PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

hey caitlyn: sure! i'd be most happy if you want to rub him the whole day!

haha then my hubby and i can go jalan jalan....

Siew Lei: happy wedding anniversary!!!
it WILL be nice to have baby born on the same day hor?

cody - "rub him e whole day" sounds kinda wrong! hahaha.. but i dun mind being a babysitter if u need a day off.. haha
LOL you funny woman!!!
hahahhaaha i didn't think of it that way!
kids to me, aiyah they're all so cute!!!
its such a blessing to have them around, they can really liven up any house!

wow, thanks for the offer!
babysitting my monkey isn't difficult actually, but the ONe and Only obstacle is that he's got stranger anxiety!
hi caitlyn,
I'm back in school liao.. but then again, my school closed le... heheh.. cos of the As and all so now I'm back at home with my little darling. hehheehehe..

good to know that you are doing fine. I hope the ms is not too bad.

stranger anxiety.. hmm.. does that mean he will kuai kuai sit there cos he dunno who the babysitter is? doesn't that make it easier to babysit him..? kekeke..
no way! means dean will CLING onto me like a koala bear, and bury his face deep in my chest!

so nice to be home with your darling. i always envy SAHMs!
Hi All, thanks for all the kind advises, explanation and support given! Appreciate all that dearly, really, cos where else ... can i get help really? So thanks!

And thanks Siew lei for the TCM info. And wish you a smooth delivery too! So exciting, can see princess liao!

I am due to see gynae again if AF report this round, do LH/FSH and Prolactin blood test then HSG before take clomid ... waa ... expensive wor.

Hoping AF dun come then can save all that $$. BTW, mummies, do you remember in your early pregnancy days, like DPO5 onwards, do you gers get lots of creamy CM that is abit yellow or lime? I get that today leh, hmm ...
Hi Gals,
I'm still here, look like my baby girl still don't want to come out. I'm still working till today and will be taking the maternity leave start from tomorrow. Don't know when she want to see this world hmmm...

Hi Cody,
Thanks! Look like my baby girl not joining our wedding anniversary celebration.

Hi Maple babies,
All the best to you and your turn will come soon
I remember when I first join this forum, I feel rather depress and lot of the gals here always tell me my turn will come soon and it really did. Don't worry okay good luck
Hi Siew Lei,

Take care and eagerly waiting for your good news.

Hi to all,

Wishing you tonnes of luck in TTCing!

Hope my turn will come too!

siew lei: dun despair, the day is still young! who knows, maybe your princess will arrive at 11.59pm?

Tweetie: yeah! good luck to us all who are trying!
siew lei,
yeah.. i remember when i had Kieran, I was still posting messages on this forum on the very morning itself, wondering when he was going to pop!!!! LOL
hi Siew Lei,

I just popped in to see if you have popped...hee hee...have a happy aniversary! hee hee...maybe ur gal very considerate, want u to go and celebrate first before coming out! will try to pop in daily to see if u have popped ...heee

ruggles...u so good...pupils not here oredi...i still have to go there and entertain them. ;)
agree... leave it to fate. if it's meant to be it's meant to be. i believe conception is easier for you since you've already conceived once. fyi - my SIL had her 2nd baby 8 mths after first delivery. baby dust to you.

siew lei,
i can feel your excitement. enjoy your time now before little princess arrives as your hands will be full by then. my neighbour jus had their little gal and it's a joy watching them babysit the infant. you're almost there....
Hi Gals,
I'm still here, heee..my baby gals still don't want to pop...my husband and I are getting more and more excited to see her...
Siew Lei, it's worth the wait
Wishing u a smooth and fast and safe delivery! Report back with your birth story hor..
Hi Catz,
Sure no problem. All my colleague also waiting for me to send MMS of my baby's girl photo heeee...

Next Monday will be seeing my gynae again hopefully he will say okay can deliver liao. I really hope don't need induce, if by next friday still don't want to come out then really have to induce liao
Praying hard now.
Hi Catz,
Sure no problem. All my colleague also waiting for me to send MMS of my baby's girl photo heeee...

Next Monday will be seeing my gynae again hopefully he will say okay can deliver liao. I really hope don't need induce, if by next friday still don't want to come out then really have to induce liao
Praying hard now.
hye siew lei
you're still here...hehe. if u are delivering next week, this weekend will be your last weekend for couplehood, enjoy
Hi Gals,
Already pass 39wk, baby still enjoy herself inside. My husband kept asking when girl girl want to come out. I'm getting very breathless and have difficulty in sleeping, stomach very big liao.

My MIL just called to check whether I'm going to deliver...so many people is asking now heee...

Hi Ruggles,
I went to read the archive of your pre-delivery, time really flies.

