IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

wah u dare to 'suan' your boss ah! :p i think by keeping a happy self daily, our baby will be very cheerful one
proven true for me

oh your case mayb is it due to baby stretching inside? did u ask your gynae why?

for my case, b4 3rd trimester, i had on off pain on thigh muscle, buttock or back. i always ask gynae why this & that and he told me all those pains I described were normal. they could be due to the baby's position, the 'loosening' of our pelvic muscle etc that caused the pain.

is ur tummy size big? many pple said mine was small but I found it big. 3rd tri, i had difficulty sitting down to eat a bowl of noodle, haha! tummy protruding & somehow I find it so hard to bend forward to eat my noodle. haha!

u try to put some pillows, small and big ones around ur bed. ask ur hubby place the pillows for u when u sleep to make u more comfortable. u can place 1 pillow behind your back or below ur tummy. another pillow below your legs etc. juz try it out to find a best position. also sleep on your sides, left side better.

best is to ask your gynae then u not worry unnecessarily


few days ago i measure my tummy is abt 113cm (44"). later will email gynae and ask. but duno issit cal the pelvix leh.. is the place where pubic hair grows ( sori to describe so obviously :p)
i juz realised u & Jolene are ard 28 wks hor?
same gynae or not?

oh i also blur blur leh...that area is it call pelvic hah? i know pelvic bones are the 2 bones on our both sides of the tummy there...dunno how to describe...it's the area whereby when u wear bikini, u tie the bottom at the sides one. the bone there is pelvic bone right? haha...sorry, maye other ladies can help to enlighten?

otherwise u can juz describe to your gynae that it's the area ard the pubic hair there. :p

i think ur that area pain is due to the stretching and loosening of pelvic muscles, to prepare the baby's arrival in 3 mths time. my case was different, tummy pain pain, sometimes tummy felt hard. so i think mine was contraction or braxton hicks.
hi moms-to-be

i've not been visiting for a long long time! Here's wishing everyone a smooth-sailing delivery. IVF has been a tough journey, so all the more, do take good care of urself yar?

wow!! wow!! hui, u 28 weeks liao ah!!! u must be very excited now. Do take good care of urself and keep on laughing.
but dun suan ur boss too much if u intend to continue working with him after maternity leave. haha...

rachel, how are u? my babies are 3 months old now, 1 month of corrected age cos they were borned prematuredly. i've gone back to work after such a long break.
oh i mth + very small n cute
look at the way they sleep also very sweet. smell their skin & hair also got nice smell one leh....hee hee!!

i'm fortunate to have so much family support. My mom is against having maids, so no helper at home except my mom and dad. They are both retirees, and my babies stay with them during the weekdays. We bring home the babies during the weekends and visit them in the evenings on the weekdays. My parents are overwhelmed with the 2 of them, but so far, they've been doing a good job.
hi curious,
as hui said, my bb boy is 1mth old liao
ur bb sounds very cute & fun since she likes to smile a lot
must hv bring lotsa joy to ur family

hi chloe, am coping well... it must hv been tough for you during those period but at least ur 2 bb r doing well now...

The big piece of bone underneath the begini line is the pelvic bone. It is like a bucket with the reproductive system hanging inside.

hui, when i was preggie, i had pain at my buttocks, back and the sides underneath the begini line (where the pubic hair is). curious is right, the body is expanding to contain the baby. Also, the weight of the baby acting on the body is also causing the pain. It is different from contractions. Although i never experienced contractions (cos mine was a prematured delivery due to waterbag burst), i understand from the dr that it comes and goes with shortening intervals, and when it happens, the tummy goes very very hard, and then softens when the contraction is over.
thanks for the clarification of pelvic bone. oh ya so now i recalled, i also had pain ard pelvic area, buttocks, back, hip...aiyoh...basically was pain from wasit down. lucky those discomforts started when I was in later stage of 3rd tri. all these discomforts disappear immediately after give birth.

u r right abt contractions...my tummy harden when the pain comes. yes jus a short while only. but hor...that 'short while' already buay tahan...hee hee...

after birth I had tailbone pain & lower backpain. so during confinement till now, i have been drinking the 'huiji' waist tonic. it's a good tonic & i can say I've recovered from it.
ur parents must be very very seeing the babies...they are very capable too!
sorry i didn't hv time to read past postings....ur babies are baby gal/boy?
ya, me n Jolene about the same weeks

i think i know wat u talking abt
let me show an example..

example : \_/ - ( \/ is the bone then _ is the virgina ) am i rite?
long time nvr hear from you.. how are you? i have buttock pain when i'm in my early 2nd trim. this is my 1st time having the pain at the right side of the place where "hairs" grow..

talking about taking care of bbs, my PILs will be busy.. 2 new born bbs. one in June and one in July. me and my SIl both pregnant..haha
i vomitted my lunch yesterday and today

duno issit the apple juice i took..i have been taking apple juice during lunch for yest n today.. feel Gastric abit hot n sour sour feeling...
yes u are correct
wah your PILs more or less also like taking care of twins hor...1 mth apart only.

