IVF/ICSI Support Group

8 To 9 still in good quantity, maybe ask them how to make it all in nice size? Remember you only need one to bfp, so not to stress up yourself and your folicles wil grow nicely for you de. Jiayou my dear

I am sorry.. hugs..

Melodi and Joanne03,
I also always forget to bring puregon..
but nurse always say nvm, jab at home..
Anyway, how you all bring thr puregon huh? Keep in cooler-box?

I think it doesnt matter right? As long as your right ovary have sufficient.
Ok I will but can't help it in low morale. Should i up my eggs n immunocal? Just see doctor, actually there are only 6
the doc is gg to increase my dosage to puregon to 400iu.
When i first started, i only have 4 on the right and 3 on the left.. so that make me 1 more than you only..
But today, i have 17!
Dont worry too much.. they will start growing..
Woah.. Just nice follicle u hv...;) rest well today to prepare for the big day.. Will they call u to update how many fertilized today?
I really worried left side if grow size also would be very small. And left side stop growing more. Arrgg...
we can inject maximum how many days for puregon? Also should I stop taking red date water since lining is already 10mm.
hi melodi, dun worry. With the increase of puregon dosage, there r still time for ur follicles to grow. Like the gals here always said. Is the quality tat matters. U jus need 1 or 2 to bfp : )
I also only hav 6 potential follicles tat r growing. I have been comforting myself if its mine, will be mine.
Sorry to hear the negatives.. Still, it's not the end of the world.. Best of luck for your next cycle..

Anyway, I was wondering whether Lucrin injections are just like puregon.. I mean, is it injected from a pen or it looks more like a conventional needle and syringe thing?

And one more thing, after the ET, do you guys have bed rest or continue to do things as per norm? Cos I watched giuliana and bill on a reality tv show where she did ivf and the doctor told her to have bed rest for 4 days after ET..

I just want to know how you guys handle it after ET..
hi JT, i remembered u hav 6 ideal size follicles on Monday. Ur ER acutally retrieve 28 follicles. Wow, the amt almost 5 times wat u updated on Monday. This is really comforting news for me n Melodi. At least we know our follicles will continue to grow wif the stimulation dosage increase : )
Hi J03. KKIVF dont call to update fertilization result. They are too busy for this (guess this is the difference between govt & private).
Hi Serene. U are right! My last scan was 6 ideal size follicles. Also never expect to have 28 eggs yesterday. So everyone dont give up yet. With the increased puregon dosage & E/W, your follicles will still grow sui sui...

HI Vann & Piggy. Sorry to hear about your bfn. Dont give up and continue to try k!
My tuesday scan only 14 folicles in total, but on thursday scan they become 40 in total, so you will be surprised on your next scan, by the way when will be your next scan? Jiayou
Since zero folicle on your left ovary, should you just jab on the right side now instead of both side? Or must be still alternate left and right?
Hi Silsilly,

totally understand how you feel, my sis-in-law is also preg and i marry earlier than her! But i dont stay with her so i can understand how bad you are feeling cause even we dont stay together, i already feel so aggrrrhhhh! so i always avoid going to my mother-in-law house... i never visit them for a long while.. cheer up! WE WILL BFP!!

Hi Vann & Silly,

Really pray that the next one will be a bfp for you all, you've come a long way... perhaps consider TCM for the next round?
hi Melodi, don't feel bad-la. 8-9 follices at Day 8 scan is quite good plus your lining is nice too. i'm sorry your left follicles are not growing so just focus on the one that are they waiting for you. In the end it's about quality. You can up the eggwhites.

Keep positive - the babies can feel it
Hi melodi
Dun be dishearten yet. Still got chance..k.. How many eggs n immouncal u take now?

Hi jt
I see.. Hope u hv many follicle fertilized tomorow..all the best to ur et tomorow..;)

Hi serene
Glad that u r so positive.. Hope ur scan n moo scan tomorow is good good k..
Hi moo, I ask the doc same question too.
she says doesn't matter which side cos will spread evenly. I really hope miracle happen like you gals too. Left n right all grow. Currently only one out of 6 is 10.5, the rest still not big. Please grow more cos if this cycle fail at least I can do FET next round
Thanks girls !!

Moo : I'm doing my FET this round no more embbies as I thaw all my last 3 embbies n transfer all 3 over ;)

Jacy : I'm doing fresh cycle in May too.. Hope for success ..
Hi all, sorry for late reply... have been feeling shity since yesterday.. puked yest and this morn.. like got MS... lol...keep having dizziness on and off... but no choice.. still have to go work.. boss not very sympathatic..haiz, still have to finish work..struggling along now..
My scan results:
total is 16, 10 is 11mm to 12.5mm, the rest is below 11mm..linning 12mm.. tcm said abit thick given ET still some days away..but Ms africa says it's fine. she got abit irritated when i asked more abt the linning.

not alot..but doc says sat scan one more time, ok then do the jab on sunday night, then Tue ER and Thu ET.

j03, think u also abt the same?
melodic, dun sad, jt also extracted 28 when she says she has 6 initially..ya, only of my side of my ovary is producing the eggs, the other side like zzz, only have 5 eggs, and not good size also..so dun sad okie?

Piggy and Vann- **Hugzz**
Dear Vann, don't be sad. I read from this forum sometimes you miss your first round as too much stress we are on. Topping up with the Psy roller coster due to the jabs..
Glad to hear from you, your scan result is good, my lining also at 12mm, since both dr said ok, i am sure it should be fine, hopefully j03, serene, you and me tomorrow scan shun shun li li
Hi Fatefully, Great! I am with SF LOH. Now on Lucrin & starting Puregon on. 1/4.. How about you?

Sista's I had my E2 Result as 37. Is it good?
I not sure what I shld eat during the IVF so I ask the nurse there, they nvr give me any advise just tell me to eat normal lor.... Haiz, vy sad to hear that....
hi JT - just thinking of you
rushing to finish up work like siao-cha-boh this afternoon before i go for 2ww.. sigh.. how are you feeling after ER?
Ron, you are still working today? Me rest at home today and check emails from home... Feeling better now. Reminded myself must drink lot of water...
Jt, my DH follow me thru my ET. It is very fast like pap smear. After d trf, u r not allowed to get up immediately. Nurse will ask u to rest for abt 20 mins.
