Water blister eczema

Hi babakba,

Do u want to talk to me over phone? Lets find out what you hav sign up and how you use them. If u use them correctly, I am sure if definitely cure your conditions. The cream on the shelf can only "control" for d time being, some of them contain chemical which will irritate your skin further. It doesn't help for long term.
I also apply g3 on my baby girl's face to treat rash since all other creams failed. It took 3 days recover and that's all.

U can text me at 8228 1378.

Is the juice and supplement u're talking about ok to use during ttc?


It stings when i apply moisturiser when the blister breaks and there's fluid.. I put a little bit of dettol antiseptic cream or antibiotic cream to help it recover and scab.. I also dunno whether this is correct, but the dermasone or moisturiser really stings..
Hi Min,

The supplements are safe for TTC people and even better to "adjust" body condition to strong. The juice can drink during pregnancy also to boost the immunization level for both mummy and baby. One of my friend drank the juice when she pregnant at age of 35, her baby is very healthy and seldom fall sick. She told us her son's anti oxidant level is very high, so far only fall sick once in a year. Her son is now 8 yrs old and they called him phamarnex baby.
thanks,min for guide. having say that antibiotic is the first line of treatment for leaky fluid blister,we actually seldom need to apply dermasone or steroid cream. reason from my own experience,the bubble will appear overnigh and swell up very fast to leak fluids.

yaoyaomum,g3 fruit juice is sweet n can apply direct on skin? i am drinking 90ml day and night each after meal. can feel hot flush for a while after drinking. i hv made an order for emu omega capsule n emu oil. hope these combinative can battle my blisters eczema quick. i will still continue to drink ensure life..
g3 juice is not sweet n no sugar at all. If u research the ingredients, it contains gac fruits which Vietnamese use it to treat wound when they are at forest.
Emu oil I m not sure effective for you or not. I m loyal to Pharmanex marine omega which it contains krill oil that curb body inflammation. I even use it to treat my sore throat as I m allergy to GP's anti-phlegm drug.
Good luck to your try.
yaoyaomum,noted..will give emu a try first cos i suspect i am allergy to salmon omega which i bought from retail pharmacy. i hv been taking 3capsules and eat salmon almost faily for dinner.maybe too much toxic or mercury in me to bring out this eczema..that's why i put marine omega on hold for a while n try emu instead.

myammar people also eat gac fruit raw..gac is in myammar too n they believe good for skin..i hope it works for me fast.
hi all,i am going to reorder g3 gac fruit juice next week. if u are thinking to give a bottle or two to try before decide to get more later,please pm me.

i can share order with u and you pay me pro-rated accordingly on the bottles u order. (self collect at my home cos i can't walk out to deliver to you due to my sole eczema).

if you wan to order beauty product or non-supplement items,you can also pm me to help you order to try. thanks.

please visit nuskin website to see what is in there for sale.
babakba, your condition sounds exactly like mine! was very bad and the water-like blister appears everytime I thought they subsided. really driving me crazy. Been to the skin centre, but only prescribe steriod cream and QV cream. Applying for 3 wks already, still not much improvements.
hi cheesecake,how do u manage from now?

i hv now also whole body itch scratch till all red n inflammed now also. and not allowed to take oral steroid already. will red skin eczema be cleared off by itself overtime if don't apply steroid cream? anyone can advise,please?
Mine is currently affecting my whole feet and fingers. For fingers, I cant do much as I need to wash often. So can only keep applying the moisturizer after washing. For the feet, I just bought the natzema cream, now trying out. Feel the itch easing, but very fast its back again and I just wash off and apply again. Dont know why, but after washing and re-apply, its less itchy. I can do it if I at home. But outside, really tough. I waiting for my next visit to skin centre, see if they got other remedy since the ointment they gave isnt working, or rather like getting worse.
which part of your feet is affected? mine on all toes bottom of feet sole n heel. how do u walk at home need any gauze or socks? any swollen feet yet? need a bigger size footwea?r

what shoe to wear to work n need any bandage or footwrap?

