IVF/ICSI Support Group

Angel, Happy Anniversary.

Foufou, Stay positive. It only takes one to BFP. Jiayou jiayou jiayou!!!
Blurxuan, did your gynea tell you that you need to get more support if there is anymore spotting? Or you want to make a trip down to KKH to get a jab.
Blurxuan, i dont think its due to the spicy food u ate. If you are worry, just go down to kkh for a checkup. Dont wait til next tuesday.
Fou fou n kitty_baby how long ur gerls managed to rest after ET?

kitty_baby how r u? Copin well?

Fou fou congrats. Welcum to 2WW. Hope to join u n e rest of my cycle buddy gerls soon. U take care ya. Dun worry about ur embbies. Have faith in dem. Waitin to catch your baby dusts.

kittykatty ol e best for ur ER tomorrow. I"ll b et KKH for my scan tomorrow too.
Hi Joanne and sunstillshines, I am also turning 39 in 2 months' time. I am new to ivf treatment and will be starting fresh cycle next week. Let's jia you together.
I heard many of you here are taking Conceive Well. Is it Blackmores Conceive Well Gold?
Does it help in ovulation coz I don't ovulate well =( I am currently taking the GNC Women's Prenatal Formula and thinking of changing. Went to a few Watson's but cannot find...where do you get your Conveive Well?
SunnieHope, yes, it is Blackmores Conceive Well Gold. I don't ovulate often too but after taking, don't seems to help as well. Likely my case could lead to other factor. I've just changed from that to GNC pdt. Haha... both of us switch in taking. You can get Conceive Well from Watson, Guardian or Unity. Currently no promotion and cost $46.

Babysmurf, has your AF come? Mine not yet and today many pulls at both my ovaries. Wondering are they trying to push their way out.
Prosepina thanks dear. Scared n anxious. Tomorrow ferst tyme go alone without DH

U'll b starting Puregon soon too. Faster faster can join me n e rest, Fou fou, kittykatty, kitty_baby n e rest....
Prosepina, babyjourney, babysmurf, kittybaby, kittykatty, Shainie, thanks for all the positive words n well wishes. Sorry if I missed out anyone.

Will stay positive
been resting on bed for a few hours... Other than that, been sitting on the sofa watching TV. Ok or not? Dunno how to sit is the best... Haha...

Nurul, I was in the smaller procedure room. Rested for abt 10 mins waiting for the embroyist to come give the report.
Good luck for ur scan tml n join us soon!
Prosepina, I went uniqlo at ion n they told me thats is for winter collection hence now will not available.
u able to found at oth places?
kittykatty..gd luck for yr ET tml..

nurul, i guess you hv many follicles based on yr bloatness..gd luck tml..

fou fou, transfer 2 is gd...u will bfp so no,need worry.

oh..i think i saw dr loh interview on today's Wan bao..i never met him before but the name is the same..
Stickybb - email replied

Red velvet - jia you!

Sarah - Do u go Dr Zou for acupuncture? If yes, u can buy the hot water bag from her. It is small and can just put on your tummy....

Mc - Dr Loh was being interviewed in Channel 8 news today on IVF. Think they will repeat again at 10pm....
Joynfaith & Nurul : thank u...
Joynfaith: I Thot the gnc one doesnt help in ovulation so Thot of switching Hee , gnc one makes urine very yellow which i dun like but think it's normal due to vit B.
Maybe I continue with my bbt charting to see if any progress .m seeing dr Sadhana only 2wks later to make my ivf appt. Anyone knows how long is the queue to get a ivf date ?
Joanne..so is really him..he talk abt success rate and i fall under the 1 out of 3 category..

sunniehope..if i m not wrong, fresh q is Aug now
Hi sisters: a few days no read the forum, took me a long while to catch up the fast moving threads. wish you all an enjoyable weekend!

Tahope, ABBaby, Maggie mee: hugs to you, and Take care.

Shainnie: you are indeed a strong girl. Happy happy birthday, and your wish will come true soon!!! big HUGs to u~

Kiki_gal, Lynn: congratz!!

throll: I think the guy who told ur father that "tcm will cause deform babies" is really ignorant. TCM an tai medi had been used for thousand of year leh...

Kitty baby, ChrisL, Egg Factory, Fou Fou, kittykatty, nurul, givemehope, luv, joanne, Prosepina, Sunstillshines, bruno, red_velvet (sorry if I missed out any sis):
All the best to ur cycle, 2ww or upcoming cycle! Hope to hear your good news soon!

angelxuan: happy anniversary!
Joynfaith: we in the same boat. Tested bfn n AF is long over due. Always have these pulling n crampy feeling. Maybe is the tcm medication that cause my delay.
Hi Mel - thanks! Wish u good luck too

Sisters, can we eat egg plants during the 2ww? I have ordered Tingkat from hilltop and 1 of the dish is egg plant ( which I like actually) and fried prawns.....
Sarah, I didn't went down. I called and they told me only available during winter season. Even cold wear & winter time don't know what's tummy warmer. No choice can only stick to water bag.
Prospeina, some sisters here advised that during 2ww, dun use the water bag.

