Gleneagles Baby

Hi Keann,

Your boy hair is abt the same as mine.

Yup, i was guessing u were too tired to log on to chat here since u have started work. I will be starting work in 3 wks time. Think i will also feel very tired too... U so lucky to have yr mum to help u. My mom & mil so long never look after kids so i doubt they know how to bath my boy. Feeding they are still all rite. So once i start work, hope they can help out too.

I will be taking a break & going to Shanghai for holiday with my hubby during the last wk of this month. Since he will b going there for biz trip, i might follow him there. After im back to spore, the next day i will have to return back to work liao. Time pass so fast......

Hi Lovedogs,

Congrats!!! Remember to update us your labor story & bb weight when u r free ya. Take care & have a good rest! I supposed u have gave birth too cox no news from u.

Hi Lynda,
Im staying at Hillview Regency & what abt u? Ya, we shall meet up when we r free since we r staying so near to each other!

Im worried cox my boy once scratched his face even though he was wearing the mittens cox the mittens got hole, not those fully cover type.

I have problems letting my boy use the pacifiers. During day time, he needs the pacifier to sleep & when the pacifier drop, he will cried. Worst still, the pacifier always dropped & he will sure to wake up. I tried using small toys to put beside the pacifier to prevent it to drop but still it doesnt help. Really headache. Lucky night time, he dont need it at all. So me & my maid always busy helping him to put back his pacifier when it dropped! So funny!!

hi marble,

aiyoh, too bad i gave birth on sunday and din know they had tied up. coz i wanted to donate and actually called up SCBB in March. They told me will call me back with appt etc but didn't

hi DLim, Lynda,

bb 2.745kg/50cm.... labour was 5 over not too long... had contractions until abt 7 mins interval and went to hospital. contractions was super unbearable by the time i reached hospital liao... thank goodness of epidural hor..

now resting at home and trying to learn about what is a baby and why they like to cry...hiaz... very confused... very worried the moment she cries.

CL fed her 2 whole bottles of the bottled milk given by hospital last nite leh... i was shocked!!!! then this morning, bb can't sleep and puked 3 times... u think she had been overfed? but after i latched on, bb manage to sleep again. but i juz wonder has she been overfed liao?

ask u ladies, when do i know i have to start expressing milk? or juz feed on demand will do?

how often do we need to massage our breasts?
Hi Lovedogs,
dun overfeed the bb!!! Their stomach is still very small and hence, if we overfeed them, they will pd mentioned this before as my boy vomitted during initial stage too. Me has been expressing milk since i'm in hospital and i nvr massage my breast a lazy mum lah

wow Dlim, so good! I hope to go for a break too but can bear to leave him...haha. So who will be taking care of him while u r away? Me is just staying at those HDB flats opp u!!!!!! oh yes, we shld meet up man..

ya i start work very early as i'm working in hospital...shift work. How abt u? Whats yr profession? Both u n hb must be doing well coz Hillview Regency is like so luxury leh
CONGRATS! How's things coming along?
Dun overfeed the baby leh! MY GOD, finished 2 bottles. I fed about 15-20ml in the first week, slowly increasing.

I expressed my milk the 2nd day. More you expressed, more milk. But my milk supply now is slowly decreasing..sigh.
Hi ladies,
Today i went to Dr Yip for my boy's injections.
1st DPT, 1st Polio, 5-in-one and rotavirus! AIYO, so expensive!!! I spend about $400 today on jabs. SOB SOB

Anyone thinking of going to another PD?
Cos i think we all stay very near to each other. I stay in Yew Tee! Heard that there's a PD located beside Lot 1 shopping (building where Tom & Stefanie is). Not sure if it may be more affordable!
wow thats exp!!!!!
I went to a GP instead of a PD. I paid only $200 for his 6-in-1 and rotavirus...
hi lovedogs,


check with you - what freebies did u get from Glen E when u discharged?

my turn to deliver next month. anyone here also popping in jun?
hi mommies,

i am still shopping for baby stuff at this stage and i need some advice. please help!

