IVF/ICSI Support Group

I just lost my baby at w8 due to no hb via ivf, will b gg for D&C next week.
I will like to ask if I wanted to start a fresh ivf cycle, is it necessary / a must to go thru all the testing again, like hcg etc. in NUH, I go thru all the pre-ivf testing before I m eligible for the ivf process, and I understood that all these test result can only last for 6 mth-1 year. I wonder to start 2nd fresh ivf cycle, do I need to go thru all the check again? And when will be the next appropriate time to start a fresh ivf cycle again aft I performed the D&C next week.?
Yup, all the test results will last 6 months - 1 year. HIV blood test is 6 months. If you are going to start fresh cycle, so long as it's within 1 year, you do not need to take ALL the test, maybe except HIV blood test, if it exceeds 6 months.

After you performed D&C, the lining will be relatively thinner. Docs will advice approx 3 menstrual cycles before trying for a fresh IVF again. Besides, you may also not be in top form. Better to build up the lining and all before going for it, than to rush through.

Yup, all the test results will last 6 months - 1 year. HIV blood test is 6 months. If you are going to start fresh cycle, so long as it's within 1 year, you do not need to take ALL the test, maybe except HIV blood test, if it exceeds 6 months.

After you performed D&C, the lining will be relatively thinner. Docs will advice approx 3 menstrual cycles before trying for a fresh IVF again. Besides, you may also not be in top form. Better to build up the lining and all before going for it, than to rush through.
Today I asked my doc, he said might not need to re-perform all test for the next ivf except for blood test. But I think he blur liao, cos he today announced the miscarriage to me n yet arranging another doc to perform the D&C for me n I still asked him a lot of question as I wanted him to send the tissue to chromosome abnormal testing. Now then I knew to remove the baby also cost a bomb. As a private patient, not getting private privilege yet charging as private rate. Even D&C they charge me private rate in govt hosiptal. I have to not only have handle my emotional mentally and physical support, I also have to handle the financial support. I believe most of us here faced this issue.
Today I asked my doc, he said might not need to re-perform all test for the next ivf except for blood test. But I think he blur liao, cos he today announced the miscarriage to me n yet arranging another doc to perform the D&C for me n I still asked him a lot of question as I wanted him to send the tissue to chromosome abnormal testing. Now then I knew to remove the baby also cost a bomb. As a private patient, not getting private privilege yet charging as private rate. Even D&C they charge me private rate in govt hosiptal. I have to not only have handle my emotional mentally and physical support, I also have to handle the financial support. I believe most of us here faced this issue.
If you are a private patient with IVF, usually everything is at private rate...I assumed you are with KKH. which doc are you with? So blur :p
If you are a private patient with IVF, usually everything is at private rate...I assumed you are with KKH. which doc are you with? So blur :p
I am with PC Wong in NUH. He is a good doc, I hv confident with him. Just that he is more focus on the result rather than result date.
Though I hv a miscarriage this time round, I believe is due to luck. He didn't actually encourage to go for lab testing, but I want. I wanted to know is it because of My health issue causing my baby cannot come to this world in this life or my baby was smart to know upfront that he/she was unhealthy and choose to end his/her own development w/o dragging me any further. This testing is the only way my baby can let me know the truth
Money I don't have alot, but if money can find out the truth/root cause, I will not save this money up. I can earn back as long as I m alive.
I just had a failed FET. Dr. mentioned that it all went smoothly, however implantation failed. I was asked to start 2nd FET the coming cycle.
I would like to start soon but would it be recommended to let the body rest for a cycle before trying again ?
I am with PC Wong in NUH. He is a good doc, I hv confident with him. Just that he is more focus on the result rather than result date.
Though I hv a miscarriage this time round, I believe is due to luck. He didn't actually encourage to go for lab testing, but I want. I wanted to know is it because of My health issue causing my baby cannot come to this world in this life or my baby was smart to know upfront that he/she was unhealthy and choose to end his/her own development w/o dragging me any further. This testing is the only way my baby can let me know the truth
Money I don't have alot, but if money can find out the truth/root cause, I will not save this money up. I can earn back as long as I m alive.

