IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group


i brought mine to junior league inside toysrus at vivo.
22bucks for haircut.
tried those 10dollars haircut, my girl cried v jialat, coz d hairdresser not experienced in cuttin bb hair, started from d fringe n looked at my bb when cuttin, scared her. d junior league aunties r quitr pro, oso got toys to play n balloon n stickers aft haircut.

Same here.. No energy to try new recipe too... Esp when my small girl is v reluntant to try new taste... So mummy choose the easier way out.. Cook porridge everyday!
I hvt even try macaroni and pasta... Imagine my laziness...
Last few nights my elder wake up again... Haiz.. So tired...

I oso tried the one at united square...hmm, personally, I prefer d vivo one...
but vivo one quite a lot of ppl n noiser, need to take queue number. d united square one i went, quieter.
Baby, you are not the only one lazy. I am super lazy these days. Only give butternut n aust broccoli these days. After I scoop the porridge for lunch, I will start to cook for dinner again. Everyday like robot.... So lazy to pop in here.
Just faith
U are so right... I feel like a robot sometimes... Everyday a routine... Time to let them nap.. Time to change diaper.. Time for feeding... Etc...
Once im done with feeding them lunch.. Its time to prepare their dnr... Non stop working...
Mummy hardly have time for herself and have a decent rest..
Mummy job is the toughest in the whole wide world!
Btw mummies
Have u decide on which preschool or childcare?
I hvt even done any research yet leh.. Abit kancheong now..
For those few hrs type is it call playgroup? How many mths old need to go playgroup?? Then when is the need to go preschool?
Thanks working wife n rose, united square will be more convenient . My gal not much hair but her friNge getting messy.

Baby my gal is starting Julia gabriel playnest this Sunday. Each time is 1.5hrs, twice a week. Guess this is call playgroup? This is in preparation for her before going to Childcare in July. I m on waitlist for both Cambridge n learning vision.
Wahh.. Jialat.. Making me more kancheong now..
How much u pay for the julia gabriel class? Which location?
How many times a week?
Baby dun be kancheong. My gal is going Childcare in July
So I want to start her somewhere.

We r going to the branch at rochestor Coz she is in the mandarin playnest. My gal understanda more mandarin than English. I paid $1270 for 1 term which is 10 weeks.
U? Gg to send yr ones to playgroup or childcare?
Im so clueless leh....

Btw how u shortlist julia? Why u choose it rather than others?
Did u go see before u select?
Wa, saw your struggle with your younger boy... Aiyo.. If its me, I will go crazy. salute u really. At times my 2 girls also drives me crazy esp the elder one who is super stubborn.
10 weeks is how many times a week?
Kancheong ahh.. Cos i hvt do any kind of research yet... I will continue be sahm but wana let them go some kind of learning centre...

My lunch is a struggle with my small girl... Gave her tomato, tofu and minced chicken porridge.. She refuse to eat.. I thk due to the minced chicken... Manage to let her eat half only..
Baby, why don't you give yr rice to yr girl? I also start to give rice to my girl. Sometimes I cook kway teow for her dinner too. Think she ate porridge until she super sian too. Happy she finish 1.5 Chinese bowls in 15mins. Not happy 30mins. Mummy need motivation too!
Just faith
What ingredient u use for the kway tiao?
Hmm... I tried mee sua before... My small girl dont like...
If try sometin new must cook two tins in case kena reject.. Lazy mummy lah...
Ok.. Will gonna try kway tiao.. Will just cook in vege stock without any other ingredient just to trial... If fails then feed porridge...
Baby my gal is going twice a week, every sun
And Monday.
Didn't go check out myself but heard good review abt them from my Sis in law n friends
I cook noodles, Kway tiao, macaroni soup for my girls for lunch. dinner is usually rice.
I cook different stock, add leafy vege n fish or minced pork.

dinner is brown rice mix with millet, quinoa or lentils with vege, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin or carrots n either chicken, fish or pork. sometimes I steam plain, sometimes with ginger, sometimes fried rice with garlic. sometimes mix all the food into an omelette n feed with rice. sometimes steam egg n rice.

many many varieties of the same food
tickles, my younger boy is my pain, both day n night! haiz.. luckily the other two r more indpendent n easier. if not i will go imh liao. some days i really cannot tahan, pack all of them go my mum hse!

baby, i m on waitlist for 2 cc. earliest they will go is 18 mths, latest 3yo. i hv not decided. basically depends on how long i can tahan at home... my hb says 18mths coz he feels tht for my mental well being i need to go to work n get a life.. haahah..

if they dont go cc, i will look for a playgroup near my place. no JG for us coz its just too costly to send 3 of them. not financially affordable..

today i pan fried macaroni.. cooked about 100pcs..left 6 pcs nobody wanna eat. i added grated carrot, chopped zucchini and mushroom, plus 1 egg. serve with steamed salmon.

