TOA PAYOH mummies

stylobb,ya lo..yesterday nite the smoke smell really vy bad lo!i definately on the aircon for my boy,but still can smell it le...
horrible weather!

sometimes no choice for our kid to take more medicine. my gal is like that too. if you were to go to another doc perhaps the med may be different or the dosage may be a little higher whc may be effective or an additional med to take to clear the phlegm. if you dun try you won't know. better try a good PD or GP than let your boy suffer for so long. to me, if the condition is not so bad then i let my gal take tcm whc takes longer time whereas if her condition seems serious than no time to lose but take western med whc works faster. btw, the med called fluimicil helps to loosen phlegm/mucous. it's in powder form that comes in sachets. i'm currently giving that to my gal. can be bought from guardian but have to get it from the pharmacist.
Hi newmummy, it worked after the third visit. that was y the PD told me it's due to haze so takes longer to recover.

Hi char, it's my son's 'first cough' so we have to go to the doc. he's 5months and i'm a frist time didnt buy medicine off the shelf. btw, regarding Q-dees, it's good to go and take a look at the environment yourself..don have to wait till openhouse..coz they will do a good job..haha..go on normal days to view the centre and the teachers. =)

Haze is terrible this few days..i'm so afraid i'm falling sick too..then i can BF my baby..
I'm still breastfeeding my baby too.
He just turns 7mths old.
He had his "1st cough & phlegm" 2 weeks ago, and I brought him to Faith Clinic at Lor 8.
After medication, he was recovered after 2 days, and I was advised not to give him any fruits during that couple of days.
Hey Char,Agnes,Thx for the adv again~!
Just realise that since yesterday till today,my boy didnt cough with phlegm liao...strange le...suddenly recover like tat?haha...
will monitor and see how then..properly will continue the med from tmc ba...coz not really like the med from western dr lo..
Hi Char,will try to get the med from guardian then,but it cant be mix with tmc med rite?hv to wait 4 hours then consume after the tmc med?can it be mix in the porridge to tk?
hi newmummy

at aglow, for the medication, it does take sometime to recover. For example Jan see PD, then let's say in April sick again with similar symptoms, Dr Ong will change the medication, so that the body knows is a different type of medication.

BTW, any one keen to join LNT on weekday, either Thursday or Friday 12-1pm time slot? There's no class and I'm hoping to get a class open.
Wondering if anyone is safra member here?
LNT has discount for safra member, I just need a photocopy back and front of the card that's all.
Anyone can help?
i found out about the fees liao and it's out of my budget so will forgo the open house or won't be bothered to go there and take a look.

i give fluimucil to my gal only when she's taking western med. i didn't give her that when she took her tcm last time becos i feel that her system needs to react to the tcm to take effect. somehow i personally dun feel it's good to mix western med with tcm without any professional advice even though most ppl say have to wait for few hrs in between. i'm very kiasi, hee hee.
Hi Char

sorry ah, you found out the fees from where?
Your gal studying where now?

Jfoo, thanks for your help! I've gotten a fren to scan to me. So if he still cant give me, then will pm u k! thanks!
Hi Ryes~!Thx for the adv.thk my boy got improvement after tk tcm med,shall continue ba..but it almost finish,don know shall i bring him to see tcm again and get med again?but wen ever i saw him tk the med,like vy xin ku!i vy heart pain!

HI Char,is true not to mix it i i shall finish the tcm med...:p
actually i saw a thread in smh but the posts were 2008 and it was $350/mth then. so i figured the fees would either be the same or slightly higher for next yr or even this yr. my gal is currently at PCF.

yeah, tcm is not nice to take so i added some honey when i fed my gal and it took A LOT of coaxing to get her to drink it plus a lollipop in btwn few spoonsful.
btw, i forgot to add that the fluimucil has to be mixed with a bit of water and drink. it's orange flavour.
oic...thx char~!shall go get it once he finish the tcm med...:p
But he seems not really couhg liao, but can hear phlegm sound,isit normal?or i shall let it be seems he not couhg already?
I jus came bk fm bkk trip for biz but manage to squeeze in time for shopping trip too. how cld i miss it rite especially bkk.
I spend $300+ in shopping jus for 2 days trip. aiyor cant imagine if i were to extend.
But i mus say i still feel is so much cheaper to shop and eat in bkk. after tis trip i dun even feel like shopping in Sin anymore.

i move her to p.m. session coz i gotta hard time coax her to sch in the morning while am rushing for work. she'll gimme all sorts of excues so frust at times.