NUH IVF private patient treatment is already much better if you compare it with KKH. At least you get to speak and discuss options with prof every single scan.

Unfortunately, prof seems to focus solely on fertility issues. Certain scans and procedures he will refer to his colleagues.

But regardless of which govt hosp we're in, as long as we're a private patient, everything that comes after that will be charged at private rate. Unless there's more complications involved, then the hospital counsellors will advise you to downgrade to a B2 ward.
NUH IVF private patient treatment is already much better if you compare it with KKH. At least you get to speak and discuss options with prof every single scan.

Unfortunately, prof seems to focus solely on fertility issues. Certain scans and procedures he will refer to his colleagues.

But regardless of which govt hosp we're in, as long as we're a private patient, everything that comes after that will be charged at private rate. Unless there's more complications involved, then the hospital counsellors will advise you to downgrade to a B2 ward.
I nv imagine the cost of D&C is so exp as a private patient in NUH, total $3.6k n only can deduct $1k fr medisave, I need to fork out $2.6k in cash. Or mayb is due to a senior consultant who do the procedure for me? I didn't choose the D&C doc, but mayb bcos I m under prong Wong who is a senior consultant too, so he choose a senior consultant to operate for me too. I hv faith in my gynea, so no 2nd question from me aft he decide everything for me. I just hope that everything can be over asap. I wanna move on from here fast.
I just had a failed FET. Dr. mentioned that it all went smoothly, however implantation failed. I was asked to start 2nd FET the coming cycle.
I would like to start soon but would it be recommended to let the body rest for a cycle before trying again ?
Hi Corals,
I m not sure for failure implantation, but I believe is not like us who need to do a mini confinement aft suffered fr miscarriage. If you hv faith with you gynea, go ahead and proceed for the 2nd fet, else perhaps you can try Tcm to bloost your body to good condition before start the next fet.
hi all, i'm sorry to jump in here. has anyone here done a natural thaw cycle (FET for day 5 blastocyst) at KKH? how many days MC did they give?
I was told by the IVF centre, it is only 3 days?? not the same as the fresh cycle's 2 weeks medical leave... ah ....
Quick question: besides checking the patency of our tubes, can HSG check for whether there's poisonous fluid in tubes? Can't remember what that condition is called

hi, do you mean hydrosalpinx? i believe your doctor will be able to give an initial diagnose as to whether it is a hydrosalpinx or not. a more accurate diagnosis will have to be done thru a laparoscopy. hope that helps :)
hi all, i'm sorry to jump in here. has anyone here done a natural thaw cycle (FET for day 5 blastocyst) at KKH? how many days MC did they give?
I was told by the IVF centre, it is only 3 days?? not the same as the fresh cycle's 2 weeks medical leave... ah ....
For my medicated Fet of day.3 i was told that im able to extend my hospitalisation leave which depends solely on dr in charge. Usual is 3 days but i took 1 week only as i dun wish to rest completely at home and keep my mind running wild symptom spotting.even during that 1 week off i literaly not completely resting at home.minimum 2 hrs of window shopping.
hi all, i'm sorry to jump in here. has anyone here done a natural thaw cycle (FET for day 5 blastocyst) at KKH? how many days MC did they give?
I was told by the IVF centre, it is only 3 days?? not the same as the fresh cycle's 2 weeks medical leave... ah ....

Yes, it's 3 days. But if you need more, try and speak to your dr about it. I understand they issue it on a case-to-case basis. I did not want to alert my employers, so I just took AL.
I nv imagine the cost of D&C is so exp as a private patient in NUH, total $3.6k n only can deduct $1k fr medisave, I need to fork out $2.6k in cash. Or mayb is due to a senior consultant who do the procedure for me? I didn't choose the D&C doc, but mayb bcos I m under prong Wong who is a senior consultant too, so he choose a senior consultant to operate for me too. I hv faith in my gynea, so no 2nd question from me aft he decide everything for me. I just hope that everything can be over asap. I wanna move on from here fast.

