IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi Bliss,
I don have blog le, but i do have a facebook acct. Will pm you
. It's great to keep in touch and share our baby's photo after you pop. Very soon right, just few more weeks to go, jia you!

Hi Babymaking,
I seldom post nowadays. Really have not much time to read and post in the forum. As I am busy pumping milk 3-4 hourly and have to visit my boy twice a day.
My boy is doing fine. He is now at the SCN-growing prem room, waiting to gain weight and suck well before they allow him to be discharge. Now neighbour with Maykel's elder gal
Do you still need to CRIB? Must take care and rest well. Bleeding is no joke, last time i also bleed few times. You must rest well and tahan all the way till full term ya.

Hi Mrs Teng,
Both your gals are so cute

Hi Bliss,

Thanks for the update. My Edd is correct (based on full term). But it will probably be in mid June. It is ok to leave it as now. Will update you when Dr advise me again. Thank u!

Ponytail, yes and finally i m on leave already. Heehee.... Have you started palnning your leave? Need to do so soon so that you can get a good replacement if needed.

Pleasance, I dun noe if my babies r really on the lighter side. But i do hope when i go for check up on Friday, both will be on average range already.
You babies' weigh r really good.
Twins full term is 37 weeks ya? i remember u have the same edd as me. 3jul - 3 weeks . I think ur babies are of good weight , not to worry. Stepping into the 3rd tri, this is the time babies are gaining weight. maybe drink more milk to help baby gain weight. For fetal's weight, can refer to this chart


Hoping that my baby can gain weight ASAP, hope to give birth once babies are of good weight.
hopefully - thats good. i will only start half day leaves in may, then more half days in jun, before starting ML in mid jun. want to save up my leave for after babies are born. my actual EDD is end july, but doc estimated early july for twins.
great, so we can add each other in the facebook.

So do you have sufficient supply of breastmilk? How do you do that?
I do look forward to my day very much, another 7 to 8 weeks... today I am 32 weeks liao!

You take good care huh.
Do send us your boy's pic next time.

Sam, Hopfully,
sure, will update for you two!
Hello pleasance,

Think 36-38 is consider very good already. But i am targeting at 38 weeks
Dun noe is it too ambitious. Yes, i m telling babies to gain more weight and not to come out too soon.
Thansks for the website. Will go n take a look.

Ponytail: How about applying for medical leave? Is ur work demanding? Anyway, Apr is considered a short month with so many long weekend. Heeheee.

When is ur next check up?
<table border=1><tr><td>No</TD><TD>Nickname</TD><TD>hospital</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Baby gender</TD><TD>EDD </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Imel</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>1 boy</TD><TD>21 Apr 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Juju</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>1 girl</TD><TD>6 May 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Josephine</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>1 boy</TD><TD>12 May 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Bliss</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Sadhana</TD><TD>1 boy</TD><TD>27 May 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Sam</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Dr Hema</TD><TD>3 boys</TD><TD>11 Jun 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Pleasance</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>1girl 1 boy</TD><TD>12 Jun 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Hopfully</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>1 girl 1 boy</TD><TD>3 Jul 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Ponytail</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD>Prof Wong</TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD>4 Jul 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Babymaking</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>1 boy</TD><TD>25 Aug 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Kaira</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD></TD><TD>30 Sep 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Cribby</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>10 Oct 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>76</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Prof Ng</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>10 Oct 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>Lina</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr HC Han</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

let me see, so now left with the genders of Kaira, cribby, 76 and lina to be filled up.
hopefully - work is ok at the moment, so dont really feel that die die must take leave. also weather very hot nowadays, so stay at home also must on aircon, might as well come office. wait till things get busier then see how. my next checkup is 20 apr. when is yours? how heavy are your babies now ?
hi babymaking,

hi pleasance,
thanks, i will continue with Dr Zou herbs till delivery. Have to be kiasu this time.

