u have the needs, he have the ability to pay u, he can't say he don't wan to give even for a month. and if there is a court order on the amount of maintenance that he have to pay, if he didn't pay, he will go to jail.

don't listen to hearsay, go to Maintenance meditation court to find out your rights.

as for legal aids, i think u are just talking to the service staff, get a formal legal advice from legal aids.
Dovey55 if the husband contest how? Means no chance of me winning sole custody?

Btw anyone heard of dr ann tan b4? Heard she's the best divorce lawyer in Singapore and came up with the women's charter
yes hear of her. but hear she very expensive.

advice for divorce is that if u don't have millions of dollars to fight for, don't use too expensive a lawyer as if he purposely drag or delay the case, u will be worn out financially very fast then he can come in to win the legal battle.
Is she reli the best?
Cuz my ex too scheming.. Not easy to deal with..the way he manipulated the facts... I think he's the worst jerk on earth ever
mummysingle: even if he contests custody, a judge may still award sole custody to you. not necessarily joint custody, but it will be an uphill battle. you need to show 1. you are the better parent to take care of the children, and 2. he is not fit to have sole custody. it can get VERY ugly because there will be a lot a character-slamming from both sides. you must be able to take it and tell your story. if your ex is really so scheming, you need to show the judge that you are more believable. If you have witnesses / family members to testify for you, even better. all the best to you and your kiddos :)
supervised access ?? meaning without u allow he has no right to see the kid.

my case seem drag as he contest.
i also hope to have solo custody .
i may have suggested to you before in another thread to apply for maintenance. In your situation I would want to secure finances to be able to bring up the kids myself. I saw a lawyer and then applied for maintenance. Since I was a SAHM with very limited savings, my lawyer said I can do it myself, which I did. I think it cost me $10, can't remember exactly but it was a small sum. I was a SAHM and have not been working for 7-8 years, our family was in debt. Definitely $$ weighs greatly on my mind when I decided to get a divorce. I did not hire a PI, I did not have concrete proof, but I decided to go ahead with divorce and fight for sole custody. I was prepared not to get sole custody but I was going to fight for it.

Ann Tan is good and expensive. Few years ago it was already $1k an hour, now not sure what are the charges.
I consulted a few lawyers and they said that it's quite impossible to get sole custody in Singapore
I think things already turned ugly the day both decided to part..
There are a few special cases for sole custody.. I only know of one successful case mother gets sole custody because...
1) no R.O.M
2) mother is mistress
3) father filed for bankruptcy (no $ to pay maintenance)
have you all gone to the free consultation sessions held in some CCs monthly? I used to work for a really good lawyer who is very compassionate about his work, and the people he fights for .. It's a pity he passed on..
Seems like i was the few lucky ones, i got sole custody.
Prob cos my ex didnt knw joint custody exist and just agreed to let me hve it. And plus the judge didnt ask to see him and question him why he wants to give up our son's custody. So all went thru smoothly....
Think now most assign joint custody. I wanted sole custody but my lawyer told me frankly no chance unless he has no stable income and got abusive nature. And even that also need evidence. He cited one case he successfully got sole custody for his client is coz the kid ended up in hospital with a fractured rib. So I gotto bear with having joint custody with him. And even then my case is dragging coz that miser is only willingly to pay $500 monthly for my son's maintenance. Seriously... why can't he give up the joint custody? Then he need not pay a single cent lor. =(
Hi all, I am new here. I filed for divorce recently. I am a SAHM with two kids. All contribution to the HDB was 50% till I stopped work in year 2000 for the kids. Yet I still contribute 10%. Now, he had stop working and doesn't give me any maintenance.. I still have to feed my kids with my saving. I am running very low financially, and it's so hard to get back to work force due to the long gap. Does anyone had apply for maintenance through family court and knew if it will remains the same if my divorce is granted. As now he is not working I doubt I can ask for much maintenance. Please advise.
Hi All mums,

I am new in this forum. Was desperately googling for divorce info and woman's right..and happened to chance on this forum.

I am a mum to a pair of 11+ years old twin.

2 years ago, found out that my husband had another woman outside. When confronted, he admitted. Soon after, we sold off our flat and I am now staying with my parents, together with my kids.

To cut a very long story short, he has never had the kid's interest at heart, and whenever he was in a bad mood, he spare no mercy by pinching them, slapping them. He has never participated in making decisions for their school, tuition...etc. It is all done by me. But at the point when we have decided to go separate, he commanded the kids to him ( at that time they were barely 9 yrs old) and ask them to chose who they want to follow?! I was too shocked to even move. But my kids were solid..they do not understand what is happening..but gave confident meek answer "we want mummy". He was fuming mad, but has no choice because he would not have time to look after them. I am not sure why he wanted to take away my son from me. My parents are the main caregivers.

After we lived separate lives, I have wanted to fie for divorce but as kids' expenses were getting heavier, I kept dragging. Also my parents are both retired and I have to support them too. Initially he still sends over household essential items and pay my dad SGD450pm as well as $100 petrol money to send the kids to tuition classes.

Of late, for the past few months, he stopped doing all the above, only giving SGD450 to provide for the kids. Before we separate, we spent a lot on kid's tuition and enrichment. He pays for some of it. Now that he has completely stopped, I can hardly afford all on my own, plus school expenses. At the same time, why should my kids compromise on their life simply because of one bad egg?