I was quoted appx 4k, i got a shock too call and verify they say it is correct cause me not subsidies patient. However the final bill is way lesser, appx 2.6k, KKH refund me the balance via cheque appx 1 month later. My gync / ivf doc did the op for me personally.
I was quoted appx 4k, i got a shock too call and verify they say it is correct cause me not subsidies patient. However the final bill is way lesser, appx 2.6k, KKH refund me the balance via cheque appx 1 month later. My gync / ivf doc did the op for me personally.
That is y I said kkh is much cheaper compared to NUH as a private patient. My gynea is purely focus on ivf treatment only, all these injection, testing and D&C, he will leave it to his team member to perform.
Try in another 2-3 days' time for the POAS? It's going to be exciting! Jia you!
I got a faint line!!!

But... I'm still not convinced. The 2nd line didn't come up immediately. I saw one line, and just left it there and went for breakfast. After that when I came back, I saw the faint line...
I don't really know whether you can help wanting to hope. Anyone who needs to come to this stage would, I think, desperately hope for a child to hold in their arms. I know that for my last cycle (which was my first), I hoped and hoped and hoped for a BFP. I also feared and feared and feared for a BFN. So, sister, I know how you feel. I do.

I have no solution for you, but what helped me during that time was this group, really. I sought solace here and I received a lot of it. I was blessed to be in the same cycle as a beautiful, courageous and supportive group of ladies at that point in time. I remember those ladies (@Spinsterella, you are one of them!) and will always whisper a prayer of thanks for their presence in my life during that point in time. That is also why I am back here now.

I hope you also find solace here as well.

Awww.. I agree totally with you that the group of ladies at that time were awesome! They always shared their knowledge too. In this rollercoaster of a journey, we all need one another to help motivate and calm us down. :)

All the best for this cycle! You are in 2ww right?
Hi spinsterella, i am doing my 2nd fresh with NUH too.. my dr is Dr Chew, am now on 2nd day of jab! How about u? I found NUH to be v organised and waiting time is so much faster... btw i failed my first fresh with kkh

I'm with Dr Shakinah. I did my ER on 19/08/2017 but I froze my embryos. I had only 2 fertilized ones. I'm waiting to see if I ovulate. If it do, then I can do my FET next week. If not, then I'll have to wait. NUH lab is closing (not sure if for cleaning or something) in October. How's your jabs going along? Jiayou!!!!
I nv imagine the cost of D&C is so exp as a private patient in NUH, total $3.6k n only can deduct $1k fr medisave, I need to fork out $2.6k in cash. Or mayb is due to a senior consultant who do the procedure for me? I didn't choose the D&C doc, but mayb bcos I m under prong Wong who is a senior consultant too, so he choose a senior consultant to operate for me too. I hv faith in my gynea, so no 2nd question from me aft he decide everything for me. I just hope that everything can be over asap. I wanna move on from here fast.
I am also going to do D &C under KKH via govt subsidies but no sure the cost yet. Mine private Dr quote me $5k, I would rather do in kKH as I think this is a quite common procedure. No point to spend so much on procedure by pte Dr. Hope god bless me that the procedure will be smoothly and success.
Hi everyone, so we have decided to go through IVF with NUH and today was our pre-IVF counselling. Before that I was waiting for my menses to come so that I could start asap and I was kind of looking forward for this. During the counselling today we were presented with the dates, what to do, cost, etc. After calculating my number of days for medications, injections, we realized that my date for egg retrieval and embryo transfer might clash with the closure of CHR lab in mid-Oct! So disappointed. The nurse asked me to wait till next month but Prof PC Wong will be on holiday for the entire Nov! Looks like I have to wait again, which I have been waiting for so long....sigh
I am also going to do D &C under KKH via govt subsidies but no sure the cost yet. Mine private Dr quote me $5k, I would rather do in kKH as I think this is a quite common procedure. No point to spend so much on procedure by pte Dr. Hope god bless me that the procedure will be smoothly and success.