dinner is brown rice quinao porridge with spinach n sweet potato n pork.

just now zoom out buy non orange veg! realised i hv so much of them in my fridge. got red cabbage, jap radish and broccoli...
Your porridge usually have a fruit huh, like apple or pear ? For carbs, it's usually porridge, pasta, rice or potatoes. If I cook porridge, it will be for 2 meals, lunch and dinner. To eat with rice, always have something steam, pan fried or soupy. With potatoes, I give him some steam/roasted vege, fish or chicken grilled/roasted. Sometimes, make patties out of different meat and vege. Pasta is like porridge, throw everything in, can eat already. Also repeat ingredients but cook in different ways and use herbs.

There are so many brands out there, most impt is mummy likes it, cos bb don't care...haha. But personally, I put them in Clarks for their first walkers.
Btw have you tried using marmite/vegemite ? It's rich in B vitamins, iron, folate etc. Can make bland porridge taste abit different. But whether you like it or not, hard to say. Some people love it, others don't. My kids love it.
No.. Will only add apple or pear into porridge sometimes esp when i run out of vege ideas...
So far i have made potato, porridge and mee sua as carbs.. Hvt try pasta or macaroni..

Mummies here really have lots of variety in cooking bb meals... Makes me abit guilty that i only always give porridge.. Hmm..
Baby, my girl okay with mee sua. But mummy fussy eater. I usually give whatever I like to my girl. In case she don't like, I will eat.

Kway teow soup is easy. Just like u normally cook vege stock. Anything leafy, I will throw in. Most of the times, I add minced chicken / pork. I even add green onions. Lol. Hv yr girls tried Chee chEong fun? If they didn't reject, they should be okay with kway teow too! Whatever my girl can't finish, I will add bean sprouts, chilli and more green onions. Frankly, I got phobia looking at her porridge.

Baby hopeful, I like "seekairun". The little ex but the shoes r comfy.
Baby hopeful, agree with bubbly bear, shoes are chosen by mummies, babies dun care. =) most impt, size is right, light weight.

I bot smaller by see Kai run and see Kai run for my gal coz I read it is recommended by the American peditatrician but this cld be a sale gimmick too.

Bubbly, I ate alot of vegemite when I was you g, put in porridge or on bread.
Just faith, me too! See porridge I lose my appetite. I had eaten so many many months of rejected porridge!! Thank goodness nowadays they can finish their food.

Linus came down w high fever last night. Rush him to tmc 24hrs. Throat inflammation n fever. He was more fussy n refuse milk n food aft lunch yesterday. I got impatient n almost wanna scold him ! Felt to bad that i din realized he was unwell. He is so whiny n fussy most days tht it's v hard to differentiate.... Haiz ..
i can understd what u mean when babies are sick, they are so whinny, sticky.

my boy had phelgm & cough whole week still not recovered... sighhh...

any mummies has idea what food to take or avoid when got phelgm? thks
some ppl say avoid chicken n dairy. yoghurt, cheese etc.
I know some mummies in drastic cases even switch fm to soy.
grumpus, pandawife
yes i've avoided cold/sour/chicken.
hmm i just stocked up my fm, so dont think will make drastic change for now.
can still take avocadoes?apples?
happyhippo, my doc says no apples. avocado ok.

mummies, hv u all switched to step 3 milk? my trio still on step 2... wondering if its alright if i dont switch yet.. wait until they r more stabilised on eating 3 meals proper than switch.

babyhopeful, i buy baby disney shoes for my trio, light weight nice design n will not burn a big whole in pocket. just bought 3 pairs from KP at $63..
happyhippp, I PM you d other day regarding maid issues. Not sure if u hv received it.

if my Ah ma is still around, she will tell me to avoid fish. She always say don't give fish everyday. One to two more times per week okay.

Pandawife, today I cooked plain porridge and steam some tofu and fish for her.

Mummies, besides olive oil, what kind of oil can we use? Running out of olive oil. But reluctant to buy the same. I usually add some olive oil in her porridge. Helps to make washing easier.
oh ok no apples, was just about to prep apples today. thks for the info!

