IVF/ICSI Support Group

She told me KKH docs cooperate with her. But she don't like Dr Sadhana and now Dr THH.. Who's left. Just leave her alone. Don't go to her and hope the lovely ladies here think twice Abt seeing her after knowing our bad experience. It's already a very tough journey, why pay money to suffer more. Not cheap.. Almost $200 per visit and few hours wait.

Btw, I went to see the legendary Dr THH last week. Indeed like what most of you talked about. Very approachable and despite a hectic schedule, think he did not have lunch after the IVF procedures, he still talked to us patiently. He told me that he's very confident Abt retrieving from my right ovary(which prof mentioned that it was high during last IVF) and would increase my dosage to increase number of eggs. He also suggested an endo scratch.

Any ladies here did an endo scratch? Is it really effective?
I have high left ovary and thh had no problems with it. It's so high that the ultrasound scan usually cannot find easily.
I did endo also but didn't help. Lol.

Thh has very good memory. See me in passing on other days and he still remember my name and case. I'm always amazed.

So far so good for me but when I fart (oops TMI), I feel some greasy fluid coming out. I suspect it's the antibiotics that they inserted. Colorless though can't tell what it is.
I think that's the panadol. The nurse told me they inserted in our butts >.<

I still have some light bloody discharge. Will monitor.
Somehow some medicine practitioners became arrogant after being famous. Last time nobody really knew about her until Mark Lee credited her on TV for helping his sperms during a Tong Ji charity show. That's when her name was thrown to fame. I agree that her meds seem to be working more effectively for sperms. My friend's hubs got 2 daughters after consuming her herbs. They were childless for 4 years and it took them 1 year to see results.
My frens went to this TSB and they think she has this magic baby touch. Like THH.

In the end I chose Zou Yumin becos of convenience. Her clinic nearer to my place. Physician Zou is motherly and patient and will listen to every case before dishing out advice. She also has a cramped schedule and no lack of patients. But she's never ya-ya. I don't know yet if her acupuncture and meds will work for me but her attitude is definitely different.
I have high left ovary and thh had no problems with it. It's so high that the ultrasound scan usually cannot find easily.
I did endo also but didn't help. Lol.

Thh has very good memory. See me in passing on other days and he still remember my name and case. I'm always amazed.
different patient different formula mah...hahaha..
She told me KKH docs cooperate with her. But she don't like Dr Sadhana and now Dr THH.. Who's left. Just leave her alone. Don't go to her and hope the lovely ladies here think twice Abt seeing her after knowing our bad experience. It's already a very tough journey, why pay money to suffer more. Not cheap.. Almost $200 per visit and few hours wait.

Btw, I went to see the legendary Dr THH last week. Indeed like what most of you talked about. Very approachable and despite a hectic schedule, think he did not have lunch after the IVF procedures, he still talked to us patiently. He told me that he's very confident Abt retrieving from my right ovary(which prof mentioned that it was high during last IVF) and would increase my dosage to increase number of eggs. He also suggested an endo scratch.

Any ladies here did an endo scratch? Is it really effective?
Prof wong also didn't touch my right ovary saying it's high but dr tan is an expert. He managed to retrieve everything. So trust him gal.
@towkayneo ok.. Ill try not to drink now. I just started my long protocol jab last week... Hvnt inject the stimu jab. Is it true that during stimu jab, we should not be taking any TCM??
I got drink leh, alternate days but like towkayneo advised, just a small cuppa nespresso. Cannot work without it leh.

I asked KKH Doctor, she says acupuncture okay but better not mix with TCM oral med. My TCM was cool with it, so I only carried on with acupuncture. I suppose I've been taking the oral med for a couple of months prior, it should have served its purpose of tiao-ing my body.
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Yeah, and it can kill the passion when love making becomes timed around that bbt charting when trying naturally between Ivf cycles. So rather focus on eating healthy, resting well and trying to stay positive!
Agreed. I think we have to relax ourselves, do some holidaying Love making suppose to be an enjoyable one, rather than to rely on one device to BD, it will sooner or later affecting the relationship or will soon lacking passion and interest, just for the sake of something then do it, sigh!!! Haha.
@towkayneo ok.. Ill try not to drink now. I just started my long protocol jab last week... Hvnt inject the stimu jab. Is it true that during stimu jab, we should not be taking any TCM??
I think different docs have different thoughts on this, best to check with your doc....