Went to see Dr Zou jus now and she commented that seeing the size of my tummy, she dun think I can hide till 3 mths... zzzz...I am planning only to tell my co after 3 mths..

Well, finally is TGIF..I can sleep like a pig for the next 2 days.. yipeeee
Hi Ladies,

I am actually in my 2WW. Had my embryo transfer last Thur and today is actually my 8dp3dt. This morning when I was inserting my crinone gel, I saw spots of blood when I pulled the tube out. Then when I was removing my bowel, I saw a small blood clot (reddish brown in a streak of mucous). Sorry if tmi. Just now when i wiped, there was some watery red discharge.

In my previous fresh cycle n FET, my menses came a few days before the blood test. Is this going to happen to me again? Am so sad as my blood test is on next Wed. Called CHR nurse just now n was told to monitor as the earliest I can do a blood test is on Mon (12dp3dt).

Anyone with such experience?
Hi Nurul, Hope to hear gd news for your scan tomolo! Do update us.

Hi Kittykatty, all the best for your ER tomolo. Rest well and dun worry too much.

Thanks Mel.

I din always stay in bed leh...:p
walk around in the house and today my DH drive me to see Dr Zhao for acupuncture.
besides that, my DH barred me from stepping out the hse...

Oh, is there any things we can't eat? I only try not to eat those liang stuffs leh.
Chocolate..how's yr BT for progestrone? It may be implantation bleeding? If spotting continue, go to 24hrs O&G..maybe its due to lack of support.
Thanks for ur reply, mc_007. NUH doesn't do progesterone test for us one week after transfer like KK. From my past experience of my fresh cycle, (28.9 out of the min passing mark of 30 at KK), I requested for additional support this time round so instead of one tube of crinone gel per day, I m inserting twice a day.

Somehow I don't feel any symptoms at all despite the increased progesterone support. M so scared tt it will be another failed cycle. I don't hv any frozen embryos this round and I don't think I can undergo the emotions roller coaster of a 3rd fresh cycle.
I just taken a closer look at my HL issued by KK. It got stated Reproductive Med.
Hai...i din tell my boss that I am gg for ivf leh. only told them that I am gg for minor surgery. Hope they wouldnt ask much.

Did other sistas's HL from KK oso stated "Reproductive Med"?
Thanks Fou Fou for ur wishes

mc 007 now my stomache is stil bloated n I reali feel uncomfortable. I olwaes feel very thirsty nowadays. Appetite not so good.
Can onie hope for e best tomorrow.

Mel thanks for ur wishes. Wish u n hope to spread e good news soon.

Kitty_baby thanks for ur wishes. Sure wil do.
Thanks Mel for the well wishes! Good luck to u too.

Kittykatty, all the best for your ER tml.

Kittybaby, that day I also asked Dr Zou. She say just avoid cold drinks & Liang food. Fruits just avoid watermelon & pineapple. She say spicy stuff still alright, just not too much.
Main purpose is not to hurt your stomach, to prevent stomach upset.
I also din stay in bed all the time. Walk ard to make my own drink n bread. A bit tired... Think coz do nothing... Haha. But can't sleep yet, must wait for abt 12 am to insert the med...
Is dr Loh being interviewed for a new drug for stimulation? Saw an article on ivf in xin ming newspaper tonite... Dr Loh was interviewed n commented on a new ivf drug for stimulation. This drug will reduce the no. of injections required for stimulation.

Btw, u can't hide ur bump but dun say anything even when ppl ask? Just say not convenient to say now n they'll understand.

Happy birthday!!

Happy anniversary!
Kittybaby, ya my last HL also state that. Me same as u , did not say anything. They did ask and I just brush off by saying nothing serious n I had a good rest.

This time, I took my own leave. Will only rest 7 days at home and go back work on the second week. Can't afford to take the HL this time.
Thanks Mel.

Fuo fuo, thanks for the advise.
The med must wait until 12am then put huh? I din really follow the schedule leh. I tot nurse say in between got 5hrs difference can liao...Just put and go sleep lah. I dun tink really need to follow exactly at 12am.

I watching k dramas to spend my time...hehe...
oh,hmm, ok, thanks sarah and fuo fuo. I tot why like dat, the nurse nver tell me would put that...hope my colleagues/hr wouldnt kpo and ask...hehe...
