IVF/ICSI Support Group

Ladies can i check if one can drink bird nest with rock sugar or ginseng or totally avoid during stim?

Thanks !

I think best to avoid if you can.
I now recalled drinking part of my hub's chicken soup, only realised later it's a herbal chicken soup with ginseng. Next day, I had brown spotting which turned to red full flow bleeding with blood clots too. Till now, I'm still having the red flow although it has lessened.
May or may not be related but be safe than sorry lah

I think best to avoid if you can.
I now recalled drinking part of my hub's chicken soup, only realised later it's a herbal chicken soup with ginseng. Next day, I had brown spotting which turned to red full flow bleeding with blood clots too. Till now, I'm still having the red flow although it has lessened.
May or may not be related but be safe than sorry lah

Thanks dramaqueenie,

Just spoke to my prof. Avoid ginseng .

My first baseline scan- 10 right n 11 left..

Looking good!!
Ladies can i check if one can drink bird nest with rock sugar or ginseng or totally avoid during stim?

Thanks !

Hello, I drank brand's chicken essence everyday during stim. My mum also bought me pao sheng but I only drank it twice because my Physician said pao sheng should be taken in moderation (mix 3-4 pieces each time with warm water to drink) and I should stop if I start to experience mood swings...
Hello everyone, I will be doing FET in Nov. Does anyone know of any natural way to improve our uterus lining? I'm doing acupuncture which I heard helps. My physician also recommends drinking soya bean everyday which I try to. Any other food to eat that will help thicken uterus lining and prepare our body for ET? Thank you!
Hi to all sisters, anyone did IVF at KKH? Why do we need to pay around $300- $350 ( understand that it is valid for 3 years for this 1 time payment with cash, not able to pay by medisave) during the BCCC session? If we will to do IVF at NUH, does NUH need us to pay this amount too?
Hi hi applecindy.

For Kkh u can choose Female one Dr sadana or male one Dr Tan Heng Hao... I seeing Dr Tan right now... 2013 I go into a fresh cycle and got bfp then 2014 I got boy from it . This round going for Natural FET.. This sat going for ET...

Btw Dr Tan very handsome haha... See him Liao I feel happy haha
Hi 5! Yes, he's indeed handsome for somebody his age - when you thought he's single, he's already married with 2 boys :p
Words of encouragement to all ladies here whom are trying to get pregnant. Must always have faith in your body. Mental spiritual very important. Bfp or bfn whatever your end results, must face with positive mindset.
Must always remember, IVF procedure just a method to increase chances of getting pregnant and not actually confirm allow you get pregnant.
Even if by natural, must stay positive always in order to run the journey smoothly without much stress mentally. Body already going through many stress. Please do not add-on mental stress. Your route will be much easy with faith for being cheerful and positive.
All the best and wish all a good journey.
Thanks for the reminder. Is true that come what may, we have no control but we can always control our moods and attitude. Happy birthday to u btw!
Hello everyone, I will be doing FET in Nov. Does anyone know of any natural way to improve our uterus lining? I'm doing acupuncture which I heard helps. My physician also recommends drinking soya bean everyday which I try to. Any other food to eat that will help thicken uterus lining and prepare our body for ET? Thank you!
Where are u doing your acupuncture?
Thanks for the reminder. Is true that come what may, we have no control but we can always control our moods and attitude. Happy birthday to u btw!
Thank q e greetings dear.
Am just sharing my experience.
Gone thru many like natural pregnancy cum child birth, miscarriage and unsuccessful IVF. Will soon explore FET.
Have observe and experience myself, no positive attitude, finds not easy for any journey. Just believe your body and just follow e flow with an open heart. If fails, do not blame yourself or anyone or diet taken. Just take that e time is not correct or not ready. In health science, just eat anything you want as long is balance and do anything you want as long not too stressful for body to take. Mainly, stay positive and happy most important. CHEERS.
Sisters, I just had my scan. ITs day 7 of the injections but my uterine lining is already 12mm. Is that normal? I hope I don't need to abandon my cycle because lining not good

I heard them count... Think I have 17 follicles but quite small. Largest is 14mm on the right and 12mm on the left.

