IVF/ICSI Support Group

<font color="0077aa">jj
that's a good idea.
I also have those type of thermal pot.

do you have any idea if black sugar is good?
cos i understand that taiwan lady will drink black sugar and red dates tea when they have their period cramps. I assume it warms their womb?</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Hi all, just back from Dr Zou, the wait was long despite prior appointment. Think I waited about 1 hour plus to see her! Going to see her again later this week. Haha. </font>
yup ... its like that shoes ... cos there is only 5 beds &amp; each sister is 40 mins long ...
so if u reach &amp; its yr turn but all 5 beds are occupied still need to wait 40 mins
usually the uncle will tell us to go have dinner 1st ... but there got only 1 kopi thiam which only the western food is eatable ... no where else to eat ... sigh
<font color="aa00aa">oh really ah...I was told to go late today...see if i can make it earlier on thursday then...</font>
anyone know if the uncle at the counter is Dr Zou husband ??
I don't think so but my fren feels like he is the husband
<font color="aa00aa">JJ - I think he is, they were speaking Shanghainese together.

Daylseford: Yeah, the only good thing about the wait was being able to nua and watch tv. hahahaha</font>
JJ: Thats his hubby

iloveshoes : Seems that recently Monday is always v.pack. Mine was done close to 930PM and there were still some patients there. I am gonna give Monday a miss. 3 wks back, I waited for an hour plus as well.
<font color="aa00aa">dayleford: should have spoken to you earlier hahaha then I wun go wait for > 1 hour liao...</font>
Think we both started the fresh n frozen cycle abt the same time. I left w 2 frozen embryos only. U have any plan on ur next fet? I'm with kkh, u?
Millen: nearly miss ur post...Congrats dear...

Sistas: Me gg to Dr Zou on thurs as long as AF dun report la..but book liao at 7pm...it's true sometimes have to wait long..especially on Sat..hehehe..so must always try to go for earliest appt possible..tried that..it seems the waiting time is k...heheh

Oh yes..me bought the longan, wolfberries(Didn't know got big &amp; small size..heheh) n dates..will start drinking tomolo..today forgot to bring to ofis..Thanks for the tips Sistas..

My little Sis is warded..Her ms was very bad..till she can't even swallow her own saliva..The body so dry..so kena drip...Pity her..hope the MS will go away soon..
iloveshoes: She should be fine..I tink after the drip..she shld be k...She follow my mum lor..my mum had bad MS when expecting my bro...Pity my sis..Hopefully by 2nd tri..her ms will fly away..
is it true our ms will be similar to our mummy's? Then i better go ask my mum...

Ask you ah.... Will dr zou be upset if i just wan accupuncture n no medication? I knw i wont be discipled in eating. Can share, her medication is in what form? Powder? Pills?
ineedmiracle: her herbs r in powder form..Nope she won't mind..I told her that I can't take her herbs cos too heaty for me..it's k..
Hi poppy, congrats on yr singleton;) u had yr scan in week five? That was fast n u r so lucky with no ms.. Boy I envy u so now u r still having twice weekly bt?

Pinkd; how r u?
Iloveshoes ; goodie morning, I am starting my suppression once my next af reports. How are things going for u since your jab ? U juz go to dr Zou clinic for acupuncture ? I m stopping her tcm herbs once I start my bcp.
JJ, ineedmiracle,
the thermal cooker sounds likes a good idea. at least everything is still brought to a boil. i dun use thermal cooker so never thought of it :p

sorry but i never heard of black sugar. but i assume sugar usually used as just a sweetener? just that black sugar is better than white sugar cos it's less refined.

yes, usually our ms will follow our mummy's. stretch marks also :p
Morning nm!

Did not sleep well again. Was very bloated...felt like my half plate of noodle was stuck with me thru out. Everyday i would wake up at 2am to pee then cant sleep.
Hee...i got up to test on Clearblue again just now to see if the +ve is still there lor...

how r u?
Grumpus; stretch mark too? I tot just ms ... What about birth patterns ? Cos I was born via c section as I was not in the correct position.
<font color="aa00aa">pink d: so happy for you!!!

Daylesford: Jabs ok, feel very normal which I was telling the ladies here is scary. Like don't feel much different. Probably only very tired, which is quite normal for me anyway.

Yup, I am only going for Acupuncture. No herbs. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">pink d: no la, not jinx. Just rejoice in it. Hello many of us very envious of your current state leh...at least I am. HAHAHAHA</font>
iloveshoes: dun get me wrong..im ecstatic but still think not 100% confirmed la... so gotta suppress a bit until confirmed, then i will go crazy with joy :p
<font color="aa00aa">pink d: understand la. Anyway, just 24 more hours to the final reveal. Maybe we should stake outside CARE with pom poms....</font>
yup stretch marks too cos it's the kind of skin we inherit from our mummies. even my dr told me that mine are very bad and unfortunately they're genetic.

birth position i'm not sure leh, never heard before.
pink d: yes yes me too am so happy and envious of u

i still remember i jus failed my iui last mth and u jus started ur journey in ivf and now u are a mtb! hugs hugs to u...pls reserve all ur baby dust for me soon ya!
iloveshoes: hmmm maybe wait one more day for "more" accuracy?
shoes, can teach me how to use colors again?

hoping; I rber failing my SO-IUI in May and was very upset...it was really God's blessing to chance upon CARE and this forum. U know u girls so so nice! Yr turn will come very soon!
So are u gonna for the op?
Dear ladies,
I just want to share my story so that I can encourage and spur anyone on on this long and arduous IVF journey.

