Support group - Miscarriages

dear gals, it's been 14 days since i lost my baby at week 8. if it were still alive, it would be 10 weeks old already. i am still on mc but would go back to work nx monday. after the miscarriage happened, i really thought i cannot go back to work anymore and my world has crumbled. i have been so proud of my work achievements even though i have a highly stressful job. but now, nothing matters anymore and i even dread of going back to cope with the amount of work stress and having to answer questions like why were you on 2 weeks mc? sigh...

Hi dear Curl,
your story sounds so much like mine..the bulging of the membrane, dilating and the emergency cerclage. It reels me back to 5months ago when i got admitted to hospital. Full of fear and cold. I was 22.5weeks. Emergency cerclage put in but the very next day in bad pain already. Water bag burst the very next day when Dr removed the cerclage ( as i was crying in pain.). But my boy didn't come out till another 2.5weeks later. At 25weeks, i thought i got good chance, who know..couldn't escape the tragedy. Curl, i guess pple like u and me are fated to go thru more hardship to have a strong ok? We need time to recover emotionally.It took me 2 months before i could face it. I realise too that it is very important to eat alot of tonic during confinement to build back your body.

Curl, wrt the pain in my right ovary, my gynae said the same thing that it is ovulating or trying to ovulate. My pain persisted for 2 months until i sought tcm. The capsuled powder helps alot. After 1 dose, the pain went away and my menses also more normal in volume. Now i am still taking to shape my womb back to pre-pregnancy state. I ttc last month but failed so have decided to defer my B-plan till i reinstate my reproductive system.

It has been two months for you? Hope you are feeling better now.. at least physically.
when i went back to work.. most of my colleagues who knew would not asked me anything. i will tell them straight"don't ask, i don't wish to ans" :p sigh~ i'm oso thinking how will i be if i'm still having my bb with me..

Thanks Linda, for ur advice. will definitely try when go on holidays. ;)
Hi Sylvia

Thanks for sharing. Wow, it must be really torturing for you. For me, my waterbag didnt burst at all, so I actually delivered the bag with the baby inside. For me, my stitch actually tore open and my contractions started again, which caused me to be in labour. Actually, 25 weeks also v premature. Even if you have successfully 'saved' him at birth, you may still make the same decision as me. The odds against the baby are just too high & as parents, you just dun want him/her to suffer.

Which TCM do you see? What do you mean by shaping your womb back to pre pregnancy state? Did your gynae scan you and check if your womb had returned to 'normal'?

It has been only abt 7 weeks for me since 20 Sep, I have ups and downs and just very upset that I may never have my own children. I keep thinking that that everyone can go on to have healthy children except me lor. I dunno if its depression coming in or I get too affected by the Waterloo Temple lot.

How would you determine if you 'reproductive system' has been reinstated before you start again? Some pple tell me dun rely on TCM as they cant 'see' your organs and ask me to listed to gynae.
hi Cynder, mine's going to a be week tomorrow. our little angels are probably playing together looking at us from above..

don't worry about how others might think.. I'm already tired of friends asking me are you ok? why have u not been coming to school for the past week blah blah blah.

I had already told one "don't ask.. i don't want to tell you.. haha" she said if i don't tell her she will anyhow think. my first response "then anyhow think lor.." I'm already in the i-don't-care-what-you-think mode for next week back at school.

Don't worry.. you are not alone. I also dread going back and studying for exams which are 3weeks away.. the back-to-work-blues.
Hi Curl, everytime i also console myself this way..or else my heart really aches. I am seeing Chen Mei E at Thomson rd, near united square ( next to novena square). She gives me blood circulation capsules which really work well. At least i dun feel ovary discomfort and my last menses was more normal in terms of volume. She also gave herbs to cook to balance hormones, to regulate the reproductive that i can ovulate regularly and if really get pregnant will have enough progesterone to support the pregnancy. Tell you honestly, i went waterloo and got a bad lot too. I ignore and still think positively. If we managed to conceive before, we can conceive again. Next time we just have to the necessary procedure early to bring baby to full term.

When i said back to pre pregnancy state, i simply meant back to normal lah..

I guess, when our menses are regular, no pain here or there, emotionally strong enuf..we can ttc again. Gynaes will tell you as soon as you have your first cylce you can tell. But i waited 4 months and tried last cycle but failed. I guess my body is still not fully recovered. My first 2 conceptions were one-time attempts.

