<Easy to Reach USD125 Due to Personal Orders> Amazon Spree - Collection at Marsiling/JE/NUS/Tampines


Guiding Points
We are pooling orders so as to enjoy Amazon's free shipping to Singapore.
• We will place order upon value of consolidated orders reaching US$125.
• As we have personal items to get, we will reach USD125 easily.
• Items need to be (i) sold and fulfilled by amazon and (ii) able to be shipped to Singapore.

Self-Collection Locations
1. 148 Woodlands St 13 - anytime, any day <must collect from here for bulky items>
2. Marsiling MRT - 6pm on weekdays' evenings
3. Jurong East MRT - lunch time and 5:45pm-6:00pm on weekdays
4. NUS - lunch time on weekdays
5. Tampines MRT - 7:30pm on weekdays
5. Blk 888A Avenue 3 - after 8:30pm on weekdays and anytime on weekends

If you prefer normal/registered mail, we will advise you the cost which will vary from $0.50-$4, following Singpost rates: www.singpost.com.sg.

Format of Orders
Amazon's URL:
Cost in SGD: <e.g. US$xxxx X 1.33>
Preferred mode of collection:

Please transfer to my POSB Savings Account 068-42554-9.

Feel free to PM me or email me at [email protected] if you have any question.

Last edited:

To Account POSB Passbook Savings Account
068-42554-9 potato2 Amazon
Transfer Currency and Amount S$38.82
Transaction Reference 13258080787
Thanks !
I have transferred into ur acc. Pls check it out.
To Account POSB Passbook Savings Account
068-42554-9 potato amazon
Transfer Currency and Amount S$28.42
Transaction Reference 13285291102
