IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

hi bee,
i did ivf at kk but planning to deliver at tmc, haven't decided on a gynae yet though. are you 12 weeks now? how often do you see your gynae?

hi 76,
i got a dress from the outlet but the website doesn't have a picture of it. my tummy is getting a bit bigger but i look more fat than pregnant. hehe. are you able to feel your uterus with your hand? it's supposed to feel like a ball or something. i can't feel mine though.

hi sophia,
congrats!!! how do you feel? any symptoms?

ladies - do you have craving for certain foods after 1st tri ? i'm 2nd tri going to 3rd, and suddenly i like to eat sweet stuff. last time dont like sweet stuff.
hi ladies!

hope everyone is doing well and great. do enjoy your pregnancies and please take good care of yourself ya!

my triplet girls just turned 3 months yesterday. i have never posted any picture of them so here's one.
Miss Hae,
I was just thinking about your triplets a few hours ago and wondering when you will post their pics...hahaha! and now you posted to us!! So cute...
You shaved their hair ah?
What are their names? Their weights now?
How are you coping now? Do share more with us..since we are 1st time mothers.
I never crave for sweet stuffs so far. Better dont take too much of that during pregnancy, and you are carrying twins somemore, must consciously reduce the sugar intake leh.

haha! we got telepathy skills hor! lol!

no lah, never do anything to their heads. that is their original hair. the left is no 2, the middle is no 3 and the right is no 1. no 1 has the most hair while my no 3, as you can see, has the least! haa3!

from left, Nur Jannah (5.2kg), Nur Sarah(4.8kg) and Nur 'Adawiyah (4.9kg).

so far, i am coping well with my mum. only us two look after them, with my dad and husband helping in the evening. at times i do feel stressful as staying at home with 3 babies 24hrs can dampen your mood so at times, i will bring 1 with me to go out. go library or anywhere lah as long as i bring 1. same goes with my mum.

my tip is to have lots of patience lah. it's not easy, esp with 3 babies and i am not the sort who has lots of patience so my girls really teach me to be one! lol! no choice liao! their crying can also drive me mad at times but i see it in another angle-their way of communicating with me.

and if ppl offer help, TAKE! don't yaya don't take. lol! it helps when my in laws help to take them then i can go for short dinner dates and we even had a short holiday to kl last 2 weeks. we came back as energized and better parents and spouses to each other.
Miss Hae,

ya hor, you must have sensed what i was thinking. Heehee...

Your gals seems to be growing well, so good! And you are now in your pre pregnant weight hor? I remember you gained very little during your pregnancy leh.

Ya, agreed with you about accepting help from others if possible... but then I have gotten no help from anyone, own parents not free, they are busy with my sis's sons, then my in laws' house is not conducive for bb to stay in... very cramped and dirty... and mil will not come to my place and I also dare not let her stay at my house, once stay, will stay for long...
Me in dilemma also, luckily mine is only singleton... hope I can manage well alone... :p

don't worry you can lah. sure can one.

ya, i lost all my 16kg of pregnancy weight that i gained a week after i gave birth. don't ask how cos i also don't know how i lost them. but i very thankful lah so i don't have to exercise!
ms hae - wow, your girls look healthy and happy. how do you bring them out ? do you have triple stroller ? s'pore very hard to find.

bliss - orh. ok will try to reduce sugar.
ms hae
thanks for sharing the photos... your 3 gals are so sweet... u know who is who since they look alike? :D i noticed their hair style are slightly different tho
bliss... pray safe mah, in case something happen... touch wood, touch wood. my gynae told only at week 20 then we will know if bb is 100% healthy mentally and physically
Cribby, oic, i did mine at IVF at TFC but hv gone back to my gynae, Dr Joycelyn Wong at TMC. ya, just pass week 12 3 days ago.

i used to see my IVF doc weekly till week 8. After that, i visit my gynae every two weeks till week 12. Subsequent visit will be every month till i think week 30 or 32...
welcome to the thread!

congrats! 3rd tri soon...

my next appt is 29 apr. still @ 2 wks interval.
maybe u can ask dr sadhana. understand some rooms in clinic D may have scan machine.

not sure abt others.
my bottoms - jeans, capris & work pants will buy maternity ones. spring maternity sells some designs which can still wear post-pregnancy, not ugly one.
the non-maternity types are usually leggings, good wif long tops. i find these useful when go for gynae chk ups & scans.
like wat lina says, there are also pants/jeans extension pieces. think mums & babes is one of those which sell them.

aiyoh... all the best. hope u can tahan even longer & deliver the babies safely.