i'm sorry that u vomitted your lunch. what other things u ate apart from apple juice? try to eat less qty but more frequently. take soupy food, avoid fried & spicy food so that ur stomach dun feel hungry and yet not too full.
gastric a bit hot & sour feeling, is it the gastric juice (sorry I don't know the proper name).

haha, wat an apt description of the pubic region! If u are experiencing pain at the \ of \_/ it is ok, it is actually ligament pain. The weight of the baby acts on ur lower body, causing ligament pain at that part.

curious, i got one boy and one gal.
Can i check with u on the 'huiji' waist tonic? i am still having backache, especially if i stay at the same position for too long. It is somewhere near end of the spine and the start of the buttocks (is that called tailbone?)
wah u so good! 1 boy & 1 gal...can 'close factory' already? hee hee...juz joking.
are they identical?

yes that part is tailbone....end of the spine near buttocks there. during confinement, i can't even sit up straight in the car. felt so pain. when lying down on bed also pain. also when I turn my body side to side on the bed, also tailbone pain.

happened that 1 day during my confinement, I listened to radio FM 97.2. The DJ talked abt this 'huiji' waist tonic and taught pple how to cook dishes using this tonic. So I thot no harm to try to drink since already gave birth and baby not inside tummy liao. (cos when bb still inside, I tend not to anyhow try new stuffs).

There's a little cup together with the tonic. I drink twice a day, each time 10ml only, using the cup. Now already 3rd bottle. I find a lot of improvement. In fact 1st bottle finished already can feel the improvement.
also i drank a lot of soup using 'du zhong' to cook with black chicken. 'du zhong' is also help to strengthen the back.

That time during confinement, pain was so bad & I even went to chinese physician to 'tui na'. The physician told me tailbone pain due to epidural. But I think dunno true or not....after 'tui na' still not much improvement.

no leh, mine is under GA, dun think this is caused by epidural. i am breastfeeding now, so is it ok to take the huiji (by the way, how to pronounce har?) waist tonic?

So nice to hear from u. I started a IVF mummies folder in '2007 or later mums'. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/578191/656894.html?1173856012. Its meant to be a gathering point for MUMs but most of us are MTBs there..hiaks. I am now in 37 week of pregnancy, so over here, I am due next. But I have a problem only 1% of people have. See my posting to Jolene below.

curious - how was your delivery ? natural via epidural as I infer above ? Was it easy to push with epidural ? hui managed to write the whole of Rae's birth process to us. We really learned from her. Heehee..

Chloe - u are brave and victorious to give birth and carry twins. Altho mine is singleton I really feel like carrying watermelon now in full term :p


Yes, excited. But I got rashes attack. read http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/5/647834.html?1173852595. I am drinking coconut water since last week. I drink about once every week. my bb estimated size is big enuff, so dun think i will take durians. Durians may make bb big.


some people have Morning sickness in 3rd trimeser. Hope u arent one of them! Just don't think too much of the vomitting cos it may be a one off case.
hi stumbled by,
thanks for the link. i think chat there better cos this is IVF thread. thanks!!

I'm not sure if BF can drink the waist tonic. Think u gotta check with doctor. It's pronounced as 'Hui4 Ji2 Bu3 Yao1 Jing1'. Chloe, shall we proceed to the other thread to chat?

stumbled by,
can i reply your question over at that thread? thanks
Hi girls,
It's a busy thread today. Just reach home. wat a tire day. Thanks for all your input on durian and coconut juice. Will start to take durian soon.

Yes, i think our edd is the same right, 7th June. Hui, am I right??

Your bb is a smiling baby. Tat is so sweet and cute. I also hope mine will be happy and smiling like yours too.

Yes, am very excited. Have not really prepare yet, a bit slow and lazy la. Will start this weekend, going to Taka's baby fair this week.
Morning buddies,

for my vomitting is due to Heart Burn ( acid indiegestion)..regards about tonic i don;t take bride nest so my auntie use " tong chong chao & Pao Sheng) to make into powder form n put into capsale ( sori wrong spellin) for me.

mine is 6th June. where u intend to give birth?
Hello Hui,
I heard eating fruits b4 meal can help in improving digestion. Same as you, I have this heart burn for quite some time, and trying to have remedy for it. Dr Loh is commom in pregnancy.

Your baby is so lovely.He likes pulling ear? haha...very cute.Hope my ones can be also like him.

How're you? How frequent is your consultation with Dr Loh now? I was given to see him once monthly. Seems like very long.
yeterday the antenatal class in TNC got teach exercise on digestion..will try it when i feel the acid indigestion again n see got help anot
May I know what is TNC? You try the excercise and see whether it works, I'm interested to learn. At nite, I have difficulties to sleep due to the heartburn, keep on drinking water abt 3-4 glasses only made me frequent the toilet more often.
paiseh. I've not promoted to IVF mummies yet. I'm still MTB.
Of course I would like to find out more infor from all the senior.
Pls come back here often to visit us.
oops... sori is TMC, paisei paisei.

i will be there also but offically should be une lah cause bb haven pop out yet.hehe

i forgot to tell you that day i got heartburn and i went to petrol kisok to buy soya bean drink ( those SOBE type one.. the packging like HL milk or marigold milk type.. dun get those can type hor).. drink liao very shiok leh.. duno will works on you anot.
I just went for the cardiac scan for my junior but the dr can't see much as he/she was lying flat on his/her tummy and refused to turn around for the scan. I'll be having the detailed scan in april and hopefully everything is good.

