IVF at SGH in Jan / Feb 2013

Emmm, I also agreed with ecym lah. Maybe we apps and post here as well, LOL. I wonder any sisters may be my cycle buddy cos I may do my cycle in Jun/Jul or Sep, cos wanna skip the lunar 7th month.

Dianna, I pm you le. Enjoy ur 2ww wor. Is this your 1st fresh or FET?

1st fresh
Hihi ladies I just collected med from sgh n will b starting on long protocol today.. Any idea how to improve the quality of the follicles? The nurse told me the number of follicles i have are considered low for my case as the ave should b around 20-30
hopefully everything will turn out fine.. If the number of follicles are low does it mean will not have ohss?
hi Catherine, not sure whether got improve.
But i took protein supplement, and 2 egg whites each day.

on my ER day, took out 19 embryos, more was left inside cos dr cant reach it. and total i got 2 x grade 1 embroys with 8 cells. 4 of them freeze now.
Thanks Diana.. Wat is the protein supplement that u r taking? Can get from pharmacy directly? Quite worried abt the quality of my egg n it could b the reason y I can't conceive.. Haiz..
Hmm mine's from amway.
But I think majority ladies here took other brands. If u scroll to the past history thread.
HI Catherine, my reserve also very low due to surgery 2 yrs ago and also my age. Retrieved only 5 eggs and only 2 fertilised. In 2ww now.

Jackzel, pray hard that your AF dont come!
u dont always think abt that, it will make u more worried and affect your hormone.

Dianna, this afternoon, after finish pee, I saw light browish discharge when wipe. then just now, slightly more. wa lao.. I thought my mensus come !!

any idea if mensus will come before BT ? jia lat I also a bit nervous now!
emily, don panic. rest and lie down. maybe is implantation bleeding... think positive.

anything remember call the emergency hotline and ask the operator trsf u to dr.

i remember dr yong says there will be bleeding, unless is heavy bleeding like menses we shld be worrying abt, the rest we have to relax. give dr a call...
Thanks Emily. Its hard not to think when I am desperately yearning for a baby. Anyway sorry to hear that you are having staining. It happen to me as well. I started to stain 6 days before BT.
Emily, how's e bleeding? If need be, call the emergency number OK. Take deep breath n try to relax, though I know it's hard....
Dream bear, now got blood clot ! I think it is over.

Dianna, I didnt call. My nipple no more pain since yday when I see first brownish discharge. Same like period time. When nipple no more pain., period will come shortly. So I think no hope liao. So fast the process end for me, don't even can reach BT date.

Jackzel, that time when u bleed on d6, do u still go back for BT?
Oh... Sad to hear that. Maybe can give a call to CARE tomorrow? When's ur expected BT?

We r in whatsapp grp chat, u wanna join?
Hi sisters!

I'm going for my ivf counselling next wed

will be booking a date for my ivf then.
Both dh and myself have done all the pre check and bloodworks. Dr says i have 39 follicles on CD2 scan and say i have high risk of OHSS.

This will be my 1st fresh and i hope all will be smooth smooth.

I'm under Dr Herma. Anyone with her too?

Hi Dreambear! :p

Emily, regarding the 4x sample is not within a day right? lol if not my dh will give me a super shocking face man! Anyway how all is well for you..
HI Miracle, not within a day. Your hubby can schedule, as long as before the date of egg collection. On egg collection date, ur hubby can provide the 4th sample fresh on that day.
Hi miracle, 4x sperm samples not done in a day la... Have to plan schedule one but I believe if yr DH result ok, no need 4x...

Emily, don't lose hope yet .... Update us tomolo ok?
Hi ecym, yes this is my first fresh cycle.. Done a few iui in the past n got a miscarriage last yr.. Hope everything will b smooth this round
ecym: yeah im under 30. I read if OHSS some may need to abort the procedure ? sigh...
i went through 2 IUIs with pte doctor but failed.
did a lap last nov and found endometriosis.

btw i have a daughter, coming 4 this year. She was conceived naturally.

