IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Oh no

It always happens when u hv more than one kid. Illness will pass here n there.

gan, my gals first word is papa, followed by bao bao... no mama ;(

grumpus, yeah lor..v difficult to prevent it from spreading... now i hv to rearrange their sleeping arrangements n pray v hard the boys dont pass the bug to my gal. 2 sick boys is already driving me nutz....
My girls first word is da da... Followed my ma ma...
I notice both my girls are sticky to my hb instead of me.. Hmm...

Wahh.. Yr vege combo big man! I usually only give 2 vege combo or at most 3 with fish... Hvt try tomato yet thou... Will the tomato becomes v watery after blending?

Ya we have more than one bbs.. More tiring when they fall sick... That time when my girls down with brochitis one after another.. Super shag mann... They dont sleep well.. Dont eat well... Refuse to drink milk...
Panda my girl will only go mama when she cried but I dun think she know mama refers to me Coz she dun look at me n call me

How is Lucas?
Haiz...Lucas has viral infection. Afternoon see doc only cough n running nose. Now he has fever too..38.2. Just fed him panadol ....

Both boys r sleeping in my room tonight. Gal zzzz on her own in bb room.
Oh dear Panda, hope Lucas and Linus get well soon. I know how hard it is when both babies are sick... hope Char doesn't catch it.

if your boys' nose is blocked and causing them difficulty in drinking milk, did you try a nose spray? You can try Sterimar or just flush their nose with saline water and syringe. It sounds horrible and they cry like mad, but they feel better after that when their nose is clear.
Baby, my twins' first words also da da, followed by mama. But like what Gan said... I don't think they are calling us leh... they simply anyhow dada and mama... without looking at us!
Panda, sounds like great progress on your kids' self feeding! once they explore and you figure out what they like, then it will become easier to feed them full meals i suppose.

My girl also has the gold vault mouth... shut close and refuse to open when we feed her. But I notice that she will eat when I feed her bread or carrot cubes with hand... so will try to feed her with hand more. And its not as if she reject spoon... cuz when I feed her mango or pear with spoon, she happily eat and want more! This is one fussy and clever to choose eater!
mummies.. i hv this very strange problem. my younger boy during the day is like superglue to me. dont want anybody else.. come night, he fusses during sleep.. and only wants my hb! if i pick him up, he still scream and struggle with me.. once i hand him over to my hb, he immediately stops crying and zzzzzzzz.........

my hb n i are both very puzzled.. cant understand why he behaves like this.... i asked my PD...he cant explain either..
Maybe he misses his daddy? Heee...
He knows daddy is around at night so wana cuddle with him..

Any one try giving tofu? Im thinking to intro tofu... But not sure how to give... Cos tofu itself is tasteless... Got o combine with other food?

consider big? wat is ur quantity of veg combo for your porridge? my ger usually eats close to half a rice bowl of porridge. i scare she not enuff nutrients, dun noe if ok or not. coz i think rice is only carbohydrates, so usually i wil add more varieties to d porridge. i blend all veg together, dun think cherry tomatoes too watery...coz only 2 tiny tomatoes.
Baby, I hv given tofu, mix tofu w apple n apricot puree. Got this frOm the recipe book. V yummy..I serve as sweet treat..the bbs enjoyed it... Or u k just add to ur porridge....
Steam the tofu in veg or meat stock will oso gv it flavour.
In yr boy's hierarchy,
1. Daddy
2. Mummy

During the day he knows daddy not ard so he glue to u. But at night he knows daddy is there so he screams for him

I'm just anyhow guessing hahaha

Working wife,
My younger gal is like yr gal. Not total spoon rejection. Stuff she likes she will eat from spoon, other stuff mouth close tight. I'm mostly hand feeding her her meals now
My same suspicion is like grumpus'.
When Im not in the house as my boy, he is ok and happy with everyone (his daddy and grandparents)
But if he sees me, that's it! He will fuss and wanna be carried only by me.
He would cry the moment i left his sight, even if my hubby was carrying him!
And as usual, no one else can pacify him shd he cry at night, except me.
But im used to waking up every hr...even if he is sleeping through now...
this is the weirdest part. during the day even wkends my hb ard, he dun want him. we go out he also dun want him, cling to me like glue. only night time cry wants hb........

my hb pats him to zzz everynight..coz he is the hardest to get to sleep... i wonder if its becoz of this..so when he wakes up, he looks for my hb coz thts how he gets to zzzzz.......
I will usually have 2 vege combo.. Eg, spinach and carrot with codfish... Brinjal and cauliflower with salmon etc.
I give half bowl of plain porridge and add one big cube of vege combo puree... After adding will become almost one full bowl of porridge.