- i am standing by 24 pcs of cloth nappies in case needed. do i need to buy some plastic pants to go over the nappies or i can just use the cloth nappies and let bb sleep on a waterproof cot sheet?

- heard conflicting comments on baby powder. do i really need to get it and is it necessary?

- how many swaddling baby blankets do i need? i've only got 1 hooded towel which i thot can be used for swaddling purpose. i also heard some babies hate to be all wrapped up and prefer to 'spread out' when they sleep?!

- is an anti-slip rubber mat for placing inside a bath tub really useful or non-essential?

sorry for the many qns...
hi keann,

that is indeed super expensive!!! oh dear...

hi lynda,

is it any GP will do? how abt checkup? coz PD has bb weighing machine and check for other signs etc... can we juz bring to PD for checkup and sign up with GP for vaccinations?

hi marble,


they give a goodie bag that contains a diaper bag and other booklets, mags (honestly, i haven't really open them! no time!).

then i got a frisco milk powder hamper. got a scarf too. i was told scarf was coz i delivered on mother's day.

i also got 24 cloth nappies but my CL nvr use them leh...she said what no good for the cord wor, must wait for the stump to fall off first??? duh! yes, better buy the plastic pants cover coz i was told will leak...

i nvr use powder on bb.

i got 4 funnel blankets from TMC coz my bb all day in aircon room and CL says need to rotate and wash daily...
hi lovedogs,

o u deliver on mother's day! that's great..makes it more significant!

ok i go buy the plastic pants this weekend.

u mean flannel blankets? the woolly woolly type?
Hi Lovedogs,

Mostl likely yr CL has overfeed. Try not to feed them too much. I also very lazy to massage my breast. My BM only came in on the 4th day & i always latch on whenever he is hungry. If he is not enough, i will give him some formula.

1st time i heard no good to use the nappies leh. So yr CL use pampers?

Hi Lynda,

Yes, i will sure miss my boy too but also want to take this opportunity to travel to Shanghai also. My mom & mil will take turn to look after my boy while im away.

So which block u r staying? Yah, we can meet up when u free. If u wan, u can either come to my place or club hse to meet up or i go to yr place.
Im working in IT line.

Btw, which GP u bring yr boy to? I know Bt Batok Central have a few children clinic...wonder is it cheap over there.

Kean & Lynda,

My PD also very exp. His consulation already $80. We also planned to bring my boy to see a normal GP.

Wow kean, $400 is very exp. Just this month, i bought my boy to see PD cox he is not feeling well then also gave him his 2nd hepatitis injection + rotavirus & that already cost $220!


Yes u need the plastic pants so that it will not get wet easily. If u let bb sleep on water proof sheet, it will be too hot.

U can buy baby powder to stand by. I bought 1st, i use the powder on my boy's neck cox his neck got rashes but after reading some comment, i stop using already. Only put some powder on his buttock when we change pampers for him.

I did not buy any swaddling baby blankets. I use the clean nappy to wrap my boy duing night time. Nappy is not so thick so he wont feel hot.

Anti-slip rubber mat is a must so that yr bb will not slip when u bath him in the bath tub.
hi Dlim,

yah loh, so fed up with my CL giving me so many excuses dun want to use cloth nappies. but which day the cord stum will drop off? i see whether she will give me anymore excuses by then. super pek chek.

wow, u going shanghai? how abt your breastmilk when u r away? express and throw or?

hi marble,

the goodie bag came with some J&J items...inside got bb powder so perhaps u can use that and see how first after discharge.
Hi Lovedogs,

The cord stum will drop off abt 1 wk time..really have to depend. Must remember to keep it in a red packet ya!

Yap, am going to Shangahi this coming fri. I already stopped BF cox my supply getting lesser & lesser.


Anyone of u interested to do a baby hair brush? They provide free hair cut with every purchase of Scholar's Brush. Below is the website that provide the service -

They also does Umbilical Cord Stamp into a crystal which is engraved with baby's name, photo and birthday can bring baby good wealth and health.

Im interested & may bring my boy there.
Hi Lovedogs,

There are pros & cons...