wow tat's very sensible of Sha very good. piggy bank is a fresh idea too. bet u'll order prima for her again hee since u r a fans.
stylobb & sunny... thanx for the tips on KL. will leave the challenge to hubby to get us there! am going over the good friday long weekend, which hit their F1 also, so am expecting crowds everywhere. all hotels got surcharge somemore. but lucky my fren got lobang to get gd rates at berjaya, so will enjoy my "luxury hotel" for once. normal times i would nvr go to such ex hotels! but since its an unexpected trip, will juz take it easy lor. will leave maid & ger @ my mum's place so got more hands.

to all... there will be a mini carnival of sorts this sunday to mark my market's official opening (Blk 94/95 lor 3). there will be a colouring contest, and with $2, you can get coupons for discounts off food, free popcorn/candy floss/play games & lucky draw. all the MPs, including DPM wong will be coming, so do bring your children and come join lah. *psst* i heard not much participants for nursery group, so good chance to win a prize and make kiddo happy?? :p colouring contest will start at 8am, so do come early! tix will be sold on the spot, & the freebies & games will start at 9am. i will be helping out as well, so if you come, give me a tap ya?
Dear TPY Mummies,

I am thinking of organising a playdate session for my gal this coming week when I will be on leave.
It will be nice for her (and of course including myself) to meet up with you and your little darlings.

Will Wed morning - 930am be good?
We can probably meet at the playground behind Blk 79C and head for coffee after that!

Suggestions are welcome!

TP Mummies
I've got a photographer friend who's looking for a 10-12 month old baby and daddy for photoshoot for ad for antihistamine product. Preferably real dad and baby (boy or girl is fine)but if dad can't make it, I think they can find substitute man to carry baby. Will be paid but I'm not sure how much. If you are interested, please PM me for contact details.
Hi Mummies,
Pls adv if u gals know that for 1 year old only need inject for Chicken pox jap rite?Normally wer u gals bring kids to?Clinic Tang and Chan ok?i might go there as the jap cheaper than ck Tan le..:p
The jap must tk after my son 1 year old,pass few days ok rite?
Hi newmummy,

Yes, the chickenpox jab must be after 1 year old then take. It is injected under the skin and can be very painful.

It was horrible for my son when he took the chickenpox jab lor, was poked twice, coz he was so strong, he kept jerking.
BTW, mummies with boys, where do you get good quality good cartoon characters underpants ah?

Think thomas train, bob builder type. I only saw it at kiddy palace and not cheap wor. Anyone has kiddy palace card that i can borrow? Duno if it's worth buying the membership not.
JTS, my gal is still having blocked nose after taking med for 6days so i brought her to see the same GP (Dr teo) today and although he was on leave, the relief doc was very good. he checked on my gal thoroughly, changed the medication for my gal and explained to me how each of the new med will work. i think my gal and i were in there for more than 5mins. u can consider bringing your boy there as the relief doc will be there tomorrow. can't tell if the medication will work but i'm glad for once a doc is willing to try to do something like change med to help a child to get well.

wow! shopping in bkk! i like!

i have kiddy palace card. you may borrow it if you wish but next weekend only cos i'll be staying at my parents' plc this weekend.
Ryes, I bought my son's underwear (Mr Men and also Thomas) from Robinsons and M&S. Both really fine cotton so very comfy
Hi Ryes...huh!so hurt ah the jap!thk my boy will shout vy loud lo!called to Dr. Tang and Chan clinic,they don hv stock and need order tk 1 weeks plus..but by then my son already over 1 year pold fes days lial,is tat ok to tk jap also?can not drag too long to tk the jap is it?any adv?

Hey Char,u saying dr.teo is relief doc is which clinic one?btw,seems my boy already recover from his cough,but still got abit phlegm,but sound much more better le!thk u may try to bring ur gal see ma guang,as the doctor told me alot kid tk western med cant cure, but chnage to tcm med,it really help..y not u try it?
dr teo is the doc at dr teo clinic. the relief doc is dr ong. the clinic is located at blk 177 tpy central. i know that tcm works however my gal and i have a really hard time with tcm. my gal is reluctant to take the chinese med and i have a hard time feeding her and on days when i'm so tired and my fuse is short i ended up shouting at her. with eng med, it's much easier. she just on her 2nd day of taking the changed medication so will see how. thanx for suggesting.
good to hear the your boy's cough is getting better. phlegm more or less will still be there, think it'll take some time for the phlemg to clear.
Hi new mummy,

It is not necessary to take the chickenpox jab exactly 1 yr old. Can take anytime as long as after 1 year old.

