SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

Hi Jer
Paints to use would be ACRYLIC paints. The SB manufacturer Making Memories usually produces very beautiful coloured acrylic paints. If you're looking at inks, look for the brand Tsukineko - VersaFine, VersaMagic or Brilliance (they are all various types of inks).

Hope the above helps.

Hi Jer, you can try this link

I always join Juz Jewels spree. The link I provide is her spree 5 but she's on spree 7 now. All waiting for goods to arrive. You can pm her and let her know your interest so that she can informed you if she do open up any new spree.

For stamps, so far I always get clear stamps. And I use pigment ink pad as advised by all the helpful ladies here. So far so good! Not sure if we can use paint for the stamps though. But I bought arcylic paint to use on my layout.
mamachan: hey, thanks for your reply and enlightenment.
yah, agree with you, the glue and papers and those elements in touch with the photos are most impt.
actually i bought some felt from daiso, wanting to cut them out on my own. these have no self-adhesive and i thot they shd be ok.. else, i'll go return them liao..
JTS a LO I did recently.


I love this pic of how my boy snuggle up to me. All materials used are mainly Making Memories Vintage Hip products.
Another "fun" LO I did of my boy. =)

{Say Chesse}


I've used 11 pattern papers on this one!! *Stress* It's for a USE-Your-Stash-Challenge. LOL. But good lah, helps me to get my papers used up! But still so much leftover!!!
hehehehe, I used..... Hole Puncher!!!!

I randomly just punched along the sides, making sure than it get punched somehow, not all evenly, so some parts look more "awful" than the rest but I still like the effect!

It's quite cool to still be able to use our everyday tools. =P
Mamachan, for say cheese, you made holes using eyelets on the left right? where did u get the string to string through the holes from?
very brilliant idea the hole puncher!
mamachan, the lace u used in cherish, it looks terribly similar to something i got from daiso! did u get it there too?
how did u make the red flower at the end on the right side?
Make Baby
Eh, you meant to say I used eyelets on the right side of the LO for Say Cheese, where the strings thread through? I used parcel string.

As for Cherish LO, I didn't get the materials from Daiso. It's from Making Memories Vintage Hip Trims (Ribbons). I have some ribbons which I got from Daiso before.
Make Baby
I got the parcel string from Art Friend (one small tub)'s a whole lot. You want some? PM me your address, I'll send some over to you. =)

Thanks for your kind comments =) Some of the ladies here has got really interesting and nice LOs too!
Parcel string oso available in Daiso.

ha ha i have been just looking on. Now too busy with my baking hobby, forgot to scrap liao
Share two more recent LOs I did in the past 1.5 weeks as well.

{Himpossible} - a simple layout which I did for a Cover Challenge.

{Walk On} - this is for a sketch site called Pink Sketches.
Make Baby
I forgot to answer your question for making the red flower earlier on. Hmmmm, I used leftover ribbons and make a ribbon rose. I googled for a "How to Make a Ribbon Rose" and found some video demos on YouTube. Very easy, just need to practice a few times to get the desired effect. =) Go and try!
Hi Make Baby,

Are you still selling the following item:

Making Memories Foam Stamp Flowers 26 pieces in total, have used only 4 pieces - $15
Mamachan: very creative!
Hey, u take part in a lot of challenges? That's a very good way to scrap!
Hope I can be liddat some day.. I'm dreaming only..

Jer: Sorry, that's sold already.. There was another enquiry before yours and the mum has transferred the money over this afternoon.. Left only the flower border clear stamp. If you're keen on that, I'll let it go cheap for you.
Yup, I try my best to try out those monthly challenges...gets me scrapping more and use up my stash and my photos get SB! heh heh. I think it's good lah, then you can see youself do at least 6-8 LOs a month. =) I know of some pple doing 4-5 LOs a week!
oh love your layouts... so nice!! I like the tree... does it come like tat or u did the cutting??

yours too!!! my lazy mood is here again... not been scraping for a few days!!!
Thanks! The curly tree is by Riff Raff Designs. It's "laser cut" chipboard. =)

Make Baby
You can use either craft glue (dries clear) or those special tape glue used on vellum/transparency
Hi Yvonne
Welcome to this SMH scrapbook thread! Hmmmm, I guess the 1st question would be: would you see yourself scrapping on a long term or you are just keen to do up your child's 1st year album or consolidate a bulk of your photos in the most convenient way ever?

