Queries on jamu massages

Hi, generally I m not comfortable with massages. May I know what "actions" are involved in the process of these massages?
How long did you (if you did) take to go back to pre- pregnancy weight?
Also, when is the ideal period to begin jamu massages?
Will these massages and its herbs in anyway affect breast feeding?

for me it helps me to gain back my weight as during pregnant i gain 30 kg & after 1 week maasgae but wth strict diet & strict binder i managed to gain back my 55 kg naturally...
so it up to individuals ya
i started jamu 7 days after natural birth for 5-7 sessions

they will wrap your tummy in a binder and it is highly recommended to keep it on as long as possible >7hrs... so if u can tahan then better for you to lose your tummy

and yes also brestfeed/ express bm... went back to pre-pragnancy weight +3-4kg since this is my 2nd bb already!
approx 55kg

must take care cos each bb has a stubborn 2-3kg weight gain so if u hv more children then more stubborn wt to lose!
Actually, I m not that concerned about the weight gained. I just do not wish to have a saggy or too bulging a tummy area. Visualizing myself with a saggy tummy in a tight fitting blouse/ swimwear.... Yikes!!!! Haha...
Sinming, think having only 3-4kg weight gained aft 5-7 sessions is great already. *Envious*. I should really explore taking up Jamu massages...
