Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

Hi Reverie,
Thanks for hope
I just had my lap after 1+yr of ttc..dr found cyst & endo and was lucky that he could clear it for me.. now menses just came so will be TTC again..hopefully i can be just as lucky as you.To be honest, after ttc for so long i am quite discouraged already, the feeling is terrible whenever menses come. Hopefully i can be lucky this year and strike soon.

Hi There

I am an endo patient, had my treatment (Gnrh jap) completed last Aug 05. But my mens didnt came till i see dr Fong who give me some clomid . After two months of clomid and U/S scanning, doc told me that I have no egg growth . Anyone have the same experience with me ? I was told to try IVF but i am not very keen as I had a miscarriage last yr due to endon. I want to try to conceive naturally. Has anyone have the same problem as me but was able to conceive naturally ?
Hi Yuki and AAbaby

We took 1 year to conceive. Although it may not be that long in the opinion of many people but during this period... all kinds of scary thoughts can creep into the mind. (Don't really wanna spell out clearly)

For those of you with the same thoughts, just wanna say that try to look at the bright side (though i know it can be easier said than done), your gift may be waiting for you somewhere in the near future. Plus, we do have quite a few problems but managed to do it. So can you!
Hi Jol_Vin,
I went through almost the same thing as you. Laparoscopy for fibroid and endo. Doc told me tubes bad. I tried naturally, could not. Finally, IVF, pregnant.
How are your tubes? Good luck.
Hi Jol_vin,
I had endo and fibroids. I had the fibroids removed. I opted out of the GnRH japs. If you got pregnant last year, I am sure you will be able to get pregnant naturally again
Dun give up
I am now 24 weeks pregnant naturally, no clomid
So far so good, no complications and problems. The most important is to take good care of your health. Good luck!
Hi Ladies

Its always very happy and cheerful to hear of success stories after endo and fibroids removal. Wish all ladies have the same success stories to tell and share.

This may be my last posting here. Sad to say, luck is not on my side. Second visit to this 4th gynae is no good..

Wish all of you here good luck and may those ttc be 2006 or 2007 MTBs..
Jia You ladies..
Hi Bearyhip

Hmmm... wat did yr gynae said? Are u giving up already? I hope not... Do take care ya...

Hi Reverie

Ya... especially, when my gynae told me one of my tubes abit blocked... so kept having crazy ideas... so, trying my best to keep cool... so as not to be disappointed too much...

Hi Christine

How much does IVF cost? I was told by my gynae that if I dun conceive naturally within one yr... may need to try IVF / IUI... she dun suggest I wait... coz of my conditions...
Hi all, I very scared that my cysts/fibroids come back to find me again!!! Had very bad menses cramp again this mth. Sigh........ I just had lapro to remove my cysts last Sep leh.
Hi Beary,

I am sorry to hear that but please don't give up. You have our support here. Hope you'll be strong and brace yourself to 'fight' on.

Hi Giggler,

Have u seen your dr? I must say I'm fortunately coz since my lap in Aug last year, except for the first cycle, my period has been pain-free since. Maybe u should see your dr soon.

Hi Yuki,

I also had blocked tubes which dr cleared for me in my lap. I always have this fear that it may become blocked again before i conceive. I guess I just need to stop worrying about it..
Hi yuki and marble, I had blocked tubes which the gynae clear during op for endo and fibroid. I conceived both times on my first try. So do not worry so much about past condition. Look forward once you have already treated it. Worrying would cause changes in our hormones and that's bad to our system.
Hi Ladies
Thanks for your words of encouragments and support. Will be seeing gynae again on 31st March. If the med that I am taking don't work, then I need to go for op...
Hi Coral,

Sorry i don't quite get what you mean. U mean you had 2 ops and conceived 1st try after each op? Or you had 1 op after which you conceived 2x? If it's the formal, does it mean tubes can become blocked again??

I'm currently TTC'g after my miscarriage last Dec.
Hi, did u all experience a pain in the womb when u are hving yr mensus? This happened after my fibroid op.
Hi Christine/Lyn

Thanks for the encouragement. I hope so too. Not sure if its the cause of the injection that cause no egg growth in my ovary. Hopefully its temporary..

Christine, I would rather try to conceive naturally becos there is not guarantee for IVF to be successful and I understand its a painful process. (mentally and physically)

Congratulations Lyn, Wish I have the same luck as you.
Hi Jol_Vin

Hopefully u can conceive naturally, i oso will try to conceive naturally after my endo cysts recover, finally waited for my 3rd AF liao and will be going for scanning next week liao, i was hoping everything will be fine for me
Hi Beary,

I just had my fiborids removed by Dr. Beh yesterday. He is a good gyane and the ops went smoothly.