i find natzema is the best amongst all moisturisers i used. brtter than emu oil too
Mine was at bottom of feet, 2 toes and heel. At home I walk with a bit of tip toe. I wore my normal shoes to work then when reach office, I change to slippers. Yesterday I went swimming, surprisingly the condition improved! Not sure if its the chlorine in the water? But the water blister sort of like subsided a bit and less itchy. I only applied the natzema and was able to stop the itchiness longer. I am going to try again tonight. If this works, then I shall go swimming everyday! Keep you updated.
I went yesterday again. the skin was like very dry after the swim. However, after applying the natzema, it was ok.. the water blisters are all gone already, like dried up kind. Skin still reddish and slightly itchy but improving! Today the pool is closed, I shall go on Wed again! If only can bring a pail of water home haha!
i call natzema n they will post promotion on facebook next week. btw our tap water is chlorinated also right?
hi cheesecake,how are ur skin? does natzema moisturise enough or will it dry your skin further? right now i have very bad peely skin that i don't know if natzema too drying or due to steroif cream that overdries my skin?
Hi babak, natzema was ok for the beginning. But after a while, kinda itchy too. So i stop using for a while. The back of the heel is now abit scaly but I think its slighly improving. But the bottom of my feet and side are peeling quite badly, similar to yours. I suspect its over-drying too but I am not sure what is causing it now, as I stop using the steroid cream. The steroid are causing the water blister for my case. Every time I use it, the blisters will appear and become very huge. I still got one more wk to my skin centre appt. Wana see what they have to say.
cheesecake,pls share in this forum on each progress. i will too.
hope one day we found a solution to it that can help others as well.

i am trying g3 and emu omega n emu oil. now my left ear swell up n went to a&e . doc see some fluid inside my ear n will refer to ent surgeon. possibly ear eczema or reaction from emu omega. emu oil has also burn my feet skin char black although it sorts of stop itch. so i hv to stop g3 n emu now. that says,those who read this forum,pls don't try g3 n emu. the oral antibiotic n non steroid dicolfenac sodium given to reduce my eat swell seems to clear my entire body redness now.

from experiment,i think antibiotic n antiseptic is the remedy for water blister eczema. not bethamethasone ointment for weepy blister type. i hv been applying steroid daily since jan n no help at all.
Oh gosh, that sounds really bad! Thanks for sharing this. I almost tempted to try that emu oil at one point in time.

Yeah, so far the only workable solution I found to dry up the water blister is swimming. But it dries up only. The after solution to stop the itch has yet to be found. Yesterday, I tried physiogel cream on the heels area, works for once. But the second time doesnt work anymore.

Oh yes, I think I am going to try to ask a TCM to see if there are any solution. Keep u posted.

U tried too many things at one time and can't tell which one is bad for your condition. My view is, if u hav signed up Nuskin, just use one product brand at a time. I hav confident over g3 and lots of Nuskin products from personal experience. You must know how to use them in correct way. Say for example, g3 can actually applied on d affected area on top of drinking. Just take a cotton to pad g3 and let them air dry, pat again when u wash off. It's non-sugar anyway.

Marine omega of Phamarnex is very good to stop body inflammation because of its krill oil content. This krill oil is not found in Emul oil & of course emul oil can't improve your condition but rather now can't tell which one is wrong.

You just gotta try one natural product at one time, like we get bb to try solid food, one type for a week.

