IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Enjoy yr naps now while u can! I miss the times when i can wake up late and the afternoon naps when im preggy.. Now with the bbs.. Sleeping is quite an luxury... Im sure the mummies here will agree with me... Hehe...

Ya I know gers, sleep is super precious. I will cherish it as much as possible.
Now its my nua period for them to grow
Really that bad ah.. Yr girl still fussing alot? Who is helping u now?
My small girl still fuss very often... Can happen any time.. Very tiring... Luckily my big girl dont fuss alot.. Shsssh.. Dont let her hear that.. Haha...

Yday night my hb take care of all the feeds.. I didnt wake up to feed... So pai seh.. Hee.. Cos really too tired..

Now my small girl sleeping in my arms... Keep crying when i put her down... Sigh...

Working wife
Ya mann... Only eat and sleep... And watch tv...
Its been a long time since i watch tv for good... Aldy very long nvr watch those hk serial dramas which i always watch when im preggy...

Anyone interested in cloth books?? There is a BP on cloth books but require 30pcs per title. Plus now got promo. If you reco your friend to buy, you and your friend will get a free book.


Btw I'm not related to d organiser. Juz hope can acheive the MOQ to get the BP on.
Baby my gal fussing is occasionally but she cries for milk every 2 to 2.5 hrs so must wake up to feed and also pump milk lor. day time when she is sleeping, pump, wash clothes, cook lunch etc and of course surf net do online shopping ha ha, really no time to sleep.

But starting this week, she sleeps 4 hrs at night from last feed! So only need to feed her at 3 or 4 am and next feed 7 or 8 am. Keeping fingers crossed. So my pumping at night also becomes 4 hr or more
Oh cos u do hsewk and cooking thats y not much time to sleep.. Yr mum or mil helping u? U intend to get a maid?
When u returning to work?

Luckily i dont have to do hsewk.. Else i will faint..
hiaz.. i found a transfer maid, supposed to do the paper work this week...but today the agency called me n said the maid scared to take up the assignment coz i hv so many babies. she is concerned about waking up at night to help and sleeping in baby room :S

so now i m back to sourcing for maid again....

baby, my little ones also fussing .. in betw feeds, they dun sleep thru.. will wake up cry n wanna be carried..smtimes carry still cry n cry...can go bonkers de...
Baby, i am on my own but once or twice a week, my parents will bring me lunch. no help from my in laws at all. So day time, really can go crazy sometimes, coz must do a number of things.

Yes will be getting a maid soon....so lazy haven't start sourcing.

Which agency did you go to for your maid?
Pandawife, did u let the maid know that you will also have help from ur mum and mil?
Like this...maybe need 2 maids??
Oh no, sorry to hear. Must b frustrating. I think u might need 2 maids then. One for hsework and one for bbs.

Ya, so long never watch tv. All my auto record programs frm the time I was in hospital until now never watch yet!
My boy still fussy... Must be carried all the time. Put down to sleep also cannot. And sometimes carry also still cry. Girl initially quite good... Now beginning to fuss in evenings. Mann....
Panda/working wife/gan
Ya mann... The fussing and crying can be frustrating at times.. So much so i get angry with them.. But after cooling down.. I feel better..
My small girl also cry non stop even when im carrying her.. Nothing can pacify her.. Really go bonkers.. Wana take a short nap also cannot..

Panda, maybe u can tell the maid her main duties is to do hsewk.. Only need to helpout with the bbs cos u have two mothers taking care of the bbs.. Then after she has work in yr hse for some time.. Then slowly more responsibities with the bbs... If one maid really cant handle.. Got to consider having two maids..
Cos if u tell the maid she got to take care 3 bbs and do hsewk.. I guess no maid wana take up the job..