This morning i give toast with heiz custard cereal... I use the toast as spoon to scoop the custard.. And my small girl eats!
Now she seems anti spoon...
panda: could be lor...sleep-association...
Like I put him to bed since he's a small baby, no one else could do it since...coz it's a habit inculcated since young...
baby, my parents n in laws also always like to giv a piece of what they eat to bbs... i had to repeatedly tell them the implications... coz to them its ok de.. last time they do tht w us too...

after a while, they understand tht they shld not be giving bbs foods ...n will check w me before feeding them.. i tell them in general ok to gv the fruits and breads i hv at home...anything else must check with me....
Ya lah... I know thats how we are brought up..
But i still dont like... I will tell my inlaws dont feed my girls anytin except those i prepare for them...
Hai.. Thats what happen when we ourselves are not taking care the bbs.. Sometimes we have no control at all...
Even aft i tell maybe they will still secretly give... Hmmm..
Yes, if we leave them under the care of others, hv to close one eye. Thts y we r sahm? Even for me, my parents help when I m here oso alot of such conflicts. Bo bian..I need the help coz 2nd maid replacement not here. They even interfere w how I manage my maid, not to mention my bbs. I just hv to tahan until my 2nd maid come in n they no lOnger need to b here on daily basis.
Just bought my baby's 1st preloved toy. Can I ask for those of u who bought prelove items, what did you all used to sanitize the portions which cannot be washed ?. Is dettol wet wipes safe n sufficient ?

Panda & Baby,
I seemed to be conflict with my parents too who is caring for my baby. Many ppl just tell me shut an eye but its just not me. Now I can seriously think of being a sahm till my baby is ready for childcare. Sigh!..
Day, I dun use dettol on toys. I use the pigeon bottle washing liquid to clean. For non washable parts, I wet a wiping cloth w the liquid n water n wipe. Dettol not advisable coz bbs might put the toy in their mouth or touch the toy n suck their fingers.

Yeah, conflicts r here to stay unless u k b Bo chap. Frankly for first time mum n after going thru ivf, I find it v hard to close one eye. So xin ku then hv them, I want to bring them up my way...
Panda where did u buy the mini kitchen toy? Ur gal is so good can sit there n play....I think my gal wld have over turn the oven n use a ball to bang on it.
Gan, thts a vtech kitchen. I bought from metro during the last 20% storewide. Usual price $99.90!

My gal v typical girly girly one. I quarantine her today ..she spent the whole day in her room w my helper w her kitchen, leapfrog picnic basket, a board book n her walker. If it's the boys, wld hv scream the house down already...
I also dont use dettol... Same as panda.. I use pigeon bottle detergent to wash bb toys and wipe bb mat and highchair...

Really hard to close one eye.. I always feel no one can take care of my girls better than me... Hee... Maybe as mothers.. We can never 放心...

Tml im gg to try egg yolk in my elder girl porridge... Put potato, egg yolk and spinach with cod fish... Thats tml lunch menu...
Got picture to show me on the vtech kitchen?
I bot the play yard.. Scarli we find its abit redundant.. Cos my girls aldry crawl v well and fast... The confined area will restrict their crawling and exploring... In e end we keep it away... Didnt even use it for an hr.. There goes my $168...
Such a good baby! I think my gal will scream the house down if I keep her in the room the whole day. Gonna check out the toys when I go Robinson as I got a 25% voucher....there always seem to be things to buy for baby.
How r the boys? Recovering?