Hope that clarifies. When they do the jab, they would have given u this piece of paper for the jab schedule, you can follow that.

I'm gg to CK Tan for MMR jab this Thursday, need any help to enquire?

Thanks everyone, so willing to lend me the KP. Jfoo, I forgot abt Robinsons! Maybe will drop by to take a look, but then is only 5% rebate, duno if there is 20% off during sale time.
hey char,understand the med really diff to tk!i also hv hard time feed him,i on the tv let him watch and at the same time feed him...morming time i lert nanny feed him,i also don know how hard the nanny feed him lo...thx for concern,my boy recover liao im so happy~!hope ur gal will recover soon as well...

Ryes,u going CKTan?can he;p ask how much the jap gfor chicken pox take?do they hv stock?
so on 1 yr old any other jap to tk?
Thx ya~!
hi mummies, anybody knows if jessin enrichment centre near Ang mo supermarket has any playgroup lesson for 18mths? And there is another school along the shophouses, what is the name of the school?

So this thurs can u help me ask is it ok to tk jap of chicken pox at 12mths? or as u said 14 mths?is it much more better tk at older age?
jfoo : thanks! yes that's the one i saw. do u happen to hv their number? or any mummies?

Dor : Thanks! shall check it out.
hi mummies,

wondering if any of u have clothes like tshirts or 3/4 pants that you no longer need? can spare me a few sets for my new helper? thanks ya.. pls pm me..
rlrenn, sorry I don't have the number...but I believe someone here sends her kid there...Ah, Janice right? Use to send your boys there?
KiddyP card - I didn't renew cos don't use it often. Only buy the mcool underwear for my boy. Most of the stuff that I need I can get frm Robinson's when on sale.

So shiok ah, go bkk. Hb's asking me if I wanna flw him if he goes there for biz trip. I need to hv my top and pants altered from the tailor there.

KL - Took hb 3.5hrs to drive in (w/o stopping) and 5hrs to drive out w/ stop for toilet and dinner.
Kids were ok, no problem. Slept on the way, esp the last day cos all shacked out.
But quite a tiring one for hb/I, cos gotta watch them. Hb looked after them while I went shopping!

They went to the pool and played at the indoor playgrd at 1 Utama.

Have a nice break with ur hb.

Berjaya - you can easily walk to Sungei Wang and Bukit Bintang, Lot 10 and further up will be Pavilion. I saw Debenhams is re-opening again, they used to be at Berjaya but closed shop leh, their things are not cheap but they got v nice kids stuff the last time.
I usu stock up on working shoes/strappies when I go KL.

The fluimicil sounds effective. Boy has not swum for 2 weeks liao but that day at the hotel pool, he cud not tahan, grabbed his goggles and plunged right in. He had ear infection prior and was not supposd to swim. I quickly applied his ear drops after that.
rlrenn, Liz teacher's HP :98583446. I think can call abt 12 plus in between her lessons...
A few mummies recommended her. she is gd.
Hi all mummies, finally back again after spending soooooo loooong to unpack the stuff at the new place. 2 more weeks before due, so tiring. Yes, Liz is good with the children. She has plans to do kindergarten program from next year onwards.
kin, tks for the contact number.

rlcl, yes i called them and their playgroup is at lor 2.
and they only accept 2yo. tks
I have 4 sachets of EnfaSchool to give away.
Anyone keen?
Expiry 22 June 2010

Meant for 6 yrs old and above
hi i have a pack of mamy poko pants Value large open with 36 pcs out of 38 left. daughter no more using diapers so selling off cheap at $8. NTUC now selling $10.50 online
Let me know if you are interested.
stylobb, u mean if i feed at 9, i shld wake bb up at 11pm for last feed so she wake up in morning??

my girl been in IFC for a week liao, really must close 1 eye, cos other pple take care will never be same as how i take care.
Are you still living in tpy??

Liz is good with kids. My boy who only attended her holiday programme, will, w/o fail, ask to go every Dec... he rembrs all the things that she taught..

Frankly, I can't rembr....hehehe... if you feed at 9 and do not wake her up and she can sleep till am, then it's success...hehe

You sent her to infant care?? Are you back to work?

Jabs - FYI my kids all took the Pneumococcal and Chix pox jabs. PD is recommending the H1N1 but I'm not v keen...

Eunice, the last time I ordered catering was from Kriston, quite good, reasonably priced.

Tried Java Link at a friend's wedding last year, also quite good. Not sure about pricing though.
