IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Babymaking, Thanks for the link. Do you mean ginger is no good for those already pregnant?

The link wrote: "Ginger was found to be effective for relieving the severity of nausea even in cases of pregnancy. Tests were conducted on pregnant women who were suffering from morning sickness. A high percentage was able to find relief from doses of ginger without worrying about the risks of harming their unborn babies. Remedies made from the ginger are recommended as an herbal tonic to invigorate the reproductive system as a whole by many herbalists."

Anyway, I will go and check out with my TCM doctor about this.
Hi hi gals, I’m back from my short trip!
It was relaxing and nice to spend time out of sg with loved ones.

chris: yap, will see tcm to see what my body constitute is. thanks for the advice.

blessing: thanks for the update. will give dr zou a call.

hopeful: thanks for the contact and pointers.
hmmm... planning when to see him.

flower: *hugs*. yap, go for 2nd opinion.
what is DHEA? Really don’t know the basis for long or short protocol.

ziah: welcome!!! i guess the purpose of this forum... give support to each other.

baby: welcome too!!!

wongval: glad that u are feeling better! and no more pregnyl jabs

babymaking: I salute yr perseverance. I hope I can be too.

Miracle_baby: congrats!!! So morale of the story, don’t trust expired hpt. :p
I feel like crying too. Its a tough and difficult journey like climbing a mountain with no peak. When will I reach my destination?

Congrats !!!! I wanna grab grab many baby dust!
Miraclebaby!!!!! Congrats!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!
I'm grabbing ur bb dust! Told u they must have forgot to call or thought they call already. Hhehe! Yes I pray friday goes well. Am out now for dinner with sec sch friends, hope my bloat will be good!

Wongval... My tummy is still as round as a balloon!!!!!!! U passed progesterone so that should be okay k! ;)
thanks grace do take and keep baby dusts for your next cycle

thanks mumwannabe ya baby dusts for you.

hazel many thanks. ok then I will be looking forward to my first scan two weeks later and also dr Loh! *feel like bullying him again* lol heheh
thanks kimmy.. heheh when I was about phoning but suddenly need to do a big business and leave my HP on bed.. After that I saw the email from kkivf. I half open my eyes to read one word by word till shows...pregnant! Then I shout at top of the voice and jump for joy then shred little tears.. am I silly right though I am already the mum of 14mths toddler?
Not good for those already preggy n those in 2ww cos during this period of time, womb shd be stable and not cOntracting.

Progesterone works to reduce contractions as well, that's given during any bleeding during early preg, so the point us to avoid contractions.
Hi ineedmiracle, they called. Reduce Lucrin to 10 iu n continue purgeon 450 iu. Nx scan is Friday morning..
They will let me know follicle n lining tom when I collect my medication.. Somehow I dun ve a gd feeling..

Hi Miracle Baby, thousands of congrats!!! So envious!!
Congrat to miracle baby!!!
So happy to see bfp news on a blue monday. can share what u did during your 2ww? U take medicated fet? Did u go back to work after et? Whats ur embroye grade that use after thawing? Grab ur bb dust hard and hv a smooth pregnancy ya!!

Grace, nice to see u back.;) where did u go for a short holiday? Me plan to go with hubby to batam too. Not sure shd i stay at batam view or batam holiday inn, any advise which resort is good?

Kimmy, su, wonggal etc in 2ww, look forward to more bb dust fr u gals this week! Yeh! Must prepare a big bag!
Thanks hopeful, do continue fighting for your goal. All the best!

I hope to hear more bfp news from wongval, kimmy and the rest on this friday!! So excited for you all.
Gambatte, thanks!
Better not follow me. I don't take care of myself very well for this time FET. ya medicated cos I have pcos and very bad irregular period for many years. After only 3 days MC given for FET, I went back to work. So far only brazil nuts and chicken essence.
For my first cycle I am very serious with the diet and sufficient rest. Of course it is my very first try of which I don't allow to take things easy.
Now that I went thru FET, I have to be easy as long as I
know my own condition.
Each has own different body reactions whether in strong or
weak forms. If you know your own body you will take more
care or not depending on yourself.
Pray to God with a sincere thanks.
im on my fifth day after ET... BT wld be on 1 Aug.
on 2 inserts of progesterone support each day,
had diarhrea on the day after ET, hope my embies didn't leak out! and since that day, constipation.
And also feel cramps and a little like contractions especially after putting in the inserts.
Dun feel really bloated...

somehow feel that this FET is not as easy as my first IVF, maybe coz now i have a toddler to take care of...

congrats miracle baby!
dun worry abt ur bhcg of 293, it's good! mine first pregnancy was 180!
Thanks BNB and the best to you too.

Thanks paule. I see and thank you for assuring me not to worry. wish you bfp on your beta test date. take care as I understand the stress on taking care of toddler and yourself at a same time.

I too continue praying that my baby or babies still good inside me.
Miraclebb, U r so lucky as didnt do much n can strike.. Maybe relax really is the key for ur success. take care!!