Just yesterday, I received an sms from him telling me to expect a call from the lawyer to meet in 2 weeks' time.

His mum is from Malaysia and very traditional. She has insisted that no matter what, at all costs, he must fight for custody of our son, but can leave out the contest for my gal. As a pair of twins, they have grown up, study together, how to separate them?

Not sure if any mum has gone thru children custody legal course and can a judge give custody of my son to him and custody of my daughter to me just like that?

My kids are older now. They understood. My son is currently very stressed because he is worried that he has to stay with his father. Can I ask even if judge give him custody of my son, can my son protest? Can he have his say too?

From the start of discovering his infidelity till now, I did not give him a hard time. He wanted a new woman and desert his family, go...he does not want to support us...fine...I have my own dignity and will not beg, threaten or confront the other woman. Even now that he sms-ed to say meet at the lawyer's office, I am fine with it to. But I am very scared now...I do not know what the lawyer will ask me to sign and do i need to sign on the spot? What are my rights?
@Zeng,I am sorry to hear what you have gone through.

When you are "served" by his lawyer, you should get a lawyer to act on your behalf to protect you. As what Nelle said, his lawyer would naturally look after his rights.

You can try http://sgdivorcelawyer.com. They have free phone consultation and can offer you basic free advice over the phone. They are very patient and understanding too.

Good luck and all the best!
My lawyer quoted me 3k for uncontested divorce..

Can go as high as 20k if contested

I'm currently pursuing for sole custody =)
Hi all,

For my case is, its a joint custody for my kid. Manage to get maintenance from him with a very misery amount of 200 per month plus a supervised access. We have not divorce yet as we are waiting for the 3 years of marriage to be completed and awaits for the second child to be born. He claims that he has no money to pay for the child yet he has money to pay for his car, leisure, drinking and even smoking. I will consult my lawyer to aim for higher maintenance for my two kids esp when my second one was still a newborn. I wanted a sole custody but i know he sure wont allow so i dun want to waste my time and money fighting for something which i wont get in return.
Hi, would like to find out what's the difference between joint and sole custody and what the lawyer actually looks at when deciding on the maintenance amount. I am a SAHM with everything provided by the husband initially, will I be able to get the same level of maintenance from him after the divorce?
Joanne (mummy_darling), your case is not half as complicated as mine.

I am a father. However, I am also the one that sacrificed my career so I can go home on time everyday to look after my children.

My soon to be ex-wife was working as a purchaser and at night work with AMWAY. She always go out at night from Midnight to 3am and recently 8am, citing "business" talk to "potential clients".

Then on 31 Dec, she suddenly ask for divorce citing some "unreasonable behaviours" of mine which make even my lawyers laugh. (Things such as playing computer games, "bad temper" (funny, she is always the one that is scolding me and I am the one with bad temper? ) and so on)

I hired a PI to find out that she had committed adultery and is currently cohabiting with him. I countersue on divorce based on adultery and later reduce to "inappropriate association".

Before I found out the adultery, the pact with her is to have the children for alternate week. Now, I want to have care and control of the children as I can't stand the fact she wanted my children, my house and she even get my daughter to call the adulterer "Daddy".

My lawyer is trying her best for me, but frankly speaking. In Singapore, custody case always favour the women. I am fighting an uphill battle.
Hi friends of the forum,

Please look for Lucy Netto at Netto & Magin LLC.
She has over 20 years of handling divorce cases with a very high winning rate. I believe she has the experience needed to help you out. She has helped many of my friends with divorce cases.

Can contact her at 63383020.
Hi James,

I'm fighting with against his whole family instead of him personally. He is someone who doesn't want to be tied down by family and kids. He just only wants freedom. Just cos I gave birth to a boy instead of a girl. Moreover, I'm also expecting the second one whereby is also a boy and this time round he wants to fight for the sole custody of the second one instead of the first one. Due to the health issue of the first one. The one who commit adultery is him yet he wants to accuse me of committing adultery instead. Even those prove that I have on hand can only sue him for unreasonable behavior and inappropriate act. If only the Singapore law is like what a lot of people says side women, den why are there still so many women out there afraid if losing their kids? ESP when is the mum who look after them and take care of them since the moment they are born not the dad.
James, if he is going out in the middle of the night, then I think you should consult your lawyer how to prove this. With this u can prove that if she have the care n control, then there are chances she will leave the kid alone and goes out.
Mummy_darling, I understand from my lawyer, normally the care and control will go to the mother if the kid is young, unless the mother is prove unable to take care of the kid.

why not get evidence of his adultery acts
Janey, my son is 2 and the half years and the other one is due in June 2013. For adultery acts, I need to have the PI report and photos too as its too highly costy for me.
mummy_darling, yes u need PI report.

nowadays, for custody matters, both parent have to go for counselling and also have to come up with a children plan

Huh?? Why so complicated?? As I was told by my lawyer is only joint custody as I wanted to fight for sole initially. Den care n control under me and supervise access to him. Cos once he goes out, he will nvr come back till the wee wee hours or some even nvr return. Den the child will be taken care by my in laws instead of him personally. Worst, he doesn't even know how to take care of kids. N also further more, there are 3 other kids in that household whereby they came, scold, smoke and gambling in front of them too. Worst, use vulgarities to scold them. I dun want my kids to grow up in that environment at all.