I do find life easier using Fm than BM cox anyone can just help to feed my boy. Somemore not that tiring.

Whereas BM have to latch on every 2 hours or whenever your bb is hungry. But then, its more healthy for yr bb & can save money!!

Really have to depends on yourself. If u have alot of supply, i would suggest u to go for BM. U can even pump it out & store in the fridge. Best, it can help u to slim down as well.
hi Dlim,

i guess for the personal pros (as in rest), FM is better?

wat is the time between feeds if being fed FM ? i mean, i guess if i use FM, CL will have no excuse to wake me up at night to say bb wanna suckle then willing to sleep this kind of excuse liao..

when u flying off to shanghai? have a great holiday
Hi Lovedogs,

Actually u can need totally feed on FM. U can actually pump out your BM & store in the fridge & ask your CL to feed ur bb during night time so u dun have to wake up in the night everytime.

Then during day time, u can latch will be more easier.

Another alternative way, u can ask CL totally feed on FM during night time & BM during day time

Thats what i did during the 1mth confinement period.
Hi Lovedogs,

The interval for feeding FM is every 2 hours when he was 1 month old. Now he is coming to 2 mths, the interval is every 3 hrs. Night time he can even stretch to 4-5 hours then drink his milk.

During 1 mth old, my CL feed my boy abt 50-60ml then slowly increase to 120ml cox he dun seem to be enough. Then my PD said he is slightly we cut down to 80-100ml.

Now he is coming to 2mths & we need to increase the amount back to 120ml again.
hi Dlim,

last night, after last feed at abt 1am... i woke up at abt 4am...milk leaking and engorged... so i had to express... hence, eventhough CL can feed bottled EBM at night, i still have to get up and express. Meaning after that, i have to wash up and throw them in sterilizer again.. tiring...then CL knocked on my door again at almost 7am to latch bb saying bb drank bottled EBM liao but refused to sleep...ask me to let her suckle... warrao, i super tired..

seems like ur bb can sleep very well?

so now i stick to 60ml per feed is ok? coz last night, when i expressed, both sides i got more than 125ml... so when i latch bb now and let her drink both sides, i worried she is taking abt 125ml it is too much then? coz latching i dunno how much she drank leh....
Hi Lovedogs,

Wow..u woke up so many times sure very tired. What time did the CL finished feeding yr bb? How come bb never sleep until 7am? U can actually tell the CL that u r very tired so dun always knock on yr door in the middle of the night & ask u to let bb sukle. Tell her night time u need to rest. If bb never sleep, its her job to make bb sleep else why u engage her for?

So in the end, after u let bb sukle, what time did she sleep.

So far, my boy is ok during night time & he do not need the pacifier to sleep. Only day time, he need the pacifier & does not sleep for very long. Sometimes, he will cry & want to be cuddle awhile b4 he can sleep.

60ml seems to be ok but after feeding, what time your bb need to drink again? Its hard to judge if u were to latch on. Lets said after u have finished latching on your bb, u note down what time she finished & what is the next feed u need to feed again so u can judge easily. Thats what i did also.
hi Dlim,

according to CL, she last fed bb at 5am...and then bb doesn't want to sleep. she tried pacifier bb also suckle suckle then spit out... so she said she tong till abt 7am then knock on my door to ask me to latch bb. i dunno how true leh..

coz during the day, after i latch, bb will sleep. normally bb sleeps for abt 2.5hrs to 3.5hrs...

if bb only 1 week old drinking abt 120ml is it too much?

ur boy so good.... day time active and night time will let you all rest.. i hope wat CL says is not true that my bb refuses to sleep at night...coz if not, after CL leaves, it will be even tougher on me
Hi Marble,
The blankets from TMC is very good. You cannot use the woolly type becos it may cause allergies in your baby. I bought it from Mrs Wong when i was at her class. I believed you should be able to get it frm TMC shop..not sure though. Got about 4 of them..i tik should be sufficient becos when you wash 1 or 2 of them, you still got stand by. But after abt 2 mths, i never swaddle my baby anymore, he's very afraid of the heat.
Good to hear you have so much milk. Continue pumping and latching on, it will help increase your milk supply. When baby latches on, don't worry you will overfeed, they will stop when they have enough.