Thanks so much for sharing! Today I just went back to my TCM to 'check'. Have been seeing him every week since confinement ended to 'tiao' body. Today he told me I can try again next round, meaning after my 3rd cycle in Nov. But this few days, unlike when it initially happened, I seem to have lost confidence. Maybe thats part of healing. Initially, I just kept telling myself I want to try again asap.

Logically, I think like you, if can conceive before, why not again? But somehow also afraid fate is 'playing' with us lor. I am glad I found you as a support. Nobody will understand what we went thru except ourselves.

One cycle is too 'short' to determined. For me, when I say try 'again', I need to go on drugs & injections to stimulate ovulation, so more to do. I am not afraid of those injections, just scared another dissapointment.

I take DOM to help blood circulation and also my TCM 'herbs' to warm womb and help lining. Seems like ovary pain lesser when I started mensing abt 3 days ago. Flow is normal for me. Since I am on 'maternity', I also make those simple herbs chicken soup weekly to help 'build' health. I read your posting and tot you had a good confinement, for me, I had no appetite and while I try to follow confinement rules, I cant eat most of the time. I lost weight in fact during confinement. I only managed to drink all the 'bu' soup lor.

Actually, the thought of going back work with all the questions seem quite xian for me. I am sure you had your share.

Keep me posted of your good news. It will def be a form of motivation for me.
erm i am wondering what questions should i ask the doctor when i go back to meet him for the first time after my op? my mind is in a blank now.. anyone can advice?
Dear Gina, early miscariage normally means that the embryo is not well form, chromosomally. It is the nature's way of taking care of it. I went thru a 7 weeks m/c and i was sad only for a day. After that my life was back to normal cos i understood this logic. Hope it helps in your healing. Since you had your D/C done just a while ago, i think when you go back to your Gynae, you may wish to ask how long you must wait to be pregnt again. My concern here is the cervix. As D/c forces open our cervix during the procedure, some unlucky ones may develope incompetent ccervix. Myself had a d/c for my first m/c. 2nd loss was due to incomptent cervix. I am still unsure if the D/C contributed to this outcome.. Just ask, no harm.
Gina, i wish you a speedy recovery too.

Curl, dunno whether i shld be envious of your weight loss. My confinement made me put on alot of weight ah! Maybe also due to hormonal imbalance..i gained a total of 4kgs after the delivery. Imagine putting on weight but no baby. Your try will mean another round of IVF that i understand and you must have faith i guess. I think what you are doin now helps alot in strengthening your womb in "accepting" the fertilised egg more readily. I am sure it works this way. Continue and sure will succeed. My religion teaches me that everyone has a different path to the same destination. If mine is longer, or has more obstacles, then i just have to resign to it. We will reach our goal.
Hi Sylvia

Thanks for encouragement. No need to be envious, I am on the bigger side to start with, so already a bit big, so cant afford to be 'bigger'. Actually I am not on IVF at all. For me, I have PCOS, so I need pills and injections to help me ovulate, thereafter its natural. Try means I have to start those medicine to help ovulation again on Day 2-5 of cycle. Dr will help me monitor if there was ovulation and timed the intercourse.

At times, i tell myself to push on, at times, I seem to be scared. I also contemplated if I shld visit this q famous person to see my 'life' if its not fated for me to have children. Will you do that? May I know what religion you are?

I read all your previous postings and think you have become much stronger emotionally each day since May. Are you still going to try actively? YOu shld have a good chance after resting for so long and having a 'good'm confinement?

Lets jia you!
Dear Curl, i am a buddhist. You are right. I got stronger and stronger each day and time is all we need for recovery. No other things help. My 1st 2 months were tough. Imagine i went back to work after 1 month rest and saw a stemcord exhibition outside my work place?? btw, i work at Suntec HSBC. Luckily it was only for 3 days. I ran to the toilet and cried my hearts out on the 1st day. Then worst still 2 frens of mine got pregnant..sigh..i didn't know how to react man.

Oh, sorry for for mistaken, so you don't need IVF but need clomid for ovulation. In fact, now my cycle becomes 36days and Gynae recommended me to take clomid too. But i turned down and said i want to monitor a couple of cycles more first. Then i think for you to get pregnant is not that hard afterall! I think things look positive for you still.

As for the part whether we shld have our fate read, i do not encourage lah.. well very subjective. I will not do that cos i am scared it will alter our fate. My religion teaches me that we can change our ill fate if we are sincere and faithful.

