IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi jumbo girl, is that so?? They promised to call by 9am. If I do not hear from them by 9.30am I will ring them. Thanks for letting me know.

I am not feeling very well, still bloated and like feverish but my temperature remains at 36.90. Maybe it's due to ovulation ... I still have cramps at lower abdomen and been sleeping a lot. I really cannot tahan this anymore and I don like egg whites so this afternoon I went OG to get immunocol protein powder .. It's abit ex at $106 (20 pkt) but I decided this is easier protein than hard boiled eggs. I think after ET cannot take half boiled eggs anymore right. As in, not recommended.

Ok I think I'm confused. I thought grade 4 is better!! Sigh .. So it's not .. Anyway I will leave it to God.

Baby_sparkles, the 5% is the bt. I did the bt this morning. Now, it is 100% negative. 3rd failures.

All 3 transferred were grade 1.

I have 10 more frosties - grade 1 and 2 left. Scared of failures. Paid so much for insurance for nothing. I am comtemplating to request for blastocyst for all for next FET.

Makino, you see, grade 1 also does not mean success. Grade 1 does not equal strong. I may also end up with nothing more to transfer if I do blastocyst for my next FET.

SSS sorry to hear of our bfn but at least you hv 10 frosties!! You can try again .. i'm envious. I reckon i am not going to get extras to freeze ... just to let you know that my girlfriend had 15 and she took out 5 to thaw into blastocyst after failing her fresh cycle. She conceived with the blastocyst FET. So don't despair. 加油!
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Hi jumbo girl, is that so?? They promised to call by 9am. If I do not hear from them by 9.30am I will ring them. Thanks for letting me know.

I am not feeling very well, still bloated and like feverish but my temperature remains at 36.90. Maybe it's due to ovulation ... I still have cramps at lower abdomen and been sleeping a lot. I really cannot tahan this anymore and I don like egg whites so this afternoon I went OG to get immunocol protein powder .. It's abit ex at $106 (20 pkt) but I decided this is easier protein than hard boiled eggs. I think after ET cannot take half boiled eggs anymore right. As in, not recommended.

Ok I think I'm confused. I thought grade 4 is better!! Sigh .. So it's not .. Anyway I will leave it to God.

Hi, maybe they have changed over the months due to feedback and will now contact the patient, I don't know. No harm calling them to find out.
Yes after ET cannot take half boiled eggs. All food must be cooked.
Oh your grade 4 is good don't worry. KK grade 5 is the best and grade 1 is the worst. Some hospital rate it differently as in opposite.
Anyway don't stress and look forward to reunite with your embbies.
Hi, maybe they have changed over the months due to feedback and will now contact the patient, I don't know. No harm calling them to find out.
Yes after ET cannot take half boiled eggs. All food must be cooked.
Oh your grade 4 is good don't worry. KK grade 5 is the best and grade 1 is the worst. Some hospital rate it differently as in opposite.
Anyway don't stress and look forward to reunite with your embbies.

Yay!! So grade4 is better than grade 3? I was so scared ..
Yay!! So grade4 is better than grade 3? I was so scared ..

KK grading for embryos 5 being the best & 1 being the worse. Private clinic is the opposite 1 being the best & 5 being the worse. but dun read too much into the grading, some sistas BFP with average grade embbies, have faith in them!
Baby_sparkles, the 5% is the bt. I did the bt this morning. Now, it is 100% negative. 3rd failures.

All 3 transferred were grade 1.

I have 10 more frosties - grade 1 and 2 left. Scared of failures. Paid so much for insurance for nothing. I am comtemplating to request for blastocyst for all for next FET.

