IVF/ICSI Support Group

Ovulated already , just waiting to ET next week. No much can do, ya I am with KK
KK required to insert two progesteron 3 times daily till 2ww completed
Any sister can share how did you do it when you are at work ?
I went back to work after 6 days from ET..kkh nurse said can put 3 in the morning and 3 in the night.
Dear sisters, sorry to share bad news here.
At 4+am this morning, was awaken by a sharp pain in my abdominal area. Went to toilet and passed out big chunks of liver like tissues.
Woke hb up and he scooped up the tissues (sorry tmi) and we headed down to KKH O&G.
Throughout it all, I was very calm (hb says scarily calm) and composed. No tears, I think it's becos I always had this niggling feeling that sth is wrong so I was alr prepared for this day to come. And becos I have been thru a stillborn @ 24wks so this was considerably less heartbreaking.
We didn't have to wait too long. Doc took our tissues samples and took blood from me.
Results came back after 2 hrs. Beta has dropped from 73 to 29.
Currently still resting in observation ward.
I'm OK... Will look forward to my FET before end of this year. May not want to go thru a second fresh as quite traumatised by the bleeding episodes etc. Come what may.
Hope the stork visits all sisters here with good news soon and no one has to go thru this.

@dramaqueenie : big big hugs to u!!
Finally after 5 test, im finally ovulating..
Going back to the clinic tomrw!

Can i know how many days ahead were you scheduled for the ET?

I ovulated on a Tuesday afternoon (they consider it a Wednesday then) and the FET was on a Friday because mine was a day 2 embryo. So it depends on which day embryo it is.
Just received the tax invoice for my 1st fresh cycle. It's $12,991. Wow! Didn't expect it to be this much as I didn't proceed with ET. But I did freeze my embryos. If Dr let me proceed with my ET then i would need to fork out like 2k+ so maybe it's better for my pocket that this cycle was 'abandoned'...
Paisay. Just want to rant a bit cos hb nt around 4 me to nag on this matter...
I ovulated on a Tuesday afternoon (they consider it a Wednesday then) and the FET was on a Friday because mine was a day 2 embryo. So it depends on which day embryo it is.

I see, thanks babe... Eijaz & e rest in storage are of day 2 embryos, if i remember correctly..
As im typing this, having backache & cramping now!! Urghh..
Im not sure if this helps but when i was doing my fresh cycle 3 yrs ago..

I tested everyday from day 10 post ET. Mine was day2 transfer though.
I remembered the line was super fine, i screened under the lights in hope for a positive. So i continued testing the days after. It got darker as days went.
Sometimes its not negative but maybe just too early? Stay positive ya! Hoping the best for u!

I tested but still negative after some many days.. I dont think miracle will happen...
Ohhh!!! You and I are cycle buddies! My extraction is on Wednesday! Best of luck to us both! Keep in touch during 2ww ok! Don't let the IUIs get you down... according to Dr. Sadhana, IUI helps the sperms a little bit, but it's actually still a long way to go from the uterus to the egg. So, hopefully, with the sperms 'teleported' into the eggs, we have a stronger fighting chance!

The ingredients are as follows:
(i) A fistful of red dates
(ii) A fistful of black dates
(iii) About 3 tablespoons wolfberries
(iv) Rock sugar (as per your own preference, try and go with the brown sugar)
(v) Dried Longan - about 2 - 3 pieces. DOn't put in too many because the dried longans expand quite a bit when they are in water.
I boiled this in a big pot of water... the pot is the usual rice cooker pot =)

My sinseh told me for the first 3 days after OR, don't walk around too much. Rest as much as possible. On the second and third day, try to drink the pure chicken of essence. Not the Brands Essence, but the real ones you make yourself. The recipe is simple. Just double boil a piece of breast meat for 2 hours. Remove the skin and fats from the breast meat. Once a day.

He also says no cold water... that will affect your body temperature and affect implantation.

Hope this helps!
Hi littlemonkies,
Thank you for the reply. Hope your embryo transfer went well for you. Keeping fingers crossed for everyone.