If you want to get started and have a feel of what scrapbooking is like, you could always attend a basic class. Or get those ready-to-go scrapbook albums with pre-cut papers and instructions to follow to get a feel of it. There was some ongoing BP recently but not too sure if they are still ongoing for such albums.
hi all, I have the following items for sale. need to clear some space. interested parties, pls pm or email me [email protected]

QK Squeeze Set ($100)
- QK Squeeze + Cradle
- Blossom Mini Unicase Alphabet Set (15 dies) (2X2-BLOSSOM-C)
- 9 shape dies
- 1 flower goosebumpz Embossing Die

- QK Revolution with dies ($150)
- Revolution dies Rev-0008
- Revolution dies Rev-0025
- Revolution dies Rev-0009

- Thank you Theme Kit (THEMEKIT-01) $35
- Flower Theme Kit (QKDS-10) $30
- Speech Bubble (RS-0543) $9
- Belt loop (RS-0310) $9
- Photo corner (RS-0136) $9
- Flower (RS-0349) $9
- Paper clip (RS-0612) $9
- Button tab (RS-0672) $9
- Fasteners (RS-0625) $9
- Olivia numbers (SkinniMini Numbers) (TS-0606) $18

If you want to see the pictures, click the below link and key in the code.
Mamachan: You've become my SB consultant! Hope you do't mind..
kekekek.. I have another question.. What pens do you use for journaling? Got special pens to use?
Make Baby
I use archival safe pens of course! LOL! Look out for those that says "PIGMENT INK". I love, love ZIG Opaque writers. THey are the best for doodling and journalling. But 1st time users might get a little frustrated if they don't know how to control the ink flow, but once you get the hang of it, it works very well. Another brand is the Uniball Signo pens.

You just started SB recently? Been to any classes yet?
I am worse than you no output at all.

Me just thinking of sms you about collection for your kits ah. Still with me.

I think I must go back and complete something
Cool LO you got there from last night! Wow! You painstakingly cut out the netted green bits eh?

I'm still waiting to see your LOs!! Am sure you have lots of photos to scrap by now!!
Hi ladies,

I am thinking of stopping my subscription for Scarlet Lime coz simply no time to use them (my 3 kits are still intact and on my desk "bai sui").
Anyone interested to take over? Ming is the coordinator for this. Please let me know or pm me ok?? Thanks for helping.
Dorcas, Like your LO alot. And read a fair bit of your blog. hehehe...

Vivian, actually, i have not touched those kits too! All on my desk as well. But I decide to keep it cause I'm stopping all my shopping on scrapbooking supplies (I hope I can). :p
Hi 5, me too reading her blog and seeing her bump ha ha. Talking to Dorcas so long , have not met her in person.

I need a day without doing anything and go for a scrapbook retreat. ha ha.

Just completed a session with my 25 colleagues. Ha ha company cut cost yet have to provide recreation for staff so did a sb session with them.
WOW... u all ar.. all 'stopped' scrapping ar.

i also stopped shopping for SB stuffs. But still sometimes itchy finger will go take one or two items to buy =X

yup.. using the craft knife to cut all the green part out to use as a cage/net for the deer. haiz. nearly vomit blood. that piece was suppose to be bigger, but heng ar.. i sliced it into smaller piece or else u see me whole day doing the part.
LOL. I can totally understand! I did something similar last year!! Very "painful" and time-consuming but it's worth the hard work!!

Like the rest, have been checking in on your blog and seeing your girl and your bump growing. LOL!
*faint* u all don like that la... see my bump. scary la. my weight is getting higher and higer. the smile on my hb's face is getting wider and wider. don know why he is so excited about my weight gain. And its alot of weight gain. *faint*

who else got blog ar. link here and share.. i am now editing my blog. so i can add u guys into as well. lol.
sophia just gave me a new idea.

Anyone of u will be interested to join challenge from this thread?? Say maybe a themed challenge or something like those challenge sites out there.

I don mind organising if got people interested.

ha ha Dorcas
you do, maybe can push me to do something since I long long time no scrap.

Only did half way on a simple clock for my gal and stop liao ha ha
