IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Sisters, need some advice here. Will acupuncture harm our reproductive system? Sometimes I see blue black on the acu point after the session, is this okay?
Hope I am not doing something wrong ... Was trying to finish work so had the fastest lunch my office canteen has which is curry rice... I didn't eat much just the meat and few spoonful of rice and now feeling uncomfortable .... Like the chest is burning ?? It is not the first time I am eating this ....
Are we not allowed to eat spicy food during 2ww??
Hope I am not doing something wrong ... Was trying to finish work so had the fastest lunch my office canteen has which is curry rice... I didn't eat much just the meat and few spoonful of rice and now feeling uncomfortable .... Like the chest is burning ?? It is not the first time I am eating this ....
Are we not allowed to eat spicy food during 2ww??
Actually you can eat spicy food, that definitely will not harm the embryos (look at Indians counterparts). But why spicy food is discouraged because it will cause bloatedness, indigestion etc during this period, esp if you have OHSS / cramping and etc and we tend to amplify whatever symptom we have during this period. Hence, eating light and easy-to-digest food helps during this period.
Think it's ok ba. I also had a few but rarely. It heals after awhile.
Thanks Mesara, feels more relieve hearing that. Think the assistant kiap the clip on the needle and too near to my skin surface, now it turns purplish and abit swollen. Will take note in future.
Thanks towkayneo. Coz feeling uncomfortable around the area where there is blue black.
Ya...the only concern is wrong acupoint. Unless you go to established acupuncturists like the ones named by the ladies, else best not to go to unheard-of, cos you don't know how strong their skills are.
Sisters, nurse called after my BT results, I have to do blood test again this wed. My beta reading is 88, they say is too low.

What is the safe zone reading?

So does it mean I'm in between now? Pregnant or maybe not pregnant? Feeling distressed now...

Still have hope! Don't give up yet. Maybe ur bb is a late implanter. Stay positive.
Gynae gave me proluton jab. He checked me and say is not very encouraging...feel so down now as I sees the bleed each time...

DH say I need to remain strong and positive now so that the embbies can stay strong...

I am finding it so difficult as I cried when the gynae told me not encouraging...
Gynae gave me proluton jab. He checked me and say is not very encouraging...feel so down now as I sees the bleed each time...

DH say I need to remain strong and positive now so that the embbies can stay strong...

I am finding it so difficult as I cried when the gynae told me not encouraging...

Sista, dont give up! Still got chance. Go back and have 100% rest now. We will all be praying hard for u!
Gynae gave me proluton jab. He checked me and say is not very encouraging...feel so down now as I sees the bleed each time...

DH say I need to remain strong and positive now so that the embbies can stay strong...

I am finding it so difficult as I cried when the gynae told me not encouraging...
Someone shared with me that God (or the higher authority out there) answers in three ways: He says yes & gives you what you want; He says no & gives you something better, or; He says wait & gives you the best.

Dearie, I hope you find the strength & will to embrace yourself with positive energy for your embies. Just give them all your best and hang on. Will be praying for u. *hugs*
Someone shared with me that God (or the higher authority out there) answers in three ways: He says yes & gives you what you want; He says no & gives you something better, or; He says wait & gives you the best.

Dearie, I hope you find the strength & will to embrace yourself with positive energy for your embies. Just give them all your best and hang on. Will be praying for u. *hugs*
Thanks dearie...
Ok there's nothing I can do now except rest and rest..
Yup, there's really nothing you can do except to rest and not worry...worrying doesn't make things better ah...:( maybe Wednesday will have good news.
In most IVF pregnancies, spotting and light bleeding is very common. remember most of the ladies (including me) have spotting / light bleeding throughout the 1st trimester? The damn resident doc even told me that it's threatened miscarriage (or abortion) and there's nothing they can do.
It's really up to the little ones right now, so continue to talk to them.
Gynae gave me proluton jab. He checked me and say is not very encouraging...feel so down now as I sees the bleed each time...

DH say I need to remain strong and positive now so that the embbies can stay strong...