I hvnt tried boiling but abstain from cold drinks. Eat normal meals. Walked to opposite market for meals on 2nd and 3rd day but didn't walk alot. Mainly either lie down or sit down. Hope this is okay
Hi littlemonkies,
Thank you for the reply. Hope your embryo transfer went well for you. Keeping fingers crossed for everyone.

I hvnt tried boiling but abstain from cold drinks. Eat normal meals. Walked to opposite market for meals on 2nd and 3rd day but didn't walk alot. Mainly either lie down or sit down. Hope this is okay

Don't worry dear, you'll be fine :) Jia you jia you :)

I haven't been 'transferred' yet. Tomorrow is the day, because we decided to try to let our embies develop into blastocysts. Keeping our fingers crossed.
Is that the insert gel that you are referring to? If yes do you get burning sensation after insertion? Mine was bad and I beginning to feel the phobia in doing it twice per day

yes, it's the insert gel.

No, I don't get burning feeling but since I've started the progesterone, I've:-

(i) Had a very bad runny tummy
(ii) threw up on second day
(iii) Suffer from nausea throughout all 3 days

Today was particularly bad. I rested for a while after the insert, and thought i was ok. But when we went out for lunch, I suddenly broke out in cold sweat and felt weak all over. My gynae friend told me to stop, since I'm going back tomorrow to hospital. But I am still doing it, since tomorrow is my transfer and I want the best chance for my baby (T_T)

If it hurts you that badly, perhaps you should call up the hospital? I think they have alternatives. The gold standard is apparently the injections.
Hope all goes well! You tried Chinese medicine? I am going to Ban Choon Chan, the doctor's medicine does quite a good job of regulating my womb's 'qi'

Hi littlemonkies,

Yes, I did go to Ban Choon Chan for 6 months before BFP in April this year. However, due to multiple miscarriage history, my gynae at Thomson Fertility Centre referred me to see Professor Choolani. He did a bunch of tests on both me and my husband, found out that the issue is with me. First, the natural killer (NK) cells for my age is 12, but mine is 14, so a bit high. Second, there is a change in one of the genes mthfr, causing my blood to be more sticky than usual. Third, I have insufficient vitamin d levels. So Professor has prescribed me with aspirin (take 25 mg now, when trying then increase to 100 mg), double the dosage of folic acid (one in the morning, and one at night); and also 2 tablets of 1,000 units of Vitamin D every morning. Professor has referred me to see endocrine dr tomorrow morning at mount elizabeth novena, and also the immunology Dr in his clinic on Oct 20 morning, after I am back from the USA trip. Likely that she will load me up with steroids before I try to conceive after my AF in Oct. Professor also said that besides the two drs that he recommended me to see, do not see any other drs, as if something fallen through the cracks, he can refuse to treat me. He has discussed that for my next BFP, I will need to take oral steroids till the end of the first trimester, take daily low dose heparin injection, and to have oral progesterone tablets daily (double the dosage) and progesterone injection twice a week. So I have no choice but to stop tcm for the time being.
Dear sisters, sorry to share bad news here.
At 4+am this morning, was awaken by a sharp pain in my abdominal area. Went to toilet and passed out big chunks of liver like tissues.
Woke hb up and he scooped up the tissues (sorry tmi) and we headed down to KKH O&G.
Throughout it all, I was very calm (hb says scarily calm) and composed. No tears, I think it's becos I always had this niggling feeling that sth is wrong so I was alr prepared for this day to come. And becos I have been thru a stillborn @ 24wks so this was considerably less heartbreaking.
We didn't have to wait too long. Doc took our tissues samples and took blood from me.
Results came back after 2 hrs. Beta has dropped from 73 to 29.
Currently still resting in observation ward.
I'm OK... Will look forward to my FET before end of this year. May not want to go thru a second fresh as quite traumatised by the bleeding episodes etc. Come what may.
Hope the stork visits all sisters here with good news soon and no one has to go thru this.