Gan, i went to JDM agency at coronation plaza.. They only have philipino maids.. No indonesian maids.. U aware the fee has gone up? I thk now is $450...
Wah how come my hubby wasn't allowed in the OT? I had a natural birth there. Dr Loh said better to deliver there just in case I need a c sec. He said that after checking my cervix.
Hi Val,

I am diagnosed with PUPPP when i was on my 33wk..went to c doc was given medicine n cream to cure itch but no use. went to c my gynae but she advise to go polyclinic get referral letter but the doc at poly clinic do nt wan to gv me as she say i jus nid to endure for few wks..crazy lo, i almost every nite cant sleep n 1day is already a torture to me.in e end i went skin ctr direct n was given steroid n cream. it only helps abit but can say at least better. nw my leg, arms n stomach full of scar but at least nt like e initial stage so reddish, nw all had become dark..i hv given birth on 1feb however my stomach n soles till nw still abit itchy, no matter hw i scratch, esp e soles is hard de, scratch like din scratch..im still taking e steroid nw even though my gynae tell me to stop..i hack care, coz i already deliver so won affect my bb le..
For me, 2 maids are just nice. I rotate their duty every week. Both help with my twins and 3 year old but 1 more on housework and the other for my kids.

I give a timetable to the one who is doing housework, when to bathe coz I dun want her to carry my bb when she is sweaty.
i dun need 2 maids.. now we hv 4 adults to 3 babies in the house.. maid is to do housework.. if hire 2 maids..will be overcrowded...

i told the maid her main focus will be housework n as n when required...help me w the babies..coz there will be occasional days my mum or mil will go home for couple of hours during the day.

even after explaining.. she is not comfortable.. then again it could b a blessing that she back out now then to start the job n freak out ....
my babies have been fussing since tht last feed at 7pm.... me n hb went blur trying ot pacify them.... :S

now finally all asleep.... i wanna drop dead on my bed.. but its almost 3 hrs n reach the next feed soon!
thks. yes i take after meals. i'm taking 4 capsules of fenugreek now. i stopped taking yesterday ardi, coz the giddiness makes me feel lousy. also sometimes i'm at home alone with baby, so a bit scary, dont dare to risk getting giddy. will stop a while and see how it goes.
learnt at baby massage class on how to help with colic.
press baby's legs together, and tuck it towards the stomach. its abit like how we do stomach crunches. i did this and immediately baby will let out a fart.. so air is coming out.
Hi balroggal,

Sigh.. PUPPP is really antagonizing!! I m still at the very start of the second trimester.. My rashes and itch has gotten from bad to worse. The little bumps and itch has now spread from the front (tummy and boobs) to my back (and butt cheeks) as well as my right arm and got a feeling legs are Akan datang... the steroid cream does not really help much and it's freaking itchy at night and I can't sleep!! I m going to fall into temptation to have 1 antihistamine tonight just so that can sleep. Trying to keep it to once a week of relief. meanwhile, like JJ, m slapping on tOns of calamine lotion until I m powdery white.

M going to chk in with my doc this sat if there other remedies coz things r not improving and spreading  will chk with him too if it's necessary to do a test just to ensure that my liver is doing fine and not contributing to the itch. Else I gotta wait for delivery for the itch to ease ?!

I really cannot imagine going thru 25 more weeks of severe itching.. Will be so scarred by then.. Haiz!
Pandawife my gal was crying badly at my mum 's place earlier after her 10pm feed, carry also cannot pacify her but once we r in our car she quiet down n when home I wipe her face n change to her sleeping clothes, she slept soundly almost immeduiately. Guess it's time to sleep but we r out n she got cranky. My parents got a shock from her persistent cries.

Baby ya heard salary up but no choice. Yes I m looking for a Fillipino helper. My mum has decided to help me babysit my gal when I m back to work in may. So I m getting a maid go help her with housework , cooking else too taxing for my parents.
Val - hang in there!!! Itch buddy.
The cream dr loh gave me did stop the itch on my belly but now tiny bug bumps are appearing on whole body esp arms, back if hands & ankle area.

Can't possible I use the cream on all these places so decided go use the cream alt nights for the belly then alt with calamine lotion. The cream did state warning for preg ladies.

HoW I wish I can coat myself in calamine lotion, they should have a brush application tool too help applying cos so difficult to get the ankle areas with my big belly in the way

Sleeping in air con rm also helps reduce the itch, for me la

My "factory" has re-open. Hehe. Will still try natural these few months. If really no news, will go for fet, since i still got 3 frozen eggs with KK.