Baby I m thinking of trying egg yolk this weekend. These few days starting to intro fish to my gal again...with 1 spoonful first
Panda & Baby, Thanks! .. I had been off work since preg and suppose to return to work in Nov but took another 2 months of NPL. Back in my mind, I m struggling if I should be a sahm. Sometimes when my boy fuss alot, I get quite upset !..But when he smiles at us, my heart totally melted. Probably will call it a day when I m ready for FET. Now, seeing that u ladies are whipping up interesting menus for ur darlings made me further motivate me to stay at home.
baby, the kitchen set pic...


my bbs play in the play yard alot.. and they like the activity panel. i upgraded one panel to the melody one. n they will hold the panels n cruise around it.. i find it v useful leh... now their favourite action is to sit in the yard, climb up n stand holding the panel, then suddenly release their hands and go thump! onto the mat... they can repeatedly do this many times like its v fun.......
gan, tell me about it! i m buying stuff online all the time n everytime metro or taka sales, i zoom out buy toys..LOL..

my boys are both coughing... they hv sensitive airways ..will take longer than usual to fully recover.. meanwhile mummy n daddy got to bear w the sleepless nights.......
I just bot the vtech kitchen off amazon! Works out to be cheaper than buying here after seeing the price u mentioned. Some more can ship to Singapore! Buying girly toy for my gal now...heeee

Must be very tiring on u, especially ur hubby is he is working!

I m having a slight cough now....very scare: will pass to Grace as we sleep in same room
Hi mummies,

Long time since I check the thread...Drop by to say hello.. **waves**
Motherhood is really really not as easy as I thought! Initially I am going bonkers with 2 cranky babies and 1 unhelpful helper.

Now as my boys knows how to chuckle, laugh, saying baby language....all the hardwork is really worth it!
Sometimes the tiredness will make me bad mood but once they smile at me, my heart melts again....

Might consider to b a SAHM too...still struggling with the thought as I prefer to work...

Kudos to all the mummies here...be it SAHM or FTWM...it is never easy! Jia you!

will not be logging in often...take care ya...
O yes, and would like to special thanks mummies who hv encourage me on breastfeeding via SMS or emails...u kw who u r
Thank u

Without u mummies, I am just like a headless mosquito...hehe...
Yup that time my girls have brochitis.. My pd give them singuliar for a week.. It works...

I also been buying toys for my girls... Always need to control myself...
Gan, how much u bot the vtech kitchen from amazon? Must go thru vpost right?
Ya talking abt having bad mood with tiredness... My elder girl keep waking up at night.. Make me so angry with her... But when morning comes.. She will laugh and crawl towards u... Then i will fall in love with her all over again... Heee
Looking at yr fb photo.. The one with u and a lady.. Each carrying one boy... The boy u carrying is yr eldest is it?
He look bigger size than the other...

My elder girl also bigger size.. Cos she eating solids more.. Whereas my small girl will eat depending on her mood and likes... Need lots of patience feeding her mann!
This morning gives her toast with kiri cheese and heiz custard... She happily eats... When give her porridge she shake her head and refuse to open her golden mouth... Give her cereal her lips also locked tight!

This lunch i give my elder girl porridge with spinach, potato, corn, egg yolk and cod fish... She slurp it all up! Seeing her eats make me motivated to whip up more interesting menu..
I tried cooking bellamy pasta stars.. It says 7mins.. But after cooking more than 15mins its still hard leh... Then after half hr.. The whole thing becomes glue lor...

I also bot bellamy spelt pasta.. But hvt try cooking yet...

Btw how much toast yr bb can eat? My small girl eat abt half slice without the brown crust.. Custard abt 30ml...
Baby, nope. Thts my younger who is on full milk. He was 9.28 when the pic was taken. Gor gor was 9.1kg.

My gal only eat 1/4 slice without the crust! Half slice is v good. The custard is not the vanilla custard. There is a egg custard thts bottled foods. I use it like a jam...

Today took the boys see pd again..Haiz...

