IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

baby, my day was a disaster! haiz.... my younger boy half way thru lunch, started screaming. he wants me to take down the wall clock for him to play! cried for whole 20mins n refused anything else i gav him.. i got so angry i shouted at him
he just kept crying n rolling on the floor n crawling onto me until he got tired of crying, then collapsed on me ! after tht refused to go back into high chair.. wanna walk ard n eat .... but he still swaying like a drunkard.. end up fell n start the crying again!

at the end of lunch i feel like crying myself ;S

nowadays i carry him alot lesser, coz he wanna walk himself. but lately he wants me to b w him all the time... he walk i must follow, if not he will cry..

bbs v smart leh.. dont talk abt mummy.. even my parents who dont ocme everyday, my bbs prefer them to my maids who are w them 24x7!

Aiyo.. Naughty boy... Lol... Still so cute.. Wana the wall clock.. Strangely bbs love those that are not toys... I think nex time dont have to buy so many new toys for them..

I notice bbs have periodic cranky days.... Once a period they will be more cranky.. So just have to bite and endure!
U only scold ah.. I aldry starting to beat their hand liao lor...

Maybe u slowly wean him off u... Cos he too used to having u around him all the time so it becomes a routine for him.. Night time no different.. He also wants u to he with him.
Let him engage more with yr helper? If he keeps crying for u to carry him... Ignore him? Dont give in? Just sit and play with him...

Maybe bbs know who are the people that loves them.. Thats y they dont get attached with maid... Hmm..
Baby, I don't beat becoz bbs r v good copycats. I don't want them to beat each other coz mimic what i do to them.

This is first time I shout at my bb........

I try not to let him cry so much coz he is a v sensitive boy. He will hv night terrors n replay want happens during the day. So if day time cry alot, night time zzzz v high possibility to cry alot too....PD told me to try keep his day peaceful ...

Many things r not bb safe to play...my bbs loves the remote controllers..but they oso know how to open the battery compartment!

There is a countdown party n fireworks near my house, so noisy it woke all 3 up! Now my two younger ones eyes big big refused to sleep!
when bbs r on the verge of learning or mastering a new skill, they do get more sticky n wake more often at night. this is ESP obvious for sensitive bbs like yr younger boy.

the incident with the wall clock is only the beginning haha. there'll be many more such incidents as they grow up. no need to feel bad abt shouting at them
Haiz... My girls super cranky this morning.. Both keep crying.. Dont knw whats wrong... My small girl didnt even want to eat her fruits for bfast... Manage to let her take half only...
Now finally both napping... :s
Not only morning.... My girls are cranky the whole afternoon...
Mummy also feels like crying... Feels so tired...
Finally can get a breather.. They are napping...
Now got to go cook porridge for their dnr... No energy to do anything... Wil just cook simple... Butternut squash with tofu, choy sim and salmon.

Fridge still lying ingredients for vege stock and tomato sauce waiting for me to cook... Simply too tired...
Grumpus, so it could b becoz he is learning to walk? He everyday v excited about walking. Now he knows wear shoes means k go dOwnstairs walk. Kept pointing to his shoes!

Last night he was better, woke up 12mn coz fireworks here. Zzz from 1am until 7am.

Baby, I know hOw it feels! I one cranky boy already driving me crazy. Hb ask me time out today. Went orchard retail therapy since 11am. He help feed n let bbs nap. Now on my wAy home. For the first time I cook one big pot of porridge to b giv for both lunch n dinner. Dinner one will add mushroom n minced chicken for different taste. Lunch was pumpkin spinach n minced pork.

I need to make pasta sauce again! Tht day use 10 tomatoes now almost gone.

Mummies any problem if everyday every meal hv tomatoes huh???
Aiyo i so envy... Wish i can have time out too! Lol...
Now im better after having a cup of coffee.. My girls still napping now from 3pm... At least mummy can take a rest...

Tomato is consider a citrus fruit... If take 3 meals a everyday.. Dont think is so good wor... Should take all food in moteration..

