IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi ron, jus wanna to say good luck to ur er tomorrow. hope u will have ideal size and quantity of follicles retrieve out. Remember not to consume any food after 10pm tonite.

I am new here.

I just went for "Laparscope" 2 weeks back and was digonise I got serious endometries. Gyna advise I go for IVF which I have made appt. Mine is from KKIVF in July.

I am worrying ab the IVF. The jabs and pains and side effects. I am also worry that I might no get preggie the 1st round (althou I hvnt started yet). Hub told me not to think too much...but sometime I feel sad and disappointed. I told myself to be positive and dnt think too much. How u gals cope when you all are preparing for the IBF process.

What funny thing is some of the short form u all used I dont understand except "TTC & 2WW"... can someone elighten a greenhorn like me.
hi Serene - thanks for reminding me on the food!

How much are they increasing your Gonal-F to? I am on the short protocol too, so we get such uneven growth. Dun worry, on average stims will be around 10-12 days anyway so you have many days for follicles to grow swee-swee. I'm sure as long as u continue to take your eggwhites they will grow the final spurt. BT results today?
hi moo, ron, BT result will only out in the afternoon. My current gonalf dosage is 112.5iu only abit low. I really hope doc will increase the dosage higher abit so tat my follicles will grow bigger.

ron, u r in which cd? N u hav jab how many stimulation jabs and dosage prior to ur er tomolo?

hi jamie, welcome here. No worry. u will b expert on the abbrevations after reading our thread for few days.

TTC - try to conceive
2ww - 2 weeks waits
BT - blood test
ER - Egg retrieve
ET - Egg transfer
BFP - Big fat positive
BFN - Big fat negative

Welcome.. erm.. actually, shouldnt say welcome right? who wants to conceive thru IVF if we can conceive naturally..
but.. hai.. we also no choice la..

TTC - trying to conceive
2WW - 2 weeks wait
hi Jamie - Welcome. Sorry to hear about your endometries.

I like this website coz it's very honest abou the whole process, but it doesn't get into the detail so you may need to ask your doc for more information or read up on the internet.

the common short forms these 2/3 days of postings: BT (BloodTest), US (Ultrascan), ER (egg retrieval), ET (egg transfer), CD (calendar day from 1st day of menses), hpt (home pregnancy test),

hope this helps.
Hi Ron, good luck for your ER tomorrow, I barely feel pulling pain anymore but tummy is getting more n more blue black. Hee not sure is bloated or fat but I loss some weight instead of gaining. Could it be too many egg whites? Yesterday take two only and 2 packets of immunocal n today take 8 again.

Moo, good luck to your scan tomorrow.

Serene, eat more proteins n hope your follicles grow big big soon. Don't worry you still has time. My first scan only start at day 8 which is 7 days of puregon jab. Hopefully everything is fine for us ;) good luck to all of us
Hi Ron, good luck for your ER tomorrow, I barely feel pulling pain anymore but tummy is getting more n more blue black. Hee not sure is bloated or fat but I loss some weight instead of gaining. Could it be too many egg whites? Yesterday take two only and 2 packets of immunocal n today take 8 again.

Moo, good luck to your scan tomorrow.

Serene, eat more proteins n hope your follicles grow big big soon. Don't worry you still has time. My first scan only start at day 8 which is 7 days of puregon jab. Hopefully everything is fine for us ;) good luck to all of us
Serene. Don't worry. It's only day 8. Eat more egg whites & immunocal. Everything will be fine

Jamie - Welcome to the forum
I'm from KKIVF too. You should try to relax now and dont think about the negative parts. Just follow the flow and enjoy the process.....
Hi girls
Just have my scan done, 14 folicles all sizes between 9 to 10mm and lining 11mm, dr said folicles still small, should i increase immunocal and eggs white? Now taking 3 x immunocal and 8 eggs white.
Moo, u from which clinic? When my follicles were small, doc gave me additional puregon and I continued with immunocal & egg whites..
Hi jamie, don't worry I also has endo and remove one of them two years ago but recently found that it grows back n with two more on the other side. I have only gone through suppression period n now under the puregon jab of 300iu. Maybe your doc will give you higher dosage if you have cysts. That's what Dr loh said too when he said gave me a higher dosage for stimulation. Don't worry everything will be fine. It's harder for people with cysts to conceive naturally but at least we give ourselves a chance to try ivf