hi Mrs Teng,
your gals are so pretty! Don't worry about the weight gain. I was really paranoid when my older child was very small compare to his friends last time, but PD will always assure that as long as child eating well, it is ok not to be in the weight range.

hi cribby,
thanks, glad to see familiar names here. I still don't know EDD yet.

hi 76,
thanks. i should be 5 weeks now.

hi bliss,
thanks for the update of the table.
Hi ladies
Did my NT scan today, everything is normal. BBs are active and swimming left to right, took 45 min to finish scanning..one moment, one is on top of another, half hr later, both are facing upwards...so amazing...mine is identiical twin, 2 sacs but 1 placenta...so needs closer monitoring, in case of complication that arise from mutiple preg...Bbs are abt 66mm long, of gestational age...Its just so amazing, cant wait for my nxt scan 2 weeks later.
yo ladies,
i'm back from gynae appt.
dr loh says bb is abt 2.5kg liao. ok to deliver anytime.
so i cannot have my preferred delivery date (18 May) le, cos he say will be too big to deliver naturally.
hi 76,
so happy to hear about your scan! it's really amazing to see how active they are at this stage right. wow identical twins...great! any hint of gender yet?
oh forgot to answer your earlier question, i have shared the news and got lots of advice from everyone. hehe! how about you?
wow juju, ok to deliver anytime? baby must be eager to see you... so exciting!!!
now just waiting for signs of labour? hope you have a smooth delivery, keep us posted!
now 35 wks niah... either 37 or 38 wks is good. maybe re-select to 18 apr? haha... hubby and my b'day fall on 18th of diff months...
yeah... weight pass liao. jus dunno whether her organs fully developed or not
oh only 35 weeks.. i think baby's lungs are fully developed at 36 weeks.. yea 18th april sounds like a good idea, hehe. but ultimately baby will know best i guess.

i've heard of people naturally delivering big babies, have hope, jia you!!
i've heard a bit about tearing vs. episiotomy, some people say tearing easier to heal some people say cutting easier to stitch and heal... docs have different opinions about this too. sounds scary but it's quite common right?

anyone here has information to share about this? hope you don't have to go through either one though.
nice to hear that bb is 2.5kg liao.
Wow, she grows fast.
Cant possibly give birth on 18 May lah, it will be over 40 weeks liao. As for 18 April, wont it be a bit early since your EDD is 6 May?
Hmm....so fast... you are giving birth soon... and will be Jo's turn... then mine... kekeke.

you must be v happy to see your bbs!
Enjoy those moments, they are simply amazing and touching.
Hi juju,
hope your baby stay longer inside

hi 76,
identical twins will be cute

hi cribby,
Doctors will try to avoid cutting if possible. But depending on the situation, if baby's head is big, then no choice. As for the healing time, should be same speed, depends on the doctor's stitching skills.

congrats... wa.. at least your mind is at ease now....


Time really flies ... after your turn my turn.. haha.. gives me the shivers some times..scared scared..

Todays my 1st visit at TMC to see the gynae helping to deliver my BBs... Never seen my bbs for the past 2 weeks plus.. feel a bit worried, furthermore im still sick.. hope everything is well today..
yes, dont worry too much, your bbs will be v fine, everything will be v fine.

ya, time flies...but somehow sometimes, I really wish to see my baby very soon... kind of miss him so much though I havent even seen him face to face yet...hahaha!
my mum told me my birthweight was also about 3.2kg, so I thought it is also nice if my baby is about the same weight too, still not bad.

I wonder what my boy's weight and how he is doing now... whenever he moves, I will start wondering... heehee... love him so much... kekeke... what happen to me huh... :p

Hope you can go easy on your bb and yourself, dun get into post natal blues le.. Like my friends everything seems normal but she is so engrossed with her daughter.. sooo sticky untill *sighs* she dun bother about any other thing in the world including her DH... Than ... well i guess you all can imagine lor..
ya, heard abt dat as well. prob will ask dr loh if ok to let it tear, hope she comes out early then maybe wun tear so much.

