Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye


Now 48kg liao loh ... hahahaha!
My sis oso the same ... oso can tell me weigh 42kg and laugh happily *hin!*
I been once to Eu Ren Sang too ... my jaws nearly dropped when upon payment.
Take abit herbal soup lor if yr body is abit 'han'

Re: 'Xiao Qiang' ... one pest control company gave me some sticky pad to try. It is still with me and hv not use 'coz I bought some similar ones OG Albert ...
That is also to catch 'xiao qiang', lizard and spider.
U want the sticky pad ... can also meet u at the same place next week when u go see yr girl

Let me know


honey is the only food that don't spoil and then as Joo said ants are afraid due to the honey's basic function.

egg shell , dun wash.. still got egg white inside. u can throw in the rubbish bin.. u will see... lizard move away.

I think ur gal was thinking both of u dancing to entertain her leh. Hahaha!!

I think this season is where xiao qiang summer mood pah.. their movement slower.. so they dun come out so often?

Soft leg spiders - daddy long leg ar? That one.... hv to chk.. coz I hardly see it except in schooldays.

For xiao qiang, I will go n find out where is the nest and then attack it leh.. so next time, no more n no worries.

When I move in, the previous owner's son is staying here, and everyday see the xiao qiang moving in n out, so got frustrated and then attack the camp. After that, hardly see any. If have, also from neighbour. I just take a broom and swept it up n flush into toilet bowl.


ur body han ar? oooooo... han is not weak leh.

did u ask for an tai ? is the traditional an tai pills.. dat one u can ask them for it.

Afcai...aiya...dun shake head y ask u to choose another idol ma..

Yes...mine n Meow same 2yrs apart..but opposite first then boy...mine boy first then we all gal...wah...seem like my boy got alot of chance nei kekeke...

Re: the phglem thingy hor! Must grind the chuan bei into powder hor ... that is most impt wan ... sometimes, i ask the person in the medical hall to put everything (except chuan bei) into the filter bag so don't hv to remove the residue later when drained.
But since u preg, better check with the person in the medical hall bcoz of the chuan bei in the concoction.
Maybe is u need to go Ma Kuang, can also check with the doc.
Just for info lah ... i took the concoction even when i'm preg coz the western medication on the phglem wise doesn't work for me anymore.
But u ought to be more careful on yr intake =)
<font color="0000ff">Joo,</font>
wow, u also consider slim mah after 2 kids liao loh.

it's ok lah, my hubby 'luv' to trap them using the essence of chicken bottle and let them die naturally. but hor, where do u normally put the sticky pad? touch woods, maybe u need it in future leh. it is ok lah, let my hubby go and torture those creatures. haa I even had photo on them at my gar's blog. when I showed my gar the bottle, she giggled.

yup, now preggy, everything also need to be careful. food wise, i told my mum not to cook so much pig organ (liver to replensih blood, kidney to dunno to 'pu' what, insestine) cos dun want to be too rich in vit A, not gd for development for bb.

even I told the western doc (the NUH A&amp;E doc) that i'm taking tcm. he kind of give me those 'bull-s**t" look and told me that dun believe in tcm cos no scienfic prove.

<font color="0000ff">sylvia</font>,
oic. but if egg shell dun wash, it will be smelly lah. even I threw the egg shell into the bin and left it open overnight, the next morning, it sinks.

re:soft legs spider always like to hide in the corner of the edge of wall, cupboard or under the furniture. some legs are long some are middle range etc....
my col did ask me to either place orange skin or pandan leaves, those items will make the insect run away. dun think there's a xiao qiang nest in my hse, it 's more coming fr the rubbish chute cos my unit is near to staircase and bin. some of the inconsiderate neighbours (thks god, move liao few mths ago) just anyhow throw their curry ard, leave their rubbish bags ard and even soil diaper open. faintz....

as for lizard, they are the most uninvited guest in our hse. sure every mth or every 2 week will seen them. this mth, my hubby miss catching them so dunno the small lizard disappear to where liao.

oic, will u be scared of those creatures esp lizard and xiao qiang? for xiao qiang, even I scare, but I will make sure I settle it before I can slp peacefully. i remember when hubby was away fr trip during end may - early jun for 2 weeks, during this period, 4 xiao qiang family came and attack man. it was merely due to my neigbhour 's fault cos my new neighbour just move in. think all the creatures all moved to my hse. so with only me at hm, I had a battle almost every 3 days at night for hrs before I can slp peacefully.

the chinese physican said weak and han. ??? tot han and weak is the same. no leh, the physician gave me power form say it is to strength the kidney and for an tai. ask me if I felt warm these few days, I told her yup. that's why she only gave me 4 days of medicine only to test out.