It actually took hubby and I 6 gynaes before we could BFP.
After all the gynae-hopping and spending countless sum of money, we finally landed up at CARE.
How I chanced upon CARE was I believe, a sheer blessing from God.
One day while channel surfing, I saw a show which featured Pierre Png. In that show he was infertile and he walked out from CARE despondently after the gynae told him about his inability to father children.
Subsequently, CARE was the lab which enhanced my hubby’s sperm during our last failed SO-IUI. Boy I must add, my SO-IUI cost me an exorbitant $4k… it however ended in a failure.

After 12 months of hoping, prayer and copious tears, we finally found out hubby’s serious sperm issue. He has low sperm count with only 1% normal forms and borderline motility. This means his chance of fathering a child is significantly lower than a normal couple, who has 25% of a chance to conceive per month.

When I met Angela, she spent almost 2 hours going thru the details with us.
She urged us to try SO-IUI again but we refused. We were very adamant as we were sick and tired of waiting in anticipation and in nothing.
On the same evening, I was started on Gynera, a birth control pill. This was the first step to the whole IVF journey.

If not for this forum, I would not have found out how dedicated CARE is.
The support from all you sisters was invaluable. Even though we have never met, the camaraderie and support were strong!

The IVF journey was really an onerous path for me.
Every stage I would be worried about something.
Eg: When Angela first scanned me, she suspected I might have endometriosis. Thankfully Dr Paul Tseng said otherwise and even assured me that everything was fine.
Subsequently I was given jabs to suppress and then I was spotting on and off.
At one juncture, I thought I have to cancel the cycle due to my poor response. However, Angela and her staff were always there to respond to my questions, whether if they were via emails or phone calls.

During stimulation, I responded too well to the drugs and was worried my lining was too thick. I remember Pandawife, Gan and Grumpus assuring me numerous time that the measurement was ok. I still remember sitting at Starbucks in a daze, imagining how the cycle has to be abandoned due to my over response.

The fear continued from ER to ET. I was a potential OHSS candidate with 33 eggs harvested. I have to be put on albumin drip immediately after my ER as I was very bloated. I recall not being to sleep, walk or eat post ER as I was swollen like a huge balloon.
Post ET, I was put on albumin drip again. Albeit having transferred 3 grade one embies, my mind was plagued with fear of failure and anxiety. The same day I had diarrhoea. It continued for about 4 days after ET.

During my 2ww, if you could read from my previous posts, I became one hypochondriac… as if the journey was not stressful enough, I imagined failure as the results of this IVF.
I was obsessed with bloating/ non-bloating and believe me, I was not the best company to be with as I was pretty sullen and miserable.
I overly scrutinized my body for signs and symptoms and cried myself to sleep fearing how I would “fail” the eventual blood test.

Through out this perilous path, my hubby, my aunt, Angela and Ning from CARE and you ladies have been my wonderful support. Especial thanks to Karen who delivered Immunocal to my place and we bonded over short chats, Pandawife and NM’s countless messages, Grumpus’ timely reminders, hoping and iloveshoes and ineedmiracle’s funny posts!
God has been merciful and gracious too.

I never believe I would see a positive sign on a pregnancy kit after 3.5 years of marriage, but I just want to say, miracles do happen.
I prayed for a while to seek God’s agreement and discernment to embark on this journey, as IVF was something being frowned upon by my church.
I concluded that God and Science work together for one purpose – to heal and to treat.

I hope it will be an exciting journey for me and for all who choose this.
I believe, somehow, we will be rewarded. In God’s time we will all be mommies.

Thank you my dear sisters for being with me.
You are the greatest!

(ps: Sorry for the super long post!)
For those can't book Dr Zou, you can try this place. Although the fee is higher ($40) than Dr Zou but I find her accp more intensive (for those who don't afraid needles can try her).
#01-104 HP96799351 (Dr Zhao Wen Xia)
Hi sisters,

After 6 months of resting &amp; tiao-ing my body, I am going for my natural FET this month. I will be having my first scan on this Friday.

Meanwhile, anything I need to take note &amp; eat?
<font color="0077aa">pinkD
well said! you really "ku jing gan lai" (hee...not sure the chinese characters)
I can imagine tears of joy rolling down your cheeks when Angela confirm BFP for you.
I can see that, when I ever commence on my ivf, I will only have my gynae, my hubby to fall back on. But thank god I found this forum. Cos sad to say, gynae and hubby can't answer and attend to my complains and worries immediately, unlike here. the ladies here are always there for us. To the extend, even before my ivf, I'm already addicted to this forum.
Really learn alot alot here.

Tmr you must post and confirm the good news to us. I must bring a big BAG to captured allt he baby dust.</font>

<font color="0077aa">live
so far!!! If Dr Zou really can just let me do acupuncture, that will be great.

you mean you just go Acupuncture since day01 with dr zou? and she really okie ah....hee....she need us to do temp taking daily? cos i find that stressful</font>