Makino, you see, grade 1 also does not mean success. Grade 1 does not equal strong. I may also end up with nothing more to transfer if I do blastocyst for my next FET.

sss, hugz hugz....i am not sure if the results are not conclusive yet...but nonetheless, dun give up ok...i failed my fresh after transferring 2 top grades but succeed at a FET with blastocyst transfer..TCM Zou said before that sometimes FET has higher chances than fresh because our body during fresh has too much injections and the envir is not the best one....FET is however without injections except for the medication...so dun give up okie...wait for a few mths to get the med fully purged out of ur body and everything settled and try again... jia you! dun give up!
Dr Sadhana rang me at 8.45am to tell me that they checked the embies & all 8 are still growing very well!! ET confirmed tomorrow!, Hope all 8 will survive to blastocyst tomorrow so I can have some for FET next time.

And since tonight is the last to eat and be merry, I've asked my friends for sashimi this evening ... I had planned to eat all I want..until I spoke to my MIL .. She said raw food tends to have bacteria ask me don't eat sashimi !! Cry cry cry

I'm new here... and would like to join this thread... ;)

Anyway, a little background... i've my 1st IVF cycle at KKH with SF Loh... but it was cancelled halfway as my eggs disappeared after injections.. i was on shot protocol... can't really remember how much i was on but i remembered i was on puregon and menopur... apparently i was on the highest dosage as i've hgh FSH and super duper low AMH <0.1 ... scnned on Day 2 and i've about 7 follicles on the left and 4 on the right.. however after jabbing, all disappear... haha.. :eek:

so cycle was cancelled after 7 days... fear of KKH IVF centre after that..and didn't return until recently... but switched to Dr Sadhana and did blood test... FSH still high..i think about 21.9 or something..and AMH still super low <0.2 ... so Dr Sadhana told me she will try this natural ivf on me... i'm just wondering if anyone gone thru this?? cos seriously i know nuts about ivf since mine was cancelled in jul'11 ... took a lot of courage and seein hubby's love for kids to bring me back to try whatever possible method...

So what's this natural IVF?? i know i have to take this pills to make me O from Day 2 ..and they'll scan me everyday..and if can find ONE egg, they'll do IVF for me...wondering what this means...:confused:
Hi ladies,

Good morning, I am very new to this thread, I found it to be very encouraging as I was going thru all the post. After reviewing all the post I just now booked an appt with Dr tan from kkh...for sep 3rd the earliest available slot.
My background:
Foreigner...I am 27 yrs n hubby 31 yrs...married for 4yrs....Me PCOS patient...hubby has no issues.
I had two failed iui cycles ( both on gonal F injections ) from gleneagles hospital. Last one was march this yr...i didnt take any tablets after my second iui as i was broke gaveup on it....
Finally sterday we decided to move on to ivf... Gleneagles said me the IVF cost will be 20k... ...so I decided to go ahead with kkh as I heard its max upto 15k..
Can any one tell me how exactly the ivf procedure takes place in KKH?? How long the whole process will be... I am very scared :( :( please help me :) thank you...
Dr Sadhana rang me at 8.45am to tell me that they checked the embies & all 8 are still growing very well!! ET confirmed tomorrow!, Hope all 8 will survive to blastocyst tomorrow so I can have some for FET next time.

And since tonight is the last to eat and be merry, I've asked my friends for sashimi this evening ... I had planned to eat all I want..until I spoke to my MIL .. She said raw food tends to have bacteria ask me don't eat sashimi !! Cry cry cry

I'm planning to feast on sashimi on Wed cos my ET is on thurs!! I did that during my last fresh too!

I'm new here... and would like to join this thread... ;)

Anyway, a little background... i've my 1st IVF cycle at KKH with SF Loh... but it was cancelled halfway as my eggs disappeared after injections.. i was on shot protocol... can't really remember how much i was on but i remembered i was on puregon and menopur... apparently i was on the highest dosage as i've hgh FSH and super duper low AMH <0.1 ... scnned on Day 2 and i've about 7 follicles on the left and 4 on the right.. however after jabbing, all disappear... haha.. :eek:

so cycle was cancelled after 7 days... fear of KKH IVF centre after that..and didn't return until recently... but switched to Dr Sadhana and did blood test... FSH still high..i think about 21.9 or something..and AMH still super low <0.2 ... so Dr Sadhana told me she will try this natural ivf on me... i'm just wondering if anyone gone thru this?? cos seriously i know nuts about ivf since mine was cancelled in jul'11 ... took a lot of courage and seein hubby's love for kids to bring me back to try whatever possible method...

