Sigh.. Guess I don't need to go for BT on Fri.. My AF came. Guess another round of injections and appointments after seeing the doc.. :(
Just finished my ET. Got 1 very good blastocyst while 2 others are still under observation cos they still in early stage.

yea now you are officially in tww. take care ya. guess same as me back then slow blasts freeze only day 6. but no worries slow but good is what do the trick.
Iwantahealthybaby: heard that they will transfer us to normal gynac after review by our doc? Don't know which gynac to transfer to.
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@LynnCandy, I not sure about this. Or Isit cause dr a don't specialise in delivery? I think a lot people who BfP under dr tan hh goes to him for delivery too. I was wondering if should we chose a gynae who knows ivf and delivery or we can find one just purely who do delivery? But it's still a bit far for me to headache about this. I just praying my scan next week can see baby and best hear heartbeat :) every waiting stage is torturing and scary. So looking forward to the next aptm but scare to hear result
@LynnCandy, I not sure about this. Or Isit cause dr a don't specialise in delivery? I think a lot people who BfP under dr tan hh goes to him for delivery too. I was wondering if should we chose a gynae who knows ivf and delivery or we can find one just purely who do delivery? But it's still a bit far for me to headache about this. I just praying my scan next week can see baby and best hear heartbeat :) every waiting stage is torturing and scary. So looking forward to the next aptm but scare to hear result
Mine is Dr S always busy and under private rate. Want to check to see if got subsidy.
Iwantahealthybaby. . Yes must eat more now, when u still can! Before ur morning sickness comes and u start to lose weight!
I lost 3 kg with lost appetite. Really can't force much food down from week 6 onwards.
Iwantahealthybaby. . Yes must eat more now, when u still can! Before ur morning sickness comes and u start to lose weight!
I lost 3 kg with lost appetite. Really can't force much food down from week 6 onwards.

Actually i thought will be good if can lost weight yet not affect bb health. but i wont purposely diet. i hope i can continue with no symptoms for the months to come but most importantly bb still growing healthly inside. at least give me signs. wonder if next vist can see heartbeat already....at least i can ease my mind abit.
Iwantahealthybaby. . Yes must eat more now, when u still can! Before ur morning sickness comes and u start to lose weight!
I lost 3 kg with lost appetite. Really can't force much food down from week 6 onwards.
Hi Jooo, after visiting our doc for scan and review, will they transfer us to normal gynac? which doctor you are currently with?
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Hey lynncandy, I am seeing private gynae. So far, he hasn't transfer me out yet cos he does delivery as well. I guess I wld only know the hospital packages and choices when I visit for my 12 week scan. Doc also advise me not to bd! !!! Can u imagine for 3 months! !?!!
Hi to all: I'm very stress out .. I'm in the middle stage progress of ivf... will be retrieving eggs soon once ready... today my boss said to me that he wanted me to convert to part time due to my abscence for tests, see dr and procedures. he even said that maternity might not be covered for me due to clinic is still new... There's people coming for interviews but he keep criticising that he can see that they are not really keen , they will only work short term;etrc.... He said to me that i got to think of the clinic if there is people covering my shifts before i can think of myself... i'm only taking a salary of $1700:(... he insist his way, said to change my surgery days or whatever to solve the problem... the worse thing is he is a doctor himself and he said these things to me. i know that i'm not supposed to be angry or any thing that affect my mood at this time during the process but i feel so hurt and angry now. i want so much to cry now....... anybody can help me out here???
Hi ladies

Is IUI the next step after unsuccessful trials on clomid? I have 3 M/C previously in 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Have stop 'clinical' trials since last June. Am going to my gyane this evening to talk about IUI. So glad to find this support group.
Zaan, sad that your boss is not understanding. Few things to consider:
- is his request in line with terms in your employment contract?
- any possibility to negotiate?
- how important / critical is ur presence in his clinic?
- is there any union or council who can help you with your rights?

Hope it will work out for the better.
Hi to all: I'm very stress out .. I'm in the middle stage progress of ivf... will be retrieving eggs soon once ready... today my boss said to me that he wanted me to convert to part time due to my abscence for tests, see dr and procedures. he even said that maternity might not be covered for me due to clinic is still new... There's people coming for interviews but he keep criticising that he can see that they are not really keen , they will only work short term;etrc.... He said to me that i got to think of the clinic if there is people covering my shifts before i can think of myself... i'm only taking a salary of $1700:(... he insist his way, said to change my surgery days or whatever to solve the problem... the worse thing is he is a doctor himself and he said these things to me. i know that i'm not supposed to be angry or any thing that affect my mood at this time during the process but i feel so hurt and angry now. i want so much to cry now....... anybody can help me out here???

If you going ahead, the timing it's very hard to control. You may want to consider if you need to change job as so stressful, will it affect your IVF results?
Hi to all: I'm very stress out .. I'm in the middle stage progress of ivf... will be retrieving eggs soon once ready... today my boss said to me that he wanted me to convert to part time due to my abscence for tests, see dr and procedures. he even said that maternity might not be covered for me due to clinic is still new... There's people coming for interviews but he keep criticising that he can see that they are not really keen , they will only work short term;etrc.... He said to me that i got to think of the clinic if there is people covering my shifts before i can think of myself... i'm only taking a salary of $1700:(... he insist his way, said to change my surgery days or whatever to solve the problem... the worse thing is he is a doctor himself and he said these things to me. i know that i'm not supposed to be angry or any thing that affect my mood at this time during the process but i feel so hurt and angry now. i want so much to cry now....... anybody can help me out here???