yes, just checked my pm. thks very much for sharing. now got to sync myself up to train maid and adapt... wish me luck !
just faith
u want to use the oil for cooking or just drizzling into porridge? for drizzling, flaxseed oil or sesame oil is good. flaxseed cannot be used for cookin n is very sensitive to heat but is good source of omega. for cooking can comsider canola oil.
mummies who are using the haenim play yards,
my boy always like to lean on the panels and push his weight against it. when he does that, all the panels will move sideways/outward. does your babies do that too? i'm wondering if there is a way to better secure the panels.
Today cook mee sua for my girls lunch.. use vege stock and throw in spinach, potato cubes and minced pork... My elder ate a bowl.. My small girl had less than 10 spoons... But not too bad for a 2nd try... Then make her potato and mango with minced chicken to fill up her tummy... Heeee
Panda I m actually in the process of switching to step 3 Coz gal was on step 1 but now got constipation again
Not sure if shld switch to step 2 instead Coz my gal still not taking much solids , maybe 1/3 to 1/2 rice bowl of porridge
Yr girl on stage 1 till now? Actually constipation may not due to fm... Even switching fm stage may not help...
How much water does yr girl drink per day? Does she eat at least 2 kinds of fruits a day?
My small girl used to have constipation issue... But ever since i let her have more fruits and water.. She no longer have issue... My girls drink abt 200ml of water a day.. Sometimes even more... At one shot they can drink half a mag cup of water...
On top of that i will add additional 10ml of water to the fm..

Is it yr girl dont like to drink plain water? Does she drink frm bottle or sip cup? My girls will drink more using mag cup maybe cos they find it fun to suck from straw...
Baby my gal was on stage 2 at 6
Mths but we change back to stage 1 in oct at the
Advice of doc n it helps. She takes 2 different type of fruits a day but quantity not alot, e.g. 3 strawberries.

She drinks with the sip cup using straw n drinks quite abit of water. But seems like constipation is back
Again. Last night woke up at 1am to pop n she didn't sleep till 3am. I m a zombie at work
Gan, baby is right. Sometimes may not be FM problem. I also let my girl drink alot alot of water. At least 300ml per day. I very kiasu. Cause she's on two solids (didn't include breakfast) per day. If I get lazy and don't give enough water, she will miss her poo poo time and her stools will be hard.

Grumpus, thanks! Yes, it's to drizzle into her porridge. Will check out flaxseed oil. Oh.... Sesame oil also ok ah. That's new to me. At least, I can marinate the pork next time. Then no need to add oil to her porridge le. I am already using canola oil at home. But I haven't cook anything for her leh. At the moment, I only steam or boil her food.

What about mayonnaise? Can we give?
Happyhippp, I thought below the play yard got this white rubber stopper to fix the yard to the floor tiles? For me, only one side will move, cause I overlay the floor may. Otherwise, it is pretty sturdy. So far no complains. It is my best investment so far. Hahahahhaha
just faith
fresh mayo is made of raw eggs. bottled mayo has flavoring n preservatives. so depends on ur own comfort level whether to give bottled mayo.

maybe just a little bit lor.
Phew! Wat a day! I m totally exhausted!

I think my trio learning to walk n talk together.. Super sticky n
Fussy. Now they know how to shout at each other when fighting over a toy! Faint ...

Today is one of the rare days I cook one pot for both dinner n lunch. No energy or time to cook twice.

Very challenging...how come last time never hear anyone say being mummy is so tough! My frens all only tell me how much joy n fun motherhood is! Yeah! But it's also alot of hard work ...
Thats becos most mummy only has 1 bb... And u have 3!!
All things are multiply by 3 times... Tiredness, sleepless nights, fussing bb... All x 3!!!!

Sometimes i tell my hb... I may enjoy motherhood more if i only i have 1 bb... I will be able to rest more and be more sane in handling parenthood... I wont be that stress to look after 2 esp when times they are so cranky and difficult...
I will have more energy to cook... With 2.. My energy is so low at some pt....

But having say that... I do have my joys in having 2 lovely girls.. Im sure u have yr triple joys too...

I cant imagine when the "terror 2" comes... My friends been telling me.. Now is hard.. When the terror 2 comes its even worst... Jialat...
Been discussing with hb whether to get another maid.. With another helper, mummy can rest more and the 2nd maid can take care of cooking our meals... Now with only 1.. No way she can cook...
Will start my boy on step3 once he finishes his last tin of step2 milk. Will also give him fresh cow's milk. No hard and fast rule when you should change.

The play yard can't contain a growing toddler for long, they will attain climbing skills, they will attempt to climb out also. Better to child proof your house and let him explore.

Just Faith
You can try rice bran oil too, rich in antioxidants. Sesame oil is good to add flavour, I use it quite often too.
Motherhood, no matter how tough also must endure, whether we have 1, 2 or 3 bbs. If not bbs, there will be other things to worry. They are getting bigger, so they will be easier also. Terrible at times but most of the time they are angels that will melt your heart
Don't always remember the bad, think happy...haha.

Just wana thank u for suggesting to add porridge into my small girl cereal... She eats porridge in this way 2 times a day.. And now im reducing her cereal portion and add more porridge... I use only 30ml of very liquid cereal and add thick porridge.. That makes abt a bowl... She can finish all...

And with all the frequent eating.. She is more receptive when it comes to meals time... She even eats mee sua now...

Gg to let her try rice soon..