I still do not have any sign, no contraction, noting at all hmmm...coming monday will be seeing Dr Lim, really hope can give birth liao...if wait till Friday, going for induce then labour pain might long ...praying hard now
Hi siew lei,
labour is not that bad.. no matter how long it's gonna be
you WILL forget all the labour pain the moment your baby pops. Somehow the oxytocin really works well here.

you want baby to pop soon? how abt non-medical methods like nipple stimulation or a more fun method.. intercourse? Slow and steady of cos.. *cheeky*
hey siew lei
dun ganjiong, keep thinking bb will be bigger when she is born, easier to take care. Time really flies, i remember posting here half a year back tat i finally got preggie, hope time flies again for the next 3 months so tat i can see mine faster, then goes slower after bb is born, so tat i can capture her cute bb moments for the longest time.
siew lei,
you're still here!

hmm, or have you delivered? your last post was saturday...

induction is not that bad lah. my waterbag broke, but only 2cm dilated. Ended up being induced with tablets also...

all the best for your delivery!!

(remember to sms me so that i can announce for you! )

SIew Lei has delivered!!
Delivered today a 1620hours today, no epidural, 3-4hours labour. Birth weight 3.145kg.

Wil try to post the pic of our latest princess tomorrow!
here's siew lei's little princess!

I was sms-ing Siew Lei, and she said she was already walking around. The nurses offered to let her take painkillers, but she said she felt no pain! wahhhhhh champion.

Siew Lei, you can can a dozen more kids!!!
congrats siew lei!! such a lovely little princess..

wah.. siew lei really very champion lor.. win liao! hee..

i super scared of pain..

just wondering.. any of u were worrying consistently when preggie ah? i seem to find myself very paranoid.. coz my tummy not really growing, ms gg away.. so scared tt bb no more.. sighz.. some nites will just feel so so so scared..
OH WOW.. NO EPIDURAL!!! Waaaaahh.. Congrats and well done Siew Lei!

caitlyn, worrying is just a part of motherhood
wow wow so fast delivered! labour hour so short, no epidural...good baby! the little princess seem to have quite a bit of hair, so cute!
Wow....siew lei has popped!
Congrats Siew Lei! Your princess really a good gal, let mummy have such a short labour! must update us the details ok!
Hi Gals,
Thanks so much for all the well-wishes, miss you all so much.

Only discharged yesterday cos my baby gals got jaundice on the 3rd day so I extend my stay for another 2 days so can breastfeed her.

Yes lucky labour is short, if not I might give up and take epidural cos the contraction is rather painful. Lucky I dilated to 10cm within an hour. I did take the pethidine to relieve a bit of pain.

Here is another photo of my little one, wait till later I will upload all the photos and will give you all the link

Hi Siew Lei, your princess very smiley leh!!! so cute!!! all the prince's mummies out there must quickly book liow!
hey siew lei
how u make your girl girl smile until so cute? i will ask my girl to practise smiling in my tummy from now onwards hehe.
Hi Gals,
Sorry so busy recently, my girl drink alot. I have been busy feeding her and pumping out my breastmilk and really quite tiring but now I can see her everyday, I feel so happy.

Hi thewife
I also don't know my colleague told me baby will have this kind of expression is not a real smile actually. Yours will have too don't worry heee..

Here is the link of the photos that my husband has taken so far enjoy:

hihi Siew Lei, hope you're getting enough rest and enjoying little Ning Xuan's company
Take care..
I'm pretty busy packing up 'cos my big move is 27th.. reno on my new place only begins mid-Jan so meantime, will hv to move to my sister's place.. chat when I got time!
siew lei, your baby looks really sweet! Enjoy all this early times with her yah!!

woah.. renovation huh? that's really a big thing man.. all the packing and stuff!

I'm now in US with my baby and hubby, jet lagging quite a bit cos when we want to sleep, Kieran stays awake and when we are awake, he wants to sleep!
But we are enjoying the weather here man.. nice and cool!!

Meanwhile, happy thanksgiving everyone!
hey ruggles
on holiday? is keiran manageable when u travel on the long flight?
im so..........envious.
enjoy yourself.
hi thewife,
yes, holidaying, just the 3 of us!
actually not much touring. just visiting relatives in LA and San Francisco. Kieran was very good on the plane. He takes naps and was not affected by the air pressure during take-offs and landing. I think he's better with flying than I am! i'm always getting the earaches during landing.

Why envious? Go on holiday!! hehe.. very soon you can bring your little one along too!
Hi Gals,
Thanks so much, ya now I really enjoy her company. Thinking of January need to go back to work a bit sian...

Hi Ruggles,
REally envy you can travel liao, I hope next year can bring my little girl overseas too.
ruggles, u are so darn brave!!!!!!! i don't even dare to attempt any time zone change with Timothy.. that's why we're going to Perth. Arrgghh.. California, my homeground.. are you going to the Premium factory outlets in either Gilroy or Camarillo? SHIOK!!!!!

Still packing and packing.. hope can pack finish if not tomorrow night no sleep for the 2 of us. :p Really pity my poor hubby.. wife 7 months pregnant, cannot help much.. one fella moving everything and packing most things.

hi catz,
it's not too bad, just that Kieran took quite a few days to adjust, and since we are staying with relatives, it wasn't too bad. We went Camarillo already, will go gilroy over the next few days. I think Gilroy more shiok than camarillo. we always have good 'harvest' from gilroy! heheh..

sure can travel soon one!! enjoy your newborn in the meantime!!