Hi, mine cost appx 2.6k as KKH private patient without subsidise. Stay strong and do a proper mini confinement. Jia you babe.
Hi everyone, so we have decided to go through IVF with NUH and today was our pre-IVF counselling. Before that I was waiting for my menses to come so that I could start asap and I was kind of looking forward for this. During the counselling today we were presented with the dates, what to do, cost, etc. After calculating my number of days for medications, injections, we realized that my date for egg retrieval and embryo transfer might clash with the closure of CHR lab in mid-Oct! So disappointed. The nurse asked me to wait till next month but Prof PC Wong will be on holiday for the entire Nov! Looks like I have to wait again, which I have been waiting for so long....sigh
hi, can share what is the cycle of flow at nuh like?
Hi everyone, so we have decided to go through IVF with NUH and today was our pre-IVF counselling. Before that I was waiting for my menses to come so that I could start asap and I was kind of looking forward for this. During the counselling today we were presented with the dates, what to do, cost, etc. After calculating my number of days for medications, injections, we realized that my date for egg retrieval and embryo transfer might clash with the closure of CHR lab in mid-Oct! So disappointed. The nurse asked me to wait till next month but Prof PC Wong will be on holiday for the entire Nov! Looks like I have to wait again, which I have been waiting for so long....sigh
Hi,do you know exact date when prof gonna on leave for Nov and Dec?thanks.
hi, can share what is the cycle of flow at nuh like?

Mine is something like this:
- Go for IVF counseling
- On day 18 of the cycle, start Norethisterone tablet. Take for 10 days
- Prof PC Wong to do a scan after stopping the medication
- 6 days after stopping the tablet, daily jab for 12-14 days depending on how much I need
- After 14 days, is the retrieval of eggs
- 3 to 5 days later is the embryo transfer
Anyone here did the egg retrieval but freeze the embryo till a month later (or a few months) then do embryo transfer to the womb? Any difference in chances of frozen embryo (a few months after egg retrieval) vs fresh embryo transfer (immediately after egg retrieval)?
I am also going to do D &C under KKH via govt subsidies but no sure the cost yet. Mine private Dr quote me $5k, I would rather do in kKH as I think this is a quite common procedure. No point to spend so much on procedure by pte Dr. Hope god bless me that the procedure will be smoothly and success.
Hi winniewiniepooh,
Oh ya, I just did my D&C in NUH ytd. Confirmed the bill is v high as a private. So I think u betterstick with kkh via govt subsides.

Hi spinsterella,
My D&C is done by dr shakinah though my doc is PC Wong (as he purely focus on ivf only, he will not do D&C), dr shakinah is a v patient doc, I like her. But I hv not done any ivf under her before, so I m not sure abt her skill. But but but, to give u a boost of confidence, FYI, she is the daughter of pc Wong.

Hi Rafiki,
I did a ER and freeze the embryo for a few mth then I do the fet cycle, as prof Wong wanna me to frozen my embryo due to I having high risk of OHSS, then aft 1 cycle of my resting, he is on oversea conf and holiday. Though he transferred me to another senior prof to do the fet cycle, but I still insist to wait for him. Cos I only hv confidence on him.
I was pregnant aft the fet, but lost the baby on w8 due to no hb, I just did my D&C ytd. However, bear in mind that, As for fresh transfer or frozen, This is all really depend on individual body condition for implantation. So we not sure which one hv a higher chances of implantation, but for sure thraw will have a certain impact to the embryo as they might not b able to survive after thrawing. For my case, before it froze, the quality is v good. But after thrawing, it down one grade. And I did heard that fresh transfer will be better, morever, it will save u one fet cycle.
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Mine is something like this:
- Go for IVF counseling
- On day 18 of the cycle, start Norethisterone tablet. Take for 10 days
- Prof PC Wong to do a scan after stopping the medication
- 6 days after stopping the tablet, daily jab for 12-14 days depending on how much I need
- After 14 days, is the retrieval of eggs
- 3 to 5 days later is the embryo transfer
gal, thanks so much for the info. have a great long weekend
Hi winniewiniepooh,
Oh ya, I just did my D&C in NUH ytd. Confirmed the bill is v high as a private. So I think u betterstick with kkh via govt subsides.

Hi spinsterella,
My D&C is done by dr shakinah though my doc is PC Wong (as he purely focus on ivf only, he will not do D&C), dr shakinah is a v patient doc, I like her. But I hv not done any ivf under her before, so I m not sure abt her skill. But but but, to give u a boost of confidence, FYI, she is the daughter of pc Wong.

