IVF/ICSI Support Group

Joanne..i mean with my 800+ hcg, i am carrying twins, yr hcg over 1k shld most likely will be multiple.

do u wanna try dr zou's an tai Med? she say it helps to prevent spotting.i m taking and so far so gd...since its diff med, not sure if it has impact on yr blood pressure

Joanne, okok noted. Am thking that pte will not entertain patients not under them.
Can i know if there is still govt grant for 3 embies transfer?
Kitty me okie.
Joanne dunno lei y KKH very hard to give jab. Supposed they alarm when we said we got bleeding but it seem like nothing to them. Birth rate now at 1.15. Just imagine how many life can they save.
Sisters i am so very frustrated! Anyone have any experienced in testing OPKs?

I need help..the test showed faint line but then the package said that if so it's negative? I would like to attach a pic i took but then no idea..how to attach pic..but question is my O anytime near then or?
Hi Chevy...Did my first scan on D10 if menses today. Going back next wk for scan again. It seems different from fresh, just scan and did urine test. I think urine test is check ovulation... Mine was neg today.
No blood test needed?? Anyone doing fet at the moment can advise?
fet cycle seems fast! They say if lining is 8mm and follicle is 16, can arrange transfer. Mine is 7mm and one side follicle is 5 the other is 12 or 13 already. So I'm guessing next week will transfer.. I request for blastocyst, the dr just say ok.
First time fet, feels quite unprepared. Any advice or anything I should do for now?

Congrats Joanne on your high levels!
All in 2ww, hang on tight... Awaiting more gd news..

Jia you everyone...
Chrisl, if there's a faint line but not as dark as the control line, it's still considered negative. Only when it's as dark as or darker than control line then considered positive. But of course you can monitor over a few days and observe if it's getting darker, which suggests that O is nearing.
Chevy - i not sure whether fresh has govt grant for 3 embbies as mine is fet so no grant anyway.....

Me at SF Loh clinic now... So crowded. Think must wait for 1 over hour...
Cas me too same FET currently i am monitoring my O now and it's is very blur for me as i have not tested OPK before..and for what i know no BT required until well after your 2ww..Just prep body eg..no 'liang' food/drinks, LDR tea, keep warm etc..

LuvNHope ok thanks, it's very very confusing for me! Anyway i've just emailed the clinic with the pic and see if they can offer some advices as well..

anyone hv any intro to get cheap&ok quality OPK test online?
Chrisl, OPK reading is different from HPT. Cos our body has the LH hormone at all times. But we're looking for the LH surge which will give a darker line and indicate that O will happen in next few days. hCG hormone is not usually present in us or not in noticeable amt anyway. That's why any faint line is considered positive for HPT. Took me a while to grasp all these too.
i see luvnhope...hope for the best then and not to hv o this weekend but next tues onwards cos monday here is ph and clinic is close

oh yeah your ER was good? All the best for your ET tomorrow then
Chrisl, ET usually happens a few days after O, doesn't it? So you might still be able to do your FET in time even if O during weekend?

ER went well today. ET two days later. Thanks!
I am not sure when the clinic will schedule me for the ET but the letter to me said that the cycle will be cancelled if O falls on sat or sunday and in this case, monday unfortunately is also PH so might be gone case liao..might hv to wait for next month
we'll see what happens in the next few days...*i am praying hard*
Chrisl, none of the OPKs look positive leh.

Joanne, will be worth the wait. Make yourself comfortable in the meantime! Take care!
Joanne, congrats! Very high hcg, hopefully it'll be healthy twins yar!

Bruno, all the best for ur I think earlier is better too..

Chrisl, I test using cheap internet opks, so far always accurate. Test line must be as dark or darker to be considered positive. Test once a day shd be enuff, twice shd better to catch the ' darkest' one.
Hi Chrisl, so we are cycle buddies for this month fet...
At kk here, think its the dr monitor the ovulation as I'm not asked to test like you did. Today went scan was first scan and urine test also like yours .. Mine is 1 dark line and 1 faint one. Dr say it's negative.

Joanne, hope you have got the extra support! Rest more ok..
Cas, wah u very fast leh. I only had my first appt today. Also, I will b doing progesterone test on D21 of menses as my last was done in 2010. If all goes well, I shld embark FET in June.
Meanwhile, u stay zen ya n continue ur supplements. JYJYJY!
Moo3moo thanks for info
where did you get your opks? any good links to intro?

i see cas a fellow cycle buddy
do you have to continue testing at home thereafter then? Or hv to go back hospital everyday just to test urine and scan etc?
Actually was quite sad when Dr say he is not confident that my embies will last til D5 after thawing. Hope embies b strong....
Hey, may i know for those who experience spotting before pregnancy blood test, do u normally have a shorter menstrual cycle?
Joanne, congrats on high hcg! Have a smooth 9 months journey! Btw, care to share what is the criteria to transfer 3 embbies? Are you able to utilize your medisave or pay all by cash?

MC, your tummy wear made from wool? Is it good? I can't find in Uniqlo. Is there any specific name? Under which section I should look for? How much you bought ya?