I dont want to think so much about age gap. You know, people like us dun get conceived easily. So even if the age gap is very close, I will happily accept it and work a way out, somehow or rather. I also dunno how I spent my last 1 month and 16 days looking after my baby girl.


Sometimes I am still not convinced she is right in front of me now. I meet new clients every now and then, and when people asked me if I have any kids, I am so proud to take out my phone to show them the photos.. hahaha... i am a crazy mum. Very proud of own achievements. These little things really make me happy.


You want to consider putting your baby on yao lan? Usually babies who need to carried for long or sleep for short hours, may sleep longer in yao lan. Let her sleep during day time. At night, you can let her sleep in her baby cot.


Jia you!!!! I know it is not easy during your pregnancy term.. but many mummies here will tell you, it is not lagi not easy to be mummies... but you gals will enjoy the motherhood for sure.
Hi ladies, v long no popped by...

JJ & Val, I think I have those bug bumps u described too, fr CNY eve onwards. I thought it was due to my kana bugs bitten at my inlaws place. Till now it didnt go away, and I often scatch cos the itch still stays. They are like red dots (with bumps) appearing on my feet n ankles. I have some on my belly. Gosh, I didnt know is pregnancy related allergies! When I c dr Loh on Tuesday for my 25weeks growth scan, I didnt bother ask him as I tot I should refer to dermatologist hehe...

JJ u on HL already? till deliver mah?
Hi girls,

I am babygalore, some of you might still remember me from the ivf thread.

I conceived naturally by chance and now my gal is 4months. Can I join this thread to participate in your talks about caring for babies and such because somehow, I have already formed bonds with some of you all earlier and feels like home here

So happy for you really..you must be so excited and full of anticipation. Somehow got this gut feel that you will be a mom soon but I did not expect you will be baking two hot buns..heheeee...I have not being following this thread, have you any cues to the gender of your two baobeis?

Halllowww sis, how are u too?? U must be up to ur neck on carrying for your gal. But its happyily busy that kind of feeling right?

Yeah, u are right, when the baby is tired and we don't coax them to sleep in them, the volcano will erupt. What i do now is once I catch sign of my gal turning fatigue such as restless, rub eyes, yawn, look away when I play/talk to her, make "unhappy" noises, I will quickly put her on th cot and light pat her. That will save at least 10mins of wailing.

My mum is also the main caregiver now. She does not want to maid, so the arrangement is to order dinner, so she does not have to cook and can dedicate time to caring of baby. I have also set up a nice rontine and did sleep planning so that she sleeps at specific times which will allow my mum to take a breather. Its really quite taxing for them to looking after babies.

Hey girls, JJ, Singapoh,...etc, long time no talk, its been a long journey, glad to hear that you all are doing well
Hi babygalore!! *waves* first time see u here! Yes very busy with my gal but enjoying every sleepless moment. I m happy my mum proposed to take care of my gal, initial plan is to send her to infant care. But still need to sort our childcare when my mum goes overseas to visit my Sis. Will see how things go.
How do you trAin the sleep pattern? This applies to day time too?
How is life managing motherhood n work? Ur mum stays with you?

Soon to be congrats!!! This is good news!! When is ur number 2 edd?? Know u r expecting a boy or gal?? Happy for u!
Val n JJ,
really gt to endure lo. nt sure abt u gals, but tht time i apply calamine lotion become worse n difficult to clean off. starting i really enjoy my pregnancy coz i dun really hv ms but this PUPPP make me feel like giving birth asap...luckily i no need to wait till EDD, i deliver 3wks+ earlier.
maybe u gals can go to skin ctr, it helps alot by making u able to sleep well at nite..coz e medicine really makes u super drowsy....but fyi e doc gt cut a small skin at my arm n stitch as i gt those blisters on my arm.
Harlow babygalore ! - glad to see u here. Wow .. u remembered me !!

Update - I'm having twin boy & girl, currently 30wks & starting to itch like crazy ..