Hi Jol_vin,
Hope you all the best!
Hi brownie

Nice to hear from you again. Happy to know that the ops went smoothly. You went for lap? Must rest well and bu your body. How many days mc did he gave you? Take Care...
Hi beary,

yes I went for lap. He gave me 5 weeks of MC. will rest well and cannot carry heavy for the time being cannot carry my baby...
Hi Brownie
Yes, you must rest well. not only dun carry baby, try to avoid doing housework for the moment. not even sweeping of floor, tats wat the nurse told me before my discharge frm hospital. Take Care..
Hi Beary

Not sure whether you are a believer. Sometimes when there is no hope, people will turn to religion faith to find that ray of light.

Hi All
I'm currently in my 15 weeks of pregnancy. So far so good. No morning sickness at all hee hee :p Didn't know the feeling of not having menses for the last 3 months was so shiok ! ha ha :D

Just to give a word of encouragement to everyone, I also did my lap last october 2005 and I managed to get preggy in december 2005 ! It's a miracle and I can't thank the one above enough.

Baby is a gift ... and do treasure when you have the chance

Good luck all endo gals
Hi Riushiki,

Wow...that is fast...last oct u had your lap and dec 2005 u r gyane advise me to wait for at least 6 months...
Hi Qwer
Very fast hor hee :p

I can't wait .... either lucrin or have a baby immediately .... So i choose to try for a baby within a one month period :p

My gynae told me it's okie to try after one cycle of menses after surgery leh :x

So far so good ... no pain or anything from surgery. Must thank God :p
Hi Riushiki

Wow..15wks nice to hear from you... When will you be able to know bb gender? Thanks for the encouragement... Like what my gynae said, Conception is a gift from GOD... So should GOD decide to change his plan for me and take back the Gift, I will just accept it... I am very positive about it...

This site certainly gave me a lot of info and encouragement when I decided to go for lap last wed. I have 2 cysts, endo and lots of adhesion. Doc is not suggesting that I go on the zoladex jab monthly since i can't TTC immediately. May I know is it effective to go on the jab for only 3 months? Read that its best to go on a 6 month jab... Can I try after I'm off the jab 3 months later? Thanks gals...
just finished my jab (6mths) after endo...
waiting for my menses to regulate and come
wonder if TCM can help? anyone has same condition..can share.. my gynae nxt appt is jul for another scan..
Hi Riushiki,
Wow... you are in second trimester already
. Gonna know the gender soon
. Time really flies... and before you know it, you will be carrying baby in your hand.

I also had lapro in July 05, and conceived in Sept 05

Now, I am waiting to see how my laparotomy wound and lapro wound grow in the pregnancy to decide if I will need ceasearean birth... Fingers crossed... At least there's hope that I can go for natural birth. Let you gals know the outcome...

So far so good... My gynae is pretty certain that my fibroids will come again during the pregnancy. Fingers crossed
Fibroids are far far away from me... I dun believe him... hahaha...

Hi beary,
How are you? I haven't got time to catch up with you lately... I am sure you are in good hands of your gynae

Hi Tub,
What did your gynae recommend? I opted out of the jabs
When I read about Zoladex, it scares me cos it's administered on the tummy one...
Talking about TCM, I am wondering which organ will the TCM sinseh treat for endo or cysts problems.

Do you still see your TCM? Can ask if there's specific organ that they treat?
Hi Lyn,
Congrats! You'll be a mummy soon!

My gynae recommends that I take the Zoladex so as to let the womb rest and for the blood to dry up. He suggests that I TTC only after the jab. Currently going for a 3 months monthly jab. I bought the Zoladex from KKH so its cheaper. :p My gynae is very nice. He doesn't mind that I buy the stuff from elsewhere and administer the jab for me.