I think 120ml for a 1 week old baby is too much. My baby is 3.5 mths now and each 3-hourly feed is 100ml.
Who is helping you take care of baby when you in shanghai? SO SHIOK...i missed having holidays!

Do you have problems that he doesn't eat?
My baby had his vaccinations (Polio, DPT, 5-in-1, Rotavirus) last Thurs, after that he has fever for 1.5 days. So heartbreaking...then after that his appetite dropped to just 50ml per feed. Today he only ate once in the morning, finally got him to eat again at 5pm for full feed. Hope he gets better later...wonder if the vaccines will cause a lost of appetite...

Why not u try to look after your bb for one night & see how true your CL is telling u. Let yr bb sleep with u for one night & see how...
Thats good if yr bb can sleep 2.5 - 3.5 hours. 120ml for 1 week old is too much. Maybe u want to cut down abit.


My mom & mil will take turn to look after my bb when i go to Shanghai. I will sure miss my boy when im away but i feel like taking a break 1st before starting work. I will be fyling this fri to shanghai.

So far, i dun have this problem. I think is common for bb to have fever after the injection. As for loose of appetite, i seldom heard before. I think could be the fever that cause the problem. Did u ask the doctor why your bb have this problem?

R u feeding Calpol to your boy? Guess this is the commmon medicine when bb having fever. I also very worry everytime when i bring my boy for injection.

Btw, what is the 5 in 1 injection for & how much is that? So far my PD never mentioned to me abt this injection. Dun worry, your boy will get better else must bring him to see doctor.
Hi Keann,
My doc told me to expect loss of appetite after injection, so its normal. Dun worry

haha...u reminded me of my confinement period...its really wow lau!!! how come keep crying n drinking and I cant sleep well at all...haha. Hang on, they will soon pass this phrase....hmm, my feeding is same as Keann, 100ml for 3 hrly feed.

Hi Dlim,
When are you coming back? Enjoy yourself with yr hb ya
How i wish i could fly too
Hi Lynda,

Thanks! I will be flying off this fri & return on 3 June and start work on 4 June. Sure very tired...
hi Dlim,

wow! thats a long break! so nice u can go for a vacation...envy envy...

actually, i suspect perhaps bb drinking 120ml as when i express, i have been getting 125ml both sides now. so if i can express so much, i am worried bb also drinks so much when she latches?

hi lynda,

serious? when will this phase be over? i can't wait..... feel like being in jail. then when i wanna rest, my mum will always come uninvited. very irritated... then i can't rest. she is here again!!!! i was juz abt to rest leh..

hi keann,

how is ur bb now? started eating more liao? can call the PD to ask? thats very worrisome hor...when bb kenna fever..

wanna ask u all... any good PD recommendation for me to sign package?
Hi Lovedogs,

No choice cox my hubby have to go to Shanghai & Suzhuo so i have to follow him thats why so long.

My PD also very exp so im planning to go for a GP instead. Which PD u r with now?


Which GP did u bring yr son to? Is it nearby to our place?
hi Dlim,

the PD i am seeing is dr ngiam...same clinic as dr yip...

but if we go GP, is it any GP? how abt checking bb's growth? will GP do or do we go GP juz for vaccination?
Hi Lovedogs,

I know Dr YY Yip at level 7 is always so crowded but i know he is good.

Actually i also not very sure as well. I heard from Lynda that she went to see GP so im thinking abt it too. Waiting for her to reply me here.

So r u going to try tonight to feed your bb instead of letting the CL to take care?
hi Dlim,

guess not so soon. hiaz, today CL tells me that she has to leave 1 day earlier. in fact, 3 days earlier.

initially i tot her duty covers 28 days. Then found out from her it is actually 27 days (she said due to the day 14 passport chop). So hor, i lugi 1 day. Then her last day became a sunday. now she tells me she wants to leave on saturday morning as her niece is getting married on saturday night. Hiaz!!

shd i pro-rate the pay? or close 1 eye and dun give ang pao? (or still give a small ang pao like $8)?
Yes, i think pro-rate. But don't tell her now. Did you get her from agency? If so, you should inform the agency. If it's freelance, then you should pro-rate. Cannot like that what....