If you really must take TCM, perhaps 2-3 hours after the jabs...but again, do check with both sides - TCM & doc.
I got drink leh, alternate days but like towkayneo advised, just a small cuppa nespresso. Cannot work without it leh.

I asked KKH Doctor, she says acupuncture okay but better not mix with TCM oral med. My TCM was cool with it, so I only carried on with acupuncture. I suppose I've been taking the oral med for a couple of months prior, it should have served its purpose of tiao-ing my body.
@Almondearie ill limit myself on the coffee :D i have being trying to cut down on the coffee intake but then sometime got the feel of drinking. So its alright to stop the TCM during the jab just wonder if i dont take will my body be "bu" enough or not.
I got drink leh, alternate days but like towkayneo advised, just a small cuppa nespresso. Cannot work without it leh.

I asked KKH Doctor, she says acupuncture okay but better not mix with TCM oral med. My TCM was cool with it, so I only carried on with acupuncture. I suppose I've been taking the oral med for a couple of months prior, it should have served its purpose of tiao-ing my body.

I still continue wif my tcm med lei.. Stimm i aso eat..
@Almondearie ill limit myself on the coffee :D i have being trying to cut down on the coffee intake but then sometime got the feel of drinking. So its alright to stop the TCM during the jab just wonder if i dont take will my body be "bu" enough or not.
Ya quite tough to decide. But must schedule break in between lah if you do continue, like towkayneo says. I also worried about my lining issue when I stopped but I think the physician was pleasantly surprised my lining ended up thick enough. Not great but at least normal.
my hubby frozen sperm ..duno my egg can make it ma
Your cycle is now? My eggs are with the embryologist now as we speak. I only have frozen sperm option... The doctor told me no difference in sperm quality but I just thought to ask around if anyone has used frozen sperms and ended up with good yield.
I'm having spasms in my lower right abdomen. They just come and go. Just started 15 min ago. Still bleeding but not enough to soak a pad. I may have walked too much, came for acupuncture. Think will go straight home after lunch.
Hey ladies,

im going to start my 3rd fresh IVF soon. Im worried after two failed cycles. This time Dr Chew from NUH has put me on long protocol. Actually he asked if i even wanted to continue with my IVF since 2nd failed. Since i still have the govt grant why not give it a try rite? And i suggested for long protocol.

Btw i wld like to ask you ladies, i had intercourse with my husband during my ovualtion days last 9,10,11 July.
On 12 July i had some bleeding, guess i was too dry down there so must have torn some lining. I was bleeding for 2 days and it stopped. I also had some light cramps past two days. Not sure what it is. Im scheduled for endo scatch this friday. So do you think i shd take a pregnancy test just to be on the safe side?
Dear Mich,
I used to see TSB. The wait is always few hours long. But she's way too arrogant for a doctor. SHE HATES PROF WONG. She told me that she don't want to see me cos I'm prof Wong's patient. But I continued since I was two months away from IVF and I dunno who else to go to to Tiao my body. Since then, she's totally uninterested. I went to see her on the day after I received the failed IVF beta test. The moment she heard Abt failed IVF with prof Wong, she started grumbling that I don't have appt with her(which I did) and even start using her phone for a good 2-3 min.

I asked her about my womb condition. She said dunno. "You go and ask prof Wong lor! He has all your reports. You Wanto go and burn money at IVF, I can't stop you". So sarcastic.

I did not cry on that day of receiving the bad news(but I cried buckets days before due to spotting).. But I CRIED IN FRONT OF HER!

My hubby so Sayang.. Tell me that we will CHANGE TCM. That's when we changed to the Dr Tan at Clementi. Glad to see positive reports from the ladies here on him. But the medicine are really yucky.

If you are a patient of PROF WONG, PLEASE DONT GO AND SEE HER. I know there are many people who are extremely grateful to TSB for helping them to conceive. She claim that she's helping those who wants to conceive naturally. But she never tell us much Abt our body condition. Anyway, I won't see her again. Never ever again, even though I'm changing doc to KKH THH.
what kind of physician is that? Choose patients based on their docs?? gosh you should just give her a few piece of your mind man. im glad you left. i would have even went out to tell everyone if you all are under Prof wong just leave, she wont see u. #^$&*^@*
Hey ladies,

im going to start my 3rd fresh IVF soon. Im worried after two failed cycles. This time Dr Chew from NUH has put me on long protocol. Actually he asked if i even wanted to continue with my IVF since 2nd failed. Since i still have the govt grant why not give it a try rite? And i suggested for long protocol.