Hi Rafiki,
I did a ER and freeze the embryo for a few mth then I do the fet cycle, as prof Wong wanna me to frozen my embryo due to I having high risk of OHSS, then aft 1 cycle of my resting, he is on oversea conf and holiday. Though he transferred me to another senior prof to do the fet cycle, but I still insist to wait for him. Cos I only hv confidence on him.
I was pregnant aft the fet, but lost the baby on w8 due to no hb, I just did my D&C ytd. However, bear in mind that, As for fresh transfer or frozen, This is all really depend on individual body condition for implantation. So we not sure which one hv a higher chances of implantation, but for sure thraw will have a certain impact to the embryo as they might not b able to survive after thrawing. For my case, before it froze, the quality is v good. But after thrawing, it down one grade. And I did heard that fresh transfer will be better, morever, it will save u one fet cycle.

Dr Shakina is Prof Wong's daughter?! I don't see resemblance!! Wouldn't have guessed!

Anyway you rest well for this period yeah. I had complete trust in Prof's protocol also, and the close monitoring of follicle growth and estradiol levels helped me a lot. Took us 3 years, but it's my body that's always over responding. I guess this time round we finally succeeded cos prof lowered my dosage to 87.5IU. And lengthened the duration compared to earlier cycles.

I'm sorry but to criticize KKH again, cos a good friend of mine is doing her ivf with them now. How can they expect to adjust the dosage for stimulation properly when their first, and possibly only scan is 8 days later??
Anyone here did the egg retrieval but freeze the embryo till a month later (or a few months) then do embryo transfer to the womb? Any difference in chances of frozen embryo (a few months after egg retrieval) vs fresh embryo transfer (immediately after egg retrieval)?

There are two camps of thought on this. I belong to the group which think if your body has over-responded during the stimulation phase, then best is to freeze. Because it takes at least one cycle to flush out the excess hormones and the body is regulated again.

But if your body has responded well to the medicine, then don't put your embryos through the stress of freezing and thawing. Just transfer during the fresh cycle.
I'm with Dr Shakinah. I did my ER on 19/08/2017 but I froze my embryos. I had only 2 fertilized ones. I'm waiting to see if I ovulate. If it do, then I can do my FET next week. If not, then I'll have to wait. NUH lab is closing (not sure if for cleaning or something) in October. How's your jabs going along? Jiayou!!!!
I am still under stimm.. its the day 13 of stimm today.. going to continue stimm for tonight and tomorrow and returning to NUH on Saturday for another blood test and scan. Finger cross i can proceed to ER on monday! This time round i am under stimm for so long!
I'm scheduled for FET this month but my menses is not coming and I'm not preg.
Have anyone experience delayed menses after egg retrieval?
Now i'm quite lost.
Hi winniewiniepooh,
Oh ya, I just did my D&C in NUH ytd. Confirmed the bill is v high as a private. So I think u betterstick with kkh via govt subsides.

Hi spinsterella,
My D&C is done by dr shakinah though my doc is PC Wong (as he purely focus on ivf only, he will not do D&C), dr shakinah is a v patient doc, I like her. But I hv not done any ivf under her before, so I m not sure abt her skill. But but but, to give u a boost of confidence, FYI, she is the daughter of pc Wong.

Hi Rafiki,
I did a ER and freeze the embryo for a few mth then I do the fet cycle, as prof Wong wanna me to frozen my embryo due to I having high risk of OHSS, then aft 1 cycle of my resting, he is on oversea conf and holiday. Though he transferred me to another senior prof to do the fet cycle, but I still insist to wait for him. Cos I only hv confidence on him.
I was pregnant aft the fet, but lost the baby on w8 due to no hb, I just did my D&C ytd. However, bear in mind that, As for fresh transfer or frozen, This is all really depend on individual body condition for implantation. So we not sure which one hv a higher chances of implantation, but for sure thraw will have a certain impact to the embryo as they might not b able to survive after thrawing. For my case, before it froze, the quality is v good. But after thrawing, it down one grade. And I did heard that fresh transfer will be better, morever, it will save u one fet cycle.