<font color="0000ff">sandy</font>,
never mind. gd to learn. u still my gain iq idol.:p:p
aiyo, this mama huh....even wanted to target Sylvia NB, think yr boy also got some competitive leh, dun forgot Joo also got 2 boys....

wow ... using the chkn essence to trap them ... ey ... very 'li hai' leh!
I hv to use the disposable container to trap xiao qiang leh ... i dread of lizard ... yooo ... just a couple of nights ago, i saw it.
Then i told my hb siao liao ... sure enough ... i hv been seeing the ceiling and walls afraid it pop out from any hidden corner. Then 2 day later, i find it hiding inside my toilet ... wow ... hv a fierce battle with it too ... lol ... never knows lizard is such a good gripper and swimmer but my hb manage to catch it and flush it out.
re: sticky pad ... i bought 20pc of it hor ... and i place it near the corner of the kitchen near the rubbish chute.

Sandy: Wow ... 'ni bu shi ba' ... scare yr boy no girlfriend in future ar ... plan so early liao!

Afcai: How to 'fight' wor ... Sandy is nearer to Meow and Sylvia while i am in CL.
Buay tahan her leh ... lol
Lol....aiya...the more the merrier ma...but cannot luan luan lai la...kekeke...

My boy very handsome not scare la kekeke....

u mummies getting abit gross liao lei...from bb to phelgm (that me la) then now to all kinds of pest lol...think we really can talk everything under the sun rainy season my house alot of ants...any remedy huh??

recently i tried sprinkle some salt ard the kitchen cabinets to ward off the ants ... it works leh =)
U go try ...
yup, he will lure the creature in there and dunno just happen, think xiao qiang (sometimes, he use plastic bag) and lizard just happen to go in due to panic.

ai-yo, as long as yr 2 boys are charming (not only handsome) sure can win gal's heart. haa...

wow...never know salt can ward off ants, learn another new things.

ok gg for my nap before cooking my dinner later. to enjoy these 2 days before my leave ended.

yr boy handsome only huh, Joo's boy charming wor...haa...

re:ants, usually, we will buy those ants 'medicine' (similar like peanut). those ants are very greedy, some even more greedy eat and 'commit suide' on the spots. thos ants medicine quite effective. can buy fr half price shop, NTUc or other supermarket. cost only $1-$1.50.
Lol....ok la ok la...all handsome n charming la ... MIL also use the 'medicine' put everywhere...I scare my gal gal put it in her mouth must think of other least salt is safer hor...will try keke..
*faint* ... lol
re: ants ... now they getting clever wor. Don't eat the 'peanut' liao.
So, trying ways and means now ... kekekeke
yeah so once BB is born, dun throw the teats and bottles hor, store then wait for Taka BB fair then exchange the bottles okie hahaha

afcai when thin hor, me 2 times of her
So sad, first preggy eat too much liao second one dare not eat so didn't put much weight...and my son not so chubby...i like his butt...very small and stiff like daddy kekeke

When I preg my first one ... wow ... i love to eat lor, esp. when i see my hb's food and meaty stuff. So, he kind of eyeing his daddy's food each time. Maybe smell and taste better ... lol
Almost every nite, abt10pm must eat fried beehoon until the downstair coffeeshop knew it was pack for his wife ... lol
Think my son resemble his daddy, butt flat flat wan but small frame like me but hor, 86cm in height liao.
My 2nd boy just the reverse, chubby wan ...
Wanna post their pic here but alaways file too big.. cannot leh ... and better don't lah ... Sylvia hv a bb girl leh ... wait Sandy said i 'jie zhu xian deng' ... don't la huh ... muahahaha!
hi ladies,
I've been MIA for a while... hehehe. Not feeling well and taking medication for cough... so drowsy. Then still have to help my son with English and Chinese spelling... haiz... lol. Tried to read post but seem like cannot understand. Brain gone mush.. hahaha