Hmm.. Maybe tonight aft bbs sleep i go make my simple tomato sauce... Heeee...
Ur gals k nap v long! Mine average 1hr morning 1 hr afternoon.

I gv for lunch n dinner. Without the sauce my gal refuse to open her mouth. My sauce not pure tomato. Has pumpkin, carrot, sweet potatoes, zucchini n spinach in it...sort of like a veg purée...

Time out for a while come back first thing see my maid spill a whole cuP of sweet drink on the floor n wet my sofa bed which is on the floor for the kids to play. I told her to immediately lift up the sofa to minimise water going in...she told me "wait" n went kitchen to get cloth! I screamed at her to do what I say first! Gosh! Really buay tahan, can't even follOw simple instructions ....
it's possible yr boy is trying to master walking. hopefully once the excitement dies down he'll be better.

u r very lucky yr hb can handle the 3 bbs at home n u can go retail therapy. my hb can't. I hardly hv time off!
tomato, pumpkin, carrots all orange foods. just be careful the bbs dun turn orange

my younger girl eats something orange everyday. just noticed the other day under the sunlight she looked a bit orangey!
grumpus, turn orange!! i immediately went to check my bbs after i saw ur post! luckily they r still ok..LOL..

ok, then i hv to b mindful about it..not to overdose on orange foods.. mine oso eat smthing orange everyday!

ohh..i m thankful my hb handles the kids well too.. smtimes i think he will make a better stay at home parent than me. he is more cool headed and patient.

u r v cool mummy, can bring ur gals everywhere! i bring my trio cant go fitting room nor shop in peace. the minute i step away they start to scream... when i bring them grocery shopping no time to think one, just grab throw into basket and go pay....
I bring my girls with me everywhere! even into fitting rooms n toilets!

my girls love grocery shopping, they will sit in the trolley n play with the food I throw in. haha
It depends.. They can nap from half hr to 2 and a half hrs... V extreme... If morning nap less than 1 hr.. Afternoon nap sure can nap near to 2hrs...

Today im very tired... Handling cranky bbs is no joke.
Just now put them to bed both keep crying... I cry with them.. Really cant take it. Feels so tired and stress up...
Grumpus, I gav my bbs some soya bean milk yesterday, today lucas has some red itchy rash on his neck n back. Is it common to b allergic to soya? Hmm... This morning work up was quite alot, now subsided ...still one a few small patches. Need to go see pd???
i hv read of soy allergy but haven't heard of anybody who has it. it is possible. u can be allergic to anything. haha....but u've given tofu before which is also made from soy right?

is it pure soya bean milk? as in those freshly made from market? or those packet type?
if packet type it could be some ingredient/preservative that he's allergic too.

in any case, just keep him away from soya for now. the rash should subside by itself after a few days. but if he develops any other symptoms, e.g wheezing or difficulty breathing then take him to the pd.
Grumpus, I bought from mr bean coz can ask them don't put sugar.

Yup yup eaten tofu before. No problem w tofu. Hmm..now I wonder if it could b smthing else tht he has eaten few days back ! Faint......
usually allergic reaction is quite fast. so it's something within the last 1-2 days only. sometimes very hard to pin point.
like my elder girl is not allergic to paracetamol, she's taken the one prescribed by pd many times. but there was once I gave panadol brand children's paracetamol bought from pharmacy n she broke out in rashes
Didnt manage to cook tomato sauce yday... Drop dead aft bbs went to bed... My elder woke up 3 times yday... Sigh...