I dunno why I so worried!!!
Hi to all sisters, anyone did IVF at KKH? Why do we need to pay around $300- $350 ( understand that it is valid for 3 years for this 1 time payment with cash, not able to pay by medisave) during the BCCC session? If we will to do IVF at NUH, does NUH need us to pay this amount too?
Hmm. What is this $$ for?? I don't remember paying this amount at sgh...
I am back to work after my ET on Mon. Today is 4dp5dt. The wait seem longer staying at home. I got headache so am wondering if any ladies experience any side effects from crinone insert? Anyone in 2WW too?
I hear so much of 'automatic' pregnancies, ask and will be given until I'm totally numb. Stopped visiting friends for new borns too coz din want to feel sore... I thought I was alone until I joined this thread. thanks gals for all the support given... We will fight this battle together!

my sister in law pregnant again, with THIRD kid. I feel very sore everytime I go my in law house to eat, luckily only do it once a week. can't tahan chinese new year also. fortunately, I've friends who emphathise, and the support of this forum! :)
Congrats on your BFP. Where do u go for massage and acupuncture?
Do you mind sharing how old are you? And what's the issue you or hubby have that needed Ivf? Sorry for asking tmi as I also hope to learn things that can aid in my journey. :)
By the way what's conception tea?
Thanks @Dreamscometrue. I go to Oriental Spa at Club Street for my massage cos it's near my workplace. For acupuncture, I go to Raffles Hospital as recommended by my friend who BFP on first attempt. Physician is Jin Jin Hua who had appeared in the media before to talk about acupuncture treatment for IVF.

I am 38 this year and issue was hubby sperms has low motility. Feel free to ask, I am more than happy to share cos when I started the journey, I felt so alone because nobody understands what I am going through and when I shared I am going through treatment with some friends, they actually looked at me differently. I felt quite hurt actually by some of their remarks at that time. So I actually didn't tell anyone at my workplace about this.

I learnt about Conceptions Tea when I try to read up about how to prepare myself for a successful IVF: http://natural-fertility-info.com/increase-ivf-success. It's herbal tea (many different types combined) to aid conception. I bought it through iherb: http://www.iherb.com/Crystal-Star-Conceptions-Tea-3-oz-85-g/57428
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my sister in law pregnant again, with THIRD kid. I feel very sore everytime I go my in law house to eat, luckily only do it once a week. can't tahan chinese new year also. fortunately, I've friends who emphathise, and the support of this forum! :)
Very normal. I also feel sore when I heard friends getting pregnant all over. It's so easy for them. And I was angry with one friend who went for abortion. She just got married at that time but they were not ready to have children. Like it's so easy for them to get pregnant that they took for granted.
I am back to work after my ET on Mon. Today is 4dp5dt. The wait seem longer staying at home. I got headache so am wondering if any ladies experience any side effects from crinone insert? Anyone in 2WW too?

Relax and take things easy. So far I didn't have any side effects. Only irritating thing is the white discharge.
Sisters, I just had my scan. ITs day 7 of the injections but my uterine lining is already 12mm. Is that normal? I hope I don't need to abandon my cycle because lining not good

I heard them count... Think I have 17 follicles but quite small. Largest is 14mm on the right and 12mm on the left.

I dunno why I so worried!!!

I'm not sure about the lining size.

But the follicle size seems fine. Don't worry about the quantity. The quality matters more.
Mine was small during my 2nd last scan but after that they grew fast.
Dear sisters who had experienced bleeding / AF prior to ur beta test, do you get them just before or close to ur AF due day?
Is the flow same like ur usual menstrual flow or is it heavier or lighter than usual? Did they last the usual amount of days too? Or also longer or shorter?
Just to gather some feedbacks from sisters here.
Am having some blood flow now. Started with minimal brown spotting that turned into red full flow the next day. Tdy is day 3 of red flow. Yesterday and tdy, red flow has reduced to half a pad or palm size volume but with dark blood clots that doc says it's old blood.
Tdy is 9dp2dt. Spotting started on the night of 6dp2dt. My beta is on 25/9.
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Thanks @Dreamscometrue. I go to Oriental Spa at Club Street for my massage cos it's near my workplace. For acupuncture, I go to Raffles Hospital as recommended by my friend who BFP on first attempt. Physician is Jin Jin Hua who had appeared in the media before to talk about acupuncture treatment for IVF.