I am from care clinic, today is day 6 on puregon 300iu, same dosage till friday US. Hopefully it can grow 2mm daily then ER on monday...
Moo, dont worry. I was on puregon for 12 days before schedule for ER. KKIVF up my puregon to 400iu from day 8 to increase the follicle size. Just continue with your EW..
Looking for Janice and Pandawife!!!
I m asking on behalf of a friend of mine in other thread. I know tat both of u have jab growth hormone during ur ivf process. May i know why did u need growth hormone? How long hav u been using growth hormone b4 u bfp? Isst growth hormone will increase the quality of follicles?
Thanks in advance : )
hi jacy,
dun say that...
ivf is our choice to conceive...

hi jamie,
jus go with the flow... it'll pass very quickly de... we'll be ard...

hi moomoo,
ur lining getting thick... u cut ur red dates hor...
good luck... =)
hi moo - nice quantity and size for Day6. Still have time for follicles to grow steadily. just continue with the EW + immunocal, we will cheer with you for them to grow for ER!!
Thanks ron and good luck for your ER tomorrow.

I didnt take red bean soup or red date tea at all, only immunocal and eggs white, my lining from 2.5mm CD5 increase till 11mm CD11, too fast right?
hi gals, e clinic have called me. My doc increase my gonalf dosage to 225iu. Thursday need to go back to scan and bloodtest again. Hopefully i will yield more good size follicles by then.
Hi bless
So nice that u r so easy when go thru the ivf journey.. May i know do u feel any womb heavy or side effect during ur stimulation stage? Whts ur puregeon dosage then?

Hi moo
Nice quantity of follicle u hv.. So envious..;) hope u feeling ok.. But ur lining indeed thicken quite fast.. Ur gynea ok with it?

Hi serene
Now still early stage for u.. No worries k.. Take more protein like wht others suggest..;) jiayou..

Good luck to ron n Jt coming ER..;)

Hi gals
Sorry to report late today as real busy at work..;( my turn to worry as i simply hv no sympton at all.. Feeling ok like normal these two days.. Start worried whether i hv enough follicles inside? Real worried how will i respond since no hot, no bloated.. Feel normal like i am doing suppression.. Is it normal? Clb n melodi.. Do u feel anything now?
Btw, are we suppose to take bt on 1st scan day at kkh?

Hi moo
Bt result for? So did ur doc tell u roughly when er et? When is ur next scan? Think u will do earlier than me since ur follicle quite big now..;) jiayou!
you only day 6 right? size good enough already..
mine only 5-8mm

no leh.. if given a choice, i will prefer to conceive naturally

but now, i am happy that there is IVF.. it gives us hope of becoming MUMMIES..

nurse from kkivf told me 8mm is best.
Wah serene, I heard ny name while I was sleeping hahaha... I on growth hormone jab cos my growth hormone level is very low. I think it does help with the growth of follicles? I was on jab for abt 3-4 months
Thanks dr said very good shape of my lining and said max is 14mm, but i dont dare to ask what about if morethan 14mm? Let see how is my scan on friday morning..

So-iui is different from ivf, so-iui only need 1 or 2 or max 3 good folicles to proceed, did you ask your dr will you still ovulate if folicles doesnt reach ideal size? Or our body only ovulate when folicle have grow till ideal size? All the best for your next scan.
Hi, thanks for the warm welcoming...

I start reading this forum like few days ago and I ready until I'm blur.

1. Why must eat egg white? As in eat raw? and have to eat so much?

2. How u gals get to jab urself? Is it scary and pain?
Sistas, need to check with those who has gone thru first ivf, dr zou said total folicles (ideal size) we have during first scan is usually the total of no of good eggs with high chance to fertizer? Those folicles catch up later or last mins grow very fast due to increase dosage of medicine, usually wont really useful in fertizer, what do you think?