Don't lose hope ok, i still feel positive. I feel the positiveness in your case as well.

What is your religion Curl?
Hi Sylvia

Yes, I guess its still v fresh in me, so the pain is stronger as well as the fear. You went back to work 1 mth later? Dont you have maternity leave? Oh, I cant imagine how you felt, esp with so many questions from colleagues too!

No worries, in short, I do have fertility problem cos of my once a yr menses. For a start, I know I can never be like 'normal' woman. So even I try naturally no news, I wasnt disheartened cos I know I need medicine/ operation type. BUt I guess I never expect to be able to carry a baby and yet lose it. I guess its more painful for me not getting pregnant (cos I am mentally prepared).

I heard cycles get messy after pregnancy, esp for those with good cycles and supposedly better for PCOS woman like us. But I dont know if its true for me. Actually taking clomid helps u a lot, so maybe you can consider that and low dosages are fine.

What a small world! I work in Millenia Tower, Citibank but I am not a frontline person, I am in support function. Yes, that is my worry abt reading fate, I scared if they say something no good, you lose all the hope lor and spirit to fight on (which is the normal me when things dont go right).

I am also more buddhist and go to waterloo q often to pray for general health and happiness in family. I never ask for wealth as I believe one needs to work hard for such things and not pray for toto. However, I have never really studied buddhism, so may not understand all the teachings behind. Mine is like mummy pray to guan yin niang niang from young and I just followed. Thats why my hubby say drawing lot is not a buddhism practice at all and its more taoism.

May I know who is your gynae? I am seeing LC Foong from gleaneagles who also does IVF. All the while, I think i got difficulty so I saw an gynae with IVF specialisation in case I need to progress to that stage. As he handles q a no of cases of multiple pregnancies (due to IVF babies), I guess he did q a bit of cerclage. I was 8 cm dilated with waterbag bulging but he managed to push the membranes back without breaking it and neither did I get any infection. For me, its becos the stitch cldnt hold the cervix (as it was so dilated already) and causes more contraction, putting me in labour.

Lets keep in touch and hopefully we will be blessed with good news.
Curl, do you have a personal email i can write to you at? Maternity leave? Don't have leh..i read the MOM website and only above 28weeks qualify for maternity leave. Quite sad isn't it..You mean your company gives it to you? Too good.
Hi Sylvia

Yes, lets communicate via personal email. You can write to me at [email protected]. I check it almost every day.

Really? 28 weeks? Thats too much! My gynae say I qualify for maternity as its a delivery and baby was alive at birth, I also need to register him for birth cert and of course sadly death cert. Although 23 weeks, resuscination was success and he was doing well in NICU. I am on 3 mths until Jan 2007.

Looking forward to hear from you.
Hi Gals,

I've lost my BB! Happen yesterday AM, just wake up at 6am and my whole undie was wet. Went KKH 24hrs, water bag NOT burst, my bb jus no more heartbeat. Now still not sure wat is tat fluid tat flow out. Me & hubby was devastated why tis happen to like heaven give me hope yet just crush it suddenly..trying to pull thru now...nvr expect tis to happen as tis was my 12th week and coming to end of 1st trimester... NOw really just cant get to sleep..really miss the little fellow...wat happen??? I need to pick up all pieces now... FYI, I conceived thru ICSI and tis was my first attempt...I am really lost now.
Hi Nanz,

Don't be despair - time will heal u..We all can understand what you are going through now and we know it is hard for you to accept.
You have our support here.


The night for me eas terrible. Just wake up abt every 2hrs, and the 1st image on my mind was: i lost the baby!. I'm really feeling miserable now...pls advice me, how can i stop thinking. Now begginging to have phobia...shld i try for another one. Will the scenerio be the same? I really miss my baby even though she was with me for 3 mths only.
Hi Nanz

I am really sorry to hear what happened. Since its already 12 weeks, can you ask your doctor to do a 'test' or examination on what happened?

I understand how you feel, esp you have gone thru the ICSI path.. must be really tough... sign... Come in to the thread for support when you need. We sometimes really dun understand why these things happen.
Hi Nanz,

Would rather u cry and be upset now then stop yrself from thinking - in fact, there is no way to stop thinking when it was so recently. And it doesnt matter how long the baby have been with you....

The most impt thing now is to take good care of yourself - believe some ladies here would asked you to do a mini confinement to "bu" back your body. Also, like all others here, we tend to seek an answer to why all these talk to your gynae and find out more.