Paule, u oso doing fet? How many days will u be resting? U will bfp like miracle since u hv already suceed in ivf before. Gambatte! ;)
mumwannabe: i'm sure we will be one day!

flowers: yah lor, need to allocate more of such quality time.

will keep in mind for DHEA.

miracle_baby: yes, grapping the baby dust for next cycle.
if i were u, i will be shouting and jumping too.
and i read that bhcg level is not see the absolute value, but the change in bhcg across days.
so dont worry, u are fine!

wongval: thanks!!! yap, looking forward to next cycle. haha :D

gambatte: i went KL. for batam, i just went to harris and klm (something like that) before.
harris is ok, with pool, spa, etc.
klm more for spa and to experience the kampong feeling, which I din quite enjoy.
Hi wongval!
Thanks for asking, feeling way better today. Bloat has subsided but it's still there. I'm thankful with no sharp pains today. Still constipating a little but end up with softer stools...

How are you feeling? ;)
Hello All Mums to be,

I laugh and cry reading all the postings and it seems that I understand what you guys are gg thru.
The pain, the hope and faith.

Im gg back to KKH tmr to do my baseline scan and bloodtest and to collect the puregon jap.
This will be my first cycle of IVF so a lot to venture and learn.

Thanks for all the pointers I learn just by reading and following all the postings.

Have faith dear all!! (telling myself that everyday too hee)
is it okay that I was pescribed with dydrogesterone? I thought it was to induce the menses but why as I was bfp? kindly advise.. oh my I so worried when I just went to toilet.. saw spotting.. pray my baby really alright..
mircale baby: hope your babe is ok! I'm sure it is!
Call KKIVF to check.

Kimmy: Glad you're much better. I think it should subside more as the days goes. I'm feel realy fine! My last pregnyl was on wednesday right, and by Monday, bloat is gone. Today, I even can wear my normal clothes. Now I'm worried cos no bloat.. and I'm very wet all the time. Dunno whether it is because of the inserts or what.. feels like before my period...
Thanks Grace, i went Harris before too. Love the new wing.

Miracle baby, dun worry, dupherston is given for pregnancy support, once bfp, kkh will give this. How it help to induce af as it cheat body thot already pregnant which means already in 2ww, and if stop taking it, the lining will start breakdown and af will come. So that those whose af always not here, take this to cheat the body that we are oredi ovaluated. For ur spotting, think many sis here say is ok, do bed rest more k. If got cramp, better rush to 24hr kkh. Rest well in the mean time.
Need to continue 450 iu purgegon and next scan is on Friday.
Lining as of yesterday morning is 6.5. Ard 15 follicles, of which 11 are tiny..

Any one has any thoughts?
My little joy, duphaston, the other medical name for dydrogesterone are used as support in first tri on KKH. It can also induce menses if period is haywire. So, usage can be for both. Are u taking one tablet 2x a day? Write to dr Loh n tell him u are spotting and if there Is a need to increase to more dosage. Duphaston csn be taken up to 3X a day at 2 tablets each time. But seek his approval. If spotting din stop later. Go 24hrs later n request for additional injection support. Usu the dr on duty will give prolution jab. Ask for more MC n rest at home.
Spotting can be due to a few reasons. Now early stage usu view as not even support since scan can't see anything yet. Just get more support if it persists to. I know spotting is alarming but dun worry. With more support, it shld stop. Duphaston support shld start immediately yesterday when u r confirmed bfp. As u are notified late, maybe u went late for BT. If not medicine is collected at abt 3pm
Same day as confirmed bfp. Anyway, monitor n write to dr Loh to ask if u can increase duphaston intake n go down for jab if the spotting dun stop after u started pn duphaston. Rest at home.
hi wongval,
im also a bit wet! there's some water mark staining whenever i go pee and i wonder if that is consider spotting. Its like dried up and I can't tell if its very light brown or anything. Oooops.
we're 3 days away from our reward!

Hi miracle baby,
I hope the spotting has stopped for you. Remember to stay positive. ;)
Progestrone inserts you mean. That one csn test even earlier. Hpt tests for level of hcg in the urine. Pregnyl jabs contain hcg but not progesterone. So on insert, can test as early as d8. Implantation happens as early as d8 to d12 or so
Hi All

I'm here to spread some baby dust!

I did my ER about 2 months ago. As my risk for OHSS is high, Dr recommend that i freeze all my embryos and do FET in the next cycle. I did my FET on 13 July and was supposed to go for pregnancy test on 30 July. We cheated and tested last night and it is a positive! We went down for bloodtest today and confirmed the pregnancy. HCG is 842!
Wow babybun! Congrats!!! Grabbing yr dust! It's really a week of positive news so far!!!

Hi hazel, thanks for info. Wanted to know cuz was on pregnyl jabs so wonder when hcg from the jab will wear off...

Thank you! Hope to hear more good news soon!

Tzac, as long as it's not hcg, it's fine. I tested when I'm progesterone pills, inserts and jabs too. Good luck to you!