I thought Dr Shakina Rauff is daughter of Dr Mary Rauff? If Prof Wong's daughter is Shakina then mother father and daughter are all working in the same place? How do you know dr shakina is prof Wong's daughter?
I thought Dr Shakina Rauff is daughter of Dr Mary Rauff? If Prof Wong's daughter is Shakina then mother father and daughter are all working in the same place? How do you know dr shakina is prof Wong's daughter?
It was the nurse who told me aft Prof Wong called dr shakina to perform the D&C for me. I hv concern when I find out Prof Wong don't perform D&C, his nurse knew my concern and told me that actually the D&C doc Prof Wong arranged was his daughter, who is also a good consultant. So she asked me not to worry. Then I know this. How truth, I not sure.
Hi all, I manged to take a picture of the dates for which NUH Doctors are going on leave.


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hi...sorry if this question has been asked before.
anyone succeeded with icsi under subsidised rate ?

i understand that icsi is an invasive procedure.
will i be hospitalized during the procedure?
any anesthetics given ?
hi...sorry if this question has been asked before.
anyone succeeded with icsi under subsidised rate ?

i understand that icsi is an invasive procedure.
will i be hospitalized during the procedure?
any anesthetics given ?

Icis is insert sperm into the egg for fertilization in the lab. Egg retrival is invasive and will be given appx 2-3 HL but wont be hospitalized.
Icis is insert sperm into the egg for fertilization in the lab. Egg retrival is invasive and will be given appx 2-3 HL but wont be hospitalized.

2-3 HL is 2-3 days or 2-3 weeks? other than that how much more leave must i take?
i am asking because i am planning my leave :p

since it is invasive i will be put under anesthetic right ?
i know it is similar to ivf but i dont know how similar.
i know for invasive parts in ivf the patient is put under GA.
2-3 HL is 2-3 days or 2-3 weeks? other than that how much more leave must i take?
i am asking because i am planning my leave :p

since it is invasive i will be put under anesthetic right ?
i know it is similar to ivf but i dont know how similar.
i know for invasive parts in ivf the patient is put under GA.

The process for ICSI, as far as you are concerned, is exactly the same for IVF. There is no difference in the drugs you'll have to take, both will require you to go through the retrieval procedure (to take out your eggs), and your hubby would have to 'contribute' his sperm as well.

The only difference happens in the lab. For ICSI, the best looking sperm will be selected and injected into your egg. For normal IVF, the egg and sperms will be placed together and a dish and they will be left overnight for fertilization to take place 'naturally'.

You will be given leave from the retrieval procedure all the way till the blood test, which is usually 17 days after the embryo transfer (which is either 2, 3 or 5 days after the retrieval procedure, depending on whether your doc's advice).
Hope this helps!
2-3 HL is 2-3 days or 2-3 weeks? other than that how much more leave must i take?
i am asking because i am planning my leave :p

since it is invasive i will be put under anesthetic right ?
i know it is similar to ivf but i dont know how similar.
i know for invasive parts in ivf the patient is put under GA.

