Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye


Eat for free??? We don't dine with suppliers; strictly biz lor. I go pick up and go liao ...
Usually don't ask hubby to come fetch me unless i am terribly tired and inconjunction that he's off.
No wor, ezlink card in the wallet too ... coz yday evening brought elder boy to buy fruits and left the wallet in the sling bag.
I borrowed some $ from colleague at the next building liao =) ... lol

Joo, money to eat and go hm cash for bus or mrt ex wor...

I usualy got spare ezlink card one outside and one inside my wallet (but only low value like $2+).

eat for free cos I always joke with my col (one time she did not bring wallet also) that go n tell my canteen stall owner that can owe $$ first since she is the regular patrons of that stall. she told me pai seh lah, so she only borrow $$ fr us.

Ya, now munching biscuits ... lol
Gotta take cab to meet suppliers ard 4pm ... if take bus from here hor, then i rather stay in office to do my work liao.
If take bus, it will take me further down the other sites before coming to the mainland.
Then it will take me 90min to see my supplier. *tolong man*
<font color="0077aa">mummies of pet pet diaper 'fans'</font>
NTUC is having a promotion on Pet pet diaper - 3 for $34.30. promotion last fr 17-19oct only.

<font color="0077aa">Joo</font>,
u take cab can claim fr co right??

Ya, my boss pick up the bill since he asked me to go and then courier to him as he is now in overseas.
Then, I take bus if there is bus ... if not,... lol ...

fyi, i usually go to industrial places and sites which is rather remote ... kekekeke


There's always a saying " Men fm Mars, Women fm Venus". but if the Mar-men overdone, Venus to protect n take control.

Joo, ok lah. take cabs since those places so remote. &amp; somemore need to call cab type. Hee hee!!
hi, any mummies have kids learning piano at Christofori gombak branch?? Any good piano teacher to recommend? thinking of starting my 2 kids there with classical piano course...
Hi morning....any mummies has walkie talkie that I can borrow for a few days ? Will go to M'sia with a few cars with friends so thinking walkie talkie will helps to reduce hp roaming cost when contact one another on the highway / shopping area / hotel : )
<font color="aa00aa">Kris/Chris</font>,
are u working in town area - orchard? cos I will be dropping by orchard (ard 0650-7pm+) after work.

is it ok to pm me yr contact in case, I happened to pass by CCK one of the days?thks
Hi Mummies

Bz the past week...that y very few posting la.... dun just know then post still walk so much huh... talkie..thinking no roaming nei...not too sure...mayb you have to check ard..
the mattress protector from courts ah? I though i remember they say better to call before heading down to buy?
Hi Sandy,
Walkie Talkie no need roaming and no need subscription fee. It just operate by radio frequency, quite handy to contact one another within a limit distant. Basic unit comes with 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 handsets.
Hi Afcai,
Ya, must find time to par-tor. And also other time with family activities. Heard from expert that many couple concentrate on the kids only and didn't put time/effort on the 'dating', then when their kids grown up and leave the home, the remaining are 2 strangers ( the couple ) at home
coz all these years they have lost each other.
Morning Mummies =)

Afcai, Sandy: Meet u tomorrow for the following?!
4 satchet choc Anmum - Afcai
2 satchet vanilla Anmum - Sneezy mum (via Afcai)
1 Enfagrow voucher - Sneezy mum (via Afcai)
2 satchet vanilla Anmum - Chris (via Sandy)
2pc/pk of size M Drypers Drypantz - Chris (via Sandy)

Let me know if i left out anything =)
Morning Suika,
Ya loh, today a bit earlier can sneak in to the thread.
The liquid is for the heart-burn and indigestion. It has no side effects to both mummy and baby.
<font color="0000ff">Chris</font>,
ok,thks. will check email when I returned home today.

yeah,normally, never go to town area. cos y'day, got the free ticket (won contest fr safra) mah so got to and see the boring show - rocknrolla. sian....not recommended to watch.

agreed,that way relationship with husband and wife not as close as before when kid came along. hubby might feel neglect when wife focus on child (can't help mah....). ppls also said better to hug the kids as much as now cos in future, they won't want u to hug liao. my col (mid-50) also complain that now his home like old folk home cos child big liao not coming home to makan and always go out etc....

<font color="0000ff">Sandy</font>,
sometimes, bo biah got to walk leh. have tried to lessen my walking.

