IVF/ICSI Support Group

Chrisl, hope to have you back in spore soon.
I have also been thinking of durian.. Yummz!

Redvelvet, I have been sleeping whole day. Eat, sleep, eat and sleep. Not sure if it's the support med, but I can really sleep these days. Was joking with DH that I am behaving more like a pig! *oink*

Joyfully, thanks for the link! Hope we get BFP!!! I wasn't able to sleep well past 2 days coz of the position haha.... I'm so used to sleeping side ways until last night. Hope will get better! Looks like u r doing great Hee! We both jia you together! Am asking my hubby to buy durians tonight Hee Hee yummy!
Hope, ya, great minds think alike!! I also ask my hubby to buy durians tonight.. And I am gonna stock up for next few days as he is going on biz trip again.

Sleep sideway (on the left) is good, especially if you are pregnant. I read this on the other thread shared by Luv.

Yes, hope we can also graduate from this thread soon.
Hi gals. I am ovulating today. I am pcos. Think after Tcm, my condition improved. That time I ovulated at 35.7 but today is 36.2, hope can slowly improved. Jiayou everyone!
Chevy, I read that it is good to sleep on left after bfp. But also try to practice now, but can't stay in the position for too long. So I will just adjust my sleeping position every now and then.
I menses period having been getting real short. Only left spotting on 3rd day. Wondering is it normal! Anyone háve similar experience?
Tks joyfully for the folic acid link. Think I will increase my dosage also. Am only getting 500 mcg from conceive well now.
At a family gathering today, someone ask me when I am going to haf a baby.. Isn't I dun wan or 生不出? How depressing to hear this.. Dun even know how to ans
already 生不岀了, still add on to my wound
SunnieHope, understand how u feel. Yesterday went to visit a friend's newborn and today attended a friend's girl birthday party. Surrounded all by mothers. Deep inside we also yield to be one but this journey has been tough for us. Let's continue to Jia you ok!
Sunniehope, understand hw u feel. Get to knw a fren is pregnant n 1 oso juz gve birth. Really depressed to c pple cn success Ez while I'm still struggling hard. Bt still we cnt gve up n hve to kep trying. TTC is really a tough journey
Sorry for being emotional, agree that this has been a
Tough journey. Let's holds hands and walk this thru together
we will not give up till the day we bfp!!
Hi Chevy,
I haven't start new job. Now serving notice. Starting new job next month. I am glad that tcm helped too as it is not convenient for me to go AMK as I stayed in the east.

Hi Sunstillshines, I am only starting new job next month. Probation will be 6 months. By Dec, is my new co's financial year end. So will be busy till end Apr to finish Q1 for listed co. So I won't be starting 3rd fresh so soon. Next year but haven really planned. In the meantime eating Coq10, folate, tcm, dhea, red longan tea and DOM. At least I ovulated without the need to eat clomid. Heehee. I still got a box of clomid that expires in Aug 12. Was contemplating to eat or not for Jul menses.

Bigbear, i meant the body temperature. I remember when I first started tcm, I ovulated on the day when my body temp was 35.7. I remember Dr Zou got mentioned ideally is 36.7?? After almost 7-8 months of tcm, my condition improved.
Saw your post about short menses. Last month, I also had short one about 3-4 days. Which is really short if ard 3 days per western n tcm doc. so Dr Zou advised me to eat red bean soup and drink red dates longan tea daily. You can try these. Hope it helps. Don't be stress k.
Ladies, do you think it is ok to watch comedies during 2ww? Will we laugh too much and the laughing waves will affect the embbies for implantation?
Hi Chevy, thanks for asking about me.. have been taking a break from the forum so didnt log in for a week.
Failed my fet, now waiting to see Dr in July. Will probably go for tcm in the meantime. How are you doing? Going for fet soon?

Hi Usagi, glad to know tcm is good for u and u r having improvement! And all the best for your new job.

Jia you everyone and all the best for BFPs!
Thank Usagi!

Sunstillshines, Yes it became shorter after my last failed cycle.

Will be starting my 3rd next month, hope my body is ready for the new challenge
Babysmurf, I have asked Dr Sadhana before, apparently she has not heard of it but she did a google check and tell me that no scientific prove so kkh will not be using.
Hi Joyfully, oic..... There was once I watched some show which mentioned it's beta to sleep on right as our heart is on left. So our weight will not be "pressing" onto our heart. Having said, I reckon it's what suits individual best ;) Am a left sleeper hehehe.....
Eskimobaby, not yet. Prob 1day before? U?