Dear dramaqueenie,

Sorry to hear about your loss. If your loss is in early weeks of pregnancy, you may want to do a mini confinement for 2 weeks.
Dear sisters, sorry to share bad news here.
At 4+am this morning, was awaken by a sharp pain in my abdominal area. Went to toilet and passed out big chunks of liver like tissues.
Woke hb up and he scooped up the tissues (sorry tmi) and we headed down to KKH O&G.
Throughout it all, I was very calm (hb says scarily calm) and composed. No tears, I think it's becos I always had this niggling feeling that sth is wrong so I was alr prepared for this day to come. And becos I have been thru a stillborn @ 24wks so this was considerably less heartbreaking.
We didn't have to wait too long. Doc took our tissues samples and took blood from me.
Results came back after 2 hrs. Beta has dropped from 73 to 29.
Currently still resting in observation ward.
I'm OK... Will look forward to my FET before end of this year. May not want to go thru a second fresh as quite traumatised by the bleeding episodes etc. Come what may.
Hope the stork visits all sisters here with good news soon and no one has to go thru this.
Hugs, rest well and don't tink so much, take gd care, we b here with u...
it's ard 200 and takes abt 5 sec to complete. Pretty uncomfortable in my view, very sore and numbing. There's also slight spotting thereafter.
Thanks for sharing, will ask doc whether can proceed... Gg to try all means for implant failure... I had Clomid, soiui, ivf #1 & FET all failed, my IVF no. 1 is a trauma, not sure got courage to embark on #2 soon, headache...
Hi all,

Yesterday was my 10dp5dt.....I tested clear blue tester (the one say how many weeks pregnant one)......it stated " No pregnant".......

Feel so demoralize.....my BT is this coming friday.... maybe it meant to be this way.......life still go on......I only got a 3 more to thaw if go for another FET.......but dunno y i feel so emo..... dun feel like going for another try......

Jia you everyone !!!!
Hi all,

Yesterday was my 10dp5dt.....I tested clear blue tester (the one say how many weeks pregnant one)......it stated " No pregnant".......

Feel so demoralize.....my BT is this coming friday.... maybe it meant to be this way.......life still go on......I only got a 3 more to thaw if go for another FET.......but dunno y i feel so emo..... dun feel like going for another try......

Jia you everyone !!!!

Hello joellejo.
This is indeed a rough journey. You have been brave to endure so much to come this far. Take a breather, be kind to yourself and I hope you will find the strength to persevere. Hugs with loads of love
Hi littlemonkies,

Yes, I did go to Ban Choon Chan for 6 months before BFP in April this year. However, due to multiple miscarriage history, my gynae at Thomson Fertility Centre referred me to see Professor Choolani. He did a bunch of tests on both me and my husband, found out that the issue is with me. First, the natural killer (NK) cells for my age is 12, but mine is 14, so a bit high. Second, there is a change in one of the genes mthfr, causing my blood to be more sticky than usual. Third, I have insufficient vitamin d levels. So Professor has prescribed me with aspirin (take 25 mg now, when trying then increase to 100 mg), double the dosage of folic acid (one in the morning, and one at night); and also 2 tablets of 1,000 units of Vitamin D every morning. Professor has referred me to see endocrine dr tomorrow morning at mount elizabeth novena, and also the immunology Dr in his clinic on Oct 20 morning, after I am back from the USA trip. Likely that she will load me up with steroids before I try to conceive after my AF in Oct. Professor also said that besides the two drs that he recommended me to see, do not see any other drs, as if something fallen through the cracks, he can refuse to treat me. He has discussed that for my next BFP, I will need to take oral steroids till the end of the first trimester, take daily low dose heparin injection, and to have oral progesterone tablets daily (double the dosage) and progesterone injection twice a week. So I have no choice but to stop tcm for the time being.
Hi tryingtoconceive2014. It is really not easy for you to have come this far. Jia you and I hope for the best for you. Hugs
Just received the tax invoice for my 1st fresh cycle. It's $12,991. Wow! Didn't expect it to be this much as I didn't proceed with ET. But I did freeze my embryos. If Dr let me proceed with my ET then i would need to fork out like 2k+ so maybe it's better for my pocket that this cycle was 'abandoned'...
Paisay. Just want to rant a bit cos hb nt around 4 me to nag on this matter...