So what's this natural IVF?? i know i have to take this pills to make me O from Day 2 ..and they'll scan me everyday..and if can find ONE egg, they'll do IVF for me...wondering what this means...:confused:

Hi, please pm me. I have done natural ivf with both dr sadhana and dr loh

I'm new here... and would like to join this thread... ;)

Anyway, a little background... i've my 1st IVF cycle at KKH with SF Loh... but it was cancelled halfway as my eggs disappeared after injections.. i was on shot protocol... can't really remember how much i was on but i remembered i was on puregon and menopur... apparently i was on the highest dosage as i've hgh FSH and super duper low AMH <0.1 ... scnned on Day 2 and i've about 7 follicles on the left and 4 on the right.. however after jabbing, all disappear... haha.. :eek:

so cycle was cancelled after 7 days... fear of KKH IVF centre after that..and didn't return until recently... but switched to Dr Sadhana and did blood test... FSH still high..i think about 21.9 or something..and AMH still super low <0.2 ... so Dr Sadhana told me she will try this natural ivf on me... i'm just wondering if anyone gone thru this?? cos seriously i know nuts about ivf since mine was cancelled in jul'11 ... took a lot of courage and seein hubby's love for kids to bring me back to try whatever possible method...

So what's this natural IVF?? i know i have to take this pills to make me O from Day 2 ..and they'll scan me everyday..and if can find ONE egg, they'll do IVF for me...wondering what this means...:confused:

Hi hi, doing natural ivf meaning there is no injection for this cycle. It all depend on your natural growth of your follicles. Ovulating is also crucial so dr must check follicle size and at the same time to kwn your ovulating time. Is strange why your dr ask u to do natural ivf..........you have many eggs?
Hi hi, doing natural ivf meaning there is no injection for this cycle. It all depend on your natural growth of your follicles. Ovulating is also crucial so dr must check follicle size and at the same time to kwn your ovulating time. Is strange why your dr ask u to do natural ivf..........you have many eggs?

Nope. Don't have many eggs. But from records, I have a few eggs, or at least 1 egg per menstrual cycle, althogh running out... but since i don't take well to injections, doc says we'll never know if my body takes well to natural ivf... as i told her, i still get ewcm when i O and I will know when I O cos of this ewcm... and after spotting this ewcm, i know my AF will report in 2 weeks. So i guess with these information, she decided to try natural this time round.
Cos Japanese use to eating Raw mah. For us we don't take it so often n some may worried its contaminated
Anyway be obedient n listen to your hb. U can still eat now but not after ET.
Nope. Don't have many eggs. But from records, I have a few eggs, or at least 1 egg per menstrual cycle, althogh running out... but since i don't take well to injections, doc says we'll never know if my body takes well to natural ivf... as i told her, i still get ewcm when i O and I will know when I O cos of this ewcm... and after spotting this ewcm, i know my AF will report in 2 weeks. So i guess with these information, she decided to try natural this time round.
i was told by dr loh too if the next cycle of IVF, it will be natural ivf, which means not much injection and just pop pills! I also want to find out whats the difference between natural ivf and normal ivf.
reason why dr loh suggest that even with the injections i took 1st cycle do not produce much eggs so suggest that dont waste too much $ for the injection lor..hmmm.. i still puzzled about this.
dont know whether to follow his advise or go through another cycle with the injections... in dilemma...
For natural ivf, doc loh will give you pills on d2 till d6. After that he will scan and minitor closely. Once the follicle size hit 18mm, he will ask you to take hcg jab at night and er will be 36 hrs after your hcg jab. Normally only can retrieve 1 to 2 eggs, this is for ladies with low amh. In some cases,he may give jab to control ovulation when follicles reach 14-15mm. Quality of the egg is very
i was told by dr loh too if the next cycle of IVF, it will be natural ivf, which means not much injection and just pop pills! I also want to find out whats the difference between natural ivf and normal ivf.
reason why dr loh suggest that even with the injections i took 1st cycle do not produce much eggs so suggest that dont waste too much $ for the injection lor..hmmm.. i still puzzled about this.
dont know whether to follow his advise or go through another cycle with the injections... in dilemma...