Joyfully, CelC, i1BB.. Not tomrw babes.. My BT is on wed 27th! Tomrw is blurbabe's BT if I'm not wrong! But thanks nonetheless! Gives me more confidence to go thru this alone! My DH is away at sea, on a job. If only he is here to hear e news together.

Abple, thanks for e info dear. Hehe it will be good if we can go back e next day if needed. Too troublesome to come home & go back again. Donno how I'll feel while waiting for e results anyway.
Hey Cas, *big hugz* mai sad okie..... U r a strong strong girl" as all the ladies here are! 哭过后就要往前走. Go take a break wif dh cos who knows u might strike naturally!

I believe u still have snowbb left? Meanwhile do continue wif ur supplements ya..... Which TCM Dr r u going to?

Me on standby, waiting for FET.
SunnieHope, hugs. I understand how u feel. Most of is have been through that stage.

Hope, I will be taking care of myself. Ha, have been so used to it already. Let's jiayou together.

Usagi, all the best to your new job.
tiao your body during this period and Cheong again next year!

Ain, hope you'll bfp and all the best to your BT on wed.

Chevy, no worries. Thought I will just paste the article which

Luv has shared on the other thread with regards to sleeping on the left for the benefit of all sisters here.
Here’s why your pregnancy sleeping position matters: As your abdomen grows throughout pregnancy, the additional weight needs somewhere to go when you’re lying down. Early on in your pregnancy it might not make much of a difference – and you’re often so tired you don’t even pay attention to your sleeping position anyway. But as your body grows throughout your pregnancy, back-sleeping causes the full weight of your uterus to press on your spine, intestines, and major blood vessels. This additional pressure could cause digestive problems, hemorrhoids, shortness of breath, and lack of blood flow to the baby. That’s why lying on your back may cause you to grow dizzy and faint or experience lower back pain. 

Experts advise sleeping on your side, specifically your left side, to increase the blood flow to the placenta and your baby. If you’ve been accustomed to sleeping on your back or on your stomach, it’s good to start training yourself early in your pregnancy to get used to side-sleeping. Before you know it, you’ll be at a point when there’s no other comfortable position except on your side. 

That’s not to say, however, that side-sleeping has to be an uncomfortable experience. Most women who have been through a pregnancy will tell you that the key is pillows, pillows, pillows. You can start with a slim pillow between your legs to keep your knees slightly apart and your hips aligned. Many moms also feel more comfortable when they have a slim pillow tucked underneath their abdomen to give it some support. Additionally, you may need a pillow tucked in behind your back to give you extra support from behind. If you’re used to back-sleeping, you can lean back into your back-pillow and create a compromise position between side-sleeping and back-sleeping.
Good luck to all the ladies in the 2ww. Fingers crossed!✌

I have 3 more days before i fly down to Sg. I am just hoping my 3 times a week TCM for the last 2 months can do some miracle.
Bigbear, me too, my menses shortened after my 2nd failed FET. It did not go back to the last time anymore. I asked my tcm doctor and she said it is better can clear faster.

I am contemplating to do my next fresh cycle in Aug or Sep.

Anyone has information if Dr Loh will be going away for conference?
Hi Randy, hope your dizzy spells are gone. Today, our blastocysts are finding their ways to attach to sites in our uterine lining... How amazing right?

Hope, have u been able to sleep well for past few days? Today, your blastocysts have begun to hatch out of their shells today.

Redvelvet, have you been coping well after your ET? Yay.. Your embryos are have become blastocysts today!
Jning, all the best to your ER tomorrow! Pray that all your eggs will be of good quality in size and consistency, and will be able to fertilize into gd embryos for your ET!

Rest well today k?
Bigbear, all da best to your ivf cycle in July.. Tat's really fast! A few more days and it is July Liao. Hope you'll get a bfp this round!!! Jiayou!!!
Abple, thanks! So are u starting your cycle this thur or fri?

All the best to your cycle, and hope we'll all graduate together.
Joyfully, thanks for your prayers! I was still thinking of going for supper before the 12midnight fast

Just received an email from a client who signed off:
"Have a fruitful week ahead!"
Hahahaa, so apt for my week!

How are you feeling today? From your posts, looks like you are in the best of moods!
Blastocyst stage, WOW! Pray God will continue to glue your little ones tightly to you. Same for all sisters in 2ww. Have a fruitful week!
how i wish i can be like you to be at home... had to come back to work already, weather so hot! no appetite to eat.

all the best for your ER tomorrow

U Go Gal, Joyfully. i see u are in a joyous mood. Keep up the good spirit.
I am guessing my period may start thurs or fri and am booked to fly on thurs. I am eagerly anticipating to start but the other part of me is hoping my period doesn't come, u know what i mean?  best of luck with yours!
