Lovely JW Mommies

morning baby

ok! Dis icecream esp delicious is it? ;b

pink, wa tmc v commercial hor. Somemore got loyalty programme. Eh u so fast 2 wks can do massage liao ah?

Dis wk i tink i good gal le. Go to work everyday. Save my AL. Sat go gynae again.

May, how? Today 2nd sept liao. Any decisions made? Today den i pass teacher Y the honey leh. And now they shift a table outside for checking before child goes in hor. But then the teachers still walk in with shoes at the entrance area.

I haven started eating leh.

how come ytd so quiet huh... think all mommies on leave to take care of kids bah.
yest i also most day out of office leh, had v long final acct mtg. and still exceed budget. hahah

u still busy today?

Today not so busy. Haven know yet until the prof email or call me lor.

buying any tg rhu bao today? hahaha
congrats on ur new born...hope i m not too late :p

today thread so quiet...pinky ur post very hard to read leh...a lot of short forms :p
Morning Ladies!

Call me BO JI.. decided to find job then quit liao. Cos I sent out 12 resumes only 1 interview. If I really quit, can eat grass in front of ur house's empty field already. Then again, I tot if LSH find out that I am not working for months, they will bill us full sch fees, which is $1000+. Cannot like that, hubby will die. Now can only tahan.. send as much resumes I can at night and hope they call me up for interview lor. Transfer u the money later. I busy with something.
I heard TMC got only 1 room with 4 bedded.
So many gynae will ask their patients to opt for 4 bedded, then TMC will auto upgrade to 2 bedded but charge at 4 bedded price cos of space limitation.

This sat can ask doc why always like that, can vitamin to take to lesser this cramp or you have been wlaking too much liao.
<font color="0000ff">yokogi,
Probably you can prop your legs up a little on a pillow while sleeping as it'll help to relieve cramps. Drink more water too coz it's not true that more water will worsen it. In fact, more water will relieve leg cramp.</font>
candy,nor is a single mother wif 2 gals.mayb u cn pm her or smetin.she seldom cum in nw.

Yoko,drink milk will help relieve cramps nt?i oso nt sure leh coz neva hav cramps.hw long den cn strt massage?y cn't strt at 2 wks?i nt sure bout massage leh.but i tot they say strt as soon aft delivery is best?

May,nt true oni 1 4 bedded rm la.dey juz renovated bt if too mny patients den nt enuf lor.unless urs is induced den arrange bookin liao.else if laz min usually will be upgraded.i've been in diff 4 bedded rms b4 dats y i noe.

Sorry for my short forms.will try to spell whole if i rememba k...keke
haha, pink, u mean u trying to remem how to spell? Or u try to remem not to use too many short forms?

Leg cramps - i dunno leh. But its true i drank less water these 2 days. Less den 1L leh. No time to drink!

Jamu Massage - u better ask the sharifa hor. Cos last time i was told to do so only after there's no more pain. And i did after baby shower cos my wound was painful for abt 2wks.
pink,np...juz tat i at training and trying to sneak into the thread but your post takes me a longer time to read :p

where are all the mummies quiet!
i try to rememba nt to use too many short forms la.haha i oso no mre pain liao.i sit w/o prob on my 2nd day gynae did a gd job in stitchin dats y nt pain.i was wif her since 1st gynae din do properly i oso pain n swell for mre den 2 wks.rili torturing dat time.walk oso pain.
the cheesecake not nice meh? i havent try yet cos last night din go back to get from wendy.. :p

btw the mooncake baking cannot be on 26 sep cos it's my cousin's wedding, how abt next sat 12 sep cos the following long weekend also cannot, cos most prob going back kulai...
n 1st gynae stitch lke sewin meat lidat. Rili marked her black dot.she stitched til i gt a pc of flesh stickin out den hav sex will gt abrasion den beri turned off.lucky my 2nd gynae got rid of it wen she stitch.sme mre my 1st gynae is qte old bird de leh.don understand y she nt gd stil so many patients.i tink many ppl dono actually gynae plays a beri important anything healthy cn liao.doesn't old bird den beri experienced.n stitchin oso beri important too.

Yoko and the rest of the mummies,
I had officially tender my resignation. Today hide in toilet had a big cry again then I decided I HAD ENOUGH. Kena tekan again when I am on leave yday. Always kena attack from back. Called hubby and sa jiao.. hehe.. he told me to type letter immediately. If I delay, tonight go home sure get scolded by him. Ask me dun be soft-hearted. I submit the letter to boss already. Hope can find job asap.
MOONCAKE BAKING on 12 Sep @ 1pm
Veune : Jopep's house at st 24

sorry huh, need to limit to max 5 pax due to space constraint

MOONCAKE BAKING on 12 Sep @ 1pm
Veune : Jopep's house at st 24

sorry huh, need to limit to max 5 pax due to space constraint

1) babybarney

The taste is right... but the cheese cake is not fully cook lor. I go back re-bake again. but still inside a bit wet. Can't bake again cos wait all burn. Maybe we can also bake the cheese cake on the 12th.
pink, huh! not stitching properly is the reason why i had pain for 2 wks?? gosh! i thought i'm healing slow *tmd* yes, i also had a small pc of meat like sticking out feeling. and i took v long to regain sex life cos i scared of tear again leh. no wonder hb gotta be monk for so long. hahah i pray that this time is better ba.......shit

may, that's a v quick turn of event! hope everything turns out well for u! i don't think MCYS will find out your job status la. so long as during application got job can liao.

jopep, can u bake champagne truffle mooncake like the raffles one? i so gian for it leh........i shd be free ba but donno if hb let me go or not.

candy, the mooncake order how ah?
we did chocolate chips muffins and cheesecake.. :p technically speaking, i only helped a bit cos by the time i reached wendy's house, they already baked the muffins and were halfway thru the cheesecake liao...
The LF &amp; WW is ready. Who hasn't collected ah?

Michelle u need to give me 1 more blank CD-R cos i discovered only got 3. Can drop into my mailbox anytime la. No worries.
where got so pro... i dont know how to bake the mooncake leh, we just follow the recipe and try.. :p come lah, the most ask your hubby come along too loh...
btw, my fren just told me that pigeon having some promotion for their wet wipes at takashimaya baby fair atrium from 23 Aug to 13 Sep...

Promotion Details
Simply say "Lanolin based moisturizing wipes to any Pigeon staff and enjoy 4 packs of Pigeon's
Moisturising Wipes for only $15.00 plus 2x10 sheets handy pack FREE!
(Normal price: $19.60)
i'm struggling to keep my eyes open leh. whole day got a very "sour" feeling in my eyes. cannot see clearly too.

i guess you are too tired liao lar.. all the cramps these few days have torture your good night rest. Able to sneak home to sleep?
Yes, leave the lousy co and find a beta one.
Good Luck yoz!
Dun be too gd in the new co too.
Good pple tend to be bully de.
Maybe learn from yoko. haha..

MOONCAKE BAKING on 12 Sep @ 1pm
Veune : Jopep's house at st 24

sorry huh, need to limit to max 5 pax due to space constraint

1) babybarney
2) manda