Now porridge in slow cooker... Potato, tomato, tofu, broccoli and pork. Cooking vege stock on stove... Corn, carrot, potato and onion.
Dinner porridge... Pear, zuucchhi, spinach and minced chicken... Trying to give more pork and chicken than fish...
i m so going crazy w my helper! again n again she din not keep my leafy veg properly in the frige. i bought a pair of organic spinach last night... she go n use a spoilt zip lock to put..today all the leaves soggy!!! even the ones tht i bought 4 days again stored in lock lock box looks fresher! last night v tired knocked out early so din manage to pluck the leaves n put in box... haiz....

n just now after i scolded her, she go n put my boy under the hot sun at the balcony to play! so pissed off, feel like buying an air tix n send her back to indonesia! ARGH!!
lunch i gav oat rice porridge w potatoes, french beans and minced chicken.

dinner is brown rice porridge with mushroom, choy sim and threadfin fish. today trying threadfin again see if the bbs like...
my bbs all drop their milk intake..now i giv after feed, they only wanna drink half bottle..so i drop the milk feed after solids...

baby, i m not so stressed by my bbs leh.. more stressed by my two maids! everyday i giv them a routine, they still cant manage. simple n straight forward tasks...:S

grumpus, my boy's rashes got worse ..hmm..he went downstairs for a walk at 5pm.. came back hv dinner, when i bathe him at 7pm, the rashes were all over his body even his butt...

its slightly raised and feels abit sandy to the touch.. is it heat rash huh?? his face also has some on the cheeks n ard the mouth.. :S

now i m wondering if i need to bring him to tmc 24hrs clinic...
Your boy may have german measles. Does he have a fever or other symptoms ? It usually will go off by itself in 3-4 days but if he feels unwell or has a fever, better bring to Dr. Did your boy take the MMR shot already? Could be a reaction.
hmmmm doesn't sound like heat rash. sounds like a allergic reaction flare up.
usually when me or my girl hv an allergic reaction, even after we are no longer in contact with the thing that caused the reaction in the first place, we are still hyper sensitive and many other things like sweat and dust can cause a flare up.

i think u can afford to wait till tomorrow. if it's still bad tomorrow morning, bring him to the pd. he may need oral antihistamines.
bubblybear, no other symptoms except the rash, itch and of coz super cranky n sticky...

grumpus, thanks! i will observe until tmr morning. is there anything i can apply on him to relieve the itch now? does powder help??
Panda wife
If no fever, then ok. But if he doesn't settle due to itch, then maybe go Dr tomorrow to get some meds for the itch, else think u will have no sleep. But the rash will get worst before it gets better. Do you have calamine lotion ? Can apply some.
i dont hv calamine lotion, will get hb to go n buy some now...thanks!!

now i headache dunno wht's the cause of the reaction...
has yr bb ever been prescribed zrytec for runny nose? that's an antihistamine. can also be used for itch
hi mummies
my boy scratches himself when he sleeps. the scratches are really bad. i've already cut his nails,but also no use. do u know what i can apply to help the scars heal better and faster?
thks in advance.

hi grumpus,
didnt get round to reply u tat day. my boy flu only started the same day i bring him to see pd. pd said from wat she see, its likely to develop to a worst flu, so better give antibiotics. guess no choice, just went ahead with it, altho i was a little hesistant.
Hows yr boy? Rash still have?

Both yr helpers got problem or only 1 of them?

Pluck leaves out can keep longer ah? I always just leave the whole pkt in the fridge then when use just pluck the leafs out wor.... I tot the leafs attach to the stem can keep longer? Wont the leaf lose nutrients if u pluck it and store?

Lunch today.. Mushroom, carrot, choy sim and pork.
Bfast had bread and apple, golden kiwi and avocado.
Cooking porridge for dnr... Pear, tofu, egg yolk, choy sim and threadfin. Wonder how will it taste with this combi...

sweet potato oso wil contribute to orange bb. i noticed my bb looks orange under d sun. but so many stuff all high in brta carotene, how to avoid not givin to bb. my ger loves papaya...think oso adds to orange complexion.
hi pandawife, baby
can I chk with you how much u had to pay for your maid when u first book them?
i went to budget maid. the quoted me :
agency fee = $388
insurance = $320
MOM application fees+tests = $120
total = $828

employers now have to cover the maid's loan, about $3500+. So first 8 months, the maid hardly get any salary, gets $10 per month for 8 months. Monthly salary is about $420.