Steroid n antibiotics can only relieve for temporary but won't cure. I believe your skin is now very sensitive after severe long term eczema. My son's skin and my psoriasis already recover after months which I insisted just use Nuskin.
yes. i hv tried physiogel intensive doesn'y work. qv intensive also irritate my entire super dry n red body..make me scratch the whole night.

yaoyaomum, exactly what nuskin product n other moisturiser u used? for g3,do u drink 90ml twice a day for how many months or should you reduce its ml? i am given a bottle of r2 by my leader but meanwhile i btr stop all g3 , r2 n emu cos i let my skin detox naturally..except night time still dash natzema to stop itchy palm n fingers. continue antibiotic to reduce ear swell..
G3 90ml is just nice. Take tgt with Marine omega n R2 us all u need. Use g3 to apply skin oso, stop all other moisturizers or cream, they all contain chemical will only irritate your skin further. With this way, ur skin may get very itchy by 1 week's time but this is part of detox process. Must bear with it without any cream until the condition get improved. Suggest to start after your course of antibiotics. & stop all other brands' supplement, only take fresh food, no prawn or seafood. Good luck!
thanks,yaoyaomum. i will retry g3 after my appt with ent surgeon.

an acquiantance's friend whom i spoke to have as bad cond as mine for few years. she said she started seeing a doc who practise NAET technology treatment n her cond is improving. u all may like to check more on this method. whoever decides to treat via this non medicine method,pls do share with us. the doc who practise NAET in spore is Dr Diana Tan at Jurong. You can google about it.
cheesecake,if you are thinking og going tcm,perhaps u can think of giving these skin solutions made of herbs gotten from himalaya a try.

my child's tutor's nephew is using this solution made in spore with herbs imported from himalaya and the herbs practitioner concort it for sale. he also prescribed herbs oral with patients seeing him in his shop in evenings. that tutor's nephew seems to hv his eczema wound n pus n spots controlled.

I hv bought two sets of the skin solution called skin perfect and herbful skin treatment. u can buy from me the other sets unopened to try first as i bought at 20% disc happen to be my birthday on that day of purchase. now,am using for 2nd day although i still combine with my normal moisturisers. the shop actually prefer just on their product.

i hv also just wrote n obtained from HSA if the ingredients contain steroid..their reply is based on the products infor,there are no harmful poison nor steroid content.
u can visit website www.herbspeutic.com.sg for their product ingredients n then google to understand more on the ingredients if you want.

i bought this products after my child's tutor nephew feedback n the beautician at my RC here used it on her clients..her eczema clients also using these skin products
babak, thanks for sharing. I got a cream from my TCM, applying. can stop the itch now, so continue a while more to monitor first. Will check out the products u mentioned too.
cheesecake, today is my 2nd day use the wash and lotion on my skin..i noticed the congested red bumps that were raised wildly due to intense scratching seems to be flatten a bit..i think it is worth a try cos i have also checked with HSA on the ingredients safety (as in any steroid content, etc..luckily don't have according to their reply to me)..which TCM do you see? does the itch goes off completely whole day or will still recur especially at night or dawn time? do you still apply moisturiser in between the tcm's itch cream? what moisturiser brand are you using?

cheesecake and whoever wishes to buy this herbapeutic skin wash and lotion, please get it from me (cos the extra set that I buy was at 20% disc..thus worth to buy to try to see results)..
Good to hear that! The TCM is just downstairs my house, I brought my gal for tui-na, so ask her if any cure? She made a cream for me to use. So far can stop itch for a longer period. Occassionally will still itchy, but now its more bearable. I stop moisturizer altogether. I realize when my skin is dry (not flaky) kind, I dont feel the itch coming. Previously I was using the Physiogel (which is much better than QV I think) as it can be absorbed into skin. But now I stop everything else.

How much is the skin wash and lotion?
The skin wash is called Herbful Skin Treatment ($35 for 500ml can use for very long, cos you need a few drops to rub on each diff part of your body). The skin lotion is called Skin Perfect is 150ml ($100). You only need to apply on problem area, thus not much needed also

If you buy this two from me..you are just paying $135 x 80% x7%GST = $115.56 (I am not charging you any extra, just pay me what i had paid to herbapeutic only)..

My skin also a bit dry (not flaky) and not itchy since this morning shower till now.. For skin lotion, my 1st application - I applied entire body..now, i realised, just on problematic area can already. (and i have now decide to just apply once or twice..just don't want to overapply cos it will dry the skin before it rejuvenate back. the beautician and the sales consultant told me to bear with the dryness for a week as the herb medicine need to penetrate deep into 7layers of skin to treat and push bad skin cells up to surface. i am afraid of itchiness and dryness due to my habit of scratching, so i decide to just apply once a day for skin lotion..while for skin wash, i will apply during each shower before rinse)..

