IVF/ICSI Support Group

HI Babysmurf,

Thanks for the baby dusts!

Congratulation on the arrival of your lil princess.
Hope mommy and bb are fine.

Babysmurf: Congrats! Enjoy your motherhood. Thanks for remembering. You and me was same cycle month timing last year. My almost same day cycle buddy also delivered twins earlier this month too! Take care ya!
Congrats, babysmurf.

Lilcookiedough, my 2nd scan, after jabbing 9 days of Pergoveris, on sat, was good. Have a total of 16 follies and of which have abt 8-9 follies of good size of above 15mm to 17mm. Lining abt 11mm already. In fact, ytd took the last Pergoveris jab and will be going for the trigger jab later tonite. Er is scheduled on tues.

Ladies, for the trigger jab, was tinking whether can go alone or not cos my jab is at 12mn and hub needs to report for work tml.
Hi energeticsnake,
Wow! Your numbers and lining are looking very good!! Congrats...So excited for you

I'm going for my 2nd scan tmrw. Kinda nervous that my numbers are gonna be lousy

Did you feel nausea or lethargic while on Pergoveris?

Trigger at 12mn?!?!! Quite weird timing huh?
My gf did mentioned that her legs felt quite numb after the jab and she had problem walking...plus it's gonna hurt like XXXX!
Can ur hubby take time off?
Hi magical,

I'm good. Thanks for asking

Lol. I "so" know what you mean.

Have your AF come yet?
The Lucrin kinda affected my cycle and i had spotting til CD12!!

Jia you worr.
Thank ladies. Your turn coming. Girl girl, mofmm n me delivered ard the same time 1-2 days different btwn us.

Very thankful to Dr HH Tan. He made a fast decision to do a e-c sect for me. To save my girl.
Lilcookiedough, thanks. Hope to get the golden embryo at the end of it. Was supposed to be 11pm but they called to schedule to a later time. Neaseaous only at times. Tiredness not really.
Thanks, Energeticsnake! Yupz, just need that one golden embryo for our wish to come true! Jia you

One hour more to ur trigger shot!! Lemme noe if its really that painful! Yikes

Nope. I'm on puregon. I have all the bad side effects plus acne lor. Sighzzzz
*WAVE WAVE* Thanks for your babydusts! Hope to get as lucky as you are on my 3rd fresh .. CONGRATS and have a good confinement!
the pregynl trigger shots for me bearable leh..actually it's all ok not the oil based ones though ie: fragmin. To minimize pain, numb with ice pack and then a quick swipe with alcohol wipe blow a bit then pinch hard on the fats..then hold your breath *jab* sometimes can be painless
sorry to interrupt..but what i asked my clinic the other time, the doc said that cos from their records long protocols yield better results than short, but some ladies cos of other reasons like FSH level, age etc will be put on short protocol..but ultimately it's up to your doc who handles your case to decide what is best for you. Cos everybody is different. Actually to say the 1st try of fresh cycle is usually the trial and error cycle..so if works great, else 2nd fresh will be with alterations..
Lilcookiedough, ok have done my jab, ok leh. Only the moment the needle poked in painful, after a while ok liao. Can choose to jab on butt or thigh. I choose thigh at most cant walk but butt cant sit ma fan.
Hi ladies,
I was telling u gals the other day that i will b starting my short cycle tis week.. Apparently, that is not gonna happen... I just tested positive!! Ive gone thru failed IUIs n i lnow how difficult n heartbroken one can get.. The cries, the worries, the sadness and so much more... The recent Sperm analysis showed my husband's sprem morphology/quality had gone down to less thab1%... I wouldnt have thought for a lil moment tt i could gets preggers naturally...
Despite the quality dropping, conception did tke place.. Take heart cycle sisters!! Anything is possible...
Just hope things go well for thia pregnancy... For all ivf sisters, good luck!! When its yours, its yours....
Hi sisters, what kind of support (medication) will be provided by the hospital if found BFP? I heard KKH is not as good compared to the other hospital, is that true?
Lilissy, u are so lucky!!!! I am also trying naturally for half year but no news... Sadly, have to start ivf...

Any sisters doing Ivf alone during the start of jabs and during 2ww? My DH gonna travel, can't acc me throughout... The thought of it already makes me feel disappointed...
lilissy, lucky gal!! guess all we need is luck!
grabbing your bb dusts..

tsf0205, dun be sad.. we are all here for u..

are u doing fresh or FET? i prefer to be alone cos DH can only emotionally support me.. i dont like him to get affect by work..

