IVF/ICSI Support Group

Weaky, i know.. will be good girl and wear my spectacle tomorrow :p

Ron, u are right! We have 2 weeks to chill. Just take care and dont be too stress at work!

Sunflower, i just done my ER and will be doing my ET tomorrow...
Hi gals,

I try to be more optimistic but with only one ovary growing and biggest at 10.5 only. I really don't know how much more I can get. Anyone with one ovary growing only but can get many follicles?

Will my 10mm lining continue to grow if my ER date is further?

Anyway good luck for those going scanning tomorrow
hi Stickybpf - ya hor? Apple mia since BT on wednesday. Hope it was a good news for her. How are you doing this week?
Sun, I would say i try to keep myself relax throughout the whole process and dont think too much. This forum is good to learn tips from everyone who is going thru this process. I dont really have headache but do have sore boobs now...
Hi melodi
When will be ur next scan? Try stay relax k..;) u will see many follicles next scan..

Hi sticky
Nice to hear fr u.. Hope u r feeling better now.. Still heavy af? With my lining 13mm, u think is it too thick?

Hi clb
Nice to hear fr u..;) we hv abt same num of follucle (i got 21) Hope they grow big enough soon so i can stop work.. The work today is real crazy with my crazy boss..must stay relax..now i am consider to take hospital leave as can escape two wks fr work.. Shd i?? Btw u got lots of water discharge?
My panty will be wet if without liner.. Feel so uncomfy
below..;( wht time u go scan tomorow?

Pray hard all our scan tomorow hv big follicles..

Hi jacy
Hugz.. Really not easy for u.. Take this time to tiao urself well for ivf..;)
Melodi - i took 9/10ew+2pkt imm thru'out stim period (not like i have many eggs to show tho! hahaha..) but should be ok as it will only for a few days more, so eat away
j03,ya discharge simiar to b4 ovulation kind right? but much more. i intend to take the 2 weeks HL, work also stress kind..hee, can enjoy 2wks, why not utilise the "benefit". i dunnoe what time i go scan tomor... see how my "ms" is first... i was late by 1/2 hr today for work becoz of my "ms"...

Yup , alot of gals going scan tomor...Jiayou!.

Jacy- Hugz.. it's not easy for your this round...take this time to recuperate for the IVF journey ahead.

ron- are u doing ET tomor?good luck! how do u managed to take so many eggs a day?do u take them raw? now even the smell of egg tarts makes me wanna puke.
Clb: Mine 37 not 27.is it still good?

Joanne: yesterday lor. Ya the nurse looks blur and absent minded. It is a long hair philipino nurse...
I remember reading ET Dh can be there..
Hi j03, thanks

Ron, good luck to your ET
I really scare looking at the big bowl of egg whites but has to force myself to drink everyday.
immunocal with yakult is ok. Just taken two packets just now.

Ya today I started to have discharge like ovulation too.

Sticky n the rest of ivf sis, good luck n Jia you! We will BFP soon.
Thanks Melodi
Thanks Joanne03
Thanks clb

Very sad.. wanted to go home and cry after i left kkivf.. but had non-stop meeting until now..
As i am ovulating now.. with so many follicles.. tummy very very pain.. until cannot walk properly..
my 17 follicles all squeezing their way out..

Ms Africa told me to baby dance tonight and tomorrow night..
Do you all think i have a chance of fertilizing my 13.5mm follicle?
What are my chances of BFP?
Btw, we have female factor.. male perfectly fine..

My biggest problem now is that my follicles grow too slowly..
Anything i can do these 2 months to make sure they grow well in May?
Continue egg white everyday?
Start taking immunocal? Where to buy?

Thanks Ladies..
Thanks Moo. U mean I can call KK to check on this? I didn't know that! Never mind la... shall see what happens tomorrow.... it's god's will...
What time is your ET? Kan cheong now? Are you now on MC or HL? For how long they given to you? How is the feeling after ER? I am worry for myself, scare of pain.
Great, so happy for you, may i know what is the hcg level? Are you in how many weeks now? When will be your scan? Can share what did you eat before ET and during 2ww?
okok.. have been taking folic acid

As for TCM, i go to dr zou.. i can take her before puregon medicine.. but once start puregon, she will change my medicine.. and i hate the taste of the medicine.. cannot take it..
Moo, my ET is 8am tomorrow. Did nothing today except sleep, watch TV & read papers... quite bored actually. I am taking HL till my bt day, which is on 12/4. So probably back to work only on 13/4
Moo, after ER, you will feel ovaries very heavy and will have to walk very slowly. Just rest more on bed for the day. Will feel better the next day...
Clamby, I'm with Dr Loh

Moo, think there is little bloatedness but KKIVF gave me medicine for this. I also drank a lot of water. Dont know what is my E2 level b4 ER lei...
Is kk asked you for BT 2 days before ER?

Hi sistas
May i know what can we eat and what we cant eat during 2ww? Need to bed rest for how many days?
Joanne, good to hear. We have the same Dr.
Sigh! E2 now 37. Nurse say no slot so can only start puregon on 1st Apr. Thought they are suppose to start based on the results of test instead. I wonder if Dr.Loh is aware?
I am just worried what if my E2 goes to a not so good level. Accd to the nurse 37 is good and lining is thin and good too. Did u have the same experience where they pend your start on Puregon due to slot issue???
Sista's I have yet to start Puregon and thinking of visiting TCm to bu Me or Dh? He has low sperm count + low sperm mobility. I am not very good too. Never eat on time, never bu so though maybe good to have an extra stream to improve my ivf journey.
I am scare of needles so I am thinking of visiting Ban Choon Chan at Marine Parade. Is it too late to start?
Hi, i am now look like 3 months preggy with MS, sore boobs, very bloated, gain weight 1.7kgs now, increased 1kg within two days, is anyone happen the same? Am i normal? Can anyone advice? Thanks.

JT - have a good ET tomorrow. and may they stick and become gorgeous babies!

c.lamby - never too late to start tcm. just make sure you tell the tcm physicist you are doing ivf and make sure they are aware of your ivf protocol (most are, but no harm to be safe).

Moomoo - at end of stims, may start to get sore boobs and some bloating. have been wearing one of those t-shirt tops with bra since D11 of stims. Just keep on drinking water to prevent ohss. when is your next scan?

clb/j03 - your next scan tomorrow, ya? hope you get to see some nice scans.

jacy - happy BD. Just take it one day at a time. Maybe this time the little 13mm follicle will meet dh soldier - <jia-you> ya?
