Eat western medicine after drink chicken essence


New Member
Hi, I just a MC last week and did D&C last Sunday. Just wondering if it is ok to drink chicken essence or eat any other Chinese tonics while eating those western med like antibiotics prescribed by my gynae? Not sure if can mix Chinese tonics with western med... need everyone's advice on this. Thanks!
In Western medicine, everything also can! 咳嗽可以喝冷水、chicken-pox can bath, after giving birth also can take shower, and etc. 西医胡说八道的太多了。


I lived in US for many years. Seen lots of lao-laang living in assisted living home (讲难听一点是老人院),8/10 can't walk. Ang-moh现在年轻没事,老了一大堆病。They have fever, still eat chocolate, french fries and etc. They spent lots of money in medication. 老师在那里,刮大风下大雪,不流鼻涕,不伤风、感冒、发高烧的。

喝鸡精又吃西药,害死你就有。还会很难好的。老师可以跟你讲,Brand's 鸡精并不是真正的鸡精。

你生病了,就按时吃西药。三餐清淡、早睡觉。I have seen people took medicine with drink soft-drink.

这个世界上,讲不听的人很多。Believe me, teach and share the good things, people usually don't listen. Human beings are funny, feeling good listening to 'lies'.
Hi, I just a MC last week and did D&C last Sunday. Just wondering if it is ok to drink chicken essence or eat any other Chinese tonics while eating those western med like antibiotics prescribed by my gynae? Not sure if can mix Chinese tonics with western med... need everyone's advice on this. Thanks!
@wildrocketzz, hope my reply is not too late. Sorry about your loss. I just had a MC early this week too. Though I did not do D&C, I still did a mini confinement. I intend to see TCM to tiao my body. You need that to get your body back in health. It is ok to take Chinese tonic or TCM while on western medicine as long as it is 2 hours apart.