I think the bulk of it is the ER right? *sigh* But good thing you have some embryos frozen so no need to repeat the fresh cycle again so soon.
Hi all,

Yesterday was my 10dp5dt.....I tested clear blue tester (the one say how many weeks pregnant one)......it stated " No pregnant".......

Feel so demoralize.....my BT is this coming friday.... maybe it meant to be this way.......life still go on......I only got a 3 more to thaw if go for another FET.......but dunno y i feel so emo..... dun feel like going for another try......

Jia you everyone !!!!

Hugs.. Dont give up. Just relax and wait for the BT. I understand is easy to comfort you but difficult to control the saddness in the heart. Just like me. I tested everyday and every time is single line. There was a few occasions i knee down and pray for double lines.. I keep asking myself why so difficult to get pregnant.. I just want a child....

My BT is on Thur but cos is a Day 5 blastocyst, my TCM says i can test on Sat and Sun....

This is my last embryo which means i have to start fresh again. I really have to salute to those who did fresh IVF. It is indeed a difficult journey.
Hi littlemonkies,

Yes, I did go to Ban Choon Chan for 6 months before BFP in April this year. However, due to multiple miscarriage history, my gynae at Thomson Fertility Centre referred me to see Professor Choolani. He did a bunch of tests on both me and my husband, found out that the issue is with me. First, the natural killer (NK) cells for my age is 12, but mine is 14, so a bit high. Second, there is a change in one of the genes mthfr, causing my blood to be more sticky than usual. Third, I have insufficient vitamin d levels. So Professor has prescribed me with aspirin (take 25 mg now, when trying then increase to 100 mg), double the dosage of folic acid (one in the morning, and one at night); and also 2 tablets of 1,000 units of Vitamin D every morning. Professor has referred me to see endocrine dr tomorrow morning at mount elizabeth novena, and also the immunology Dr in his clinic on Oct 20 morning, after I am back from the USA trip. Likely that she will load me up with steroids before I try to conceive after my AF in Oct. Professor also said that besides the two drs that he recommended me to see, do not see any other drs, as if something fallen through the cracks, he can refuse to treat me. He has discussed that for my next BFP, I will need to take oral steroids till the end of the first trimester, take daily low dose heparin injection, and to have oral progesterone tablets daily (double the dosage) and progesterone injection twice a week. So I have no choice but to stop tcm for the time being.

*hugs* Good thing though that Dr managed to point out what is causing it and what needs to be done. To have an answer and the next course of action is better than no answers. Jiayouuuuuuu.. you can do it! All the best and I'm sure you are in goods hands. :)
Hi all,

Yesterday was my 10dp5dt.....I tested clear blue tester (the one say how many weeks pregnant one)......it stated " No pregnant".......

Feel so demoralize.....my BT is this coming friday.... maybe it meant to be this way.......life still go on......I only got a 3 more to thaw if go for another FET.......but dunno y i feel so emo..... dun feel like going for another try......

Jia you everyone !!!!

*hugs* Don't be discouraged. Maybe your beanie is a late implanter. Still got a few days to the BT!
Hugs.. Dont give up. Just relax and wait for the BT. I understand is easy to comfort you but difficult to control the saddness in the heart. Just like me. I tested everyday and every time is single line. There was a few occasions i knee down and pray for double lines.. I keep asking myself why so difficult to get pregnant.. I just want a child....

My BT is on Thur but cos is a Day 5 blastocyst, my TCM says i can test on Sat and Sun....

This is my last embryo which means i have to start fresh again. I really have to salute to those who did fresh IVF. It is indeed a difficult journey.

Hi Hi @pxsjpy

Jia You to you !!!! I receive a sms to go BT on 1 oct instead of 2 Oct...as paper put 2 oct...as i went to ET one day early on 18/9 and not 19/9 but i just feel like going on 2 oct.....follow the paper....as no much different liao.....hai....
Hi sisters,
Anyone had OHSS and had to postpone the ET? Is this also called as FET?

I got 32 follicles so doc is recommending us to do a FET in 6 weeks time?

Any similar situation sisters?

Is the chances equally good as fresh transfer?

What is medicated FET n natural FET?