Thanks for calling and sending me the stamps. I received it 2 days ago (I think) and have yet to go and redeem. You sound so sweet on the phone!
<font color="0000ff">Joo,</font>
haa...maybe they are more educated ants....know its own fellow commit suicide on the spot so dun want to touch them. sometime, if the ants medicine put for sometimes, it will lost its favour and the ants won't touch it.

wow, u eat supper during preggie last time wor... for me, I faster slp and dun think too much.

oh, which mth do yr elder son born? my gar and yr son is the same age but think yr boy is older than my gar cos my gar is the yr end bb.

hmm...reduce the size usign photoshop or photo editor loh. u got any msn or not?

haa i remember sandy said that "as long as one not marry, then the other party stand a chanc" haa...

<font color="0000ff">Meow,</font>
see-ka-li after my second preggie, I also become fat wor.... but...I also like my gar's bum, will on and off go and smack her (of cos, soft smack).

<font color="0000ff">Yany</font>,
dun wonder did not see u online. so how are u getting better liao?? oh, SAHM cannot affort to be sick leh....cos no mc and leave....hope u get well soon.

<font color="0000ff">precious Moment</font>,
wow, u are so young mama wor.....
if there's any more upcoming taka bb fair got pigeon bottle exchange lor. I ask Sylvia to stock only mah

please lah your frame so small how to grow fat?
Yr voice very sweet too ... love yr voice =)
Just wanna confirm u received those Giant stamps.
U take care ... really not easy to be SAHM.

My eldest born in Jul 06 and youngest one in Aug 07. Yap, I have msn acct.
Hv PM u oredi.

Think its 50% disc for the Pigeon btl exchange.

2day gynae visit ... so nw then appear. Nt bad got bio tio handsome actor. hahaha!!

For pest hor..

Use Salt or Ajinomoto for ants. they disappear very fast.

Egg shell hor.. dun expose the egg white. will smell lah. Like cover up n throw. will scare lizard, but nt smelly. Hehehehe!!

Oh!! I rem liao.. can use pandan leaves or cloves for lizard, cockroaches.. they scare.. coz got something like honey dat will numb their nerves. hee heee!!

For xiao qiang, i will use broom sweep n into the toilet bowl. For lizards, I scare of the tails n esp when they are translucent pink.. :p
But if they are in toilet, then I will hv water/ shower battle with them till they are into the drainage loh. Hahahah! MY blog oso got write the battle with baby lizard ar. Hahahaha!

Nevermind lah... I think the chinese doctor use layman term. Han is chill in medical, dat's why u will feel warm after having the pills as it'll increase the qi and pu with blood circulation. An tai pills are pu one, so it normal.



okie dokie. will rem to keep and store milk bottles and teats after delivery. hahahhaa!!

Wah... u all trying to matchmake the kids oredi ar... so fast ar...

Feng zhi cheng huan ar? so fast.......

that day i saw a big big xiao qiang....HB not around and me alone with the i took one plastic bag and catch the xiao qiang leh. But first i hit it faint first..hahaha and my gal so curious keep saying wanna see. My boy will be daring and wanna touch
Meow.. u still use plastic bag n catch... wah!!!

i flush it straight down toilet bowl liao loh.

Ur gal curious type hor. Will learn things fast leh. Hahaha!!

yeah she's the very curios gal and does pick things up. My son slower with speech delay but we've found our way to communicate through sign language. He finally can sign happy me
Least he wont fuss now

u got go n learn sign language ar? Where to learn?

Girls learn faster and talk faster rite?
I heard so leh.. so nt a prob lah.

the show bb signing time lor that's where i learn my sign language too. My gal pick up very fast than my boy but my boy can sign wash hands and please. His thankyou, more and shoe a bit wrong but got to try to spot his meaning lor
<font color="0077aa">Meow,</font>
ai-yo, u never know wor....

re:xiaoqiang. haa even we scare also, we must act brave in front of the kid loh.

yr boy gd already. my sil's gar (13mth) still dunno anything. dun even know how to crawl. my sil always leave her sitting on the high chair.

<font color="0077aa">joo</font>,
oic. Have already added u in my msn list. I have also provided u with my msn a/c.