I am 38 this year and issue was hubby sperms has low motility. Feel free to ask, I am more than happy to share cos when I started the journey, I felt so alone because nobody understands what I am going through and when I shared I am going through treatment with some friends, they actually looked at me differently. I felt quite hurt actually by some of their remarks at that time. So I actually didn't tell anyone at my workplace about this.

I learnt about Conceptions Tea when I try to read up about how to prepare myself for a successful IVF: http://natural-fertility-info.com/increase-ivf-success. It's herbal tea (many different types combined) to aid conception. I bought it through iherb: http://www.iherb.com/Crystal-Star-Conceptions-Tea-3-oz-85-g/57428
Thanks for the infor. How much is the accupunture sessions at Raffles Hospital? Do they give any Chinese medication?
Could you be lucky? i was late 4 days too waiting for AF so decided to do a hpt. Got bfp. Last month was my failed FET too.
Hmm only BD once when closer to O. Don't think i will be that lucky, haha but this few days cramp on n off. Was Ur bfp a successful preg?
Thanks @Dreamscometrue. I go to Oriental Spa at Club Street for my massage cos it's near my workplace. For acupuncture, I go to Raffles Hospital as recommended by my friend who BFP on first attempt. Physician is Jin Jin Hua who had appeared in the media before to talk about acupuncture treatment for IVF.

I am 38 this year and issue was hubby sperms has low motility. Feel free to ask, I am more than happy to share cos when I started the journey, I felt so alone because nobody understands what I am going through and when I shared I am going through treatment with some friends, they actually looked at me differently. I felt quite hurt actually by some of their remarks at that time. So I actually didn't tell anyone at my workplace about this.

I learnt about Conceptions Tea when I try to read up about how to prepare myself for a successful IVF: http://natural-fertility-info.com/increase-ivf-success. It's herbal tea (many different types combined) to aid conception. I bought it through iherb: http://www.iherb.com/Crystal-Star-Conceptions-Tea-3-oz-85-g/57428

Is the normal thai / aroma massage u talking about?
Dear sisters who had experienced bleeding / AF prior to ur beta test, do you get them just before or close to ur AF due day?
Is the flow same like ur usual menstrual flow or is it heavier or lighter than usual? Did they last the usual amount of days too? Or also longer or heavier?
Just to gather some feedbacks from sisters here.
Am having some blood flow now. Started with minimal brown spotting that turned into red full flow the next day. Tdy is day 3 of red flow. Yesterday and tdy, red flow has reduced to half a pad or palm size volume but with dark blood clots that doc says it's old blood.
Tdy is 9dp2dt. Spotting started on the night of 6dp2dt. My beta is on 25/9.

having the bleeding still. but not AF, no clots or cramps. kkh ivf said one risk is ectopic preg, but I've no pain now. BT is on 21st sept. My expected AF was last Wednesday.
the bleeding is like brown/red on the pad, quite light flow though, only in morning/afternoon. and when wipe, the tissue is just pale red. the scary thing is it has been happening since this Mon.

but this morning, when I try to insert the progesterone, I find that there is some surface pain/irritation. NOt sure if the irritation can cause such kind of blood flow? :(

when go toilet, I always brace myself for full AF flow :), scary.

Hang on there for your BT! Hope you are feeling better from the UTI!

Did you ask the doctor there is concern for the volume of blood? Besides 25/9, what is the earliest test date they can do the 1st beta?
having the bleeding still. but not AF, no clots or cramps. kkh ivf said one risk is ectopic preg, but I've no pain now. BT is on 21st sept. My expected AF was last Wednesday.
the bleeding is like brown/red on the pad, quite light flow though, only in morning/afternoon. and when wipe, the tissue is just pale red. the scary thing is it has been happening since this Mon.

but this morning, when I try to insert the progesterone, I find that there is some surface pain/irritation. NOt sure if the irritation can cause such kind of blood flow? :(

when go toilet, I always brace myself for full AF flow :), scary.

Hang on there for your BT! Hope you are feeling better from the UTI!

Did you ask the doctor there is concern for the volume of blood? Besides 25/9, what is the earliest test date they can do the 1st beta?