Be strong - there are many successful stories here to share and u will come to realise that actually a m/c had unfortunately become a common things nowadays.

Believe there will be more testing and visting the gynae for the next few weeks and it will keep reminding u what had happened...Do take care

Curl and Sylvia,
I can understand how u gals feel to hv a mid term stillborn or m/c
cos I lost my bb gal last yr on my wedding annivesay , 7th Dec at 26 weeks due to cord accident
I intend to write her a poem as a remembrance as last yr frm dec till Feb 06(suppose my EDD) too emotional to write or do anything
as I keep all my scans and reports aside in cupboard
only recently take out to see...but deep inside my heart, I miss her very much...

I work in MOM so that time I only took 1 mth of medical/hospitalization leave
I find no point taking maternity leave for 3 mths
cos at hm, u will fee lonely n upset, will hv hu si luan xiang...
so after my 1 mth confinement, decide to work
the moment I went back office, my collegues and bosses are very understanding n didint ask me alot of quest
then somemore one colleague came n talk to me, she had a stillborn at 20 weeks for her bb gal
but later bless wif 3 bubbly boys, I was shocked to hear that cos I seen her pregnant 3 times n her boys, didint expect she had a stillborn before
so we shared n I feel hopeful after hearing her story

so gals jiayou n time will heal the wounds

I feeling much much better n hope next yr will hv good news to share
take ur time to grief but nt too long, move forward , hv a good confinementand hv a healhty lifestyle

recenlty just still waiting for God to bless me hope and future
Hi Happyger

I have pm you. YOu are right, actually at hme q xian, but wanted to let myself rest cos my work stress is also horrible, so I scared I get into depression if I get back to work too fast.

Wow, you waited a year before ttc? Yah, I know thw griefing process is horrible. You must be v young. For me, dun think can afford to wait so long.
Hi gals,

Can u girls advice wat D&C stand for? I really not sure wat they did to me except they ask me if i wan to 'wash it off' i went for the day surgery yesterday with sedation.

Awy, i have read the above threads, does it meant that i can still try my luck to conceive naturally tis mth straight after my m/c?

Anyway, i called up KK jus now and was told i can start the next round cycle of IVF is if i wan after my next normal AF.

I know i maybe rushing, but i was thinking since mine is conceive thru IVF, so is better to have the embryos thawed ASAP as i still have 11 frozen one with KK. Perhaps is just like food, the longer u keep the less fresh it will be.
Hi marcmummy1,

Are u with KKH oso? I was there yesterday for the same reason.
. Mine was 12 weeks then. U take care too...but dun give up. Jiayou!!
when i had my m/c, gynae suggested a D&C. He said if to wait for a natural abortion, it can be quite "messy", etc. Also, I think D&C also helps to prevent infection.

D&C is a very fast process. Recovery period for me took only a few days. In fact, I went back to work after couple of days rest.

My mum prepared some soup for me, i drank a few times. I don't know if that was called mini confinement. She got those herbs from a medical hall, she just told them I had miscarriage, and they prepared those herbs.

About columbarium, I am not too sure. I had a m/c at around 7 weeks, I don't think they keep the foetus for you. On the other hand, I think some temple, etc, performs rites for unborn babies.

I read your story and really empathise with you. Its like why some ppl can have kids so early and some ppl have to go through so much just to have one baby. I know how it feels with the roller coaster emotions, TTC, preg complications and loss of baby. After my twice stillbirths at 35 weeks, I also lost hope of having a child and even thought of adoption. My gynae also said the same thing that its not like I have problem conceiving. Lucky I still decided to get preg again if not I won't be holding my wonderful 10 month old son with me now. So pls don't give up, the road may be long, but you will get there eventually. The gals here are great! I'm sure you will get much support and listening ear from here.

Last week while patting my son to sleep, I suddenly thought of my other 2 boys in heaven (coz my son when sleeping looks like his brothers), felt very sad and even cried a little.

Nice to see an old fren here. So you trying again?

Yes, i did the D&C yesterday and was discharged abt 730pm. Can opt to stay in, but i chose to go home. Price wise me not too sure leh, cos all settle by hb. But shld be less than 2k and with medisave, maybe pay a few hundreds depending on each class ward u chose. Oni for subsidise patient dun ve to pay cash first. I was given 20 days MC.

Is hard to come to term...thought i am ok, but still crying leh..cant get overyet....
Keep trying dont give up!
I'm also trying.. sure will have a
smooth pregnancy.