You should start feeding your baby soon, or else you will ka lang ka bo when your CL leaves.
My baby is starting to eat more today. Almost to normal already. Whew. But his behaviour yesterday was somewhat HYSTERICAL. Keep crying when he wakes up, need to be carried and rock all the time. But then usually, he also likes to be carries...but he doesn't and won't cry so violently like he did yesterday night. So sleepy at work today....

So today i called Dr YY Yip. Left a msg with the nurse and he really called me back. Heard that he will never NOT return a told him abt baby. He said quite usual for baby to lose appetite for a day or 2, but any longer , i will need to bring baby to see him. Also, can throw tantrums as different babies got different reactions to the jabs. SIGH, it's only the first dosage, he reacted so unhappily. Still got SO MANY jabs to come!
Hi Keann,
Do u have YY Yip's clinic address n no? I heard he got a nite clinic at AMK? Can you share? 1 of my frens need it...thanks.

Hi Dlim/Lovedogs,
I bring him to a GP near my mum place. The GP will weigh him and check on him.

My boy is better after abt 1 mth. Give your bb sometime to adjust to the new environment. They love being cuddled at this time...
Hi all,
I post this above thingy using my fren profile coz we are surfing the same web at cafe
so, dun get confuse hor...
hi lynda,

where is ur mum staying? so for GP, we have to select those with bb weighing machine? coz normal GPs, i dun see it leh...

anyone has any lobang in tampines area?

if cuddle all the time then i very bo eng leh... i hope they can play on their own ...hheeehee...

hi keann,

aiyoh poor thing... now i very worried about going for vaccination if bb can get fever and so cranky hor... as they can't talk, sometimes really helpless on what to do...

as for CL, she can't grasp the concept of first in last out for EBM. hiaz...i tried to explain but she insists i freeze my latest EBM all the time saying best to freeze immediately to maintain nutrients. I got 19 more days with her so i tong..

yes, i think i will pro=rate using 27 days. I will pay her 26. actually, shd pay her only 25 as she leavin gin the morning of day 26. And 1 of nights next week, she attending wedding dinner somemore... i wont tell her until i pay her. worried she demands to be paid full...
Hi Lovedogs,

Yes, u have to pro-rate her. Why your CL like that. By right, she cannot said she want to leave earlier. Yup, dont tell her now until u pay her the last day.

I also cant stand my CL last time. She abit after she make the FM for my boy from the living room. She can drip the milk all the way to my bb's room & i have to clean up for her. Then she also talked very loud to my bb when my boy cried. Worst still, during night time when she feed my boy. She can feed until fall alseep!!! I caught her a few times already! SO angry!! Really cant stand her but like what u said no choice...i have to tong. Other than that, she is ok.

Agreed with Keann. U have to start to feed your bb your own. Else when your CL left, u will have problem taking care of your bb. Last time when my CL left, i felt so sad & worry i cant handle. Lucky I have my maid to help me...


After I heard what happened to your im really worry when i bring him for his injection. That time i ask my PD is it true that every injection, bb will feel sick & fever. He told me not all bb but then im worry also. Good to hear that your bb is ok now.


So your bring your bb near to your mum side to see the GP.... I thought is at Bt Batok area.
Lovedogs/ Dlim,

This is why i FIRED my CL after 3 days! We decided we cannot go through this sort of misery and i had help so it was still alright.

Life is very hectic for me these days. Work work work then home at 8pm then baby baby baby. He still wakes up to eat every 3-4 hours, so at night i still got to wake up. Feels like a machine...can't wait until next's a HOLIDAY!!!