And as for the pain, its totally painless cos he gave me a local anesthesia :D
Not too sure about which organ the TCM treats... but I went to see xiarong. she's quite professional but expensive leh...
hi all,

I'm so disappointed and sad. Had my lap that removed two cyst and endo in mid Feb and menses came after the lap. HB and i were so "hardworking" in Mar, menses supposed to come on 24 but still haven't come..i thot it was good news but just tested this morning was negative
anyone has menses irregular after the lap? I am very stressed up with all the TTC, cried this morning after seeing "not pregnant"... never felt so low in morale...
Hi Tub,
Thank you

Last time my gynae also adviced me to go for the jabs... But I am scared of pain and since there's no guarantee plus the jabs are expensive, so I opted out
I think TCM is not cheap too if you do the calculations on the total cost.
Hi AAbaby,
Try to relax during TTC
. Try not to put expectations too high... It can get very stressful and stress is not good for TTC. Menses might take a few cycles to stabilise after lap for some people. Hugs...
Remember: For TTC, not only the female plays a part. Dun forget about the health of your other half
Hi AABaby

Dun be so disappointed.. u juz had yr lap done... I did mine in Nov and was trying since then... but till now no news also... the 1st time I tested negative, I was very upset & depressed too... but after thinking thr' think TTC can be a more difficult process for some... so juz have to bear with it in the mean time.

After lap, normally take 1-2 cycle for yr lap to be regular again, I think.. for mi, my 1st cycle was 25-26 days... after 2 mths back to normal of 28-32 days... I'm currently taking Clomid, so cycle shortened to 28 days...

Dun give up hope... juz keep trying... As lyn said... dun put too high expectations... "the higher your expectations, the bigger the fall" Take it easy...
yeah AABaby, agree with lyn and yuki. Don't be sad. We'll give you moral support ok? Look at it positively, at least "the way" is now cleared. Its a matter of time ok?
Why not try to do other things like yoga, brisk walking, do minor renovation for your house like painting or plan for a holiday? Do something else and take your mind off TTC and bingo! you may just be preggie when you least expect it. Lots of baby dust for you!!! And don't cry ok? Just remember you are not alone.
Hi All,

I have lapro on 16 March to remove fibroid and polyps, and since then have been asked to go back to the gynae twice since then. One time to remove stitch and review what he did to me during lapro. yday asked me to go again, this time again to see if the wound is recovering and pass me the photo of the fibroids and polyps. I waited an hour plus and just to see him for less then 10 mins. He asked me to go back again in 2 weeks for a scan. is this normal that you have to go back for so many times after surgery??

Kinda of tired keep gng back, not to mention the cost per visit and the time spent waiting. sighhh
hi inu,

I did the lap on 15 March, one day b4 U

But my op was to remove 2 cysts at my ovaries and endo.
So not sure if the followup will be the same.

So far, I went to see my gynae only twice. I didn't have to remove the stitch cos he said that it would desolve by itself. When I went to see him, it was to check my wounds, review what he did during the op and to pass me the photos. During that meeting, he also explained and asked if I wanted to go for the jab. Could have done it there and then but HB and I decided to think through it for a few days.

Last week, I went to see gynae for a second time for my jab. He didn't charge me at all for the jab. (I bought the zoladex myself from KKH). So the next time i see him will be a month later for my 2nd jab. He didn't mention anything about a scan so I'm not sure about that.

That's all. Not sure why your doc asked u to see him so many times. You may want to clarify with him and let him know the inconveniences involved. Or ask him the specific followups he intend to do with you so you wouldn't be at his beck and call.
thanks tub. he did not ask me to take jab. what is the jab for.

we suspected because he keep wanting my hubby to do a SA. but we rejected him..say we will try on our own after i recover from my surgery 1 mth later. I do not want my hubby to be affected by any result. this time i went, he again for the sample.
Hi inu,
I saw my gynae once 3 days after lap to clean the wound by nurse and see gynae briefly. Then one week later for lap report and scan. Then after that is one month later for scan to make sure my womb shrunk back. Since I was TTC and my fibroids will come back, I see my gynae every 3 months after that. I was not charged for the 2 follow-ups after surgery.
If you are not comfortable that your hubby go for SA test, then try a few more cycles before considering.
I was charged everytime i visit him..and the surgery already cost 10K. if this go on...i am very come u gals dun get charged..
Hi inu,

Maybe you can ask around the frequency of seeing gynae after lapro and consider the frequency you will wanna see your gynae...

Just to double check, is yours laparotomy or laproscopy? My laparotomy cost me almost 10k and hospitalised for 3 nights. But my laproscopy about 6k which is a day surgery. Did you have a big ceasearean cut or 3 holes?
hmm... your lapro charges is on the high side... I thought mine was very expensive already as compared to some others... I also had it in GlenE.
hey lyn,
is scan necessary for laproscopy?
my doc didn't mention anything about a scan.

it may be more expensive becos the operation is done at glen e...
my op cost me about 7k b4 medisave. i had the op at mt alvernia. a scan nec after the ops? i thought it more for a safe side..

Also Glen E is the gynae fee is ex is done by C.Chen ..I was told he is more ex then the usual gynae