Nanz.. time heals.
Me also still thinking of my bb. take care!

Hi sylvia,
How are you already?
Hi Ah-kat/ Curl,

Sorry need to ask sensitive qns. Cos me now planning to try again for baby, do u all know when it will be safe for me to have normal sex after D/C. Oso, when will i expect my next AF after DC?
Dear Nanz & marcmummy1,

So sorry to hear about your losses and understand the kind of roller coaster mood that you are having now. Agreed with the rest that time is the best medicine now. Do take time to take your close one and open up your feeling with them too.

Take care
Hi all, just went to visit my gynae after a week plus of rest after my d&c. He mentioned again about no sex for a month, try to avoid seafood.


I was in the same situation as you, but i didnt know about the natural abortion until i read about it later. I was immediately admitted into KKH that day and had a anasthetic down from the spine instead as the doc advised that GA have some stuffs that might make me have an asthma attack. Basically i was awake but giddy, couldnt feel a thing down from my spine onwards. I was discharged the next day and was given antibiotics for a week together with a week's MC.

according to my future MIL, i am suppose to rest for 40days? My bf and his landlord cooked tonics, brought chicken essance for me to drink. Was told not to lift heavy stuffs and rest more.


Take care, it's ok to think about our babies.. i still cry or go into a daze. it would be good if you have family support.. my gynae says crying helps but don't bottle up too much. and no sex for a month after d&c, probably to avoid infection? think it's better to rest more to let our body system to heal, to prepare for the next baby.

So ladies do take care, it takes time to heal. I am still going thru the grieve.. do not be discouraged though.. i believe we still have chances of concieving again
Hi Shine/ Gina,

Feeling much better today as already accepted the facts tat baby has gone to heaven. My will is strong...will sure move on and hope to conceive soon. Yes...let's all be brave together..for sure our day to motherhood will come very soon.

By the way, my medical report stated as evaluation of uterus. Is it the same as D&C?

Gina, how come they only gave u 1 week MC, i was given 3 weeks leh. My baby was 12 weeks then.
Hi Nanz,

my medical report also stated evacuation of uterus and missed abortion. I think it's the same..

oh my gynae offered a month's mc.. but somehow another doctor gave me a week's mc.

i'm still schooling and having exams in a couple of weeks time.. missing a week's lesson was enough :\

was told by my gynae yesterday that he can give me more mc.. but i guess its no longer applicable since my lessons have ended this week.

Baby angels watching us from above... that's what i told my bf casually the other day and what he told me when i cried again the day before. sigh..

So u guys have intended to keep the baby and get married lor....perhaps tis thing will pull u two closer. Yar..dun dwell on it anymore. Move on...U must eat tonic oso ok, gotta 'bu' ur body back.
hi marcmummy1 and nanz,

after d&c the doc will give u hospitalisation mc of 1 week up to a month. depending on ur condition. i initially got 2 weeks mc after the d&c but when i went back for follow up, i was detected with anemia so was given another week.

ur food intake is v v impt during this period. pls take more red meats and get ur iron supplement. also good to drink chix essence with danggui or chongcao during this period.

i am going back to work nx monday. hope it will be a close to this chapter of my life. have been very sick, then miscarriage, then hospitalisation mc.

Hi Cynder,

How long ur bleeding last after D&C?

For me the bleed was on & in the 1st days there was bleeding..then 2nd and 3rd day some light brown stainin oni, 4th and 5th day light bleeding again....

Now only worry is tat after m/c and fwl by D&C...will it cause difficulties in conceiving again.
Hi Nanz,

Sorry to reply so late..mine was a natuaral so I dont know much about D&C but apart from the physical readiness, I tink we should take a step back and see if emotionally we can managed to have another bb so soon??

Take time to recover -- both physical & emotion before we move on.

I know it's hard because like you, i started ttc after one cycle (which is now) but believe I had failed this cycle as I have this feeling tt menses is disappointing and stress up...

hey gals
I went to TCM talk organise by mediacorp n YuRenShen

the sinseh mentioned for mini confinement for m/c before 12 weeks
take warm milk n add ginger slice
help in blood circulation n remove wind/toxins

hope it helps
Hi All

I just had a miscarriage on the 10Nov06 and is a day before my hubby birthday. I felt massive contraction in the middle of the night and when i decided to go to A&E, my water bag bursted at my door step. I was 17weeks then and my gynae explained to me that the is no more water inside so is hard for bb to survive even there is still heart beat. I have to go thru normal delivery to push put the bb. My hubby dint want me to see our bb after the delivery as he know i wont be able to take it after that. The hospital did took picture of the bb and my husband will only show it to me wheni am more stable overtime.