miss hae,
ur triplets r so cute!!! u must be tired trying to take care of them...
ask u huh... other than totally lost the weight, did u lose the tummy as well??? wonder how it happened... u r so lucky!
you did ivf with pc wong? he did the c-sect for me. recorded it on video. the best gynae for me.
you're in safe hands. oh, we have the maclaren twin stroller so another baby in our baby bjorn carrier. easier that way. triple stroller not easy to use in sg.

thank u! yes, they are fraternal triplets and i can tell them apart easily. maybe as the mum, i know better lah. most ppl do get confused at times so i ask them to look at the amount of hair! hee3!

tired? of course lah. take care of 1 baby also tired mah, what more 3. but you know what, it's all worth it. tired but seeing them smile, babbling away and look at how much they have grown since they were first born, it makes me happy and that's all that matters.

thank u! tired but still going on strong! haha!
yes, i lost the tummy as well. i don't have any bulge portuding at all and didn't wear any girdle or whatever when i go out or when i'm at home. i wore the abdominal binder when i was still recovering from the c-sect but took it off a week after that. had the traditional massage for 5 days then i'm totally off the binder and whatnots. no tummy, lost all the weight. now i am at my pre pregnancy weight. actually, more lighter too! im just as surprised too as i was expecting to be big and having difficulty to lose weight but never leh.
Your babies are so cute. Really admire your strength to take care of 3 at a time.

Cribby: No cravings right now.... infact nothing leh. No symptoms... Just tired at the end of work day and want to sleep. Constipation even though I eat fruits and veg at every meal. I even drink prune juice. Is this normal?
ms hae - yes i'm with Prof Wong ! he's going to be away in july so i'm waiting for 2 days till he's back to do c-sect for me. dont want another doc to do it ! he must be excited abt your triplets. he was v excited abt my twins
at what week did you pop ? will you ask to girls to call each other "older sister" or by name ? i'm hoping to get the valco twin stroller from australia.
Miss Hae,
really envy you to be able to lose all the extra weight easily in such a short time!

So you are going back to work or be a SAHM?

oh really? Ok, I will ask about the scan machine then. But think all the rooms are fully occupied in clinic D, not sure if the docs can switch their rooms for me.
hi bee,
are you having a singleton or multiples? you should be able to find out the gender at your next visit right. i'm looking forward to that

hi sophia,
i had no symptoms at all and was worried if everything was ok, but the ladies on the thread reassured me that it's normal, and things have been going well so far. constipation is normal too because your digestive system slows down, don't worry it's not possible to push the baby out now no matter how hard you try. hehe.

hi ms hae,
your girls are soo adorable! what a blessing.
it must be so much fun watching them grow up together. hehe.
Hi Miss Hae,
your girls are so pretty and sweet in the dress! Oh you had traditional massage, that's most effective. It works for me too.

For ladies who would like to get back the shape, do consider traditional massage.
You can try eating yogurt and yakult to curb constipation. I had bad constip in week 6 and i had to go A&E to get it pump out.. now i drink yakult and yogurt (either/or) one per day (about 4x a week)...dun drink too much otherwise LS...found it v good for me...
Are you having singleton? next visit is week 17 for me, hope to see bb gender...Why havent you decided on gynae?so long liaoz.
Thanks for the recommendation. Will start buying soon. how many weeks did you start buying maternity clothes? i am week 15, havent bougt any.
hi ponytail,

I think because your mouth taste bitter that is why u prefer sweet thing.
My last trimester also craft sweet thing. But ohh, remember to control. I tried to control not eat too much sweet thing.
Btw, If u eat too much sweet thing your baby will have diabetes and bigger size. So remember must control... hehehehe ^_^

hi Sophia,
welcome to the thread.
hi bliss,
can pass me the contact info of your confinement nanny? i tried to locate my previous nanny but she is fully booked. Thanks alot
cribby, mine is singleton. ya, i shd be able to know the gender at next visit, provided bb cooperate, still got 3 weeks... damn long
u must be excited already, u will know early than me... whats ur guess? the old folks said can guess baes on the shape of tummy :D
ok, I will PM you then. Not sure if she is v good, I hope so too.

must be fast leh, I got my CL when I was 12 weeks.
Wah, you all quick hand quick leg leh... look for CL, buy maternity clothes and massage lady. i havent done anything... i am going week 16. i feel so laid back... I m thinking of starting with buying maternity clothes on week 17 when i go see gynae then on the way buy, coz cant walk too much. As for bb clothes, maybe towards end of 2nd tri ba... having twins, but dun think will get CL..see how it goes..
thank you! no choice mah. die2 must do! hee3!

i gave birth at 35weeks and 2 days. he was very nice. when i was admitted, every night he will call up the ward to ask about me and he visited me every day till i got discharged. he also came down to have a look at my girls in the NICU when they were just born. hmm,not sure leh. call older sister but there are 3 of them so see how lah. lol! the maclaren twin stroller is good for me.not bulky and can fit in most escalators.most importantly, easy to manuver and fit into our boot.