<font color="0000ff">suika</font>,
cannot cfm when I will happen to pass by cck or bt panjang.

<font color="0000ff">kris</font>,
if I happen to pass by cck or bt panjang can just sms u to check if u are available. wow, sahm only can wish to be that when my hubby strike toto.

<font color="0000ff">Joo</font>,
no problem, same place ard 0620pm(might be early or 5 mins late depend on traffic jam). will pass u the voucher then. see u tml.
Hi Afcai,
Can you help me to get some info when you pop into KK again the next check-up? I saw from its website that there are 2 permanent contraceptive methods for female. One is the old fashion type that need a cut at the belly button and clip the tube. The other new method ( only at KK named ENSURE )no need operation. Doc just insert a coil into the tube and then the cell at the tube will bblock the tube in 3 mths. I have asked my gynea about the new method but he commented that the failure rate is high and not recommended coz it is still very new in the market. I called up KK and ask for details especially if it is popular and how is the doc skill in this area. But the KK staff is not helpful. She asked me to book an appointment to see the KK gynea and find it out myself
If this method is not good, surely many women make complaints then how could the staff don't know anything about it coz I just asked for general comment.
Morning Mummies

Joo....ok but I can be there ard 6.20-6.30 anymore SNS stamps? fast you thinking of contraceptive liao huh...
Morning mummies,

Been busy, no time to log on to this thread. Hope all of u haf a wonderful weekend! : >

Like u mentioned, we r modern woman thus have diff ideas n ways on raising our kids but my PIL were born in 1930s n were 70+ now, never taken care of their only son b4 yet haf many many ideas on how to take care of my 2 gals thus sometimes it can be frustrating. : > It easier to see each other once/twice a week rather than live with each other otherwise our relationship will deteriorate like ur bil's wife's case, but they so old liao hard to stay separately seemed quite cruel.

wow u r a sahm staying near me : > can meet u in BPP liao.
Afcai, Sandy: OK, meet 2moro =)

Sandy: Remember i pass u some Sep S&amp;S stamps ... my mum said she got Aug too (nearly fainted) ... lol ... will let u know if I hv the S&amp;S stamps as I am still waiting for the new stock of Pediasure vanilla to come in since it bundle with the ice cream mould.

WeeWee: Hello *waving* ... definitely hv a gd time over the wkend since both days, we are at Downtown East ... really long time didn't hv a family outing. Love the sun and water =))

Chris: Why not consider IUCD?

Meow: Yr gal better now?

Kris: How old is yr little boy now?
Hi Joo,
IUCD is not safe. My aunt (40+) got pregnant although she has this insert.

Hi Sandy,
Enough kids for me so thinking of permanent Can afford to take risk leh.
Joo....ya remember I need a few more Oct stamps kekeke... have the stamps? still thinking whether to have No. 3 kekeke...

the IUCD hv a lifespan too ... depending u go for 3 or 5 yrs... need to repl after that.
I also wanted to go for perm method after my 2nd one but my gynae tell me to reconsider.
Anyway, I don't think I want another 1. Have abit of complexity since the gap btw my 2 boys is v near. But ok now.
Pple normally said 1st bb is harder to labour but apparently, I tend be the odd one out. My 2nd labour slightly tougher.
<font color="0000ff">chris</font>,
my next appt at KKH is on 6/11.

hmm...what qns would u want me to check with the doc? yup, I did heard of the method, even polyclinic also got a few contraceptive methods too.

<font color="0000ff">sandy</font>,
ai-yo, chris already got 3+1 coming one kids, need to close shop liao loh...haaa gd enu to play mahjong.

<font color="0000ff">weewee</font>,
my pil also very traditional one. like men and woman clothes cannot wash together. luckily, I'm not living with them if not sure got conflict and no freedom.

true, it is easier to see each other but not live under the same roof. no choice right, yr hubby is their only son loh....

