TOA PAYOH mummies

Hi everyone, happy new year and a very belated blessed Christmas. Sorry I've disappeared for some time, have been so busy leading up to Christmas and the new year with friends getting married (4 down, 1 to go) - played for all of them so rehearsals to attend, nitty-gritty to sort out and of course the actual day to attend. And surprisingly, and I'm very glad to say, none of the wedding dates clashed! And the 5 couples don't even know each other! Haha!

So yup, lookng forward to the last one (at least for now). Each of the weddings were equally beautiful and they really reminded me of mine (YEARS back). And my daughter was one of the flowergirls for one couple. Sadly, I was seated at the piano so couldn't see her walking in.

Oh Precious, do you want some preserved ginger or plum? My friend went to HK and she bought some back for me (I think! Cos she said "I have things for you" and I did request for the ginger and plum).
Yes pls. Do sms me so that I can walk to your blk and collect from you. Thanks in advance.
Oh ya, I love to attend church weddings. Each time I attend, I cry... hehe!
juliana, has ur son started at cambridge? how's he coping? wat time do u send him over? maybe we'll bump into each other...
Hi Precious, my friend just gave me a few small packets of the ginger (in really handy snack-size packs). I can pass to you. Drop me an sms.
Hello mummies,

First time to this thread. My child is turning 2 year old in 3 months' time (March'07). I am currently searching for a convenient yet good playgroup for him...

TP mummies, any recommendation?

We are staying at Lorong 1 and prefers the playgroup to be within walking distance. I realised there is a limitation around Lorong 1 area.

If schoolbus is required for further distance, is it advisable or has anyone tried? He is only 2 year old by then.

Thanks in advance.
Hi, sorry MIA for quite a while. Been so busy with the kids and hubby. They are all at home over the last week and I'm damn so tired serving the 4 bosses!!

Precious, I stayed at Blk 60, near to the library. Do PM me if u need the ginger, I can help to get for you. Yes, Miin is right, its with the suger top.

Hi Miin, where can I get the leapfrog DVD?
janice, leapfrog dvd is not avail in sg.. u have to order via amazon.. if mummies koe how to copy from dvd, i can lend u mine...

but if a few of u mummies wanna get the dvd, u shld order together to share the shipping cost..

juliana, wat a surprise to meet u this morning.. haha.. ur hubby looks like a macho man.. :p
Hi! Workio, welcome to this thread. My gal is turning 2yrs old this March too hee! There r limited Playgrp ard TPY area, am currently sending my daughter to GUG @ UE Sq every Sat aftnn for a 1.5hrs enrichment class. There's one playgrp i noe of @ TPY Lor. 1 known as Deerland nt sure if u heard of it.
Halo mummies, I'm also new to this thread. Just shifted to toa payoh 2 mths ago. I m staying in Lor 7 & I hv a 25mth old boy. Hope to get to know more TP mummies & babies.
Hello mummies,

This is my first time to this thread. I'm staying opp Philips at Lor 1.

Workio, my son is attending one of the nursey class in Lor 1. He attended the playgroup, known as Early Discovery Program last year. So far, he's been very happy there and is asking to go to school even during the school holiday.

I’ve visited GUG and JG before and of course they are much better in term of facilities. As my mum still needs to look after baby girl, so it’s kinda inconvenient to ask her to send my son to GUG or JG. My mum stays near CHIJ, so it’s just a 5 minute walk to the school….
Mummies, anyone noe if there is any abalone gift set promotion at supermkt or petrol kiosk please let me noe am sourcing for gifts. Many thanks.
Hi Miin, I'm oso interestd in the leapfrog dvd. May I noe how much is it? If any other mummies wanna get it can count me in but I dunno how to order fr this amazon..
Jfoo, thanks will chk it out.

Am looking forward to my cruise wif hb and daughter on Royal Carribean this coming Friday! This is my 1st time travelling wif my little one. Mommies who has experience or advice pse share wif me.
rkjk, last time i bought each dvd is abt S$16-18+ after sharing the shipping cost.

It actually is a set of 5 dvds, either buy as a set or individually. Someone calculated it's cheaper to buy them individually.

LetterFactory - teaches the sound of each letter
TalkingWords Factory - teaches the pronounciation of the word when u combine the letters
TalkingWords Factory II (CodedWords) - teaches more complex sounds like silent 'e' and 'th' sounds
Learn to read storybook factory - teaches to read book
Maths Circus - teaches numbers

I only bought the 1st 3 dvds. In addition to the price, u have to pay packing cost per dvd and shipping cost (a lump sum) - u can share the shipping cost.

however, these dvds are for region 1(US/CA viewing).. for newer models of dvd players, u should have no prob... my player is at least 3-4 years old and can view..