U so late then reached home? Ya..can understand how u until so tired & when back to home still have to look after bb. Didnt your maid help u during the night time? Maybe u shld let your maid to handle at night time since u have start working now. Else, u sure very tired.

My boy also wakes up ard 3-5 hours for milk. How i wish he can sleep through the night after the last feed ard 10+ - 11+ till morning. Sometimes if im too tired, i didnt wake up when my boy cried in the night, i juz let my maid to handle.

Its my turn soon.. as I have to return back to work on the 4 June. Time pass so fast...2 mths + juz passed like that...
Hi Dlim/Lovedogs,
If you feel comfortable with a GP, then any GP will have the vaccination. The weighing scale for bb should be inside their far i went to 2 GP, they have it lor. Not sure abt the rest tho.

Hi Lovedog,
there is 1 PD at BLK139 tampines...heard that she is good.

Hi Keann/Dlim,
at least u gals got was like waking up at 5am, pump and go to work. After work, baby and tiring..24 hrs like not enough! Being a working mum is definitely not easy!
Hi all gleneagles mummies,

my edd is this august at gleneagles too... but when i asked my gynae what's the expected hospital bill for a normal delivery in a one-bedder, she said 6-7k!! Is it so expensive to give birth there???

Pls advise... thanks so much.....
hi Dlim,

my CL is neat and clean but stubborn and lazy i guess abt washing...coz of the cloth nappy incident.

anyway, i need to talk to her later as well as she is nice to fix the avent pump for me eveyr morning before my massage. however, there is something inside she fixed upside down. i always have to open and fix it which no to air mah... luckily i found the avent manual and got shd be able to convince her easily as got picture.

i realised these 2 days my bb cries very often...every 1 hour after feed...dunno y...CL juz pushes bb to me say bb wanna suckle... so i super bo eng BFg all the time

hi keann,

sounds super bo eng once returning to work leh... i think i will contemplate leaving my bb overnight at my mum's house when i return to work... really tough to be working mum... i guess i will not breastfeed once i return to work.

hi lynda,

u have the name of the PD in tampines? thanks..

hi Jo,

my bill for 1 bedder, natural with epi was $5.3K. However, i have frens' bill for same natural with epi for only $4.2K. It depneds on your gynae as different gynaes have different delivery rates and attendance fees.
hi lovedogs,

wow...after $5.3k still have to fork out $3.5k in cash...i had opt for 2-bedder cos afraid of the huge i doubt it will be of much difference...

oh ya, did Glen E give u any milk bottles? are we supposed to bring our own milk bottles and steriliser?
its at tampines blk 139 near KFC. No is 67838743, maybe you can call and check? Wow your bill is quite high ya. I paid less than $500 for 2 bedder...
hi lydna,

thanks for the phone number

hi gummi,

yes, u can request the nurses at the ward for glass bottles. but u will have to buy the cap. for me as i am on TBF, i did not bring any milk bottles or sterilizer. the hospital has those instant FM milk which are pre-sterilized. I believe if u opt for FM, they will feed bb with those.

the bulk of my bill went to gynae fees.

Gynae's delivery fees = $1140
Gynae's attendance fees = $1000 (he only visited me like 3 times to see everything ok...hiaz)

so total gynae fees already $2140 from total bill. Package for single bed is ard $2.5K plus all the misc...

others will be PD and anaesthetist fees which are std.

dun worry, check with ur gynae his/her delivery and attendance fees. coz my other gfs, their gynae bill only abt $1.2K (eg, $900 delivery, $300 attendance).

u can rest better in single bed i feel and with hb staying as lodger was very impt to me as he helped me get water, this and that, etc etc....

wow..seems like the bills can have such a drastic difference as compared with lynda's and lovedong's...ya, i will check with my gynae again this wkend when i go for my checkup. bt i remember he has a few packages, depending on what type of delivery, like natural w/o epi, natural w epi i also wont know until the day i give birth rite?

true that can rest better in single bed and with hb staying as lodger, bt im thinking 2-bedder can have more medisave deduction hb prefers single bed too...still thinking...

oh, i have not even went for the hospital tour i have to make a booking?