Hi Blessedzn,

Under normal circumstances, ivf requires us to undergo injections to stimulate egg growth. People with high FSH and low AMH do not respond well to these injections and require the highest dosage of stimulations. For example, if my FSH is 7 for this month, i need less stimming as compared to when my FSH is 15 because our engine needs more fuel to kick start the egg growth process. (something like that la)

From your description, it looks like you did not respond well to stimulations so your cycle was cancelled. They propose natural IVF because maybe they probably think that there is no point stimulating you with injections and medications since you do not respond well. So natural cycle means that they use that one or two egg you produce monthly, naturally or through pills, retrieve it, fertilize it and transfer into your body.
- Save you money by skipping all the injections
- Less medications in your body may yield better results

For me, my first cycle was long protocol. Same as you, i was already on high dosage of 375 gonal f and still i only had 3 eggs in the end. My dr cancelled and converted it into IUI. I could have just taken clomid to achieve 3 eggs in my cycle based on my previous IUI experience.

He converted me to short protocol, chose a cycle with lower FSH and upped the gonal F dosage to 450 for me and added growth hormon - saizen. This time round, I responded well enough to proceed for retrieval of 9 eggs and transferred 2 and managed to BFP first time round.

So, if you don't understand why your doctor is suggesting certain protocol, perhaps you can either seek a second opinion or ask for clarifications?

Good luck!
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Hi Blessedzn,

Under normal circumstances, ivf requires us to undergo injections to stimulate egg growth. People with high FSH and low AMH do not respond well to these injections and require the highest dosage of stimulations. For example, if my FSH is 7 for this month, i need less stimming as compared to when my FSH is 15 because our engine needs more fuel to kick start the egg growth process. (something like that la)

From your description, it looks like you did not respond well to stimulations so your cycle was cancelled. They propose natural IVF because maybe they probably think that there is no point stimulating you with injections and medications since you do not respond well. So natural cycle means that they use that one or two egg you produce monthly, naturally or through pills, retrieve it, fertilize it and transfer into your body.
- Save you money by skipping all the injections
- Less medications in your body may yield better results

For me, my first cycle was long protocol. Same as you, i was already on high dosage of 375 gonal f and still i only had 3 eggs in the end. My dr cancelled and converted it into IUI. I could have just taken clomid to achieve 3 eggs in my cycle based on my previous IUI experience.

He converted me to short protocol, chose a cycle with lower FSH and upped the gonal F dosage to 450 for me and added growth hormon - saizen. This time round, I responded well enough to proceed for retrieval of 9 eggs and transferred 2 and managed to BFP first time round.

So, if you don't understand why your doctor is suggesting certain protocol, perhaps you can either seek a second opinion or ask for clarifications?

Good luck!

Thanks melody. so in the end you are having natural ivf with short protocol? from 3 eggs to 9 eggs??
may i know which dr u are seeing?
for me, i did go through the 1st ivf and only 2 eggs retrieve but only 1 survive. but it is not successful. :(
so dun know what to do but chose to rest few months and got to know this chat where i can get alot of useful advise here :)
btw, how do we know our FSH? by taking blood test?
Nope. Don't have many eggs. But from records, I have a few eggs, or at least 1 egg per menstrual cycle, althogh running out... but since i don't take well to injections, doc says we'll never know if my body takes well to natural ivf... as i told her, i still get ewcm when i O and I will know when I O cos of this ewcm... and after spotting this ewcm, i know my AF will report in 2 weeks. So i guess with these information, she decided to try natural this time round.

