IVF/ICSI Support Group

Rose, you need to go back on D10 to scan your follicle size. depending on the size, you will most likely continue to scan on alternate days until your follicle reaches more than 15mm. Only then u return everyday to do ovulation test (urine stick) to detect surge. you will be given a FET date once the surge is detected and another scan is conducted to confirm the egg is released.


Oops... just another question. Will I be given extra Ovulation test kits to test over the weekend as well? I think my surge most probably be on the weekend.
rose, no need to test twice a day. If it falls on a sunday, u will be given an extra test kit to do at home, and will need to go back on Monday to tell them the result and scan again.
hi ladies,
its over for me... no more heartbeat, size also not growing... dr says to wait for it to bleed out naturally, so guess that's all i can do for now. thank you all for your kind words and support.. i'll probably wait 3 months before doing the FET cycle.

i'll drop in here once in a while... meanwhile to everyone here, good luck, take care and all the best.

I'm soooo sorry. I feel awful. I really hoped this would be Ok. Take care of yourself OK. The positive thing is you know you can do it, so we will look forward to hearing your good news soon. Take care.


I took the Selenium after my transfer, during the 2ww. I think one bottle (which is heaps!!) was only around $20 or so at GNC

Also on the LH surge, you know if you're worried you can buy ovulation sticks from the chemist. About $40 for 5 sticks. It really depends on how easy your surge is to detect. I was doing once a day, but then when the time came close and I hadn't seen the surge I got worried I'd miss it and did 2 per day just to be sure.

Sure enough I picked it up just after lunchtime on that day when in the morning it hadn't shown yet....
Shazzer, please take care and have a mini confinement to build up your body. Dun give up! Come back here when you are more ready... Take care!
ur case remind me of mine when am 3 mths preggie. i was @ Sengkang interchange waiting for bus with my hubby n DIL then suddenly got urge to pee..feel water dripping down so tell hubby jia lat i pee leh..hubby look @ my leg and is not urine..is blood! keep flowing out! was send in by ambulance with emergency siren... Finally reached KKH co of bad jam @ CTE i got to wait 45 mins to see doc leh.. During my 5 days warded in KKH Dr Loh nvr come and see me..all is the houseman who attend to me.. Hubby so fed up n shoot a email to him and Saturday he came down to visit me..nvr do anything just bed res n scanning. ask wat happen and wat causes the bleeding nobody can answer keep telling me is normal.. Hubby give up and we went back to find Dr Christopher Ching (ex KKH gynae) @ Glen E. With one look in my virginal, he say my bleeding cause by infection. Done Pap smear n eat medicine..now my DS is 7 months old coming to 8
.. SO ladies!! Stay on there! Hang on there!
hi ladies!
today it was my visit to dr. i am suffering a strange problem..my amionatic fluid around my baby is not enough..it is very very less.dr tell me to complete bed rest..in this thread have you ever seen this type of problem???.really scare..
i can not drink that much water bcoz i vomit. but today dr give me strong medcine to stop the vomit.and also give asprin to desolve and drink. my dr also said that my case is very rare.

I am very sorry to hear abt this. Pls stay positive. God will bless you with baby(s). Focus on getting back on your health. Mebbe you want to join me for accu and TCM with Dr Zou?
hi pupi

my sis in law had that same problem, her gynae assured her that it's not a rare condition depending on which stage of pregnancy.

some reasons could be due to very severe vomitting, she had to be hospitalisd and put on drip most of the time. or serious cases such as leakage of the waterbag membrane or placenta not functioning well or even the blockages in the baby's renal system as the fluid is not released by the foetus.

I have started eating the brazil nuts two per day. I will buy from GNC after my brazil nuts finishes. Hehe... my HUBBY also eating ..

I am thinking of doing natural this month as my FET will start after my next period on 23 Jan 08. I am getting a bit worried as I still have not ovulated (i do the saliva test kit). I have a 31 days cycle and my last period was on 23 Dec 07. According to ovultion calendar, i am suppose to surge on 9 Jan 08 (tmr). Hopefully it happens. Must be all the meds I had earlier.