I am vey evry sad as i wanted a bb so much as i had a miscarriage before in april this year. Dunno why izzit happen to me as i tot it will be more stable during 2 trimister. My gynae advise me to come into the support group and chit chat so i can recover beta. I am sorry as i know some of you gals also had the mishap of your bb... I try not to cry in front of my hubby and my family but deep inside i am controlling very hard.
Thanks Nanz, marcmummy1..

will definitely try again.. it did bring us closer.. meanwhile, he is still my biggest support. oh and i think my staining stopped at 2nd week.. gynae say it can be up to 3-4weeks..

Thanks happyger for sharing ^^ will try it out..

Hi Angela,

Sorry about your loss, but it's ok to cry in front of your family and especially your hubby. Try not to control too hard yar? i find that it's better to release all those emotions.. and at the same time give one another support. you are not alone.. hugs
Hi Angela,

I can totally under ur feelings now..afterall all of us here been thru the same 'path'...Like U i oso try not to cry infront of my hubby & been nearly a week and me & hubby have accepted the fact but still greiving over the loss...Right now definitely we will have alot of 'why' in our mind...but watever is it..just think baby oledy gone to heaven and so try not to dwell on it...have to move on...for the sake of ur hubby and those who love u...please do not give up..u are still young still can try again...Let's move on together.

Angela, I try to send u a PM but unable to. U may like to activate it...Or if u wan can MSN me. My address is [email protected]. I'll be glad to listen to u when u need somebody to tok to...cos utimately those who have not gone thru tis will not be able to understand us and is hard to tok and convey in them. Take care.

Try to relax and keep a happy mind..tat what they told me...if too stress oso hard to try to put the past behind and stay happy. Keep on trying..for sure we can be preggie soon.


Thanks for the info!
Hi Gina & Nanz

Thanks for your support as i reali need someone to talk to. I guess we all felt the same. Honestly the pain is unbearable, i reali cant accept the fact the bb is still breathing when i deliver him but is gone within seconds. *sob sob* Honestly i am scare to try again after 2 miscarriage ths year..

nanz, i have add u on my msn oredi. thks for yr support.
Hi Angela,

We will exchange number via MSN. I have oledy added u in. Or u may like to PM me your HP number and i will call u? U may just left click on my nickname and send me the private message. As i will be in my brother place doing mini confinement thus may not assess MSN in the day time. Otherwise, i will log in abt 8pm to 9pm tml.
Hi happyger,
read that you attended the TCM talk.
think, one of the topic was abt how TCM can help in conceiving rite? can you kindly share with us?

did they talk abt IVF with TCM?

hey gals no prob

hope helps all sisters here

so sad to hear ur 2nd lost

did u go any TCM to tiao after ur 1st m/c that time?
if nt, better go for one gd repuatable TCM after ur this 2nd m/c
women's health need to built up propearly for future
take care and share ur hearts out
mean time grief but do move on, hv to pray n hope for a better future

Angela, n Nanz..u gals just recent gt m/c
so really must hv a gd proper confinement,
to prepare for a future healthy pregnancy

the only thing abt IVF they mentioned was
must hv a good uterus lining,sort of 'fertile soil'
so that even IVF emboray can implant well n feed well by gd 'fertile' soil

basically they emphasie on 5 organs, qi n blood circulation
herbs will be prescribe on individual body condition
eat healthy n exercise, sleep early n dun get stress easily
Hi Angela,
we know what you are going thru now..totally.It feels absolutely crushed and hopeless. When my water bag burst at 22.5weeks, i chose to wait and see. I stayed in hospital and lasted till 25weeks..thinking there was hope, the resuscitation failed. Same as you, my baby passed on 10min after he was born.

Sigh..what could be sadder to lose a baby whom we have started to bond and love right? Cry please. It is part of healing. But i do understand that it is hard to just express ourselves fully in front of people. If it is difficult for you, why not be alone for a period of time till you are better.

It happened to me in May, and i got on with life only in Aug. On one hand i want to think less of it, on the other hand i dun want to forget my baby.
So it is good that you have the photos and look at them some time later.

Now, dun grieve till fall sick. Now you physically weak so must take good care.