How many day we need for intensive accup? Any different from normal one? When is the last day of intensive accup before ER / ET?
Hi jo03, I also did not feel any ovary pain now except backache when in office and very tired. Ya and not much appetite actually. Usually eat very little during lunch and not gaining weight so don't know is my follicles growing too :p
Hi jt n melodi
Oh.. Thanks for ur reply.. I feel more relax now as i just check with doc zou, she say different pp got different tolerance so no need worry too much.. ;) pray hard that hope all scan will be well for us this week...
Hi moo
5 days accu before er then day after er before et, one more accu again.. It is the same accu as usual.. Just that continuous 5 days so is called intensive accu..
joanne, knock off late today. so only reach dr zou here at 7.45pm. now stil waiting for my turn. alot of ppl today. i haven have diner yet. quickly go hm, jab my gonalf then rush here.

hi moo, dr zou said tat? huh tat means i will hav 10 good follicles only. think i will check wif my doc on thurs when i see him.
J3-I only had massive bloat last night, up immunocal today then no more bloat. My fren no symptoms still extracted 28 follicles.so guess pole react diff.

Ron- u can relax now n look forward to resting during 2ww.I'm still for waiting for that day to come, wait till neck long long, really need a break fr work.

Melodi-yup I also feel tired recently though I din do any strenuous stuff.

Sticky-how are u feeling?hope u rested well n gathered ur tots to continue in this journey.

Ask u, when u say dun eat meat to up protein, do u mean fish meat or poulty meat? Then I'll stop eating too much fish Liao.
Moo/Melodi/Jt/J3/Serene/clb/Jacy - jia you! Everything will go smoothly and we all try to reduce each other's worries
remember to ask all your questions to the doc during your u/s.

Fatefully - hi & welcome. Eggwhites contain protein which is good for our egg development. Usual recommendation is take soft-boil eggs as easiest. Are you starting your IVF soon?

Good luck & babydust to sistas in 2ww.
Fatefully - oh, forgot to answer on the jabs.

is it scary? hahaa. to me yes coz even this is my 2nd cycle, i still look at it for a few minutes each day & take a deep breath & think of doing this for my babies, so jab away!

is it painful? depending which jabs but most of the jabs are like any other needle prick when you get a blood test (most are like "ant bite"). Some of the jabs are more painful than others..
Hi Ron,

Good Luck to you too.

clb, I am also waiting for the 2WW. Need a break too :p

Hi Jo03, Dr Zou will tell us when to do intensive accu? Did you take her med too?

<font color="ff0099"> FInally got a chance to log in... hahaha... wanted to use iphone to come in but got a real irritating person keeps on looking over my shoulder...irritating until i want to bite... hahaha...

So how's everyone?? Any
news?? or soon?? keep me info ah... me want some
... must collect a
and soak in it ah...hahaha...

Oh..i've started on the conceive well this morning... DARN SMELLY LOR...
.. btw... do i eat the conceive well before or after breakfast ah?? i ate it after breakfast..cos before breakfast i took my wheatgrass tablets... also yucks...hahaha..</font>
hi clb,
thanks.. me ok... will take abt 14days to think and decide with my plans... =)
with the high amt of immunocal and egg whites, u may eat a moderate or less amt of fish and meat... moderation dear....

hi jacy,
maybe ovulating le... =) must be stretchy type of discharge hor...
Hi Blessbaby and Baby
Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone. I can start breathing easy now : )

Hi Ron
May you have a bumper harvest tomorrow!

Hi Moomoo, Serene, Joanne
I only had 7 tiny follicles on my 1st scan. After being put on 5 days of puregon, Dr Africa said my largest was only 10.5mm, so need to take 1 more day before inhibiting natural ovulation. Skarly on day 6, I was told i had too many follicles and at the rate they were growing, I stood high chance of getting OHSS. I did end up with moderate OHSS and 36 eggs which eventually developed into 15 embbies. So Moomoo, Dr Zou's theory doesn't really hold water lor. Serene, Joane, don't be disheartened by the seemingly slow start ok. I was a late bloomer too : )

Hi StickyBFP
Why must we cut back on red date tea if the lining is getting thick hah? I've been taking this daily during the 2WW, following the successful example of my colleague.

hi anne,
depends on how thick the lining is...
some gals' lining actually stop growing once they hit optimal...
some gals like me grow non stop de...
ur colleague conceive naturally? do take note that ivf diet and jabs will affect our body...
red dates keep ur womb warm and increase growth of lining... if u wanna keep ur womb warm can take durian, heat pad (before 2ww) and ginger tea or longan tea with lesser red date....