Oic, I did once natural cycle before cos I thought by injecting all the gonal n menopur will also some how cause the egg quality bad. I only retrieve 1 egg and did icsi but also failed and now I kwn is my egg quality no good. I did with Dr Loh and I didn't take any pill but did scan n monitor until i O then ER.
Thanks melody. so in the end you are having natural ivf with short protocol? from 3 eggs to 9 eggs??
may i know which dr u are seeing?
for me, i did go through the 1st ivf and only 2 eggs retrieve but only 1 survive. but it is not successful. :(
so dun know what to do but chose to rest few months and got to know this chat where i can get alot of useful advise here :)
btw, how do we know our FSH? by taking blood test?

Hi Blessedzn,

I think you are a little confused by the different protocols :)

Long protocol
Stage 1 - Supress your body to stop ovulation with medication such as Lupron, Suprefact
Stage 2 - Stimulate your ovaries with medication such as Puregon, Gonal F

This takes about 1.5 months or so since Stage one starts about 1 week before your period comes.

Short Protocol
Supress, Stimulate starts at the same time.

This takes about 1 month

---> Basically, the aim of these 2 protocols are to make you produce as many eggs as possible for retrieval.

Instead of injections of high dosage of gonal f (which makes up bulk of the cost) they rely on either your natural ovulation to retrieve the one egg you produce monthly or they give you some medications from D2-6 to make your body produce a few eggs.

---> Aim of this method is to make use of your body's natural behaviour to produce one or few eggs so that they can retrieve, fertilise and transfer at a lower cost in a less medicated environment.

I did not do well in long protocol cos the supression stage made my ovaries too sleepy and engine couldnt be restarted so i ended up with only 3 eggs.
I did better with short protocol so i ended up with 9 eggs in the end.

As for you, it looks like you did 2 IVF before (not sure long or short though) but both yielded not so good results in terms of total eggs retrieved. Since with the usual IVF long/short protocols, you only have a couple of eggs, it looks like your doctors are suggesting you do natural ivf to cut cost and of course try a different way. There is bound to be a method that will suit you :)

My doctor is from Gleneagles - Dr LC Foong.
i was told by dr loh too if the next cycle of IVF, it will be natural ivf, which means not much injection and just pop pills! I also want to find out whats the difference between natural ivf and normal ivf.
reason why dr loh suggest that even with the injections i took 1st cycle do not produce much eggs so suggest that dont waste too much $ for the injection lor..hmmm.. i still puzzled about this.
dont know whether to follow his advise or go through another cycle with the injections... in dilemma...

I suppose dr suggest natural ivf because u do not respond well to stim drugs. I remember a sistas graduate from forum doing natural ivf under dr Loh as well. U never know till u try. Good to ask him more question before u decide.
Any prep work to do before starting natural ivf? cos i'm due to start anytime now. The minute my AF reports, i will start... a bit scare...cos of the traumatic past...of having a cycle cancelled... just 7 days into short protocol jabbing and cancelled..perhaps as mentioned, the injections made my ovaries sleep and all the foliciles go to sleep instead.. keeping fingers crossed very tightly:(
Done my ER this morning. Only 2 eggs.. Feeling so sad. :( so many follicles but only 2 eggs..I check with the nurse how can I check the progress of my eggs development. She said not at this moment. She said ask me to come back on wed to do the ET. I very worry..what if the eggs not able to make it?
Any prep work to do before starting natural ivf? cos i'm due to start anytime now. The minute my AF reports, i will start... a bit scare...cos of the traumatic past...of having a cycle cancelled... just 7 days into short protocol jabbing and cancelled..perhaps as mentioned, the injections made my ovaries sleep and all the foliciles go to sleep instead.. keeping fingers crossed very tightly:(