Inserts can cause irritation also. I got some pink streaks a couple of times. I think if no need to change pad then it's ok. Could be implantation + irritation from the inserts.
Hi All,

I am 38 years old this year and hubby is also 38 years old. We will be seeing Dr PC Wong on 23/09. Would be our 1st time.

I have endo and fibroids and now old as well. Hopefully Prof can help us.
Dear sisters who had experienced bleeding / AF prior to ur beta test, do you get them just before or close to ur AF due day?
Is the flow same like ur usual menstrual flow or is it heavier or lighter than usual? Did they last the usual amount of days too? Or also longer or heavier?
Just to gather some feedbacks from sisters here.
Am having some blood flow now. Started with minimal brown spotting that turned into red full flow the next day. Tdy is day 3 of red flow. Yesterday and tdy, red flow has reduced to half a pad or palm size volume but with dark blood clots that doc says it's old blood.
Tdy is 9dp2dt. Spotting started on the night of 6dp2dt. My beta is on 25/9.

Sorry if my replies don't help - for my failed beta tests, yes, i always experienced bleeding / AF like before the beta day. The flow started as spotting and gradually menses. Need to use the pad. Actually, to have an answer to your Q, you can try using the HPT. It's a more or less 80% affirmation. At least no need to guess. My thoughts.
Dear sisters who had experienced bleeding / AF prior to ur beta test, do you get them just before or close to ur AF due day?
Is the flow same like ur usual menstrual flow or is it heavier or lighter than usual? Did they last the usual amount of days too? Or also longer or heavier?
Just to gather some feedbacks from sisters here.
Am having some blood flow now. Started with minimal brown spotting that turned into red full flow the next day. Tdy is day 3 of red flow. Yesterday and tdy, red flow has reduced to half a pad or palm size volume but with dark blood clots that doc says it's old blood.
Tdy is 9dp2dt. Spotting started on the night of 6dp2dt. My beta is on 25/9.
Hi dear, will you consider gg to private doctor for second advise?
Hi All,

I am 38 years old this year and hubby is also 38 years old. We will be seeing Dr PC Wong on 23/09. Would be our 1st time.

I have endo and fibroids and now old as well. Hopefully Prof can help us.
I'm not sure abt endo, but i know fibroids can hinder implantation if they are at certain position. It may be better for u to remove
I am sorry to hear that. *hugs*

Maybe you can ask the lab what is the reason. During my last cycle, doctor told me my eggs quality are not very good... they are very greyish she said. So this time, I try to improve my egg quality by following a strict diet.
Hi Koirc,

May I know what consist of your diet now? I am hoping to improve my egg quality too, I am currently in stimm stage.
I took the package. They have the IVF booster package which is $400+ for 5 sessions. They will only give you medication if required.

when's u started this accup before u start the ivf?
Can i have the clinic number?
Is this only for lady? How abt husband?
How long per session?
Dearie, is it to late to go now? I just started my first jab today..

U got their ctc no?

Ladies anyone can recommend how to keep womb warm?

I gave up cold water, ice cream , drinking tea and coffee.. all for the hope of having a BFP!

Longan red date tea? I took that during my 2ww.
A week before my FET, I also got my massage lady to come to my house to give me a massage and ginger wrap. The ginger wrap is good for the womb etc.

Oh I also wear socks during my 2ww till now too.
Dear sisters who had experienced bleeding / AF prior to ur beta test, do you get them just before or close to ur AF due day?
Is the flow same like ur usual menstrual flow or is it heavier or lighter than usual? Did they last the usual amount of days too? Or also longer or heavier?
Just to gather some feedbacks from sisters here.
Am having some blood flow now. Started with minimal brown spotting that turned into red full flow the next day. Tdy is day 3 of red flow. Yesterday and tdy, red flow has reduced to half a pad or palm size volume but with dark blood clots that doc says it's old blood.
Tdy is 9dp2dt. Spotting started on the night of 6dp2dt. My beta is on 25/9.

Happen to me. I have brown spotting 9 days before bt. Then next day there a very big blood clot jus drop down while I'm showering. I still continue insert the medicine. Went for BT is BFN.

Don't give up. Maybe you still have chance.