2-3 weeks for fresh cycle. Only ER is under ga.
Hi Ladies
This is my first post after being an avid reader of this forum for quite some time. I started my ivf journey with KKH last August and I had I failed IUI and 1 failed fresh transfer thus far. After my fresh transfer, I had went through a polypectomy D&C procedure for polyp removal as doc said the polyp was right in the middle of the womb and will inhibit implantation if not removed. After the removal in early aug, doc had told me my womb is the cleanest and is in good condition for transfer after next menses cycle. Yesterday, I just had a FET transferring a D5 blastocyst. This blastocyst was supposed to be good quality, however, after the thaw, the blastocyst lost some cells and did not re-expand at point of transfer (close to 3 hours since thaw), hence, had become an average quality blastocyst. Nevertheless, doc said the blastocyst transfer could still proceed and hopefully the blastocyst can re-expand soon. I had done some research of online literature, and things do not look very hopeful which made me feel very down. Subsequent to my last failed fresh transfer, other than the removal of polyp, I had also went for acupuncture sessions at Thomson TCM as I really hope to do enough for the cycle to work. Did anyone of you encounter similar situations before (blast did not expand at point of transfer)? What was the outcome?
Hi Ladies
It's my first time posting. After intense research on IVF for the past few months, I've finally decided to go for a checkup. My husband and I have been trying to naturally conceive for the past year but it was unsuccessful. I'm doing these research myself and have not approached my husband nor my in-laws regarding this decision for I really don't know how. Can you girls share with me your experience of coaxing your husband into this and were your in-laws aware? I really am in a dilemma of whether or not to tell the people around me like my colleagues, boss and my friends...
Hi Ladies
It's my first time posting. After intense research on IVF for the past few months, I've finally decided to go for a checkup. My husband and I have been trying to naturally conceive for the past year but it was unsuccessful. I'm doing these research myself and have not approached my husband nor my in-laws regarding this decision for I really don't know how. Can you girls share with me your experience of coaxing your husband into this and were your in-laws aware? I really am in a dilemma of whether or not to tell the people around me like my colleagues, boss and my friends...
Hi Jamie,
First of all, it is not a shame to do ivf. Every individual's body is diff. Everyone here in this thread wants baby, thus don't treat ivf as a shameful choice. For me, I have always have an open discussion with my hubby even before we settle down. As my hubby is the only child in his family, I will need to tell him upfront before we get married. As I do not want any communication breakdown between I and him or even to his family if we not b able to have children in future, If he mind, then I will not marry him in the first place. U must remb, ur hubby married you is bcos you r you, he loves you, not bcos he wants you to bear him a child as the priority. Thus open up to ur hubby to hv a heart to heart talk on the ivf, cos in the end of the day, his support during the whole ivf process is important. And with his support, he will also speak up for u to his family (in-law) on the ivf instead of letting you to face alone to his family. My hubby spoke to his family before we go for the ivf. His dad is actually v open up n tell us don't rush for baby (though we r both already in our late 30s). But I want, bcos I know that if we are not able to hv children in future after ivf, I will not b guilty towards my hubby n his family, bcos I did tried my best before. He knows and his family knows too.
You are still young, don't put so much pressure on this. Try both natural n ivf to hv a higher chances of getting pregnancy.
As for work wise, I think I will tell my boss only. As I don't want any peer pressure during my ivf process. N most of all, boss' support is equally important during your whole ivf process as you need to freq take time off for scanning n HL when you go for the egg retrieve and embryo transfer. And most impt is u will b having more HL after you tested bfp.
Above is just my 2 cents of thought.
Hi Ladies
It's my first time posting. After intense research on IVF for the past few months, I've finally decided to go for a checkup. My husband and I have been trying to naturally conceive for the past year but it was unsuccessful. I'm doing these research myself and have not approached my husband nor my in-laws regarding this decision for I really don't know how. Can you girls share with me your experience of coaxing your husband into this and were your in-laws aware? I really am in a dilemma of whether or not to tell the people around me like my colleagues, boss and my friends...

My inlaw were not aware. I did inform my bosses cause will be away for many days.

Hi Ladies
It's my first time posting. After intense research on IVF for the past few months, I've finally decided to go for a checkup. My husband and I have been trying to naturally conceive for the past year but it was unsuccessful. I'm doing these research myself and have not approached my husband nor my in-laws regarding this decision for I really don't know how. Can you girls share with me your experience of coaxing your husband into this and were your in-laws aware? I really am in a dilemma of whether or not to tell the people around me like my colleagues, boss and my friends...

Since u have not done a check up yet, don't worry about telling ur inlaws/bosses etc yet. Besides ivf, there are other non-invasive methods that the doctors will recommend 1st. I went through rounds of Clomid and IUI before embarking on ivf. And that was 1.5years after my 1st check up.

For now, the issue is convincing ur husband to take the 1st step with u and how far is he willing to stay on this journey. It is not an easy journey. And u will need his support more than anything.

In-laws/bosses/colleagues....those are small matters until u take long periods of leave during ivf. My advice is not to mention to them until ur 1st ivf as they tend to be nosy and offer unwanted advices which can lead to stress for u.

All the best to u :)
