SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

Hi Magical, I'm also new to this thread. Welcome!

CL - I got the pink umbrella thickers I think, you want?

Jennis - HAHAHA.. OK I got it.. thanks

Another LO: Lil Miss Sophie Sunshine.. TFL!


A&A, don't know if YSS reduced the birthday discount but they have a lot of new arrivals and 25% discount is good enough for me :) Please PM me if you are opening an April spree. Thanks a million !!
Don't know why I got this feeling that I may be asking for may kit again?! But... with my recent bulk spree, I shall control. And let's see how long I can do that. :p
tinkertote: Not sure if we can gather enough to qualify for free shipping. You wanna PM me your orders first? We can decide to go ahead only if the free shipping status is achieved.
babyrainbowz: Aileen has a birthday discount that gives 25%. But it expires end of apr. You wanna combine?? Am trying to chio enough orders to get the free international.
A&A, for this month is it ??

I shall take a look!
I do have May birthday discount also but need to take in order to get free shipping also.
muahahahaha, if you want the kit, just let me and/or ming know... then I can let my friend know that there's someone who is keen.
I'm now slowly using my Dec'2008 kit... playing catch up now with my kits!!
A&A, yeah lor so weird.. just after i post the question to u, i received ur email saying u're babygirl.. *roflol* great minds thinks alike =))
Hi All,

I may be making a trip to Australia. Since I am a newcomer to this, may I know what I can buy from there which I may not find in Singapore or may be cheaper there than here ?
KaiserCraft is Australian brand. I like their stamp sets. Take a look :

So we send you orders to consolidate for YSS 25% ya ? We have few more days before end April !! If you are babygirl, I should have your email right ?
Hi Encounter!

I was in Perth in December last year and I got mainly their local products rather than what we can normally get in Singapore. I got some laser-cut chipboards from TwiddleyBitz...there's this brand called PaperInklings where I got their rub-ons...they have papers from this brand called Benn There Done That which features the wordings or the places of interest around in Australia...but I got more Western Australia/Perth related papers coz I was vacationing there. Adn I got quite a few pieces of Kaiser Craft papers too. Hope this helps!
Nice LO for MR6. You have improved a lot! Good!

hmm, i rememeber ordering some lace cardstock like the one used by Babyrainbow.. probably in another batch of YSS.. are the stuff here?
autum: i also order the same lace cardstock from yss *roflol* nice hor?

babyrainbow, cute layout! what did you use for the frame of the big photo? it looks so nice..
wait a minute.. is it MR#6 or #7 now? abit confusing!

cos there was sale mah.. so i think many people ordered the lace cardstock.
Autum thanks!

Mamachan, my hb always say the more money u put in an LO it will be nicer! LOL..

erna, is the transparent frame from my mind eye.

not sure why this time round the glue tape is kinda obvious under the frame..
autum, erna: the yss (2nd parcel) is not here yet.. :p i wait til neck very long and sng liao...

autum: u were looking for me? what abt?

michL: you can post your yss orders here.

mamachan: nice LO..
how are the prices like when you buy in perth? i mean, is it comparable to online prices from sing or lss prices?

bbrainbow: nice LO..
do u think the tape glue is obvious due to the dark background of the photo? i have the same problem, so end up have to use some other bellies to hide the tape, and also to secure it.. you can try that too..
It's not really cheap eh.... but since it's like some novelty items and can't get them in I didn't mind paying for it...also AUD is weaker when I purchased the items... I was quite blessed that the shop owner was so nice to give me a 10% off my purchases.
A&A, yes the tape is obvious! But i can't take the frame out now. scared it might damage the photos.
The last time round the photos background are lighter and it is not so obvious.
nothing much la.. wanted to ask u if u want to go for a class at Laines.. and also wanted to chit-chat about the SB event that i went.. it was on last Sat.. just chit chat nia.. then i thought don't spam up this thread. haha..
ladies.. so happy! i m scrapping! heh heh.. doing something now. about 80% complete.

today on leave.. haha..take leave to scrap. jialat hor. :p will post pic later when done.
Those asked about YSS b'day, I havent recd anything but do know about the 20% up to 11 May or so.

A&A....I may tag along for your 25% off.

Dorcas....for MR, can we do milestone for anyone or must be our own kid?
Gd for you Autum. Didn't get to speak to you last Sat cos so busy...I still have not finished the mini albums & swatches from Sat's event!
ha ha talking about scrapping. I have not been doing it since my last lesson at Laines.

Autumn and Kaimom
how was the creative event ? Ha ha me going to kay poh at my colleague work station. She too went for the event and brought her art piece to show me today.
hi hi.. just wondering.. most of u attend classes at laines or mwl? which one u prefer? so far i only attend 1 class at mwl.. :"> found it very good :D
Erna: Thanks.. Er... Where can I begin? I used a combination.. The whale chipboard sticker is K&Co; the 2 flowers and the pink animal (dunno what it's called) is DCWV, the journalling card and photo corner is OA; the base green card is SEI; etc..
Hope I didn't miss anthing..

Autum: Oh.. What are the techniques taught at the event? And did they give away a lot freebies?

Annissa: Will wait for you..