I am finding it so difficult as I cried when the gynae told me not encouraging...
Hi continue to talk to embbies and ask them stick to u... I was bleeding a lot during first trimester and even hospitalized . Like u I was crying very badly in the ward and one of the nurse came and held my hands telling me to be strong and don't cry as the babies can hear ... She asked me to continue to talk to the embbies.
Just rest and rest
Hi Ladies, today mark the end of my 5th iui with Puregon. Kinda of upset with the whole year of hard work / efforts / money and then no outcome. Sometimes really wonder why god is so unfair and making things so unfair for us. At work , taking leaves is a problem; fine I quit. Quiting means I go by subsidies route, yet suffer under the mercy of MO doctor and their errors. If there is a god above, why don't they see the suffering we have. Why challenge us till the last drop. Seeing friends announcement on pregnancy on facebook mark a double triple wound on us. Seriously feel like to delete Facebook and change my number. Haha..at times really wish I have the courage to end all this.
Hi Ladies, today mark the end of my 5th iui with Puregon. Kinda of upset with the whole year of hard work / efforts / money and then no outcome. Sometimes really wonder why god is so unfair and making things so unfair for us. At work , taking leaves is a problem; fine I quit. Quiting means I go by subsidies route, yet suffer under the mercy of MO doctor and their errors. If there is a god above, why don't they see the suffering we have. Why challenge us till the last drop. Seeing friends announcement on pregnancy on facebook mark a double triple wound on us. Seriously feel like to delete Facebook and change my number. Haha..at times really wish I have the courage to end all this.
Hi Emma, if iui was not ideal for you, don't give up. Move on to ivf. I failed my iui one time over a 1 year period from trying natural with injections and clomids. Nurse ok, not Doctor ask me to ask doc to go straight ivf. From a failed iui in Feb, I start ivf end April and bfp end May. Just need to go for the right protocol. Baby dusts to you.
Hi Emma, if iui was not ideal for you, don't give up. Move on to ivf. I failed my iui one time over a 1 year period from trying natural with injections and clomids. Nurse ok, not Doctor ask me to ask doc to go straight ivf. From a failed iui in Feb, I start ivf end April and bfp end May. Just need to go for the right protocol. Baby dusts to you.

Agreed with Queby77. Move on to IVF and who know you will have your wishes granted by then.
Hi Ladies, today mark the end of my 5th iui with Puregon. Kinda of upset with the whole year of hard work / efforts / money and then no outcome. Sometimes really wonder why god is so unfair and making things so unfair for us. At work , taking leaves is a problem; fine I quit. Quiting means I go by subsidies route, yet suffer under the mercy of MO doctor and their errors. If there is a god above, why don't they see the suffering we have. Why challenge us till the last drop. Seeing friends announcement on pregnancy on facebook mark a double triple wound on us. Seriously feel like to delete Facebook and change my number. Haha..at times really wish I have the courage to end all this.
*HUGS* I feel you. Many of us have been there. This is where we come to vent and find support. Yes support not just from anybody but from sisters who truly get us on this journey. We know there are no answers to some questions. We also know there are some things no longer in our control. With the comfort we find to soothe our deflated self, hopefully we will again fill with courage for the next option, be it a new & unknown path, doing our best to tackle every hurdle within our control. We have done it before so have faith we can do it once more.
All for the hope of eventually carrying a child whom we call our own to complete each of our family.

Dear Emma, you have gone this far, be kind to yourself, take time and do whatever comforts you. Then I hope you will bounce back to go for ivf when you are ready. It's the courage to continue the fight that counts and comes with hope. Persevere k!
Hi Ladies, today mark the end of my 5th iui with Puregon. Kinda of upset with the whole year of hard work / efforts / money and then no outcome. Sometimes really wonder why god is so unfair and making things so unfair for us. At work , taking leaves is a problem; fine I quit. Quiting means I go by subsidies route, yet suffer under the mercy of MO doctor and their errors. If there is a god above, why don't they see the suffering we have. Why challenge us till the last drop. Seeing friends announcement on pregnancy on facebook mark a double triple wound on us. Seriously feel like to delete Facebook and change my number. Haha..at times really wish I have the courage to end all this.