<font color="0077aa">Sylvia</font>
wow, bio tio handsome actor wor.... so counting down for yr EDD liao....

re:lizard tails. my mum told me that when the lizard break off its tail, better dun go near it, scare it will jump into one's nose.

yup, I did feel warm after consuming the powder.

this morning, hubby only battle with a bee only. hit it until inside intestine came out and throw out of the window.

ooooooo.. I tot u went to learn.


maybe sit on high chair, so didn't get to use her hands and legs?

Ya... bio tio actor.. Hahaha!! but if nt spot properly, wont be able to recognise. They always low profile.

Ya.. counting dwn.

Yap.. lizard's tail into ear will go deaf coz will be so itchy n tickling. Nose oso lah.

Tail is their own weapon to protect themselves mah. So u hv to appreciate hw mother nature create things. Hahaha!!

ar.... aiyo... ur HB very heng leh. hit till like dat. the needle still ard or nt? Coz intestine is stick to the needle one.

poor lost bee, must be fly wrongly n end up become roti prata......
yup, my sil just place her 13mth bb on the high chair most of the time. just went to focus on her laptop. anyway, so pissed off with my sil regards to the gain iq sample. that time, she agreed to help to get the sample and we only help her to call to get the sample after she gave us her particulars. think her memory failed. she kept complaining to mil that I kept on using her name to get sample (only use it for gain iq only).
so pissed off. like 'hao xin mei hao pao' even help her to sell her sample of fm and items. she still ask me if the items sold liao or not. wow piang, then last time, in an pissed off tone, told her that hubby already return the $$ liao.

sian, tml will be gg to in laws hse cos 3 weeks did not go liao (due to my gar coughing and I'm hosptialisation tha time). told hubby that he needed to hawk eye on my gar loh cos I cannot move ard so much.

oic, my plc here got 1 old actor (dunno his name but always act bad guy one), always seen him and son at the coffeeshop.

yup, at first the bee just hang at the light. when I off the light, its flew into bathrm. there's the end of its life then.

later, gg to buy a new kettle cos dunno what's wrong with me y'day. forgotten that I boiled the 3/4 water (boiled for 1hr 40mins) and in the end, the whole kettle became black black liao.
Haven't been here for a long time; simply no time to log on as so busy with work &amp; no time in taking a breather during lunch envious of all of you who can log in so often

better take good care of yourself &amp; rest more.. I too had spotting experience in my 1st pregnancy, took duphaston but didn't help much; eventually lost my baby in my 11th wk..No worry, I'm opened to talk about it as I guess that kind of memory will linger on..

Became more obedient in my 2nd pregnancy, took leave to rest at home for almost 4-6 wks till I past 1st trimester; my boss then was v. understanding. Me too went to see Chinese sinseh near Toh Yi area that cost me $78 per week medicine and also got to boil those herbs daily since that sinseh doesn't believe in grinded powder; luckily, my in law helped me at that time but it sure cost me a bomb then as I saw dr almost till end of delivery term. Just like you, my body is too "cool"; so u also have to avoid all those cooling food when u eat as the TCM only helps that much. It's ok to take TCM as my gynae was also quite supportive then towards TCM as long as that Chinese sinseh knows what he's doing..

Now, in my 3rd pregnancy (EDD end Feb 09; just past my 1st trimester), though as much as I want to see TCM dr to "an tai" but no time and with rising cost, guess just have to be careful. So, our 2nd kids will be of same age then! Similar to you, since I already have a boy, me also wishing for a girl now (the reverse from yr case). But, if really turns out to be boy, doesn't really matter as long as he's healthy that's most impt
afcai, maybe ur sil take things for granted lah.

sian gng to in law hse? or sian coz moving ard? Hahaha!

oooo..... nt the carelefair rite? I was one in West Mall once.

Sg starts poor thing... now one hack them. but gd that they hv their privacy too.

No wonder ppl say kettle black.. is this type will turn black. buy those auto shut off one lah. then u wont hv dis prob too.

<font color="0077aa">mummies,
is it ok to do sewing (intended to sew bck some of the my gar's doll clothes cos it slightly tear) during preggie time? </font>

<font color="0077aa">sneezymom</font>,
ai-yo, cos now, I'm on hosptialisation leave mah so can online. will not online often next week once I return to work liao.