Please pm me to see when you can get someone to collect from me or which mrt convenient to both so i can get my mum to pass to you.
this offer to buy at above price is opened to all. should u think of jus wan the herb wash n if i hv enuf requedt from u for about 4btls,i will try to talk to the sales consultant to exchange my current unopened skin lotion to few btls of skiin wash.
then,each of u can buy a btl each of the herb wash from me to try. need not get skin perfect lotion if unsure at this moment. u can try the herbful skin treatment of $35 wash first.
sure..anyone else need herb wash? if yes,i try to get the herb lotion to be exchange for few herb wash.

cheesecake,how much is the tcm cream?
cheesecake,pls sms me at 97710200 when u want to get the herb wash? i hv a bottle on hand to sell to u at$35x80%x7%gst that's the price i got few days ago.
i notice herbapeutic brand of herful skin treatment bwash solution helps to flatten eczema n itchy skin bumps n reduce itch. herb skin perfect lotion helps to reduce swelling within minutes n will loosen flaky skin n heal skin wounds. skin perfect seems to able to intensely dry up blisters that are about to erupt. then i dash parachute brand pure ciconut oil n qv bath oil before rinse.

i can release my extra unopen herb wash or herb skin perfect to whoever want to try. i hope my existing bottle can help me clear my redness n flatten all itchybumps.
Hi all, Oliva Forte selling very expensive at retail pharmacies.
yOu can log into Oliva Forte facebook now to request free sample of 30 olive oil capsules. believed to be good for our problem. Free samples given out up to this december.

I have taken 4boxes at their promotional price last time..couldn' tell much as only 4boxes then..but my bad cholestrol indeed reduced a bit at that time of testing.
Hi, I'm back for some updates:

I want to share that I have been suffering a year-long of water blister eczema. I hope the attacks are clearing up.

Today, is my first day finally able to step out from my house to send my child to school and walk to nearby shopping centre with the help of a Compression Socks to support both my soles and heels to give me strength to walk long distance.

You can imagine how a handicapped learn to walk again..and thankfully, the compression socks give me the energy to lift my legs. I tried walking out on Jan 1st to shopping centre and that time, I have not bought compression socks yet. My legs were so tired that I keep stooping or leaning against walls to rest myself. Hope, the compression socks can help to circulate my blood and heal me fast.

I have been experimenting many types of products, herbs, moisturisers...Finally, able to deduce few are useful, if you willing to try..These are Theraneem Pure Neem Oil, Herbapeutic HimalayanNeem and Herbs (Herbwashand Faciherbs), Pure Olive Oil, Johnson Mineral Oil and other moisturisers (but not QV..),antibiotic cream (less steroid)

First, we need to clear our skin from red spots and blisters before we can put moisturisers,else it is really a big waste of effort, mental tiredness and pain, agony..

Btw, I still have excess stocks (cos I overstock them..) If you are game enough to try this alternative, you can buy from me at cost price (I am not charging extra) :-

I have brand new unopened Theraneem pure neem oil to sell at $26. I will keep a bottle and willing to sell the 2nd bottle

I have also an unopened brand new Herbapeutic Faciherbs contain himalayan neem and herbs. Selling at $35. I use herbwash for body and skin now.

The above two products are good to reduce inflammation and heal skin problem as well as clear red spots fast.

I am willing to share and sell to people who believes in neem and himalayan herbs.

These products has cleared my chronic eczema redness..so, ready to sell the excess stocks.

Now, I can finally use moisturiser without any allergic reaction or endless eczema attacks, after this super power of need and Himalayan herbs helped to reduce my swellness, red spots, etc.