Did you take any supplements? You can try CQ10 and prenatal vitamins to improve egg quality. TCM and acupuncture may help too. All these no scientific proof but all the sistas are doing it so no harm trying. Don't let the past scare you. Overcome the fear and you will be a stronger person. Jia you girl.
Done my ER this morning. Only 2 eggs.. Feeling so sad. :( so many follicles but only 2 eggs..I check with the nurse how can I check the progress of my eggs development. She said not at this moment. She said ask me to come back on wed to do the ET. I very worry..what if the eggs not able to make it?

How many follicles do you have during scanning? Maybe some follicles are empty. You need one to succeed so don't give up yet.
How many follicles do you have during scanning? Maybe some follicles are empty. You need one to succeed so don't give up yet.
Around 11 follicles during my last scan. Only 2 eggs.. I was quite shock when I saw the word 2 on the paper. As I thought follicle should have eggs. Didn't do enough homework... :(
Jasbran, how many did u retrieved in your first cycle? U have 5 frozen which is very good.
Womb scratching u mean? I guess its a new technique n seems like kkh is encouraging patient
to do it. There is no guarantee it will work but no harm trying. Brazil nuts is to help with implantation
n u can eat after your ET. When are u starting your cycle?
Hi jumbo girl my first cycle got 17 but only 9 survive and retrieved. Oh Brazil nuts is to eat after implantation k thk u:) hmm either oct or nov depend on my sept menstrual date
Hi double line my fet was done by dr loh just before he left to join Thomson group. Overall I find that dr lau is not bad as was a hint by dr loh tt he is quite okay. You don't feel comfortable with him? You are starting a fet or et with dr lau? When going to do it?
Jumbo girl, it seems like it is the 'In' thing to do womb scratching. I have asked my doc about this when I did my scan before my FET. She told me that womb scratching is for those who has problem for growing the lining. Also it depends on the skill of the doc. If not careful, it may leave scars on the womb and make implantation impossible.
Hi sunstillshine. You were saying there is a risk involve? So I should consider first? Please help to share more
Jasbran, primarily, womb scratching procedure is done for the purpose of D&C. It is better to check the track record of the doc who is going perform this on you before going for it. Because if not careful, the scratching will become a permanent scar and this means the womb is no longer suitable to grow a baby.
Jasbran, primarily, womb scratching procedure is done for the purpose of D&C. It is better to check the track record of the doc who is going perform this on you before going for it. Because if not careful, the scratching will become a permanent scar and this means the womb is no longer suitable to grow a baby.
Hi sunstillshine, thank you for the information but what is the meaning of D&C? How can we possibly check the track record of the doctor on the womb scratching? Who can help as my doctor is Matthew lau?
This tww is the longest wait ever. It's stressing me out no matter how I try to relax. I can't stop thinking and looking out for symptoms cos I still dont get any.
Ytd morning I woke up feeling so sad and I just feel like crying. I heard a song over the radio and I started tearing. Cried while eatingbreakfast and last night was the worst. I cannot stop crying. Tears just kept flowing and I was sobbing like there's no stop button. I must be really stressed out. Thurs is my BTalrr...I hope everyone else is doing well.
Hazelnut, think is the same feeling on e stress level for most of the sisters during the 2WW. This week is my 2nd half of 2ww and I also can't help thinking. M quite stress too as there no symptoms to tell mi whether my 2 beanes r still in mi. No matter he much tv I watch, at time when resting, my mind will start to run wild again.

Understand some sisters feel sleepy but mi e opposite. Juz can't sleep. Even at night, I can't sleep thru too...

Are u on total bed rest ?
Hi sunstillshine, thank you for the information but what is the meaning of D&C? How can we possibly check the track record of the doctor on the womb scratching? Who can help as my doctor is Matthew lau?
I think it is your faith with the doc and you can try to find out from his other patients.

