IVF/ICSI Support Group

weakly: I read somewhere that for people doing ivf their 2ww starts on the day of the egg transfer and after 14 days they can test. I may test beforehand cause I don't want it to be too much of a shock.

J03 - it apparently helps to prevent OHSS, as well as helps to clear our body system since we are so drugged up. My doc keeps telling me 2-3 liters a day from start of CD1 actually. I continued drinking min 2litres a day since my last bfn (cycle 1 i didn't really listen to him..hahaa. and then kena mild ohss) & i find this time i have less bloating.

clamby & hope283 - some basic tips to prpare for ivf. http://www.ivf.ca/tips.htm

jacy - focus on the SO-IUI, and get a BFP, then no need ivf, ok?
we cheer for your IUI. I have not done an IUI - how do you know when to do the procedure?
Don't worry vann. It could be implantation bleed. Bed rest today, don stress yrself. Relax! As long as it is not red flow it is fine. Take care, hv a gd rest.
vann - could this be old blood - it takes a few days for the blood from our ER (all that poking! sigh) to be expelled from our body? or even better, maybe implantaton bleeding? just spotting or you getting heavy flow?
Hi Vann - i know it's tough period now all this waiting & guessing but not really knowing . Hang in there, sista.
Hi ron
I see.. That u retrieve how many follicle that result in mild ohss? Can also share with me whts ur size for first scan and after how many days then u do ur er?

Hi moo
Ya, me will start intensive accu on saturday.. Think only can do 3 times as they not open on sunday.. U? Some of ur follicles quite big already.. Still hv to go thru one more scan?
As reduce puregon dosage to 200iu, maybe want others to catch up i think, many in sizes between 11 to 14mm, didnt measure all of them. Saturday should be final, wow its good i can save abit on medicine....hehe
Hi All,

I'm new here and I just signed up for the briefing KIVF on 20 June. Supposed to start IVF in July. Did Rubella BT today.

I'm 32 this year and have a 9 yo boy (conceived naturally and accidentally). Tried for 2nd one for many years without success. After checks, docs said my tubes are blocked. =( so trying IVF now. Like Moo, am trying to get a princess. Best is if can get 2 princesses! =P

So nervous to start IVF! Worried about the injections, $ etc... Dun really have intentions to start to "Bu" now... Financial constraints... Hope to learn more from you guys and better mentally prep myself! (^_^)
Hi melodi, j03, ron, clb, serene
Do you have appetite to eat? Any sore boobs? Giddiness? Back pain?

How is your scan today?

When will be your next scan? Date of ER?

How are you today? How is your ER? How many eggs retrieve? Please rest well for ET.
Hi ron
I see.. U mean extract 18 n 12 fertilized? That means now u still hv frozen embbies? Why u dun use them before redo a fresh one? And with 18follicles, u got mild ohss? I thot low risk?? Oh no, so i may get it too right?? Sorry for so many questions at one time..;p

Hi flower
Sui ma? Not sure leh.. Especially the lining.. Seems so thick..;( thk u gal..all the best to ur coming fet too..

Hi moo
I think it depends on whether hv ohss.. If hv may need to drink at least 2pkts per day for the first wk.. Else one pkt will do..
Hi moo
Me dun hv sore boobs yet but lots of egg white discharge today.. Yucky.. So same as u two days ago...maybe will hv sore boobs two days later..;)
Haha these 2 days even more, especially during shower...i am still confused with the bloatedness and gastric, cant really eat, i complaint to my dh how come these 2 days cooking taste no good, my new maid cooking skill no good, He replied taste good and even better than the old one. I am now have to bedrest due to headache.

Before ER already like that, hard to imaging after ER, what will happen on me...
HI Mii,

First day of puregon, I have bad headache, giddness and no appetitle for most of the afternoon. Could be due to the egg whites and conceive well i think. In fact I lost some weight during this period of jab too. I seldom have bloated stomach but in office, I get backache too.(Never had before)

Most important, mood swing and cry easily. Hee now eyes still swollen. :p
hi ladies, my scan result not veri good
Right side: 13.5, 10, 7.Left side 11.5, 8, 7. e rest of 4 follicles less than 7mm. all follicles different side leh. veri sad leh. my doc up my gonalf to 300iu after my bloodtest result. sat need to go bk to scan again. really really hope e smaller follicles will catch up by sat. i feel tat my doc shld hav give mi higher dosage of gonalf at e begining. mi jab 112.5iu for 1st 7 days, then up to 225iu for 2 days. now 300iu. praying hard tat all my 10 follicles will grow well by sat. then er will b on wed.
I have gain weight 1kg within 3 days.

Hi ladies
guess i have mild ohss now, read thru the sympton about ohss, i have 4 out of 8, how should i do now?
J03 - We transferred 2 &amp; left 2 to freeze. So hopefully this round will get some snow babies to join their <da-ke> + <da-jie> for FET later
Dun worry too much about OHSS, everyone's body not the same. Your number quite normal, i think. If things are not doing well, your clinic will tell you, so no news is good news!

Serene - oh no. hope the follicles catch up these 2 day. Do you know why they started you on 112.5iu?
Hi moo
Whts the sympton for ohss? Can share? I thot ohss will happen only after er?

