IVF/ICSI Support Group

winniepooh, how many 4cell embies u have if u dun mind sharing? Won't that mean u have less chances for FET in future? Ever considered transferring only 1 since u want a singleton for sure?
min...raspberry tea cannot drink after ovulation as it will cause contraction..

i1bb..my thyroid get worse after bfp..from normal become hypo..then dr up my medication and now i am hyper...mus adjust down again...so dun worry, its adjustable..u will be fine
Mc, mine now is antibodies that is sky high. 10000+ reading. I'm abit confused with thyroid so I will get dr Veronique to print me one report... Easier

Luv ah, big small belly inside got baby so nope, no jumping for u! Hahaha
Hi mc007,

Oh didn't know about that cos it says on the box can drink throughout the month.. Thanks for the info.. I guess it's ok cos actually i'm not supposed to be actively trying.. I had a miscarriage in april and my cycles were erratic after that.. So i tried the tea to strengthen my uterus and to regulate my hormones.. Seems to be quite good cos my cycle is back to normal now

I will actually be stopping the tea and LRD when the ivf program starts, to be on the safe side..
i am a borderline case on thyroid..was taking med to keep it at normal lvl but it get worse once bfp which the dr says its normal. also, he says its better on the hyper side than hypo side so i really become hyper now..lol..den now adjust the med, hope will back to normal lvl again..
Red - we're going to thaw all the 4 cells embbies, I have 16 frozen from fresh cycle, 6 were 4 cells the rest were 5 cells & above. The best surviving 2 4 cells embbies will be transferred. The rest that didn't survive the thaw or develop too slow will be discarded.

Luv - I have 16 frozen so plenty of chance if I want to. But hb & I have decided if I strike this fet we'll discard the remaining embbies cos we only want 2 kids. I won't consider transferring 1 cos if dun implant then I have to do fet again. If both decide to implant good!
Thks min81 n mc007, coz I wanna mk d lrd taste better n increase d no of longan n red dates however now feel throat pain so m thinkin which is heaty n wanna reduce d no.
winniepooh, ah ic... so u dun mind having 3 kids too lah.
16 is a good number! Are they from ur first fresh? If so, u're lucky to have struck first time round!
Luv - all 16 were from my first fresh, I was over stimulated & dr Paul harvested 38 during ER! I was very lucky to strike the first round considering I didn't do anything to tiao my body before my fresh. Only depends on supplements, no tcm or accu
Hi all, I'm new here. Was just told by doc to go for endometriosis surgery or IVF. Think I've decided on IVF first.
I'm feeling lost. My last round was a natural IUI and decided to change doc and the new doc is telling me I shld go for his recommendations instead.

What does a IVF entails? When will the injections start? Are there different kind of methods/medication before the procedure? I'm seeing the doc again on Sat...any questions that I should ask?
luv - almost died from ohss & after BFP ohss followed me till 8 weeks + MS! I was a dead fish on the bed... no appetite for food cos whatever I eat all go into toilet bowl, I was coughing. unforgettable + terrible first tri
Elaine...why is it go for endo lap or ivf? shldnt it be endo lap first since it will hinder the success of ivf? which dr are you with?
Hello everyone! I am new here. I am just testing my new account and wanted to introduce myself. Thinking of doing IVF sometime in the future.

Hope you are all doing well, and best wishes
winniepooh, but the doc was telling me the surgery was to check if i have endo. He said that no scan can check whether i have endo anot. Have to do the surgery..only then he can do the check and remove if any.
I'm abit concerned. I've heard some forum posts saying that they have scarring of the ovary due to the surgery and one side of the ovary unable to produce eggs...i'm scared that it'll happen... my key concern is: should i 'open up' my body for checks if the doc can't tell me whether there's anything wrong?

can i go straight for ivf?
babysmurf, me too! getting more and more nervous as sept draw nearer...

Luv, all the embbies are stored based on "straw". Each "straw" can hold up to 4 embbies. They are thawed based on straw. Eg, if 4 embbies are stored in 1 straw. During FET, that straw of 4 will be thawed. This was my case.

winnie, I still remember you when you did your ivf.. you are very blessed... I got 61 folicles and in the end... now I am still trying #1....