if any mummies wanna arrange it, u can share.. or u can go to SMH spree forum.. sometimes they organise Leapfrog or Amazon spree.. then u can join in..
Dor, enjoy this weekend.. Royal Carribbean.. sounds very royal already.. haha.. i oni been on Star Aquarius a decade back.. haha.. and i was single then.. the ship is very stable so wont realli feel sea sick.. but weather can be chilly.. do wear something thicker for Chloe..

the other impression was the buffet.. we reali gorge ourselves.. haha

take more pics and show us.. ;) let me envy..
Hb & me went on Star Virgo when Chloe was still in my womb hee! I enjoy the buffet too! Haa! Haa! Really eat-my-heart-out mann. Besides tat r the live performances which r not bad either.
Dor, Royal Carribbean's pretty good, but the one I tried was departing from Europe...but their standard quite good la. So far no complains from my parents and their friends (who are so supportive of Royal Carribbean that they'd make it a point to go on board at least once, sometimes twice a year!)

By the way, I found this local seller that has the Leapfrog DVDs i stock (or at least had them in stock as of Dec last year) I've emailed her and now awaiting her reply. If mummies here want anything I can check for you. Individual discs are $18 (if I don't remember wrongly), then must add postage (unless you collect from seller at Sembawang).

i have ever posted here before before i actually moved in to tpy. now that i am officially in my tpy flat i would like to make a few friends here and find out more about the amenities that are available at tpy.

am staying at blk 79a tpy central and have a 10mth old boy with a second on the way.
oh and currently am a sahm looking after my boy.

need to ask you all if there are any good childcare around and what are the prices like?
jfoo, thanks for the feedback. Do u noe if the resturant serve porridge (is for my gal)? Coz is foregin cruise hence not sure if they do hv tat.

Elijah, welcome back and hope u enjoy your new home. So convenient for u to go central, mrt & bus terminal. Btw, how much did u bought it? I am FTWM putting up @ Lor. 2 Blk 121 have a 22mths old gal currently looking after by a nanny/babysitter. you may go to mcys website to locate the childcare centre nearby. Before choosing a gd childcare mk sure to find out their license peroid. Those wif 24mths license are preferable. I personally like to choose an airy environment for better ventilation.
Anyone know of maid agency that is good to recommend?
How is their charges like?

Thanks. The preserved plum ginger and seedless plum were so yummy! Btw, your girl resembles so much like you, almost 100%.

Enjoy and remember to take lots of pics to show us.
hi Dor

bought this place back in 2005 when they were still building it @ 407k. was scolded by everyone then that i was crazy to buy such an expensive place for a first home.... but now that HDB has raised the price to 650k.... hahah the same people are say that i made the right decision to have bought this place then..... :p
for the convenience i will totally agree.... hahahah there are so many food stalls that i dont need to cook at all..... cheap too
hmmm thanks for the pointers... i did not think of all that at all.... heheh coz this is my 1st time looking at child cares coz need to plan how to handle 2 that are so close in age when the baby comes.....
Precious, thanks i will. Hope ur MS is fading...

Elijah, yours is a 4rm or 5rm? Gd choice. My hub bout this current 5rm flat ard this price when they got enbloc @ Lor. 1. Do u noe after these few new blocks sprang out block my view whenever there's firewerk @ marina bay so sad ;S

Mummies, any fdback for Q-Dee @ Lor. 1 and Young Talent @ TPY West CC? OR any other good presch (N1) u heard of? Kapala sakit (Headache) searching for good pre-sch (N1) for my gal.

when are you due? are you with the jul'09 thread too? am there occasionally now that i am alone looking after my boy.....


mine is a 5rm.... i can understand.... mine to see the fireworks, i have got to walk to the corridor. oh that means that we stay near by.... walking distance..
hahah i can imagine the headache i will have in 2-3 yrs time.
another Q.... at what age did you all bring your babies to the public pool? have been thinking about bringing my boy but.... am worried that its too soon....
Hi Miin, thks for the info.

Hi jfoo, pls include me if the local seller has stock for the leapfrog letter factory.

there is one that i am using that is part time... its called Ateam Amahs.... there is a reg fee of 200(one time payment) and each time the cleaner comes its 50 for 4 hrs. cleaner comes once a week.
for full time maids i am also still sourcing as hubby is not too keen on the idea.... he finds that to have a stranger living with us a bit weird as he grew up with his mum as a housewife but no maids......
heheh for me i have been having a maid around till i got married.... life without a maid sucks.... hahah all the housework can drive a person to go crazy if there is no help.
Hi mummies

Anybody interested in the right brain class in Toa Payoh? Class will be starting next week but need 2 more children born in 2005 to start a everyday practice class. Pls PM or email me at [email protected] if you are keen.