<font color="0000ff">joo</font>,
hope my second delivery will be fast and smooth wor....

hmm..maybe u will change yr mind as yr 2 darling sons grew up and wanted a gar gar loh.
Hi Joo &amp; Sandy,
Both of you are still young so don't take the permanent step of contraceptive. Can decide when you reach 35 coz after 35 pregnancy is very tedius coz many tests needed.
As for IUDC, not only the lifespan but whether you put on or put off weights aslo will affect the protection. Heard from many mummies had accidents because of this insert. I think so far only the pills is the most effective method. But I don't want those hormones control drug which might affect the body figure and skin and mood. Sigh....
Afcai: I already envy my SIL who hv 3 girls. Can walk and sit steadily, unlike my elder one who venture and roam ard like monkey which no strings or rope attached ... lol

Chris: Try Yasmin ... shld be better than most contraceptive pills
Joo: Hello to u2! wow! downtown east, great for families, i wld like to go too when my gals r bigger.

Afcai: Wa lau envy u, dun need to stay wif inlaws.

Sandy: I shd have 1 or 2 Oct stamps by this week. Had pass 1 to Meow as she juz need 1, hope u dun mind. : >

Chris: You stopping at 3? u got 3 kids rite correct me if i remember wrongly
Hi Afcai,
Can help me to ask the following question on the new method (ENSURE) ?
1. Any risk during the insert ?
2. Popular in S'pore ? Better than the old method?
3. Surgeon esperience ( he has done average how many cases per month ? )
4. The cost.

Sorry to trouble you. Thanks !
Hi Joo,
Yes, heard of Jasmin and actually saw someone posted the side effects too...I think I better go for permenant one lol.

Hi Weewee,
I'm expecting my no.4 now. So, want to stop factory lol.
Hey, John Little also got stamp collection thingy ?

How old is yr bb now? Too many mummies ard and before i can digest all the information, more mummies into this forum... kekekeke
Btw, JL got the stamps also ar??? ... maybe going to stock some Pureen liquid wash ... sometimes, got the stock from JL if its on sale. Entitle to those stamps too? I pass it to u if i have in the future =)
<font color="0000ff">joo</font>,
err..think this is the normal behaviour of boy boy none of my friend dun describe their son as a monkey man....

for me, hubby and pil(their side all granddaughter) are 'dying' for boy. of cos, I 'm glad that my no#1 is a gar cos can doll her up and next time can accompany me to shopping mah. if no#1 is a boy then hubby will be delighted cos he said he wanted to teach him sports etc....but anyway, regardless to the gender, afterall, we still luv the bb. the most impt is the health but of cos, if kid got one boy and one gar lugi best.

<font color="0000ff">Chris</font>,
no problem. will ask for u when I go for doc visit next mth. but dunno if the MO knew or not esp the cost.....

<font color="0000ff">weewee</font>,
hmm how much do one need to purchase to get JL stamps? what to redempt?? now, JL orchard got sale. saw straits times advertisement today...20%.

<font color="0000ff">Sandy</font>,
ai-yo...young at heart can liao loh. best is hubby think u are the best and prettiest right...:p:p:p
Wah, u super mum ah, expecting 4th liao. v pro govt leh hee hee.
My gals- 1 5th mth the other 2 yr old.

For every $25 spent, u got a JL bonus stamp. Its for u to purchase wok n pan at a cheaper price. Thus if any1 have n do not need to utilise, pls consider giving it to me thks! : >
Weewee *smiling and laughing*

No lah ... that is Chris.
I cannot imagine another after hving both my boys - one coming 14mths and the other at 27mths old.
U really think highly of me liao ... lol
Ya la, me actually refering to Chris haha: >. So u not tryin for a gal? I haf got 2 gals so thinking of trying for a boy. Any1 got any secret fomular for conceiving a boy har? haha
*laughing at my blunder ...*

Weewee: But seriously, i didn't see u attn it to Chris leh until now ... guess my eyes are too tired ... kekekeke
Trying for a gal ar?!?!!? ... still not as ambitious yet leh ... didn't hv courage to hv another one wor ... 2 kids enough for me to handle at the moment.
Hmmm ... secret formula huh ... i dun hv leh but some do say that it would hv better chances if men are meat lover and women on the reverse.
(By saying it, i hope we are not going to hv a debate here ... kekekeke)
I tend to like leafy vege and seafd. I am not really a red-meat eater.
But my craving (during pregnancy) is coke and i must hv meat in every meal =))

(Dunno how true the below is but worth to read for fun ...)

Choice of a baby BOY or GIRL

Hope it is useful for some of you in planning stage. For those of you do not have any plan in the near future, you can keep it for future reference.