Yup, agreed with Mich. Look out for union that can help you. I sure you got your rights since you did inform him about this ivf cycle beforehand. As a doc he should be showing support and not taking advantage of you.

Please don't let this affect your ivf. You already come so far. Talk to your hubby. See what can be done. Or you might want to take a break first and change to another job.
Hi....will u be able to share the process of IVF. Which is like from which cycle day onwards the whole process starts. Thank u
For all bfp ladies..do u all have cramps before bfp? I'm having cramps on and off for past three days..so worried if I'm going to fail this ivf
For all bfp ladies..do u all have cramps before bfp? I'm having cramps on and off for past three days..so worried if I'm going to fail this ivf
Hi kool123, I have cramps since 1ww and the feeling is like AF coming. Even till the day I have my bt also the same. It is like this one. I am bfp.
Lynn candy. .nice to know that. Is ur cramps constant or on and off? Mine occasionally sharp cramp and then stop...then pain again..after that dull pain
Lynn candy. .nice to know that. Is ur cramps constant or on and off? Mine occasionally sharp cramp and then stop...then pain again..after that dull pain
Yes. On and off making me so scare that AF is coming. It is quite normal. I have checked with the nurse.
Wow Lynn so glad to know that! U gave me some hope.... I'm so scared af arrive coz the pain is so unbearable at times. Sleep also affected..tot my ovaries too sensitive
How did u manage thru the waiting? Though I watching tv but can feel my mind is on the cramps and feel so crazy with this waiting game
Hi to all: I'm very stress out .. I'm in the middle stage progress of ivf... will be retrieving eggs soon once ready... today my boss said to me that he wanted me to convert to part time due to my abscence for tests, see dr and procedures. he even said that maternity might not be covered for me due to clinic is still new... There's people coming for interviews but he keep criticising that he can see that they are not really keen , they will only work short term;etrc.... He said to me that i got to think of the clinic if there is people covering my shifts before i can think of myself... i'm only taking a salary of $1700:(... he insist his way, said to change my surgery days or whatever to solve the problem... the worse thing is he is a doctor himself and he said these things to me. i know that i'm not supposed to be angry or any thing that affect my mood at this time during the process but i feel so hurt and angry now. i want so much to cry now....... anybody can help me out here???

i hate ur boss. if i were u, i have quit long time ago. no heart at all, for wat work for him! idiot a doctor which has no heart at all!
Hii ladies.. im in letroZole 2nd cycle.. i always have diarrohea is it normal...today my day 24 n horrible diarohea... im soo heartbroken...maybe im goin to end up having my mensua
Hi to all: I'm very stress out .. I'm in the middle stage progress of ivf... will be retrieving eggs soon once ready... today my boss said to me that he wanted me to convert to part time due to my abscence for tests, see dr and procedures. he even said that maternity might not be covered for me due to clinic is still new... There's people coming for interviews but he keep criticising that he can see that they are not really keen , they will only work short term;etrc.... He said to me that i got to think of the clinic if there is people covering my shifts before i can think of myself... i'm only taking a salary of $1700:(... he insist his way, said to change my surgery days or whatever to solve the problem... the worse thing is he is a doctor himself and he said these things to me. i know that i'm not supposed to be angry or any thing that affect my mood at this time during the process but i feel so hurt and angry now. i want so much to cry now....... anybody can help me out here???
Continue with your ivf.. If you are pregnant, he cannot sack you out of no reason. And he's supposed to give maternity.. You can complain to mom if he doesn't.. If unfortunately your cycle fails, then better find a new job.. Hopeless to work for such a doc..
How did u manage thru the waiting? Though I watching tv but can feel my mind is on the cramps and feel so crazy with this waiting game
I cramp like very bad diarrhoea then thought what happen to me initially. Actually is just part of implantation. Haha.. chat in this forum and share with the sisters here, time will fly very fast. .
Lynncandy, when did u cramp like diaherra? Cos for the last few nites after my et on last sat, I kind of ls.. I rem the day after et, I cramp n diaherra n I perspire like mad at 5am in the morning.. last night on n off cramp abit here n there then I thot I slp it off... but stomach pain woke me up at 5plus again n I start perspire in my slp.. so scared until I go see dr today n he put me thru few bt n u/s said everything ok leh.aso cfm no ohss...
I still can't explained the pain I had this morning, it's not sharp pain like something gona burst inside until I woke up n see my dh slp like a pig, I feel like crying n punch him ……
Zann, seriously your boss cmi! Don't appreciate his staff. Given this situation I think you stay there during your ivf protocol will only add on to your stress. But since ask u quit now also no beneficial to you then I rather you hang on but don't bother much about him. Once after the tww then you decide. Better leave before he Chu pattern again!
Lynncandy, when did u cramp like diaherra? Cos for the last few nites after my et on last sat, I kind of ls.. I rem the day after et, I cramp n diaherra n I perspire like mad at 5am in the morning.. last night on n off cramp abit here n there then I thot I slp it off... but stomach pain woke me up at 5plus again n I start perspire in my slp.. so scared until I go see dr today n he put me thru few bt n u/s said everything ok leh.aso cfm no ohss...
I still can't explained the pain I had this morning, it's not sharp pain like something gona burst inside until I woke up n see my dh slp like a pig, I feel like crying n punch him ……
During the 2ww, on and off got pain like af coming the pain and sometimes like diarrhea. I also got ls.. Now I am another 2ww for me after bfp to see doc. . Wait and wait very kan cheong..

Furthermore, I am feeling cold once in a while in the air con room which usually I don't.. my friends who have preggy before said they also encounter this..