Elijah's mummy
Yes, I am from Jul09' thread too. I hv been using pt maid all these while, but hb decides to hire a live in maid so that there is always someone in the house to help me if I need to. It is a good location to stay near to central, walking distance to MRT. I'm staying at Lor 5. My edd is 5 Aug. The earlier you bring him to swim, the fear is not with him yet.
hi workio,

the center name is Q-Dees, Early Discovery Program is the name of the playgroup; for children turning 3.

my son was in EDP last year, and he attend nursery class in the same center this year.
Q-Dees programme, I heard, pretty good. My friend sends her kids there, but Jurong branch. So still have to pend on the teachers at the Toa Payoh branch.

There's Kinderland at Safra which offers childcare. They have good programme too.

Rkjk, you only want the Letter Factory, is it?

If any other mummies want other Leapfrog titles I can enquire and order together from the seller. She has limited stock so got to hurry...
Elijah, i brout my gal to indoor swimming pool when she was about 1yr plus. U will notice whether your tods like water thru bath time. My gal loves to play in the tub hence she'll love the pool. However, for a start, do carry them in your arms when entering the pool so tat they will feel secure. Rem to apply sunblock for outdoor pool and wear warmer swimwear instd of those 2pc kind for younger tods.
cynt, your son attended Q-Dee TPY? I shortlist this center coz is near my plc. Spk to a tr i think Linda, she sounded quite patient and detail too when I call for enquiries.

Elijah, btw, mcys review these centre every yearly or 2 yrs. Those issued 2yrs license suppose to be more qualified compared to those with 1yr license.
ohhh.... thanks Dor1 ok will start the review when hubby is back coz we would like to view the places before we are able to put him in.
dor, yes my son is in Q-Dees. Linda is the supervisor there. Overall, I would say the teachers are all very patient and caring towards the children and they toilet train them very well.

My boy was still on diaper when he went to school last years. The teacher actually asked me not to put him on diaper so that they could toilet trained him. I also observed that most of the kids are toilet trained after the 1st term.

Also, my boy took a long time to get over his separation anxiety and would make a big fuss every morning after my mum left. The teacher would be very patient and try to calm him down. Now he is a very happy boy and looks forward to going to school everyday. Personally, I'm quite haapy with the school.
Hi jfoo, i'm keen in the leapfrog dvd .. can u include me as well ?

Hi precious, I just got my maid from Honesty in TPY town. She just arrived, so still monitoring her. The service is average. Anyway maid thing is depending on 'heng' or 'sui' one lah hehe ..
Where is Honesty? How much is the charges like?
I'm going to a few maid agencies this weekend.
Oh ya, I also heard getting a maid is like a gamble, but most important must look for a good maid agency

it's a 3 hrly session. EDP and Nursery classes are in the morning, from 8:30 - 11:30 am. K1 & K2 are in the afternoon, but I'm not too sure what's the timing like.
just like to share that my maid is from myanmar and so far i would say she's been a great help.

except that she's a bit slow in doing things, but she's very patient with my kids and took very good care of them.

i recommended another mummy in this forum to get a myanmar maid and her feedback is good too. i certainly do agree with what janice say, getting a maid is depending on "heng"/"suay"..
Hello mummies
Have been so long not posted here.

I've been visited twice. They use beads to learn some of the subject right?
Yah, the teacher looks friendly but the only thing is the place is a bit too dark for you think so?

Hahaha....bump to you twice.
Macho man ha,...=). I was late on that day and Damian hasn't use to it yet.
I start work at 830 so I must drop him latest by 8am otherwise I'm LATE. Too bad till now I can't meet teacher Nadya becos always send him early and pick him late 630 pm.
You pick Rasheed earlier than 630pm, don't you?
Better than me,...can send him latter and pick him earlier hehehe...

Damian can't take nap thus he look very tired when i pick him. But he loves the Kids Gym.He keep telling me it's very fun =)

What time you start and finish work ?

It's beter for you to get a maid so that you can rest and enjoy pregnancy better.
There will no ending talking about maid,....yes, the key is PRAY HARD,...hehe..
Are you going to take indonesian or filipino ?

How's Sha doing in the new school ? Does she enjoy it ?

elijah.. hi.. i rem a mummy staying at blk 79.. is it u or anothr mom?? hehe.. too many mummies here now so cant remember..

ntuc ccc is doing reno now.. it's above the ntuc with the open carpark.. my baby is at the infantcare there now.. it's much more better after the reno and the toys and facilities are so nice and new..
u can go n take a look.. a bit messy now still cos the reno has not completed. i'm paying $671.16 for infantcare after subsidy as i'm a working mum. i'm so tempted to play with the toys there too now.. haha

there's another ccc at west toa payoh cc. near blk 79 too.. it's called Young Talent.. the plc is kinda small and they are partitioned.. if u r looking for cosy..

the licence thingy Dor mentioned is like a guideline to parents. if ccc is given 12 mths licence, it means they have a lot to improvement on and mcys will review them again after 12 mths..

as for ntuc ccc, they have 24 mths licence.. even mcys commented their standard is good. if they have reno before my son found a ccc, i'll put him there.
too bad he's already in cambridge @novena.