Btw i wld like to ask you ladies, i had intercourse with my husband during my ovualtion days last 9,10,11 July.
On 12 July i had some bleeding, guess i was too dry down there so must have torn some lining. I was bleeding for 2 days and it stopped. I also had some light cramps past two days. Not sure what it is. Im scheduled for endo scatch this friday. So do you think i shd take a pregnancy test just to be on the safe side?
you should. and anyway, i do not think if you are "dry there" the bleeding can cause 2 days worth. is it spotting blood or just dry blood and small stains? spotting usually comes from inside. you should test it to be safe before endo scratch.
I have high left ovary and thh had no problems with it. It's so high that the ultrasound scan usually cannot find easily.
I did endo also but didn't help. Lol.

Thh has very good memory. See me in passing on other days and he still remember my name and case. I'm always amazed.
:pi also think he has a good memory. the other day i went to see him and he saw me when he was coming back from elsewhere. I was waiting outside, i heard him asking his nurse if I am outside waiting and she came out to confirm that i am there. but, honestly, i prefer he doesnt remember me.. remembering me means i am so regular zzzzzzz...... i rather he doesnt remember me because i am only his 1-time patient and i succeeded the very first try with him. unfortunately not this case haha. but still a very nice doctor to follow. my fav doc so far! ;)
Hey ladies,

im going to start my 3rd fresh IVF soon. Im worried after two failed cycles. This time Dr Chew from NUH has put me on long protocol. Actually he asked if i even wanted to continue with my IVF since 2nd failed. Since i still have the govt grant why not give it a try rite? And i suggested for long protocol.

Btw i wld like to ask you ladies, i had intercourse with my husband during my ovualtion days last 9,10,11 July.
On 12 July i had some bleeding, guess i was too dry down there so must have torn some lining. I was bleeding for 2 days and it stopped. I also had some light cramps past two days. Not sure what it is. Im scheduled for endo scatch this friday. So do you think i shd take a pregnancy test just to be on the safe side?

Yes u should take HPT just to be sure especially if you miss your period.
I'm having spasms in my lower right abdomen. They just come and go. Just started 15 min ago. Still bleeding but not enough to soak a pad. I may have walked too much, came for acupuncture. Think will go straight home after lunch.

I aso jus done wif acupuncture... On cab going home now. My ass still pain lei
I am with TFC and my eggs were retrieved yesterday. I really like Dr SF Loh and he has been very kind and patient with me so far!
During my last 2 scans, doctor advised I don't have many eggs and my progress is not very good. Some eggs are growing too big (21.2mm at day 8 scan) and some are too small. Unfortunately, during this scan, Dr Loh detected hydrosalpinx - blocked fallopian tube with fluid. They are huge as seen in ultrasound. I have always known I have blocked tubes but didn't know it's hydrosalpinx. Dr Loh said I can decide to do fresh this week or freeze the eggs first, do the surgery to remove tubes and then come back for FET 2 months later. The fluid in the tube if spill to the uterus is poisonous and will harm the environment hence reducing implantation success rate! Due to this factor, IVF cycle success rate is reduced by halve.

I proceeded with egg retrieval and was told 10 eggs were retrieved. I don't have any pain, bleeding or bad symptoms so far. My hubby asked Dr Loh if we can proceed with the fresh cycle and he said yes and I was relieved to hear he drained the fluid from my tubes during egg retrieval. The latest update now is 6 eggs are fertilized out of 7 matured eggs. Having said this, Dr Loh requested to meet me prior to my Egg transfer. He wants to discuss if we should proceed with fresh or do surgery to remove tube first. I am not sure what should I do. Has anybody had this experience before?

Me, I removed my affected tube before going for frozen embryo transfer. This is to ensure that the womb environment is conducive for implantation. Else, no matter what you do, the toxic fluid will kill the embryos.
I aso jus done wif acupuncture... On cab going home now. My ass still pain lei
After lunch I felt better so went to grab a pot before I cabbed home. Needed the pot for cooking for myself next week onwards. Burnt my old one last wk.

Still feels weird at the lower ab too. Not sure if it's the OR or becos I'm constipated since yday. Any disruption to my routine and I'll not have feeling to move my bowels. Quite terrible.