18 apr is 37 wks, so quite ok la... initially wanted 18 may, abt 42 wks (still within normal gestation mah)... who noes this lady grow so fast, cannot tahan until 42 wks liao lor
hey gals
just wondering for those who are under SF Loh and already pop, did he in the end deliver yr baby/babies for you?
are u wrkng? wat is ur plan for leave? my gynae advise to save sme mc n leave as backup as i may have more complcatn towards 3rd tri givn its twins...gvn me 1 more week mc til aftr good fri. advise to go bck wrk if ok...but choice up to me.
i am thnkg of going bck after mc, leavng me wif 12 days mc left... will start taking anual leave in august aftr national day..and ML fr sept coz mine will b caeserian likely in sept
Hi Juju,
I thought you have to decide which gynae to deliver you in advance. I'm also thinking about whether to let Dr loh deliver my bb.

Mine next visit is 22.04.09.

Been feeling emotional roller coaster especially wi hubby. Now, don't even feel like seeing him at home. Prefer to stay in office with my colleage. Very worried my emotion will affect baby

Hi Jo,
Ya, doc give me DHA. My brand Natal care plus from nature care.


I haven know my bb gender . Doc try to scan but bb dun want to open leg :p
Hi Mrs Teng,
We took a few pics of my elder gal. But nvr took for younger one as she is still in incubator.

Hi juju,
haha...pai seh abt tat day, so when are you going to kkh again? From next wk i'll try to go twice daily liao, cos confinement completed. Hope to see ya then.

BTW, did you add me in facebook? Ur surname Lim?
Good to hear that ur baby is of good weight
hehe, u doing natural mah..i was wondering if he's any good with c sect? is he the sort that encourage natural or c sect?
i intend dr loh la, but situation will depend on wat happens on D day

no worries la... u in confinement so u r more impt ;p my next visit is 17 apr.
ya, dat's me. used hubby's surname in facebook. hee

u targetting for c-sect? when's ur next visit huh?
not targetting for c sect, but pre-empting all factors. wld prefer natural delivery but wondering if got enough stamina to last through 12 or more hrs of labour.

I know LA is more into natural labour and he will be there to encourage, where else SF loh so busy, dun know if he's around or not.
hi 76,
im not working... but i think your doc's advice makes sense if your work is not too stressful. since you are feeling well now, better save all your leave for the 3rd trimester, then you can spend that time relaxing and focus on preparing for baby's arrival. what do you think?

hi kaira,
since you're in 2nd trimester now maybe you can plan a short holiday with your husband? sometimes just a change of scenery can help...
Hi juju,
Ur appt 2 more weeks....aiyo, my 30 days confinement finished yest but my mum doing 40days for me, but now can go out liao. U more impt cos you heavily preg now

Oic...i thot i added wrong person hehe...cos different surname as ur email.

Hi Bliss,
Had added you in FB
hee... follow 40 days better. but u did c-sect? if c-sect, lucky she's not doing 100 days for u le. anyway, the 40 and 100 days is for food only. can go out as normal.
me not heavy leh. only swollen feet. i still can skip sometimes! haha!
Hi gals,

Had my 1st appt today at TMC, my babies are doing great and active.. funny though i couldnt feel them so much for the past 2 weeks leh.. Anyway.. Doc says after end Apr, i will be safe to deliver anytime from May onwards..My babies are 500-530g Each... cannot imagine if 1 baby already 1.5kg.. no wonder i feel so heavy..I think i better start to pack my hospital bag, wash my bb clothes and stuff and etc.... arghhh... scary...


dunno le.. i feel excited and yet frightened at the same time.. hope i can cope and manage.. im so scared i will break down...too stressful.. Now i must do my best and hang on.. well all doctors say the same thing, REST IN BED..