nope, not going to work.how to?i'd rather take care of them myself than leave it to a maid. i am doing online business now so that keeps me occupied on top of the girls. most importantly, i'm always there for them.

the massage was good as in she helped to massage my womb back to the original place. actually, shouldn't do it since it's only a week after i gave birth but i didn't feel any pain so i gave her the go ahead. i lost all the weight BEFORE the massage so can't really say the massage was the reason i lost all the weight.i can only say the massage helped to tone up my body and make me feel better. that's all.

you don't hurry to lose weight first you know cos you have to see how your body is recovering from the c-sect. i warn you first, the day after the c-sect is the worst and the nurses there will ask you to get up and walk around. you will cry, i tell you!no joke! it was so painful to even sit up and sit on the wheelchair to see my girls but i pushed myself and within a week, i was walking normally already.
hi ponytail,
malay traditional massage does the same treatment and has good effect. I recall paying $50 per 1 hour massage at home. But that was years back, not sure if price changes now.
nope. he told me after 34 wks its safe already and if i can hit 35wks, he is very happy and he was very happy that i can bear till 35weeks and i was still very positive and wasn't having any pains or discomfort,except for my swollen feet.

my personal target was 36weeks. but since i had protein in my urine and though my blood pressure went down, he decided to do on the 35/2. i was happy with it. 35/2 also can. 36weeks, lagi can! hahaha!

do update us ya! hope everything is going on ok for you and your 3 boys!
ms hae - so pleased for you. your last tri and c-sect sound so smooth. i hope i can dahan 37 weeks. he ask me to target 37 weeks. i still got horrible haemorroids that comes and goes. trying to eat more fruit and drink water, but today still kena. did u have this problem ?
Miss Hae,

yes, agreed, cant possibly go to work with 3 bbs at home. I also will not give up the job of a mother to a maid or the grandparents.
Miss Hae,

Wow.. how i envy you.... well will nv hit 35 week mark la.. now already threatened labour.. anytime these few weeks .... nut hope i can at least bear for another 2 -4 more weeks..
you having BH contractions and 2nd time swollen feet ah? Think you are going to pop soon... must get ready for this happy day!
miss hae,
wow! envy u leh...
hope i can be like dat as well! hahaha!

not fully occupied all the time bah... can try asking dr sadhana.

i started buying in beginning of 2nd tri, but dun realli need other than bottoms. cos i have many loose dresses. if can fit current clothes, then dun nid to buy yet lor.

i dun think so leh...
Hi ladies, can I use medicated oil for morning sickness. Feel very giddy when i get up.. Wanna use medicated oil to make me feel better but no idea if is it allowed.. Usually use in on my nose.. Any advise??
another alternative is to get up slowly.
during antenatal class, the physio says to use both hands support body then slowly turn around to get up. if u have nausea, have some water & biscuits beside ur bed, munch a bit then get up.
juju78: thanks for the tip..The thing is i get hungry very fast but in the morning juz to sick to eat.. By the way.. When should we start the antental classes.. Where do u go for ur classes?? Is it juz theory or do they have practical as well??
usu after 1st tri can start cos things more stable.
kk's antenatal class is theory + practical.
up to individual whether wanna to take or not la... some feel dun need. esp if parents or in-laws helping out or, got CL
A small note to my Preggie GF's here:

Please listen to Doctor's advise... Especially when they tell you not to carry heacy stuff, relax and be kind to yourself ..please do...Those at 2nd trimester .. please refrain from walking too much and please do not ignore even the slightest cramps, discharge and also BH contractions.

Do take vitamins and supplements recommended by PD as they will be the best for babies or Doctors as they will be the best for both mummies & babies.. Do not attempt to buy off the shelve as they may not be suitable for mummies and babies.

Well, This will be my last stride into motherhood, have not been a good girl and been doing so much housechores, wash cars, shopping etc... untill i put my babies at risk.. Come to think of it ..its a selfish act as i never protect them well until something happened and i really regret it.. i should have been resting when i hit my 5th month pregnancy but was so engrossed shopping, and even helped my DH in his work until i got so stressed out...Thank Godness my babies are commandoes babies and can work hard for our goal together hand in hand with mummy now..

They are very smart now and can listen to me.. take for instance this moring, one of my bb head was protruding from my tummy and rather hard and i used my thumb and 2nd finger to gently touch it and he likes it and stayed there.. than for a few mins i say since doctors are doing their rounds better stop cause when they chk tummy and see so hard tot im having contractions.. and i told him ok go back in.. and he really did...Its really amazzing..
