IVF/ICSI Support Group

My colleague conceived on 1st IVF. The odds against her were high though: the quality of her limited eggs was poor due to genetic reasons so she only had 2 embbies developed. But still she succeeded hallelujah. She took longan and red date tea daily besides follwing a healthy balanced diet during her 2WW.

All best for your ER!!! How many eggs have you retrieve? ET on Friday?

May i know when to know whether lining stop growing or non stop? Mine quite thick at this stage, how should i do to prevent growing?
Hi all
So quiet today? I thot forum is down again??

Hi ron
Hows ur et today? All the best...;)

Hi gals
Now am having cramp n womb abit heavy today.. Diaoz.. Worry for nothing yesterday... Anybody experience cramp? Me also hv spotting for last three days.. Once in day time.. Hope is normal as i thot is the usual sympton when af just end but today is already cd10... Hmm.. Clb, u also hv spotting that time right? How many day it last? Tomorow will be our first scan.. Excited??

Hi anne
Thks so much for ur advise... Really make us feel assured that first scan is not confirm the num of follicle going to fertilized..;) which stage r u at now?

Hi jt
All the best to ur er tomorow..;)
hi moomoo,
dun take nuts, soy and beans... like red beans... cut on red dates... =) gals with thick lining can conceive too... so no worries...

hi anne,
u can take red dates la... but maybe u wanna cut half if u find ur lining too thick or u too heaty ar... cos some gals here dun take tcm and red dates drink at all and their ivf is successful... =) jiayou
Hi J03, thank you for your wishes. Hope all goes well in tomorrow's ER. Good luck to your scan tomorrow too....

Hi Ron - How's your ER today? Can't wait to hear from you later
Thk u jt..;) wht time is ur er tomorow? Excited hor? ;)

Hi melodi
Ya, doc zou will tell u when do accu..me no take her med since taking injection now.. But will take her 2ww medicone..;)
How u feeling at ur womb area?

Hi clb
How u feeling today? Any symptons?
Thanks stickybfp, but i didnt take nuts, red date, red bean, only soya source for egg white and food, that one ok right? I will go for scanning tomorrow and see how it grow again.

Excited for you too, keep us updated.. Jiayou

All the best for your ER tomorrow

Good luck for your scan tomorrow.
I'm new to this web. My ET was on 14/3, todate I don hv what some of u mention spotting on 10dpt. Is it no implantation for me? Will only do BT on 29/3?
Thanks Moo!
Hi Weaky, welcome to the forum! So u rested at home during the 2ww? Can't help u on your question as i also not sure...
joanne03: i emailed Dr Loh as i had spotting during first few days of puregon (stopped by D4), he said normal, will go off in 2-4 days... urs is D7 then have spotting? do u wanna check with the KKIVF nurse? maybe some gals react diff, will have spotting during diff times of puregon jab..i everytime worry, so emailed Dr Loh =P...quite concerned abt tomor...hopefully got grow, else have to go thru more jabs, already starting to have bruise liao...and hope to avoid month end closing this round coz in finance, esp now feeling not so comfy at the lower tummy..so can only hope and pray all is well tomor...

For j03, Moo, doing scan tomor, and JT doin ER tomor, good luck =)

Welcome Weakydog =)
Hi weakydog, not everybody experience implantation spotting. Most importantly is to relax and do not look so much into symptoms. Every individual is different. Enjoy yr 2ww
Afternoon ladies!

Hi Joanne,

You mentioned about not taking Dr Zou medicine during injections, so Dr Zou will advice you not to take her medicine once we start on the injections or you must tell her you don’t intend to take her medicine?

BTW, Anyone feels heart beating faster than usual after drinking red dates or together with TCM medicine? I am feeling abit leh, Dr Zou said I got low blood which I am surprise to hear about this lor
Vann look on the bright side.. 9dpt3dt is too early to test positive
that's what the girls keep telling me when i got a negative on the hpt too
i totally understand how you feel..
Weaky some girls here got BFP with no spotting no breast sore neither bloatness too so don't think so much and relax.. i know is hard and is easier to say then do !! hahaha im also trying like mad to relax!!
Hi ladies..
wow, today very quite huh!

i just came back from kk.. my follicles finally grew a bit after 15days of puregon! largest now at 10.5mm..
lining still at 8mm.. but doctor wrote (homog) beside the 8mm. what does it mean?
have to go back again on friday..

take injections also can take dr zou medicine and accup..
my DH keep telling me not to test and get disappointed...but I rather test and be mentally prepared before the blood test.
Vann actually im not sure when is the best but think 11dp3dt sound good to me
but never give up even you got negative okay.. some implantation is slower so maybe need longer to detach the right hcg level.. all the best to you

Joanne im actually in my 2ww like Vann and Weaky
vann guys are like that my husband said the same thing too he say wait for the BT loh why keep testing and make yourself worry and disappointed hahaha.. but you know la.. we girls just curious on the outcome right hee hee
Hi yck,
I did natural fet at KKIVF b4. Is there anything u nid to noe? E process is quite simple. Juz call them on 1st day of AF, then go down on CD10 to do scan n test on ovulation kit to see if u r ovulating. Depending on both results, they'll ask u to go back to repeat scan n e ovulation kit. That time my ET was scheduled two days after being tested positive on e ovulation kit + my lining was ready.

But I'm not sure if other hospitals hv e same process... Juz fyi.
Joanne this is my FET i fail the first round.. im not sure that i will bfp anot so is better that you follow girls that already bfp

Vann im not that positive as what you think hahaha im quite negative at times too
piggy i hope u bfp...This is my first ivf...It has been tough alr...dunno how to face the news if it is neg...but i keep telling myself still got frozen embbies!
Thanks Jacy,

you also with Dr Loh? I read from other forum that Dr Loh don't encourage TCM medicine during the IVF process, i also dont dare to ask him.. haha
Weaky, I read from website that we should wait at least 14 days before test due to the HGC shot we took or else result may not be accurate
yup.. with dr loh.. but i am doing SO-IUI.
he dont encourage TCM? really ya.. i have stopped dr zou's accup and medi for 1 week le.. may not be going nack to her..

Cannot tahan the medicine smell.. before i start SO-IUI, the medicine still ok.. but after i start SO-IUI, she changed the medicine.. and i almost puke everytime i take..

As for accup, purely laziness..
cos i think, it works best with medi and accup both together. If i am not taking medi, then no point only accup.


Vann and Weaky : yes 9dp3dt
I did mine on the 11/3 so BT on Friday
today 12dp3dt.. but still negative on the HPT ...

Vann im like you during my first fresh cycle i really put in a lot of hope that i will bfp but end up bfn
but like you say fail the first time we still can try for FET with our frozen embbies..