I'm on my 5th day of Puregon.
I'm also on long protocol but with Thomson.
My dosage is to the max as I don't have very good egg quantity due to history of cysts.
How about you?
Hey tsf0205, I was pretty much alone for 2 weeks during my last FET (during medicine popping period) and DH only came back on the day of my transfer.
Doing my fresh cycle now, though DH around, I did most of the jabbing myself.
You can do it tsf0205, as long as he's there mentally for you that's more important. Jiayou!
Hi wondersss and yvejen,

I'll be starting my first fresh next month. Actually I prefer to do jabbing myself... Seeing others jab seems more fearful. Heehee... Any good recommendations in engaging domestic helper if I'm alone? I have a dog... Hopefully there is one that can help me bathe it too. Haahaa
Hi Everyone
Im on the process of my medicated FET.
Just did a 2nd scan today, already on the 13th day of my cycle and gynae says that my follicles are still not matured enough (around 12.5mm), still need to do another scan in 3 days to monitor before I can proceed for the trigger shot before the FET.

Anyone who did a FET, can share around at how many days of your cycle that the transfer took place?

Thank u in advance.
HI Nat,

ChrisL have answered your query

Doctor went with Long protocol due to my low AMH level and lap on my ovaries previously.

When are u planning to start yours?
Hi ChrisL,

How are you?

When are u gonna start your new cycle?
You mentioned previously that you will do your next cycle oversea. Why leh? Is it better?

Jia you!!
Hi energeticsnake,

After 7days of stimulation, my leading follicle only 9mm. There's only 8-9 follicles so far.
Even the doc says my follicles growing a lil slow.

They have upped my dosage to 300iu. Gonna go for another scan on thurs.

I'm so gonna drink chicken essence everyday le.
What did you eat during your stimulation?

Good luck for your ER tomorrow ya!!
Hi yvejen,

What's the max dose? 600iu? Is this your 1st IVF?
I was on 250iu for the first 7 days of stimulation.

Just went for a scan and the follicles are not growing that well so they upped the dosage to 300iu.

When are you gonna go for your scan?
I was so nervous about my scan today that i couldnt sleep last night!!
Hi Magical,

Great! If your BT and scan goes well next monday, you can start on the stimulation le.

Are you still having nasty bruises from the Lucrin jabs?

Btw, when u take ensure milk, did you use room temp water as per the instruction on the tin or u use warm water?
I bought a strawberry flavored tin but have yet to try. Does it taste weird? >_<
Lilcookiedough, thanks for the encouragement. now still got a bit pain when press at the injection site. Cant stretch oso.

My stim jab dosage remains the same throughout, 450iu. Tink that's the highest dosage already. During my stim jabs, I load up on my protein like egg whites, I take 4-6 per day. Other food like fish n pork oso took some. If u take beef, beef will be good too. Cos I dun take beef so I substitute with pork. I drink some ensure milk too. Hope it helps.
thanks im fine just that i hurt my back pretty badly a few weeks ago pain til now..but better now lah. I've started my suppression already, no lah cos i am not in singapore as husband is foreigner.. So doing in his country lor. In terms of medical accessibility, of course SG is better!

A french
It's actually varies on ET day, cos my case, while it's medicated FET i only need to take progynova on my CD 2, and transferred around CD 15, when doc thinks it's the best time for transfer seeing that both lining and all are good. But for your case you still need trigger jabs? I have never experienced that but I reckon your transfer might be not in too long lah...are you in a rush or have some other travel plans?
no lah i very 'chor lor' while doing hsework sprained lower back again, actually cos having worked with young children years ago, i sprained it badly then and up till now, been constantly off and on that old wound come again loh..i've been really careful but still.. sigh..old liao must go doc workshop for 'repair' rather often wahhaha
Hi ChrisL
May I know what is CD? Cycle Day?
I'm actually doing FET overseas now,
not exactly in a rush, would love to be back in Singapore soon to see my family... mainly is worried that the cycle seems long and that my body is not responding well to the injections.
Here the FET is quite different,
I have Gonal F injections, 10 days so far,
another few days more, after, would be the trigger shot Ovitrelle.
Babysmurf, Congrats!!!! wat happened tat u need c section? I also hope I k be bfp on my 3rd fresh like u!

lilissy, u lucky gal! Be careful n enjoy ur next 9 mths Ya.

Hi Lilcookiedough, did you start swimming even though u are still spotting? I m having the same prob with u.. Spotting still as of CD 10.. I usually clear by CD5-7!
On Suprefact for 17 days lo, today starting Gonal F.
Anyone on Gonal F for your first ivf? No idea y I got this instead of the slightly less ex Purageon...