How have you been feeling?
thanks for your info. may i know the dr name where your sis saw. maybe i will go and see him.
my case dr did not tell me y it happen. i am only 9 weeks 2 days. i pray my baby is okay.
today i am drinking lot of water. truely speaking last few weeks may be i took 4-5 glass of water.
hi Pupi

she's a female gynae in Glen E who doesn't deal with infertility cases.

though my sis in law gave birth sucessfully 3 weeks ago, i wouldn't recommend her gynae to anyone cos of other issues which i really should not comment.

do try to drink more plain water to hydrate yr body. you can also check with your gynae if you need to replenish salt balance in yr body.

or seek a second opinion.

thank u all for ur warm wishes


So sorry to hear abt ur loss. Pls be strong. Build up ur body and try again ya! Do drop in whenever u can.
Hi Pupi, did your gynae explain your condition and what are the risks? Did you have a lot of discharge previously? What is this case called? With the name, can search a lot of material from the web. Hope you must really bed rest a lot and stay positive. Take care...

actually for our stage of pregnancy, drinking lots of water is very important so that yr body can produce the amino fluid for yr baby. 4-5 glasses is really not enough. we need 8 glasses a day.
u can try n look for another fertility dr for second scan and opinion.

for me........
pupi, petals n tigg3r

i lost one twin
everything was ok last wk then this wk no heartbeat. i had a hard time getting dr loh. when i made an app to see him as i was having bladder pain, he was at surgery again n we waited for 2 hrs then he sent a registrar dr to attend to me. she couldn't find the heartbeat and ask me to see dr loh again on fri. my friends ask me to go to another dr for 2nd opinion n it confirmed that my baby is gone. so i'm left with one. that one is healthy and well so i'm praying this one will be a survival.

this dr is not bad. he gave me a shot to stabilize the preg for my remainding baby and ask me to come back next wk to check on me again. guess i always prefer pte dr. dr loh is gd and i will always be grateful to him but his hands are really tied la

i will try to pop by once in a while. meanwwhile take care all!
all the best to those ttc. this will be a good year for us all. jia you
Yah, most of the books mention must try to drink lots of water to hydrate, at least 2L a day. Plain water is best, but if u still throw up ur plain water, maybe mix a little ribena or fruit juice in ur water for a little flavour until ur MS is better. Take care!
sorry to hear that...really sad for u.
please take care and stay strong for ur healthy twin! I'm sure he/she is a fighter. You must fight for ur baby too.

i'm very blur on ivf stuff... do i need to call up kkivf on the first day of my next menses to let them know? or just let them know nearer to CD21? thanks!

I am very sorry to hear abt this. But look on the brighter side, you have a baby that is a real fighter. Stay positive and you will make it through this 9 months. God bless.

Which pte doc did you go to for the injection?
stardiva, so sad to hear that. You still have a healthy twin so you must continue to stay positive so baby can feel your fighting spirit. Take care.

I wonder how is Tigg3r doing so far....

You all take good care!!
Hi Stardiva, take care and u and ur baby will be fine... cos both of you have the fighting spirit....

Rainbow...u can call when u know ur 1st day and then make appt...cos earlier u make appt, u can get a better slot or timing .....

Rose...did u ask ur gynae how many brazil nuts one can eat? Hopefully i can do my ET soon and would like to find out on required amt of the Brazilian nuts to take...thanks
hi ladies,

For those who are donig acu with Dr Zou. Just get to know that she no longer operate on Wednesdays. Last time she open in the evenings for wed, but now, she is off for the whole day. Pls note.

Sorry to hear that, no wonder lately seldom hear from you. Take good care ok? For your little one. All will be fine.


She also told me she will close on PH leh.
Hi maplebabies,

Maybe she only started this recently. The last PH like Christmas & New Year was still open leh. Okie, I will check with her again during my next visit.
Twin Stars,
Sorry to hear abt what has happened. Take care! Ya i agreed our doc is a gd Loh but his hand is really tied..

I checked the required dosage amt is 100 mcg- 200 mcg. You need to take only 2 brazil nuts per day.1 brazil nut = approx 100 mcg.

take care
Dear Ladies

Thanks for your concern... I've been trying to rest as much as possible... keeping a watch every minute. Staying positive as much as possible..


Yeah! it's really agonising during the wait... so clueless when the you are totally clueless while lying in bed for so many days..


Had spotting the other day.. got so worried... so went to see a private doctor and got a jab to stablise the womb... Blood clot still there... just counting days...