Grumpus, yes...he gave tht n stop after 5 days. But cough still persist. Today he ask me to start giving again for another 5 days plus an antibiotic for both boys......
Singulair is good n ok to take long term. Good for kids with sensitive airways. The longest my elder girl took is 3wks straight. My friend's kids having been taking for 2 yrs
Can give me the link?
Just order from the website and it will ship directly? Easy? Cos too complicated i scare i dont knw la.. I not v savy on internet...

Full milk is how many feeds? Per feed how much?

Oh i saw the heiz bottled custard... I tot u giving the heiz box vanilla custard... I give the vanilla custard with toast... I make it thicker so easier to smear with toast bits..

I just went to fruit stall to buy pang jio and one avocado... Going to let my girls try avocado with toast tml... I wonder will it taste tasty not... Can add what to avocado to make it more tasty? Scare not yummy my fussy small girl will reject..
The pang jio still v green.. Wont be ready tml...

Btw after cutting the avocado.. Must finish all is it? Cannot keep inside fridge?

My small girl took singuliar for 2 weeks... Initially for a week.. Then pd let her continue for another week when she still can hear abit of wheezing...
My girls only having 4-5 feeds each day... For my small girl usually only have 4 feeds... Each feed abt 200ml.. But lately she cant finish 200ml.. Will leave abt 40-60ml... Scare she not enough nutrients esp when her solids is not alot...

Small girl
730am - morning milk 200ml
930am - toast with cheese or custard
1130am - milk
230pm - fruit puree (eg pear and peach)
430pm - milk
730pm - bedtime milk

Not alot hor... Hmmm...

Elder girl
6am - morning milk
930am - toast with cheese or custard
10am - milk
12pm - porridge
230pm - fruit puree
4pm - milk
530pm - porridge
730pm - bedtime milk
my gal taking 7-8 feeds a day, each feed 140ml. i tried replacing w solids, but she doesnt eat enuff then start to fuss..n hv to gv her milk...

she is one tough gal to feed.. only wanna self feed..totally refused to let me feed nowadays.. even handfeed she zip her mouth. i use carrot sticks or cucumber sticks to feed she also saw thru my trick.... so i just continue to let her drink her milk n play w foods..haha..
My younger gal also harder to feed. When I hand feed sometimes I just push the food into their mouth. Works for my elder when she's playing n distracted. My younger will let me push the food in but then she will look at me, open her mouth big big, stick out her tongue and let all the food drop out, then continue playing!!
grumpus, mine too! she will spit the food out or just keep it in her mouth..n when i try to feed again, she will use her tongue to block n spit out the food in her mouth.....

i find it so stressful to feed..n waste of all the foods when i feed her. but if she self feed n she wanna eat, she will happily keep eating and eating.... tht day stuff her whole mouth with steam carrots until cant chew...i had to dig some out by force :S

by the way, hv u tried brown rice pasta before??i bought a pack of brown rice veg pasta.. same problem baby, cook not long enuff hard, too long all melted ....
another fella forum mummy shared w me that her little gal also mouth zip shut when she tried to feed... she kept offering porridge and only at 11 mths the gal start to eat decent portion of solids.....

now i m shorthanded..cant b making 3 sets of different foods everyday... esp since the boys are unwell....

i hv no schedule of feeding solids at all... its mission impossible.. as n when there is chance, i just offer her food to see if she wants.. if dont want, then giv her milk....
the only thing my girl open mouth big big for is fruits, and junk food (aka snacks)! thankfully she direct latch so i just let her drink as much as she wants. but sometimes really tiring to be tied to her all day too that i feel like giving fm :p

i've found that rice pasta in general is very hard to cook properly. Esp if the pasta is small pcs type. I cook penne rice pasta now and the timing has to be exact. any less and it's hard, any more and it dissolves. i guess u just hv to keep trying to figure out the timing. sometimes just 3-5 mins more is enough

Wahh yr girl can drink so much...

Ya lor.. Its always a struggle when bb is a fussy eater.. No choice got to keep on trying...

Now bb getting bigger... They are getting smarter!
Cant trick them to eat... Even if manage to stuff the food in.. They dont swallow also no use... So now i try not to force feed... Once i see she not interested.. I will stop.. Then try again next time...