Sorry so much questions..
Hi sisters,
Anyone had OHSS and had to postpone the ET? Is this also called as FET?

I got 32 follicles so doc is recommending us to do a FET in 6 weeks time?

Any similar situation sisters?

Is the chances equally good as fresh transfer?

What is medicated FET n natural FET?

Sorry so much questions..

Hi babyluck - yes, if you postpone the embryo transfer (ET), your embryos have to be frozen. Hence, you will be going for the Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) next.

Some said that frozen embryos are stronger cos they can withstand freezing & thawing...

Natural FET is based on your natural ovulation, that means no need to be on medication. So you will be given ovulation kits to see when is your ovulation and they will work from there to do the FET for you.
Hi babyluck - yes, if you postpone the embryo transfer (ET), your embryos have to be frozen. Hence, you will be going for the Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) next.

Some said that frozen embryos are stronger cos they can withstand freezing & thawing...

Natural FET is based on your natural ovulation, that means no need to be on medication. So you will be given ovulation kits to see when is your ovulation and they will work from there to do the FET for you.

Thanks! Thats so comforting to know!! Waiting to speak to the nurses.. and learn more..
Is that the insert gel that you are referring to? If yes do you get burning sensation after insertion? Mine was bad and I beginning to feel the phobia in doing it twice per day
Ya the insert gel I was mentioning. I insert 3 times a day as per instruction . I feels ok only feels awful when doing it.
Do you have any idea that need to insert the gel in the morning before ET ?
Hi sisters,
Anyone had OHSS and had to postpone the ET? Is this also called as FET?

I got 32 follicles so doc is recommending us to do a FET in 6 weeks time?

Any similar situation sisters?

Is the chances equally good as fresh transfer?

What is medicated FET n natural FET?

Sorry so much questions..

Me! I had to delay mine and do a FET. Now the chances are similar as they used vitrification.

Natural FET means you do not take any medication and you ovulate naturally. Medicated means they may give you medication.
Hugs.. Dont give up. Just relax and wait for the BT. I understand is easy to comfort you but difficult to control the saddness in the heart. Just like me. I tested everyday and every time is single line. There was a few occasions i knee down and pray for double lines.. I keep asking myself why so difficult to get pregnant.. I just want a child....

My BT is on Thur but cos is a Day 5 blastocyst, my TCM says i can test on Sat and Sun....

This is my last embryo which means i have to start fresh again. I really have to salute to those who did fresh IVF. It is indeed a difficult journey.

Hi pxsjpy. Sending you tight warm hug and hope you stay strong dearie. Praying for you. Lotsa love
yes, it's the insert gel.

No, I don't get burning feeling but since I've started the progesterone, I've:-

(i) Had a very bad runny tummy
(ii) threw up on second day
(iii) Suffer from nausea throughout all 3 days

Today was particularly bad. I rested for a while after the insert, and thought i was ok. But when we went out for lunch, I suddenly broke out in cold sweat and felt weak all over. My gynae friend told me to stop, since I'm going back tomorrow to hospital. But I am still doing it, since tomorrow is my transfer and I want the best chance for my baby (T_T)

If it hurts you that badly, perhaps you should call up the hospital? I think they have alternatives. The gold standard is apparently the injections.

Did you insert the gel before ET today ?

Recipes that I note down during KK talk on fertility journey:

Core pineapples for D1-5 post ovulation for implantation
Red beans soup

Men's nutrition
Pomengrate-increase sperm count
Galangal unizome- ginger (sperm count)
Pumpkin seeds
Chia seeds
Pumpkin seeds
Water melon
Brazil nuts
Sunflower seeds

Women for Pcos
Whole grain bread
Plain water no sugary due to insulin
Lose weight
Life style changes
Pcos diet
Kale, broccoli, asparagus
Beans lentils
Grapefruit and apples
Evening primrose oil take 1500mg Fro day 1 Mense to ovulation and increase cervical muscus & metabolism

Cinnamon insulin resistance
Royal jelly
Cod liver oil regulate ovulation n hormone balance
Exercise 5days for 30mins daily
Thank you for sharing these, eggs catcher! When do we start drinking red bean soup and until when do we stop?