I was really glad to read yr past postings on the various types of supplements u gave yr 2 cents worth of advise. Cos i thot that was what boost my chances of success for the ivf.

imp - Yup, already on HL resting at home, hope bb ger will grow more with me resting at home. i googled that those rashes are due to preg, usually 3rd tri will start up.
Thanks Gan...a lot of planning to do coz #1 is still so young.....v tired, but aso v happy and looking forward to #2 arrival....
Congrats STB !! U must be so happy & shocked at the same time ! Baby bunny !!

balroggal - think mine is not as serious as yrs le ... cos the calamine lotion is able to curb the itchness for the night .. nxt morning then will start the itch cycle & I can then put the creams or lotions.
Just faith
Yr factory so fast reopen ah... Haha...
U went for natural birth? So fast resume bd liao ah..
I havent resume yet leh.. Scare my c sect wound will burst open.. Hee.. Or i think too much liao.. Panda, gan.. U gals resume liao?
Baby Er where got Energy?? My hubby n I are too tired to be romantic.... Ha ha ha somemore baby's cot in our room abit strange to bd.=p

My tummy I gave up le........
Cute, stb but think too early to say for now. Maybe you can change mind and try for 3rd,hoping will be a girl.

True, i debating whether to go for natural or fet because i don't want to "throw" my 2 frozen embbies that I hv left. heartpain
My_little_joy_&_happiness, hb only wan 1....we are lucky to have this accident for #2 though we did thought of trying for 1 dragon girl....

Since I have gotten my dream of 2 kids coming true, I dun think I wan to push my luck too far...hehehee....

Oh, if u dun mind go thru all the whole cycle again, then can jus try FET immediately.

I aso heartpain..but I still have 7 left...I can't possibly try with all 7 and then get # of kids rite? I think I will faint lor.....8P

yeah!!! well done man!!!! actually our initial route was IUI and try for IVF if all else fails... but so happen that too many eggs during the stimulation stage and we converted from IUI to IVF. It is less stressless compared to IVF.

And now we have our #1 - I feel light and happy all the time. Although, sometimes I do helpless not knowing how to handle her cries, but somehow or rather, we overcome it.
No right or wrong as each baby is different. Hehe.


Ya lor... factory re-open when we embarked into Rabbit year.. haha. If still no news after June/July, then I will go for fet. I had natural delivery, so it is not an issue to me.

I don't forget easily how stressful I went thru 1st IVF and now asking myself if I am brave one more time to go thru FET again :p

haha.. right can't be that you have to finish all 7 off.

Glad you conceived #2 naturally.What a fortunate Alvis to have bro as a playmate. Do take care more..
Just Faith
As long as u are prepared, nothing else matters. Hope to hear your good news soon.

Hello ! I remember you. Heartiest congrats to you ! Like u, I also had my #2 recently, he is now 1.5 mths old.

Congrats to you ! The boys will have company for each other. I can imagine how busy it will be, but its a happy thing.

Don't worry about tummy lah, if u planning to have more babies, quickly have then once close factory, one shot go do lipo-suction lor..
I always feel corset just make your tummy look flat under clothes.
Just Faith, ur gal is how many mths now?

My #1 is already 8 mths...he was really v difficult during his 1st 3 mths, that I was regretting my decision to be a mum...was telling everyone 1 kid is enuff....

Luckily we didn't give up but started to train him to slp thru the nite....he's a little cutie now...v active and fun to be with..

Ya, having a good routine helps to manage the bb. My son has a daily routine..so he's so easy to handle except at times he will wan to fuss (he jus wan us to cuddle and play with him lar).

The only regret now is I may not have be able to spend more time with him once #2 is here....hb said we spent time with gor gor and di di together...8)
Ya lor.. Where got energy and mood... So shack coaxing crying bb.. haha..

Btw, anyone hear of yu guo baby massage? Im thinking to bring my twins there for massage...

wow congrats! u must be so excited. come to think of it i really enjoyed my pregnancy period. just need to eat well and take care of myself ..hahha
can i get some tips from u on what routine u set for ur son? coz i seem to spend alot of time latching on my baby and not much time to do otr stuff with him.