Man’s sperm consists of X &amp; Y spermatozoa, X spermatozoon decides the female whereas Y is the male. Referring to these physiological properties of the spermatozoa, gynecologists set up the theory of ‘Choice of a girl or a boy’.

1st factor: Food
If you want a baby girl:
Husband must eat more alkaline food, wife eats more acidic food.
If you want a baby boy:
Husband eats more acidic food, wife eats more alkaline food.

Alkaline food: vegetables, fruits, egg white, milk, algae, etc.
Acidic food: meat, seafood, etc.

2nd factor: Timing (When to do it?)
If you want a baby girl:
Frequent copulation during pre-ovulation period.
If you want a baby boy:
Copulating just before ovulation or just after ovulation.

How to confirm ovulation period:
Body temperature increases (you may want to use SPC chart to monitor your body temperature here).

3rd factor: Penetration (How to do it?)
If you want a baby girl:
Husband to avoid deep penetration in the female vagina during copulation.
If you want a baby boy:
Deep penetration by the husband is suggested.

Characteristics of X &amp; Y spermatozoa
- X: Marathon runner with good stamina
- Y: Sprinter but poor stamina
So, with deep penetration, the chances for Y to reach destination will be higher.

4th factor: Stimulation
If you want a baby girl:
Wife should avoid stimulation during copulation. Secretion from female vagina becomes alkaline when stimulated, therefore this promotes the activity of Y spermatozoon.
If you want a baby boy:
Husband ejaculates after wife has been stimulated.

5th factor: Wife’s Preparation
If you want a baby girl:
Rinse the vagina with solution dissolving 2 spoonfuls of white vinegar in 1 liter of water. Since an acidic condition decreases activity of Y spermatozoon.
If you want a baby boy:
Rinse the vagina with solution dissolving 2 spoonfuls of soda in 1 liter of water.

6th factor: Positioning
If you want a baby girl:
Female to be on the top position &amp; male to be on the bottom position.
If you want a baby boy:
Male to be on the top position &amp; female to be on the bottom position. This posture allows the Y spermatozoon to reach the destination faster.

The wisdom of our (?) ancestors!
For those planning to have a baby &amp; those who will need to plan in future, the chart below may help you to predict the sex of your future child.
The accuracy of the chart has been proved by thousands of People and is believed to be 99 percent accurate.
Believe it or not.


AGE 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

MONTH 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1 G B G B G B B G B G B G B B
2 B G B G B B G B G B G B G G
3 G B G G B G B B B G B G G B
4 B G B G G B B G G B G G G G
5 B G B G B B G G G G G B G G
6 B B B G G G B B B G G B G G
7 B B B G G B B G G B B B G G
8 B B B G B G G B B B B B G G
9 B B B G G B G B G B B B G G
10 B B G G G B G B G B B G G G
11 B G B G G B G B G G G G B G
12 B G B G G G G B G B G G B B

AGE 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
MONTH 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
1 B G B B G B G B G B G B B G
2 G B G B B G B G B G B G B B
3 B B B G B B G B G B G B G B
4 G B G B G B B B B G B G B G
5 G G G G B G B B G B G B B G
6 G G G G G B G G B G B G B G
7 G G G G G G B G B B G B G B
8 G B G B G B G B G B B G B G
9 G G G G B G B G B G B B G B
10 G G G G B B G B G B G B B G
11 G G B B B G B G B G B B G B
12 B B B B B B G G G B G B G B

You can choose for yourself whether you want a boy or a girl by following the chart. The woman’s age from 18 to 45 (Chinese reckoning) is on the top line while the months Jan to Dec indicate the month when the baby is conceived. By following the chart you will be able to tell in advance whether your baby will be a boy or a girl. Thus, you can plan to have a boy or a girl.

This chart has been taken from a Royal tomb near Peking, China. The original copy is kept in the institute of Science of Peking. The accuracy of the chart has been proved by thousands of People and is believed to be 99 percent accurate. By reckoning, you follow a line drawn from the figure representing the woman’s age to a line drawn from the month the baby is conceived.
For instance, if the woman is 27 years old and her baby is conceived in Month 1 (according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar), then her baby will be a girl. The chart is based on the month the baby is conceived and not on the birth of the baby, B-Male, G-Female.

Remarks: A Chinese Scientist discovered and drew this chart which was buried in a Royal tomb about 700 years ago.