You girls have people looking after you? I'm pretty much on my own. So may do some light cooking for my own meals.
Thanks for your quick reply. Appreciate it. I read online and seems everybody removed their tubes too. Dr Loh was surprisingly optimistic when he said I could do fresh cycle since he drained the fluid. I will see how it goes though I more or less decided on surgery.
Of course if you can avoid undergoing the surgery, it's good. But the Q is, you wouldn't know when the affected tube will emit fluid again. Even if implantation is successful, worrying part would be sustaining of the pregnancy.
After lunch I felt better so went to grab a pot before I cabbed home. Needed the pot for cooking for myself next week onwards. Burnt my old one last wk.

Still feels weird at the lower ab too. Not sure if it's the OR or becos I'm constipated since yday. Any disruption to my routine and I'll not have feeling to move my bowels. Quite terrible.

You girls have people looking after you? I'm pretty much on my own. So may do some light cooking for my own meals.

I aso on my own lei.. My hb work.. Den my mom looking after my 2 nieces she only call ask how m i..
I am with TFC and my eggs were retrieved yesterday. I really like Dr SF Loh and he has been very kind and patient with me so far!
During my last 2 scans, doctor advised I don't have many eggs and my progress is not very good. Some eggs are growing too big (21.2mm at day 8 scan) and some are too small. Unfortunately, during this scan, Dr Loh detected hydrosalpinx - blocked fallopian tube with fluid. They are huge as seen in ultrasound. I have always known I have blocked tubes but didn't know it's hydrosalpinx. Dr Loh said I can decide to do fresh this week or freeze the eggs first, do the surgery to remove tubes and then come back for FET 2 months later. The fluid in the tube if spill to the uterus is poisonous and will harm the environment hence reducing implantation success rate! Due to this factor, IVF cycle success rate is reduced by halve.

I proceeded with egg retrieval and was told 10 eggs were retrieved. I don't have any pain, bleeding or bad symptoms so far. My hubby asked Dr Loh if we can proceed with the fresh cycle and he said yes and I was relieved to hear he drained the fluid from my tubes during egg retrieval. The latest update now is 6 eggs are fertilized out of 7 matured eggs. Having said this, Dr Loh requested to meet me prior to my Egg transfer. He wants to discuss if we should proceed with fresh or do surgery to remove tube first. I am not sure what should I do. Has anybody had this experience before?
i would remove if i were you. no point decreasing your chances of implantation when you have hydrosalpinx. the fluid affects the embryos.
what kind of physician is that? Choose patients based on their docs?? gosh you should just give her a few piece of your mind man. im glad you left. i would have even went out to tell everyone if you all are under Prof wong just leave, she wont see u. #^$&*^@*
I think medicine practitioners should be more professional and respect their peers. What's the point of badmouthing one another? You only make yourself look bad.
I am with TFC and my eggs were retrieved yesterday. I really like Dr SF Loh and he has been very kind and patient with me so far!
During my last 2 scans, doctor advised I don't have many eggs and my progress is not very good. Some eggs are growing too big (21.2mm at day 8 scan) and some are too small. Unfortunately, during this scan, Dr Loh detected hydrosalpinx - blocked fallopian tube with fluid. They are huge as seen in ultrasound. I have always known I have blocked tubes but didn't know it's hydrosalpinx. Dr Loh said I can decide to do fresh this week or freeze the eggs first, do the surgery to remove tubes and then come back for FET 2 months later. The fluid in the tube if spill to the uterus is poisonous and will harm the environment hence reducing implantation success rate! Due to this factor, IVF cycle success rate is reduced by halve.

I proceeded with egg retrieval and was told 10 eggs were retrieved. I don't have any pain, bleeding or bad symptoms so far. My hubby asked Dr Loh if we can proceed with the fresh cycle and he said yes and I was relieved to hear he drained the fluid from my tubes during egg retrieval. The latest update now is 6 eggs are fertilized out of 7 matured eggs. Having said this, Dr Loh requested to meet me prior to my Egg transfer. He wants to discuss if we should proceed with fresh or do surgery to remove tube first. I am not sure what should I do. Has anybody had this experience before?

I have fren who didn't remove and BFP and gave birth to a baby girl but I also have fren who didn't remove n failed the cycle so it really depends. It's either u want to try first and if touchwood fail then consider remove or just go ahead to remove before cycle. Having said that u must also be mentally prepared that ivf is a number game and egg quality as well as womb condition plays a part in BFP. Discuss with dr and your hubby. All the best!
Hi there, i was told my NUH nurse the same thing, not to take tcm medications while on jab.
I took tcm herbs while on stim till ER. Took the brewed herbs morning and bedtime. So think shud be ok ba. Many sisters lining and follicles growth also improved by acu n herbs. Think just space out the timing. Do what u feel is right.