Hi serene
Dun be sad.. U just need one to bfp.. At least u hv quite a number of follicles.. How many eggs r u eating? Eat more these days k.. Am sure it helps..;) relax n hv a good rest...;)
The booklet is not with me now, i think bloatedness, giddiness, vomit, bad abdomen cramp, breathless etc, no medication to help and you can drink plenty of water to prevent like what ron's doctor said.
Yes dont be sad, maybe after increased of dosage, all of your folicles catch up till big big and nice nice. Relax and good luck for scan this saturday, me and j03 also go for scan this saturday.
This is gonna be an extremely long post!

Anyway, I am new here and I am SO SO happy that this support group exists in Singapore! I really felt so alone and have been rather depressed for the whole time I have been trying to conceive. The 3 years of trying was devastating to my state of mind. I feel good that I have an outlet to share my concerns going through this whole process of IVF.

I will start with my LUCRIN injections on 7th April and I am with KKIVF. It is a scary but exciting wait for me and DH.

I am 25 and am normal as far as all my BT are concern. DH has teratozoospermia. He only has 1% morphologically normal sperm(based on Kruger's criteria).

We did SO-IUI last year. I produced about 13 big follicles(they were like 16mm, 17mm, 18mm and smallest was about 10mm on day 10 of my cycle(about 5-6 days with 50 units of puregon). But my uterine lining was only 8mm. Dr Africa said the thin lining was due to the clomid that i took. We still did the IUI thing on the next day and no sex till my next cycle. It was of course unsuccessful cos of my thin lining. So she advised to put me on another SO-IUI program without clomid and lower my puregon dosage. Decided not to do it and tried naturally for another year. Since its not happening for us, we opted for IVF.

So that's the story. Phew! Felt so good letting it out here!

I have been excited to start IVF but the excitement dampened when we found out that my sis-in-law who got married at the end of last year is pregnant. We live in the same house and having to see her go through her pregnancy so easily really affected me. All the bad thoughts and stupid questions haunt me again. I was questioning "why me?". I guess I still haven't been able to accept my fate and DH's fully. It hurts. It really does. Seeing people around me in facebook and wherever who is pregnant feels like a stab in the gut. =(

But my spirits are going up again (slowly but progressively) as I type this long post to share with people who may understand my plight.

Thanks for taking your time to read. I will be following your progress through your IVF cycle!

All the best for everyone trying!

Hi sisters! Took nap when back from KK this afternoon. Ovaries are feeling heavy now and need to walk slowly... Retrieved 28 eggs today and will be doing ET on Sat.... Nurse gave some medication to avoid bloatedness and told me to drink lots of water..
hi ron, my AMH is quite high, good egg reserve. doc afraid i night hav ohss therefore fix my gonalf dosage @ 112.5iu. 1st 4 days, my response quite okay wif 12 follicles n size 9mm. so continue wif 112.5iu for another 3 days. tis time my follicles did not response. 10 follicles left wif size 10mm. my doc ordered to increase gonalf dosage to 225iu. now up to 300iu coz need e smaller ones to catch up.
I enjoyed my IVF journey very much but 1 thing I need feel I never look forward to is Ultrasound.
I can never bear the pain. Any good adv Sista's?
I had my menses...this cycle is a neg for me.

I am 29 and everyone tells me that it's gonna be bfp but I guess age is not everything. I am normal too and like silsilly my DH has 1% morphology.

After a good cry, I am fine. If it is not meant to be it's not meant to be.

Still have 11 embbies. Hopefully, someday it will be bfp.

Anyway, thanks to all of you for your luv and bfp to all in 2ww.
Hi morning gals.

@ silsilly: welcome to the forumn. I am also new here. I know how u feel cos those who got marry after me got preggie after few months. And when they preggie they will turn and ask me when is my turn.. I can only jokingly reply them.

@ clammy: I am with KKIVF. Doc Marianna is my doc I think.

@ vann: don't worry and try again, I somehow kw hw I feels to be disappointed cos sometime I will think what if it happen to me will I try again?
Morning girls!

Vann don't give up ;) still got 11 more BB waiting for u ;)

As for me is a bfn tested hcg BT yesterday ;( no worries I'm looking forward to my 2nd fresh cycle with kkivf dr Loh magic hands to make me bfp yeah yeah ;)
Good morning ladies

Pat pat sad to hear that, you will make it next round...jiayou

Hugzz...i am great that you are so positive, may i know are you doing fresh or fet this time? Still have any frozen embbies? When are you going for next round? You will definitely bfp...
Morning sistas,

Piggy and Vann - sorry to hear the negatives but don't give up ya. It takes several tries for some of us. Take care.

Sisilly and May - welcome

JT - great results! Today can relax for ET tomorrow.

Melodi - your scan today, right? Hope you see swee-swee follicles!
Hi Ron, thanks. I am so nervous that I forget go bring my puregon
so have to go back to take again. Now waiting. Scare scare :p
Hi vann n piggy
Hugz... Really feel sad for u gals but glad that u hv think positive.. Jiayou woah!!

Hi melodi
All the best to ur scan today.. I soo nervous n almost forget my puregeon too.. Then i bought my puregeon n forget my needle head.. Lol.. Lucky kkh can spare me one.. The white hair nurse is real nice..;)

Where is clb? Really worry for her as no news at all..
Sad, they cannot find any follicles on my left ovary
how? Right think only has 8 or 9. Lining 10 mm, triple. Later see doc. Anything can ask doc?

Hi ladies..
I just came back from kkivf and am super sad now..
My follicles grew very slowly.. total 17 of them.. ranging from 13.5mm - 7mm..
and the ovulation kits says +ve!!

so, i have to cancel this cycle..

Confirm will be doing IVF in May..