Shainie, is everything okay on your side? I seldom login nowadays as I have some other commitments. I hope everything is well with you
Tutu, I think I have but not sure what you called as spotting. Kinda fresh tiny blood when I wiped off at day10 if i were not wrong. Only at day10 and one time only. After that no more spotting. Turned out BFP at that time. Hmm, menstrual cycle mine now is around 5-6 days but it depends on age range. When I was 20s, it was like 6-8 days and I used more pads.
Luvnhope, you have a good number of eggs retrieved. Hope they are all of the best!!!

Congrats, JoanneTan!!! So happie for you!
Have lotsa of rest...

Tutu, stay positive!
Nurul, you feeling okay? have loads & loads of rest.
Happypinky & Sarah, I will be visiting sinseh of Ban Choon Chan tomorrow. Have finished all the chinese medicine given and this is a follow up visit. However, maybe in a long run thinking to include an accu. It depends on my schedule for the next few months cos I have some other commitments recently.
Shaine, Fou Fou, Nurul,
Thank you for sharing about the implantation bleeding.
Today, I no more spotting
Thank god!

Joanne: Congrats! Happy for you! Continue to stay health
Chrisl, all the best for your ET ^^ I think I won't be checking on the other thread as I am quite busy recently but will be stay on update in this thread. So, we catch up here ya?
Fou Fou me stil bloated but not dat bad. Yesterday n todae starts to hav a bad headache out if a sudden. Juz now had cramps for a while n now tummy upset. My appetite getting better. How about u? Hows ur cramps? Ur BT on monday ryte?

kitty dats greatz..waiting for ur baby dusts. Take good care of urself ya.
Chevy, I m shocked at the speed too! Maybe because my menses very regular, after I see dr at 1st appt after the failed fresh, my menses came then D10 (today) I go first scan and urine test.. The dr today told me that once urine test positive, 3 days later can transfer. And if I doing blastocyst, it will take another 3days. So I'm predicting next week or the week after transfer.
But I'm worried if my lining gets too thick or follicle grow too big... Dr didn't offer any solutions, just say that I'm doing natural fet so can only monitor and see positive just transfer.
Maybe because failed fresh, and I don't even know why failed so now thinking of all the possible reasons, maybe my lining was too thick that time or maybe embryo not strong so doing blastocyst to increase chances but would mean thawing more.

Your fet in June also quite soon already! Are you doing natural too and blastocyst? Dr will know if embryo can or cannot survive 5days? My dr never mention anything at all. I ask if I can do blastocyst, the dr today just say can since got a no of embryos but they never say if embryos gd or not?

Chrisl, I was not asked to do tests at home. Just go back hospital to scan and urine test. Think every 2,3 days or so to go back. Not everyday. Once urine test positive, follicle size hit 16 or 18 and lining minimum got 8mm ready to transfer.
niko, thanks! Fever subsided the next day, lucky as I need to work and it happened to be an extremely busy day...

The flu virus is very strong in my office that 4 was on MC. Me on one hand hope my colleagues will come back so I do not need to do so much work. Today they are all back but all are coughing away. so afraid to get the virus...
Niko wave! Im okie. At last bleeding stop totally today. If not worried lei. Thinking of doing accu too.
When ur going to start again? Ur nex FET or Fresh? Im thinking of September to start my fresh.
Minnie last yr I also transfer 3 embbies but that one in June 2011. Dunno rules kick on that time or not. At that time Im 34.
Tutu, u mean spotting before the Bt on D19? Last fresh cycle, I spotted and went early for Bt on D15 and it was BFN. But my menses are usually long... Spotting a few days then full flow for 2 days followed by few more days just spotting. So sometimes, it's as long as 8-9 days.
Niko, I still have 2 more packs of tcm to brew. Now down with sore throats, don't whether can still take tcm.
find very heaty, esp taking the chicken essence. Now got to stop the chicken essence n milk powder till my throat recovered.
Where are you thinking of try accu?
Any improvement after drinking the tcm?
Fou Fou, Wah be careful...can ask them to wear mask? LOL, it is very strange in Singapore rite? However, other countries like Taiwan, HK or Shanghai they considered it as a courtesy or respect to others so that the virus won't be spreading around.
Minnie, actually the reason why I need a chinese sinseh that time bcos I mc. It was recommended by Sarah here. However, my charges a bit different 140 for 4 packs of chinese med and 2 packs for my dh. Sarah charges only 130. Maybe she got discount or different chinese med. LOL... I am not sure.

I do notice I don't have any cold feet or hands after taken the herbs or maybe because I wear socks and I have less contact with water.

The medicine quite bitter and need to be brewed for wifey but husband's one is sweet. Tomorrow will be my follow up visit. So, will update you all about my outcome.
Niko / Minnie - I think we must be above 37 and not first attempt to transfer 3 embbies... But I not very sure so u better double confirm on this point....
Niko - I paid the fet using medisave. However please note we can only deduct from medisave 3 times so once u utilised this u have to pay by cash Liao

Niko n Minnie, my med cost more. 180 for 9 packets, 5 packets for wife n 4 packet for husband. Seem like I need to take more than niko n Sarah.