Hope i can start either late june or early jul.. me too want to avoid lunar 7th mth hehe.

my dh troops should be ok too.. so if he were to provide 4x samples they will freeze the spermies before the ER day ah?

Jia you Emily..
Hi gals.. i will be going for consultation next week. May i noe if any of ur hb having 0% mophology sperm? Able to still proceed with ivf?
Can't sleep the whole night, feeling very hot but DH say its not hot at all.

When I feel hot, I got the tendency to scratch my legs cos they are so itchy. Had eczema all along...
Hi Miracle, i also hve a dotter, she's turning 3 in June. About the 4x sample, I would guess so... I tried to ask Nurse Barbara over the phone, she said dr yu will explain in details on 13 May when she sees us.

Jackzel - my AF comes today le, as expected.

Hi Jasmine, my HB morphology is <1%, Nurse said want HB need to provide 4 samples. But I understand guys condition very different from us. Some of the guys condition are temp ones. with correct diagnosis maybe can reverse?
Dianna, dreambear, ecym, Jackzel,Miracle, I did early BT today instead of 6 May. BFN.
dont know what shld be my next plan now.. Nurse asked me to go back review on 31 May.

Heard abt Dr Zhao from other forum.. not sure if shld go for her to 'tiao' my body and do accupunture. Heard she helps lots ladies, not sure if I shld seek her help. Pls give me some advise.. now really lost direction.. everything started so fast on 10 Apr and ended today. But will definately try again after 3 to 4 mths time.
Hi DIanna, I didnt see Dr Yu coz she at theather doing surgery. SHe just asked nurse to do BT for me. So I will not know the reason.. i guess she wont know also. I will see her on 31 May for review. Guess she will tell me, embroy not developed after tf, my uterus not receptive etc etc.. I will asked her what her suggestion for me in next round. I also wanna asked her why my embies was tf on D2 instead of as usual D3. Not sure if this is the reason for this failure..
is it also u got agitated by ur in laws? saw ur post that u said u rather go back to work then to stay at home get angry.

emily, don give up. just rest a few mths first. plan for a short trip and come back start again.
I got flare up when see her do something stupid.. eg washing cloths (3pcs) using washing machine. I mean can accumulate and wash together mah, no need waste water and power.

Yes, I wont give up until my 3rd try. Now trying to look for new chinese Dr to tiao my body. Any recommendation ?
Hi emily... u may wan to try e tcm engaged by mark lee? Chen qiu mei doc... is at chinatown... if u wan den i provide her details ba... but appt gt to wait bout 1 mth...
yes, I went to her before. I gave up after 1 mth bcoz very troublesome to brew medicine.. SHe at chinatown now? I last seem her was at NTU.

I prefer no need brew medicine one.. hihi
Ya i see her bout half yr liao... but still think process kinda slow.... she tue thur at ntu, mon wed fri at chinatown.

Sorry to hear about that.. hugs.. Do take a good break and you'll come back stronger when you're ready..
Chen qui Mei = Tan Siew Buoy = TSB

A lot of us seeing her now... i had my first appt with her on 22 Apr, gave me herbs to drink while ask me to go back to her after i got result from CARE...funny leh, she did not feel my pulse which i thot all sinseh will?
Emily, the reason why they did a day 2 transfer instead of D3 could be because of the quality of the embies and is not growing well thats why they need to be faster transfer back to the womb. The womb is so called the best condusive place for them to grow.
Ellis, real funny that she didnt feel your pulse le. That means she anyhow give u medicine? so that means before I go to her, must collect all the report first la. I hav yet to call for appointment. I will go to NTU one. Got idea which day she working? clinic open till what time?

Jackzel, ya I asked the nurse today. But my embies were on 4 cells on D2, meaning it is normal. COz I read that on D2, embroy should be 2 to 4 cells. Sad that they didnt let my embies to grow 1 more day to 6 to 8 cells before they tf to my uterus.