There's still IVF! Don't lose hope. Sometimes we have to go through hard times to get what we want. But at the end of it, the wait and the pain is WORTH IT! So don't give up just yet! Try IVF. There are so many sisters here who are so supportive. We all go through this journey together. Must tell yourself, it WILL happen! :)
Hi Ladies, today mark the end of my 5th iui with Puregon. Kinda of upset with the whole year of hard work / efforts / money and then no outcome. Sometimes really wonder why god is so unfair and making things so unfair for us. At work , taking leaves is a problem; fine I quit. Quiting means I go by subsidies route, yet suffer under the mercy of MO doctor and their errors. If there is a god above, why don't they see the suffering we have. Why challenge us till the last drop. Seeing friends announcement on pregnancy on facebook mark a double triple wound on us. Seriously feel like to delete Facebook and change my number. Haha..at times really wish I have the courage to end all this.
Hi babe.. i tried 4 iui with 2nd one chemical pregnancy ..so near yet so far and I have already set my mind to move on to ivf. Time and tide waits for no man. Don't ponder over the failed iui ..just tell yourself iui don't wrk move on to ivf .. more risks but higher chance than iui relatively
Hi sister , when you go to acupuncture 3 or 4 days after ET, can the Dr tell if the embryo implant or not by touch pulse ? Any sister experienced this before ?
Thank you ladies. I felt really bad today as i was ask to abandon this cycle. I have lost my soul and really don't know how to continue my journey. Queby77 and Chubby1314 I started my journey around your time too in Dec 2014. I Rem reading all your post here last time. And that you guys have graduated and I am still here. Really appreciate these comforting words. Thank you

The disadvantage on nuh is I always get different doc and the opinion greatly differs. Every cycle end up crying. Got successful once yet lost it. Everyday looking forward to start a new journey, full of hope yet I fail badly. I lead a life full of obstacle but nv have I felt so bad before. I nv give up.. but unforunately strong forces want me to quit my career of 10 years and now that forces is targeting for me to give up hope on getting pregnant. i feel my strong heart and body is letting go. Really hard to carry on. After every fail cycle I cry myself to sleep for days..

And yes next is ivf. But I doubt I can afford 3 cycle. Life is so tough and cruel. Where else can I seek help ... is there going to be an end. Or is god hoping that I end this myself
Thank you ladies. I felt really bad today as i was ask to abandon this cycle. I have lost my soul and really don't know how to continue my journey. Queby77 and Chubby1314 I started my journey around your time too in Dec 2014. I Rem reading all your post here last time. And that you guys have graduated and I am still here. Really appreciate these comforting words. Thank you

The disadvantage on nuh is I always get different doc and the opinion greatly differs. Every cycle end up crying. Got successful once yet lost it. Everyday looking forward to start a new journey, full of hope yet I fail badly. I lead a life full of obstacle but nv have I felt so bad before. I nv give up.. but unforunately strong forces want me to quit my career of 10 years and now that forces is targeting for me to give up hope on getting pregnant. i feel my strong heart and body is letting go. Really hard to carry on. After every fail cycle I cry myself to sleep for days..

And yes next is ivf. But I doubt I can afford 3 cycle. Life is so tough and cruel. Where else can I seek help ... is there going to be an end. Or is god hoping that I end this myself
Hey hey, don't be so sad! We are all here to support one another!! It's never an easy journey. We envy those who can get preggy just by sneezing, we also envy those ivf-ers who strike at first try.. But it's never the end till we menopause!

Are u a Singaporean? There is govt grant up till 3 cycles and u can use medisave as well! Are u a subsidized patient at nuh? Maybe u can consider switching to pte for ivf as there's no additional subsidy once u start ivf except for probaby those blood test.. Maybe u wanna share your woes here so that u can find some comfort here. Stay strong!

Hey hey, don't be so sad! We are all here to support one another!! It's never an easy journey. We envy those who can get preggy just by sneezing, we also envy those ivf-ers who strike at first try.. But it's never the end till we menopause!

Are u a Singaporean? There is govt grant up till 3 cycles and u can use medisave as well! Are u a subsidized patient at nuh? Maybe u can consider switching to pte for ivf as there's no additional subsidy once u start ivf except for probaby those blood test.. Maybe u wanna share your woes here so that u can find some comfort here. Stay strong!

Hi Dreamcometrue, yes both Singaporean. But we uses cpf for 2 iui too due to my high dose of preugon. So now I believe I have about 9k. I do understand from the nurses that high chance we need to fork up cash too. How I wish we use medisave without cap that could help us a lot.

Nuh subsidies patient and private patient the scan and consultation the same price for ivf?