Sorry... I cannot help but sad about myself...
hi, mc_007...i'm seeing dr roland chieng. first time seeing him though. Was previously with NUH Prof Wong but not very comfy after my 1st round of natural IUI.
Dr roland suggested that i go for endo first since i'm an unexplained case. He say maybe its the endo that's obstructing my fertility..2nd solution is IVF.
he said should be ok to go for IVF if i'm not keen to go for endo...
sunstillshines, thks for the info. U did ur FET at CARE b4?
Dun despair. As long as we persevere, all of us will realise our dreams soon!

lainelaine, sounds like u mean a laproscopy to check whether u have endometriosis. Think your original post sounded like u had already confirmed u have endo.
LuvNhope, yup yup! you are right...forgot its called laproscopy. anyone of you done it before? Don't you find it weird? open up your body to find out what's wrong? im really scared by the thought of it...
Ladies with dr zou
do you feel 'strange' after drinking the medicine..i feel generally 'unwell' feeling after drinking..my concoction has a little peppermint aftertaste btw..any one similar?

can request for a different approach in regards to storage not? say like 1 straw with 2 eggs then other 2 with 1 each? Cos in such way you don't need to hv your previous eggs subject to unflavourable thawing and refreezing conditions

nope hv not done laproscopy
hi chrisL, u mean dr zou at amk? i'm ok with her medicine. don't rem drinking any with peppermint aftertaste. it sounds nice though hehe all my medicine very bitter one
Hi lainelaine, I've done a lap in April. Found out I have slight adeynomysis and endo. Removed those. Also removed one cyst n one fibroid. Unblocked my left tube. End of the day, the surgeon's skill is very important if u wanna do lap. U r right cos it might cause scarring if the surgeon's skill is not good. Some people thinks lap is invasive n best is not to do, but if u have any prob in the womb wherein certain scans etc cannot detect, it will hinder the chances of implantation so no point doing IVF.
yup elaine..but still bitter lah..hmm..strange..i'll hv to monitor again and feedback to dr zou next week..
lainelaine, agree with i1BB. Find a doc whose skills u trust. I've had successful laps done b4 and they aren't really that scary. Alternatively, if u prefer a less invasive method, can try to go for a saline sonogram first. They'll insert saline water into ur uterine cavity to check for abnormal growths like polyps. If all goes well, then maybe u can proceed with IVF with less worry. That said, a lap can detect more than the sonogram can. In the end, it's up to u and ur DH to decide what course of action is best for u.
hi luvnhope and i1BB, any doc to recommend? im with dr roland at parkway east now. he was from SGH, in charge of both the Fertility Preservation Section and Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopy. But dunno good anot cause there was no review on his lap.
hi luvnhope, dr loh is too packed. dr roland seems ok as he's willing to sit down and explain in details...but dunno about his skills for lap...
lainelaine...i went for lap before my cycle to check a suspected polyp..ended up ntg inside...but i agreed with the rest to ensure yr womb condition are ok before ivf or else is waste of time and money and the pain from jab.
Yoyo 老朋友们!! Lolx...

Lainelaine, I don't know about dr Roland's skill on lap but I do know for sure dr loh's skills r good. N he's very dedicated. There's really not much explanation to b told to u. U will just go under GA, dr will cut 3 small small incisions, inject some carbon dioxide to blow up your womb to allow clearer vision, insert a scope n also some laser equipment. Abt 2 hours later u will wake up. It's not a major surgery really but it is still a surgery la. So most likely u will suffer abit of side effects from the GA. Actually u can read up everything abt lap via googling
Oh btw lainelaine, dr Loh may not even wanna do lap for u unless he thinks it's necessary. For my case, he said I "forced" him to open me up de. Hahaha... Cos I kept begging him to "cut me open"... If I Don't have blocked left tube, he won't lap me at all. Cos my saline sonogram result was normal. But hey! End up he found so many "things" inside leh! Hahaha
haha! dr loh is at TMC now right?
So i should get the doc to do saline sonogram first. If ok, then i no need to do lap? but in your case, you did lap and found out many things?
i'm in a dilemma...anyone under Dr roland?

hi Wendy! Hows dr roland? I met him for the first time on Mon..and he straight away tell me that i should go for lap without any scan/test. is he good? should i go for lap? does it help after lap? dr zou says that the doc will ask us to take medicine to control our period so cannot conceive for the next 6 months..is it true?