In addition to above natural help via NEEM and Himalayan Herbs - I have finally give myself a chance to buy SUMMIT brand (SUMMIT ION Apparels and Compression Socks). I will invest on an ION Mattress too.

I have to wake up from going round and round the endless cycle of eczema attacks. I decided to invest on SUMMIT ION Apparels and SUMMIT ION Mattrress as I must get well to go back to workforce.

I can't be like an handicapped unable to walk due to the eczema blisters. I hope my investment this time is correct..

Lastly, I hope GOD will give me strength to stop me from tearing my healing and flaky skin (which is very, very hard for us to resist)
Let's all pray that this year of snake will eat wnd clear up all our eater blisters. Give us back our good health and clear skin

I have a few tubes of Physiogel AI cream to let at $28 each, expires in June 2013. PM me for details, thanks.
Hi all, i am back to share my journey.
Water blisters have all gone after i wear Summit knee-length compression socks and sleep on its-ve ion mattress as mentioned above..I am still at health regulating with these products but it is a great difference of improvements from my initial postings above.

As for body redness, i finally guess it is likely due to liver heatiness..that's how redness and dry eczema surface out.,.For this week, I started to drink Thailand young coconut and eat is white flesh for about 2x a week. I also found a seacucumber gel (known as Luxor brand Gel Gamat)...These remedies seems to have lessen my body redness to great extend.

If you think of drink young coconut to soothe skin inflammation,eczema...please drink it at the non-menstrual week.

This is the best moisturisers i have found. Not creamy,not sticky...thus our body pores can accept it well,without clogging up and agitate eczema. Gamat is seacucumber which chinese believes of its healing properties. Now, gamat has gone through research by a professor in malaysia university, and make it into gel to treat many ailments. I dare to buy as the product must have gained spore's recognition, otherwise will not be in spore markets for sale.

I also frequently buy many Luxor Gel Gamat gold tube for skin application and for whoever I meet along the journey that suffers from dry or wet type eczema..
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Dear all, i read this article written by some sufferer , today at Mind Your Body Pg 13 of July 10th 2014 paper..

I am very excited to share knowledge with any of you who read this thread ro understand more about the water blister eczema..this sufferer encounters the similar condition as me while mine was at greater extend ..could not walk back then..now, i am fully recover and back to work..

Whoever has this condition, don't despair..if i can recover i believe that person can too..perhaps need to follow the same methods i found cure for myself..no steroid intervention can help..


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hi i am new. i am 25 yrs old. never had dyshidrotic eczema until i was 21. think it was stress in uni and unhealthy diet? when it first flared up was quite bad. will wake up at night scratching my fingers. after that super big blisters would pop up. blur me went to poke all of them until they kinda rotted, dried up and cracked my skin horribly. hated taking a bath as my fingers would hurt like mad. after that my toes had a mild case of eczema as well, followed by super dry and itchy skin on my arms. applied some steroids and after a few mths my eczema on toes and arms recovered. but it has been 4 yrs and my finger eczema is still around.. plus its worse on my right hand AND im a right-hander :( i can no longer wash dishes, even folding clothes will make my fingers dry and cracked. sometimes its hard to grab things. no doc has even diagnosed me with dyshidrotic eczema, they just say its eczema. steroids doesnt rly help.. intensive moisturising does relieve some of the itch. essential oils treatment doesnt help as well. i am thinking the only possible 'treatment' is to wear gloves when bathing, washing or whenever doing wet work. doubt my eczema can ever be cured due to stressful work and lifestyle. :(
Hi Qi89, you can recover or eradicated most of these pesky water blisters eczema..please pm me if you want to buy the seacucumber gel that i am using..i hv bought extras for eczema sufferers especially similar kind that i hv had experienced before here..we can win over this battle easily than the dry eczema if we find the right remedy..i could not even hold a spoon to eat wash face nor walk back then..life was very miserable..
Hi babak, may I know what cucumber gel u are talking about? I am going to try rice bran powder compress!
Hello there... I suddenly ly have an outbreak of blisters. they are not red but just itchy and getting more. what should I do?