Just wondering if you paid around the same for your agency also? Cause I wonder if all agency handles the same way.
thks in advance.
yes the orange sweet potato also constitute orange food. but the jap sweet potato is not.

my girl needs papaya to poo and eats a lot of pumpkin, carrots etc. hard to avoid I agree. now I just try to give alternate instead of everyday
Baby, his rashes r better, but still can feel some rashy rough patches on his body though.

the english spinach n jap sweet choy sim i bought all the stalk v long..n i dont giv them to bbs, so i just pluck the leaves n keep in a small lock lock box to save space n keep the leaves fresh.

u hv not tried whole egg w ur gals yet?? i throw the whole egg into the porridge.

lunch i gave rice w quinao pumpkin zucchini minced chicken porridge.

dinner was brown rice lentils choy sim egg minced chicken.

happyhipppo, the insurance cost, MOM requirements n loans r all pretty standard. only thing that varies between agencies will b the agency fee. i paid $488 coz the maids i wanted were all experienced n english speaking.
grumpus, the cream finished liao.. on n off when my younger boy has little dots appearing on his cheeks i used tht cream. now i put the kodomo lotion powder..its says anti rash too...hmm....
the kodomo powder lotion is good. I use on my younger girl for heat rash n diaper rash.

my elder also got some reaction to dunno wat. now her legs all dotted rashes, since last fri. and watever she came into contact with also affects me cos I also got rash on my arms from carrying her. from past experience can take 1wk or more to fully subside
Yup aldry tried whole egg liao.. Steamed whole egg and chopped hard boiled egg into porride...
Today alot of ingredient inside porridge so only give egg yolk..

I also bot those long stem vege.. I also use only leafs.. But i dont pluck first.. I scare will lose nutrients.. So i rather keep whole..

Today the porridge combi quite yummy.. Both my girls finish all...
I cant rem the fee i paid.. I thk abt $300plus for agent fee...
U wana get a maid? U mean now u dont have 1?

Now u give porridge for lunch and dnr? No more pasta or rice?
Today i cook my simple tomato sauce.. Hmm.. Quite tasty.. But i didnt cook the capsicum long enough so its still cuby. So i blend it.. The sauce looks better.. Not as watery...
Dont knw what i can use it to serve... Dont knw soft rice will do not...
Thinking what to cook tml... Cooking 2 times porridge a day headache what combi to give.. Many times feel so repetitive in my ingredient.. And trying to avoid giving too much orange color food...

Lunch - Apple, butternut squash, spinach and pork
Dnr - Tomato, tofu, choy sim and salmon

Panda, whats yr menu tml? Share me yr menu everyday leh.. So i can get some ideas also.. Heeee... I share mine here so can share some ideas too... But mine always v boring.. Haha

The pack of consous i still hvt try yet..
Can i mix it with rice grain to cook as porridge? Or it will cook faster so cant cook together?
baby, some days i giv porridge, some days pasta/rice.. these few days i hv stock, so i cook porridge. smtimes i cook my porridge like soft rice.. but also mix all the ingredients in..

these 2 days i noticed my bbs dont wanan finish up the bowl..left 1 tablespoon refuse to eat..but giv other foods they eat. i suspect coz the whole bowl taste the same. tmr i wanna try serving the different veg separately....

planning to make pan fried macaroni w egg n salmon tmr for lunch. dinner will b brown rice porridge. i try to giv brown rice for dinner coz its more filling....
Pandawife, baby
Thks for the info. Nowadays the loan is $3k+. Just to bring in a maid upfront need to fork out $4k+. Wow alot.
Baby, ya I dont hv a maid now. Just the thot of bring one in is already stressful...sighh
lately i also tired to read recipes or try new foods.. n now my bbs like ok w the porridge.. its the easiest to do...

smtimes the thing with trying new foods is hv to prepare 2 sets in case they dont wanna eat the food coz new taste! n my bbs dont eat cereal, so i cant just quickly make some cereal if they dont wanna eat....

Mummies where do u bring ur babies for haircut? Think my gal is finAlly ready for a hair trim after 1 year, hehehehe