For your heartburn, try to stack 2 pillows to sleep as then the acid will not backflow and burn your throat. My hubby has been feeding me with fruits and fresh milk, so I didn't have this problem yet, Thank God.
You will have to take care of yourself and the little ones.
hi all

those mums with heartburn, i think u will slowly improve in 3rd trimester, when your tummy is 'lower'. Esp when your baby's head move downwards. Sorry i cant provide much advice on heartburns. Now I am struggling with rashes. Pray for me!
Stumbled by,

bear with it awhile.. after birth will be fine.. ur bb Full Term laio rite? so u pack your bag bag already? put powder on body to kp dry n cool.. like those baby powder..

did u apply anything on ur tummy to cause rashes? like wat hui said, got to bear with it, oso gynae nt able to prescribe medication for it...
gg to post my son's pix on mon as i will remove after posting
Thanks Hui! Is the soya drink you mentioned at normal temp. or or just out from fridge? I'm really tempting to drink cold drink due to the hot weather, but dun dare to leh.

Hi Jeni,
What is the cardiac scan abt?In week no.? So far Dr have not mentioned to me. Is this compulsory/ optional? Thanks for your advice. I did try to stack 2 pillow, eat lots of fruits and milk but still heartburn persists and I'm thirsty all the time. I think 1 day can drink up to 4 litres of water. Can feel very, very hot all the time.

Hi stumbled_by,
Take care and we pray for you

no i don want to apply bb powder, don want to introduce anything new to my skin :p


i applied QV and johnson baby oil cos it was itchy in the beginning (last few weeks). This two things are recommended by gynea and they are quite mild. However a week ago the itchiness became so unbearable n before I knew it, my tummy was full of rashes - not just tummy but thighs, legs and hands too. There is a condition for this, and it affects people in the last few weeks of pregnancy.
the cardiac scan is due to the related high risk that my baby faces in regard to Trisomy 13 & 18. The doctors want to clsoely monitor my baby's development.
Recently, I used the Clarin's anti-eau oil for stretchmarks.... I think it is quite good. May be you can consider giving it a try.
Have a bottle of water besides you at night so that whenever you are thirsty, just drink to prevent dehydration. Remember, you are having twins, so you will feel more uncomfortable than me I supposed.... The only thing I can't stand right now is persistent nausea during dinner, I think it won't go away as it is supposed to go away when I move into 2nd trimester... Also, do your feet feel sore after walking like 10 minutes? Mine do... I also can't lie on the bed on my back and will have to lie on my right side at this early stage as it is more comfortable. I got this body length pillow to help me to support my tummy... What about you?
Tomorrow, I will go back to work

Hope everything goes well and not too stressful.
ICIC.Is your cardiac scan result okay?
I'm still having MS in my 2nd trimester, tot it will be over by now. There is a pattern like 3-4 days no MS, and next 2-3 days having MS. Really sick of it!! I remembered once my left leg pain and strain for a few days after eating Kang Kong ( which my fav.) now have to restraint from having it. Hope everything goes on smooth.

Hi Curious,
Its okay! No worries.
If I'm ready, sure visit you in IVF mummies.
Cardiac scan showed nothing to be really worried about. There is a white dot in the bb's heart but the dr said it is pretty common and will eventuate to nothing. So, he told me not to worry.
My MS is not over yet too and I am as fed up as you! I have strong nausea feeling during dinner time... can't eat much and then, at around 10 onwards, feel very hungry... haiz...
Hi Ladies,

Just to shall some information about MS that my OB share with me. What really causes MS is unknown but basically 2 factors scientifically. No.1 is "restricted" digestive system. No.2 is the increase of progrestrone. Our digestive system is working very slow to accomodate the changes of our reproductive system. Therefore, one of the way to avoid MS is to eat very small portion but frequent meals. I eat every 2 to 3 hrs and half or 1/4 of the full portion. If you experience a very bad MS attack (head spining) You may wish to check your blood pressure whether is too low or sugar level is too low. If is too low just pump up more sugar...stick to bland food on that day...like porridge...mee hoon soup...those really bland type of food. Avoid spicy and oily food.

During your normal day...you can eat and drink what you want...but stick to small portion...due to the digestive system. I hope the above help.

mine is out from fridge.. those SOBE or Marigold kind got to store in fridge mah..drink one cup is ok lah.. sometimes we too heaty bb also no good.. now i dtart to take coconut to "cool" down liao.
hi ladies..

just need to check with u gals.. anyone suceeded with FET here..? can share ur experience..?

Hi Hope,

I succeed thru FET and am in my 14 weeks now. I did my FET at GE and took clomid to help with ovulation. All 3 embroys survived the thaw but only 1 implanted. Hope my experience will give you hope in FET. You can visit the IVF-FET support group, there is Angel who is pregnant with twins via FET. Good luck!