Sorry to hear what you have been going thru... I'm pretty worried also that their heartbeat might stop too... But please hang in there for the other one... Will be seeing Doc Loh on Friday afternoon too!

so far i'm fine. i'm also relieved and feel less stressed. don't need to worry about complications anymore

looking forward to 2nd tri to do shopping. at least no need bedrest for 3rd tri becos of twin anymore. my body feels much better now. think the strain is lifted.

twin preg really tough, hang in there, jia you !

i decided not to go kkh anymore. i've switched to h k ho from mt a. he is very gd in dealing with complications n multiples n he has a 4d scan machine
hi like to check with ladies that did their FET, once you done with yr FET did anyone of you start taking ginseng, bird nest or any supplement to help implantion. Because before FET gyane gave a list of food not suppose to take such as chicken, chinese herbs, bird nest,soya bean so this will not affect his medicine. I will be doing my FET this friday which the gynae already confirm.
hi little twin and tigg3r
three of us suffereing very much. pls do take care ...i pray for both of you.. i hope everythinkg will be alright.
i am trying to lay down all the time and trying to drink more water.

no dr did not tell what is my prob.. but due to lack of water there is risk of mc. i am really worried. feeling very helpless.

So sorry to hear abt ur loss.

Now you have to concentrate on ur other twin.

Pls take good care of urself.

From what i understand, not advisible to take too much tonic such as ginseng, bird's nest etc during the 1st trimester (which includes after FET).

If you want some TCM to help implanation, get it prescribed by reliable TCM physicians.
o ok thanks Hopes cos I saw some sisters here mentioned to take dong chong chao and american ginseng, brasil nuts etc So I better check with people that gone through FET process. :eek:)

So which day you start to visit TCM for the herbs after you did your FET.
Pupi, I read from the web that for insufficient amniotic fluid, you need to take a lot of fluid and also complete bedrest. Hope you are getting better from vomitting and drink lots of water. Else, drink with a little ribena for taste at least you still get water. Dun lose heart.

Hi Gladys, I only took dong chong chao with ginseng 2 weeks before my FET. After FET, i took TCM prescribed medicine (powder form) for the full 2 weeks. Both i got from Dr Zou.

Good Luck for your FET.
Twin Stars,
Gd to hear tat u r feeling better, do have a gd rest during this period. So, u've switched to pte..guess u'll give birth at mt al. then...me still thinkg which gynae to switch.

Thks..i ever heard +ve remarks last time, seems like he really quite gd. May i know wh hospital does he do delivery?
Hi Stardiva

So sorry to read your news. Glad to see you're Ok and feeling more positive about your other baby- this one definitely is strong and a fighter as someone else said. Take care


I hope the MS medication is starting to work and you can drink more fluids. One of my friends had this, but she was able to improve it over time and go on to have a healthy baby- I'm sure it will be fine

I had a bit of a scare and got myself all worked up, but hopefully all OK. My clinic said they were monitoring me because my HCG levels were 'very high'. I got worried and searched on the net and found all this awful stuff, then just called again for my results and they've said it's high at 109,000 at 8 weeks but not too much cause for concern and still at an 'acceptable level'. Last night I couldn't sleep for ages I was so worried, imagining all the worst scenarios...

Just thought, if you are worried about detecting your LH surge buy some oveulation sticks you pee on from the chemist- I think they are meant to be the most accurate (apart from a blood test).

Best of luck for the upcoming FET!

Hi gals, quick question for those of you at KKH. I am planning to do my next ivf cycle with KKH. It is my first with KKH though I have been through ivf with a private clinic. I absolutely need to leave KKH by 8.30 a.m. for work (I would still be slightly late but it would not be too noticeable. My other alternative is to take leave but I am trying to avoid, so as to save it for the 2ww). The nurse told me that during the monitoring, the waiting period etc takes 1.5 to 2 hours. I got a little confused. It looks like I need to queue for scanning, and then to see a doctor on the dosage of med, and then at the pharmacy to buy the meds. Was wondering if I got this correct? Since KKH Ivf centre opens at 730 am, it is too late for me to get out at 9.30 am. Any tips on whether I can get out by 8.30 a.m. or is that being unrealistic? Would being first in the queue help - I am happy to be there early. Many thanks
hi Priscilla

not every scan will take 1.5 to 2 hrs. usually it will take about 30 min (waiting time + scan). you only need to see a doc only if you are running out of lucrin or puregon, and that will depend on the growth of yr follicles or the status of your lining.

the only thing is it's hard to tell which day you will need to see the doc, as it's dependant on the morning's scan.

Hi Ladies,

I just found this website yesterday and would like to share my experience with all of you.
I went through the IVF at SGH with my private doctor from Mt E and got 3 embryos placed on 24 Dec but unfortunately my menstruction came the day before I go for my blood test for pregnancy. (none of them survived) :-(
This morning I went to see Chinese Sen Seh (Jurong East)and she recomended me to Gleneagles Dr Christopher Chen.
Has anyone been to him before and is he good ?
Good Day ...