OMG, sad to hear that. u must be feeling very moody that time. my mood are full of worries, moody wor bec of this unstable preggie. hai.....

oh...a bit troublesome to boil those herbs leh....but luckily, mine are in powder form. yup, for the past 2 weeks, I already spent nearly to $800K to see doc (include go A&amp;E twice, refer to polyclinic and plus another time is the massive bleeding). now, will need to spend some $$ in the chinese medicine as western medicine dun seem to work. sian....

yup, agreed, tough we wishes for the desire gender of the bb but what is more impt is the health of the bb. hey, if yr bb is a gar and mine this time is a boy hor....can exchange the clothes wor.....since our first kid are abt the same age (just yr is older than mine 2 mths).

thks for sharing yr experience. even gynae also dun dare to give me an EDD date. but if I counted it shd be end of March 09. hope we have a smooth preggie.

hmm...maybe I shd go polyclinic and ask for extend of my mc loh.

<font color="0077aa">sylvia</font>,
both leh...think I more like to confine at hm now.

I dunno the name of the actor but he is quite old liao, now seldom got his show. he wore spect and have thick eyebrow.

hmm got auto shut down type of kettle meh....
sorry took so long to reply. work is getting busy for me towards the end of the year.

Ya loh, I was also thinking why cannot just unroot it and fill it back. why must crowning?
How much is the unrooting cost?
can give me the dentist contact.
email: [email protected]
If not too far and got car can try going.

I drink cold or hot not pain, only touch then pain. seems to be less pain now.

maybe will go unroot. once and for all.

Actually this pain good leh, will lose weight cos eat less now.. ha .. ha.. ha...

up to u pantan or nt loh. Some said as long as dun sew on bed, is ok.


I was happily sewing x'mas presents leh.. Hahaha!!


Like me confine at home still gugu. :p esp I sharp backside one. Hahahha!!

dunno who. Hahaha!!

I saw cao guo hui, wear hat n specs, so the features all hidden. Saw him a few times.. even I go toilet oso see him. hahahaha!!

ya... got those auto shut dwn kettle leh. Those plastic one loh. once boil, then switch off liao.

I think price abt the same.
any mummies know how much is the cost of attending nursery at PCF. any other nurseries that I can consider at CCK area?
apple tree nursery is $1020 per term. limit to 16 per class. but duno if it's good though.
trying to read but don't understand what you ladies are discussing.... lol. What is xiao qiang? My chinese is terrible so .... be merciful and translate please... hahaha.

Finally up to baking again. Since my son loves the mama roti, I made Mummy Roti instead!!! hahaha

Hi Sylvia,

Like to find out from you about the
salt get rid of ants. We just place salt
at the spot or ?????
Plase advise.

Your mama roti looks nice. Easy to make???

I think you are talking about Ye Shi Pin? He lives in our estate... together en bloc from Hillview, my hubby told me about him before.
salt at where u find ants. Usually I put like small cone like at few places that usually see ants.

Sometimes if it's in toilet hor.. I will sprinkle all over. ( Like sa yan).
Like the Japanese chasing ghost or bad spirits away. Hahaha!!

Ye Shi Pin ... is the one with alot of moustach? wear specs and like curly hair? Small eyes...
haha... no lar. How to sell online? I only bake when I feel like it... or when I need to have some "me" time! hahaha

xiao qiang is roaches? I always thought it was chang lang! hahaha

the coffee bun quite easy to make. Only takes a while since have to wait for the dough to rise a few times. Sure smells good when in the oven tho!

when u want ur 'me' time, then u sell loh.

chang lang is the correct term for roaches. Xiao qiang is the nickname... due to some drama that keep saying xiao qiang, so become their 2nd nick.
that time i pass your $10 voucher hor end up per tin of gain is how much ah? Share share can? Not necessary to share this thread....gain thread also can

End up each tin at less than 24, around 23.90... heehee.

Luckily I maanaged to get from you the coupons and stock up.. now see so ex. Thanks!

Who still wanna trade in the old bottles for new ones at 50% off from pigeon at taka BB fair? I jus came back from the fair, stocks for the standard neck big bottles are avail again. Meaning to say all sizes are avail for trade in, those interested please get them trade in soon lor. I'm passing by again on coming tues