I googled and got this explanation:
"A procedure in which the neck of the womb (cervix) is expanded and the lining of the uterus is scraped to remove pregnancy tissue or abnormal tissue."

Basically D&C means to scrap off the miscarriage baby.
Hi SSS, no good ... Today there is only ONE which turned into a blastocyst .. There are two more sill growing but slower ... The rest of the 5 degenerated. Dr Sadhana said its not bad for a 39yo wor .. She remembered my wanting alot of eggs & I said I'm wiling to suffer OHSS even .. Sigh .. But end up only one fresh cycle again. I transferred 2 (the BL and one other) cos Dr Sadhana said she dont think the implant rate for the other 2 is going to be high anyway. They will continue to monitor the 3rd embryo and if its good they will freeze it.
Hazelnut, think is the same feeling on e stress level for most of the sisters during the 2WW. This week is my 2nd half of 2ww and I also can't help thinking. M quite stress too as there no symptoms to tell mi whether my 2 beanes r still in mi. No matter he much tv I watch, at time when resting, my mind will start to run wild again.

Understand some sisters feel sleepy but mi e opposite. Juz can't sleep. Even at night, I can't sleep thru too...

Are u on total bed rest ?
Hi bbliss, how many days post transfer are u at now? I'm 10dp5dt tdy. Yah I don't really get any fatigue or hunger etc. No physical symptoms that screams I'm pregnant yet. I don't dare to test with a hpt cos I'm afraid. It's making me nuts. Thurs is my bt alr and I'm freaking out.

I didn't go complete bed rest. On day 2 post transfer in walking ard the hse. I try not to stand or walk too long. Day 4 I went out for dinner by car. Didn't walk much. Subsequently I just take cab to a place for brunch. Chill ard until late afternoon then I'll go bk or wait for my hub to pick me up. I cannot stay at home the whole day. It's making me laze ard too much. How abt u?
Hi bbliss, how many days post transfer are u at now? I'm 10dp5dt tdy. Yah I don't really get any fatigue or hunger etc. No physical symptoms that screams I'm pregnant yet. I don't dare to test with a hpt cos I'm afraid. It's making me nuts. Thurs is my bt alr and I'm freaking out.

I didn't go complete bed rest. On day 2 post transfer in walking ard the hse. I try not to stand or walk too long. Day 4 I went out for dinner by car. Didn't walk much. Subsequently I just take cab to a place for brunch. Chill ard until late afternoon then I'll go bk or wait for my hub to pick me up. I cannot stay at home the whole day. It's making me laze ard too much. How abt u?

Hazelnut, think is the same feeling on e stress level for most of the sisters during the 2WW. This week is my 2nd half of 2ww and I also can't help thinking. M quite stress too as there no symptoms to tell mi whether my 2 beanes r still in mi. No matter he much tv I watch, at time when resting, my mind will start to run wild again.

Understand some sisters feel sleepy but mi e opposite. Juz can't sleep. Even at night, I can't sleep thru too...

Are u on total bed rest ?

aiyo....i also feel stressed reading what u wrote....not healthy leh...take a deep breath and calm urself down... if u r stressed, u will also stress ur beannies, esp when they are still in u...find a drama to hook on???

hazel, thurs is ur BT?? it will be here very fast....just 1.5 day to go...as sss mentioned, if u are brave, u can do hpt first... i did a hpt on 10dp5t....

Jia you!! Good luck!!

Hi dream sorry that I'm not pouring a positive vibe in this thread. Exactly 1.5 days More and I'm freaking out. I donno if I can handle the outcome since I'm not feeling anything different yet. I don't want to take a hpt cos I'm not brave enough to see another-ve....

I go out for nice brunch every day at different cafes and try to read my book and mag to de stress lor. But at night when can't sleep is when all the thoughts start to run wild. :(
